), in Lutheran churches - probst.

The dean's supervision of the clergy is entrusted to 10-30 surrounding churches, which make up the deanery district in the diocese. If there are more than 15 parishes in the district, an assistant may be assigned to the dean. Above the monasteries, one or more deans are determined in the diocese, depending on the number and distance to the monasteries in the diocese. The rights and obligations of deans of both types are determined by special instructions approved by the Holy Synod. The duties of the Dean over the churches are very complex, and the subjects related to their activities are very diverse. They are as follows:

1. Through the dean, the diocesan authorities carry out the closest and comprehensive supervision of the churches and clergy of the district with the aim of "preserving order in the church and serviceability in its ministers for the benefit of Christians and the glory of God."

2. Through the dean, the orders of the diocesan authorities relating to parish churches and church clergy are carried out. And, finally, the dean allows the priests to leave further than 25 miles from their parish in the same diocese.

3. The Provost has some governing authority over the clergy of his district. Thus, he resolves misunderstandings about the meaning of orders from the authorities, has the power to give the necessary instructions, and so on.

4. The dean has a certain right of court in such controversial cases and complaints between clergy or between them and parishioners that can end in reconciliation, or on such misconduct of clerics that, by law, do not require formal legal proceedings and can be eliminated by measures of exhortation, reprimands , suggestion, etc. He has the right to fine priests with a suggestion during the clergy, and deacons and clerks, in addition, with prostrations in the church.

The instructions given to the dean over the monasteries are a wide range of duties and powers in view of the special organization of monastic administration and the power of the abbots of the monasteries. The main objects of the dean's supervision over monasteries are worship, piety, morality, and economy.

In Russia Dean of the military clergy- is intended to unite the actions of military priests and to be an intermediary body that performs auxiliary functions between the highest spiritual authority of the military and naval departments and the subordinate clergy. If a dean priest was in charge of more than fifteen churches located at a considerable distance from each other, then, according to the Rules of the Ecclesiastical Consistory, an assistant could be given to him.

In official rights, military clergy were equated with the following army ranks:

The dean and rector of the cathedral (full-time archpriest) was equated with the rank of major from the city, and from the city equated with the rank of colonel.

Since 1859, the dean's priest has been equated with the rank of major, and since 1889 he has been equated with the rank of lieutenant colonel.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

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See what "Dean" is in other dictionaries:

    dean- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    AUDIENCE- Deanery, deanery, deanery. 1. Decent, decent (book obsolete). 2. in value noun dean, dean, husband. (church.). A priest who oversees several parishes. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    AUDIENCE- Blessed, oh, oh; inen, inna (outdated). 1. Decent, decent. Blessed behaviour. 2. dean, wow, husband. In the Orthodox church administration: a priest who performs administrative duties in relation to several churches. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    AUDIENCE- Bishop's assistant in Russian Orthodox Church from the 18th century; supervised the clergy of a number of churches or monasteries (deanery district) ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    Reverend- REPRESENTATIVE, an official in the Russian Orthodox Church, an assistant to the bishop, supervising the churches and clergy of one of the districts of the diocese of the deanery (from 10 to 30 churches). … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Reverend- an administrative official in the Russian Orthodox Church, heading one of the districts into which the dioceses are divided; there are also deans of monasteries who are responsible for the order of worship, piety and ... ... Orthodoxy. Dictionary-reference

    AUDIENCE- I. AUTHENTIC oh, oh. Obsolete Decent, respectable, respectable. B th people. Used jokes. ◁ Blessed, adv. behave b. II. AUDIENCE wow; m. Church. Senior priest in charge of deanery affairs. * * * DESCENT,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    AUDIENCE- deputy bishop in the Russian Orthodox Church since the 18th century, oversaw the clergy of a number of monasteries and churches united in a deanery district ... Russian statehood in terms. IX - beginning of XX century

    AUDIENCE- adm. an official in the Russian Orthodox Church who heads one of the districts into which the dioceses are divided; there are also B. mon rey, who are responsible for the order of worship, piety and morality of the brethren. In the ancient Church ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Reverend- in the Russian Orthodox Church since the 18th century. assistant to the bishop, supervising the clergy of one of the districts of the diocese of the deanery; at present, B., in addition, monitors the conduct of the church economy ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Do not extinguish the smoking flax. Articles, answers to questions, different stories, Konstantin Ostrovsky, Archpriest Konstantin Ostrovsky was born in Moscow in 1951. He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering and worked in his specialty for four years. IN… Category: General issues of Orthodoxy Publisher:

On November 10, 2016, during a meeting of the Commission on Church Governance and Mechanisms for the Implementation of Sobornost in the Church, which took place in the Patriarchal and Synodal Residence in , a discussion took place on the service of deans in modern diocesan realities and pastoral care for sparsely populated settlements.

Members of the commission, headed by the manager of affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, approved in the third reading the draft "Regulations on the territorial deanery districts that are part of the dioceses, and on the deans." The document was developed taking into account the practice of organizing the deaneries of the Moscow diocese, a number of dioceses of the Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts, as well as dioceses of the far abroad. This project was the third draft prepared by the commission in two years and submitted to the editorial commission of the Presence.

In connection with the relevance of the problem of the extinction of villages and villages existing in most dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, especially in the post-Soviet space, and the need for spiritual nourishment of their inhabitants, the commission, in continuation of the discussion begun in May 2016 in Krasnoyarsk, formulated recommendations for the dioceses. The project outlines the key points for the development of missionary and pastoral activities in sparsely populated settlements.

In addition, the commission began to study new topic: “Election of candidates for ordination to the priesthood; questions of calling to the clergy; canonical obstacles” entrusted to her by the Presidium of the Inter-Council Presence on January 28, 2015. During the meeting, a discussion took place about what format and form the document could become and who needs it today. The first results will be presented during the session of the Inter-Council Presence in the spring of 2017.

In conclusion, the members of the commission exchanged views on the topics included by the Presidium of the Inter-Council Presence for consideration by the commissions of this advisory body. The proposals will be submitted to the apparatus of the Inter-Council Presence, and then announced at the next meeting of the Presidium of the Presidium, scheduled for the end of January 2017.


Who is a "benefactor"? What real power does he have? Can he intervene in all matters inner life a temple located on "his" territory, but not his parish - for example, to tell the parish priest of his deanery which particular person to take to this or that place in the parish, who and where to send for training (school of bell ringers, regent's school, courses of catechists etc.)?


Dear Larisa, the competence of the dean is described in the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church. I refer you to the relevant section:

5. Deaneries

50. The diocese is divided into deanery districts headed by deans appointed by the Diocesan Bishop.

51. The boundaries of the deaneries and their names are determined by the Diocesan Council.

52. The duties of the dean include:

a) cleanliness Orthodox faith and worthy church-moral education of believers,

b) monitoring the correct and regular celebration of divine services, the splendor and deanery in churches, the state of church preaching,

c) concern for the implementation of decisions and instructions of the diocesan authorities,

d) care for the timely receipt of parish contributions to the diocese,

e) giving advice to clergymen both regarding the performance of their duties and regarding their personal life,

f) elimination of misunderstandings between the clergy, as well as between the clergy and the laity, without formal legal proceedings and with a report on the most significant incidents to the ruling bishop,

g) preliminary investigation of church offenses at the direction of the diocesan bishop,

h) a petition to the bishop for rewarding clergy and laity deserving encouragement,

i) making proposals to the ruling bishop to fill the vacant positions of priests, deacons, psalm-readers and regents,

j) concern for meeting the religious needs of believers in parishes that temporarily do not have clergymen,

k) supervising the construction and repair of church buildings within the deanery,

l) concern for the presence at the temples of everything necessary for the proper performance of divine services and normal parish office work,

m) performance of other duties assigned to him by the bishop.

53. In carrying out his duties, the Reverend visits all the parishes of his district at least once a year, checking the liturgical life, internal and external state temples and other church buildings, as well as the correct conduct of parish affairs and church archives, getting acquainted with the religious and moral state of believers.

54. At the direction of the Diocesan Bishop, at the request of the rector, the Parish Council or the Parish Assembly, the Dean may hold meetings of the Parish Assembly.

55. With the blessing of the diocesan bishop, the dean may convene priests for fraternal meetings to consider church needs common to the deanery.

56. Every year, the dean submits to the diocesan bishop a report on the state of the deanery and on his work in accordance with the established form.

57. Under the dean there may be an office, the employees of which are appointed by the dean with the knowledge of the diocesan bishop.

58. The activity of the dean is financed from the funds of the parish headed by him, and, if necessary, from the general diocesan funds.

adm. an official in the Russian Orthodox Church who heads one of the districts into which the dioceses are divided; there are also B. mon-rei, who are responsible for the order of worship, piety and morality of the brethren.

In the ancient Church, similar duties were performed by the periodeuses (Greek περιοδευτάς), to-rye in the middle. 4th century they replaced the chorepiscopes (τῶν χωρῶν ἐπίσκοποι), who depended on the diocesan bishop and were limited in their episcopal powers and rights (Ankir. 13; Antioch. 10). 57th right. Laodike. The Council reads: “It is not appropriate to appoint bishops in small towns and villages, but periodeuses; but those who have already been appointed before, do nothing without the will of the bishop of the city. After the abolition of the institute of chorepiscopal, the periodeuses, appointed by diocesan bishops from among the presbyters, governed separate parts of the diocese.

Later, the position of archpope arose from the office of the periodeute (πρωτοπαπᾶς; mentioned in the Byzantine source: Const. VII Porphyr. De ceremoniis aulae Byzantinae; Scylitza I. Synopsis historiarum; Cedrenus G. Compendium historiarum; Zonara I. Epitome historiarum). The positions of the periodeut and archpriest, unlike the chorepiscopal, were not for life. In Greek Churches, where there are many bishops, and the flock of dioceses is not numerous, neither in antiquity, nor in the present. time, this position or a position similar to it in function did not receive such development as in glory. Churches, and especially in Russia, where the dioceses are many times greater than the Greek. the number of flocks and the number of churches, and where, therefore, it is difficult for a diocesan bishop to exercise constant supervision over all parishes.

In the Russian Orthodox Church until the XVIII century. local supervision over the clergy in separate districts, into which the diocese was divided, was carried out by governors, customers, tithes, archpriests and priestly elders. The term "B." gradually entered office use. For the first time it was used in relation to the priestly elders in Patriarch Adrian's "Instruction to the Priestly Elders and Rectors" (1697). The “Spiritual Regulations” (1721) provided: “zakaschiks, or deans specially assigned to this, as if the spiritual fiscals would watch everything (i.e., related to the duties of a bishop. - V. Ts.) and would inform him of the bishop, if there were such something where it manifested itself, under the guilt of the eruption, who would want to hide it ”(Ch. 2. Ch. “The Affairs of the Bishops.” 8).

In the era of reforms of the 60s. 19th century Deanery councils were formed in individual dioceses. In the same years, candidates for the position of B. began to be elected by the clergy of the district by ballot with the subsequent approval of the elected by the ruling bishop. But the election of B. was abolished by a decree of the Holy Synod of 1881. In the process of preparing the Local Council in 1905-1907. the idea of ​​the election of B. was put forward again. In 1865, archbishop. Minsky Mikhail (Golubovich) for the first time convened a meeting of B. of his diocese. His example was followed by the ruling bishops of other dioceses. The agenda of such meetings included, in addition to the church adm. issues of educational affairs, in particular, the choice of delegates to the district and diocesan school congresses, the search for funds for theological schools. In the 80s. Under Chief Prosecutor K.P. Pobedonostsev, such meetings were either discontinued or limited to discussion only by adm. affairs.

According to the nominal decree of 1797, explained in the decree of the Holy Synod of 1799, the position of B. mon-rei, appointed from among the monastic abbots, was introduced to supervise the monasteries of the dioceses. B. mon-rei appointed the diocesan bishop on the proposal of the spiritual consistory. In a diocese with a large number of mon-rays, there could be several. monastic B. Supervision for wives. mon-ryami entrusted B. husband. mon-ray, in some cases - to the caretakers of the deanery from among the abbesses or older sisters - nuns, if there was only one wives in the diocese. mon-ry. B. stavropegial mon-rei was appointed by one of the abbots of such mon-rei, who at the same time was a member of the Moscow Synodal Office. In 1828, the Holy Synod drew up a special instruction for B. mon-rei: they were responsible for Ch. arr. for the monastic worship, for the piety and moral state of the brethren, as well as for the monastic economy.

Local Council of the Orthodox Russian Church 1917-1918 his "Determination of the Diocesan Administration" established the order, according to Krom "the boundaries of the deanery districts are determined by the Diocesan Assembly" (V 66). The council approved new collegiate governing bodies in the deanery districts: pastoral and general district deanery meetings (V 68) and deanery councils headed by B. (V 77, 78). The cathedral introduced an electoral procedure for filling the position of B.: the election of B. for a 5-year term was entrusted to deanery meetings; the chosen candidate was subject to approval by the diocesan bishop (V 79). The Local Council assigned to B.: “a) immediate guidance and instructions to the clergy of the district in their official activities; b) collecting taxes from churches and clergy and issuing forms, accepting parish reports for submission to the diocesan authorities, metrics, searches and income and expense books of the entire district; c) announcement of orders of the diocesan and supreme church authorities and resolutions of the Deanery Meetings and the Council and monitoring their implementation; d) supervision and concern for the performance by clerics of their direct official duties and for their well-doing, moreover, about negligent clerics or leading a shameful life, after the first and second admonition, the Reverend reports to the Deanery Council; e) concern for meeting the religious needs of believers in parishes that do not have temporary clergy; f) dismissal of members of clergy on vacation for a period not exceeding 14 days within the diocese; g) revision of parish churches and documents ... h) supervision of the repair and construction of the churches of the district ”(V 83).

Under conditions of persecution of the Church, the provisions adopted by the Local Council of 1917-1918 could only be partially implemented. In accordance with the circumstances of the time, the Local Council of 1945 in the “Regulations on the Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church” returned to the practice that existed before 1918. The Provisions say nothing about either deanery meetings or deanery councils introduced by the Council of 1917-1918. B. in accordance with the Regulations are appointed by the diocesan bishop (III 29). B. is the supervisory and executive body of the bishop. He observes the activities and behavior of the parish clergy, visits parishes at least 2 times a year, and every six months submits to the bishop a report on the state of the district entrusted to him, and in especially important cases informs the bishop without delay. B. petitions for rewarding the clergy and laity subordinate to him. If necessary, he makes fraternal admonitions to parish abbots and other clergy, takes care that the laity of parishes temporarily left without clergy are not deprived of spiritual guidance (III 30).

The charter on the administration of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopted by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988, did not introduce significant changes in the administration of deanery districts. The charter assigned B. the obligation to visit all the parishes of his district at least once a year (VII 58) and granted him the right to hold meetings of the parish meeting at the direction of the bishop, at the request of the rector, as well as the parish meeting and the parish council (VII 59). With the blessing of the bishop, B. could convene the priests of his district for fraternal meetings (VII 60).

In accordance with the current Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopted by the Bishops' Jubilee Council of 2000, the diocese is divided into deanery districts headed by B., appointed by the ruling bishop (X 5.50). Their boundaries and names are determined by the diocesan council (X 5.51). B.'s duties include taking care of the purity of Orthodoxy. faith and worthy church and moral education of believers (X 5. 52a), monitoring the administration of divine services, the splendor and deanery in churches, the state of church preaching (52b), “care for the implementation of decrees and instructions of the diocesan authorities” (52c), “ taking care of the timely receipt of parish contributions to the diocese" (52d), "giving advice to clergy both regarding the performance of their duties and regarding their personal lives" (52e), eliminating misunderstandings between clergy, as well as between clergy and laity "without formal legal proceedings and with a report on the most significant incidents to the ruling bishop ”(52e), a preliminary investigation of church offenses at the direction of the bishop (52g), a petition to the bishop for rewarding clergy and laity (52h), making proposals to the bishop to fill vacant positions in the district (52i), concern for religion. caring for believers in parishes that temporarily do not have clergymen (52k), “supervision of the construction and repair of church buildings within the boundaries of the deanery” (52k), taking care of the presence at churches of everything necessary for the performance of divine services and normal parish office work (52k), “execution of other duties assigned to him by the bishop" (52n). In comparison with the previous charter, B.'s responsibilities no longer include the provision of vacations to clergy.

B. is obliged at least once a year to visit all parishes of his district, checking the liturgical life, the condition of churches and other church buildings, as well as the correctness of parish affairs and the church archive, getting acquainted with the religious and moral state of believers (X 5. 53). At the direction of the ruling bishop, at the request of the rector, parish council or parish meeting, B. can hold meetings of the parish meeting (X 5. 54). With the blessing of the bishop, B. can convene priests for fraternal meetings (X 5.55). B. annually submits to the ruling bishop a report on the state of the deanery and on his work (X 5. 56). When B. may consist of an office, employees of which are appointed by B. himself, but with the knowledge of the diocesan bishop (X 5. 57). The activities of B. and the chancery attached to him are financed from the funds of the parish headed by him, and, if necessary, from the general diocesan funds (X 5. 58).

Local Council 1917-1918 included mon-ri in the deanery districts along with the parishes. In this regard, the position of B. mon-rei in its former meaning as an administrator was also abolished, in charge of which all the mon-ri or part of the mon-rei of the diocese are in charge. Since then, the position of the monastic B. has been intra-monastic: B. is subordinate to the rector and viceroy and is primarily responsible for the celebration of services in the monastery churches, as well as for piety, moral condition and discipline of the brethren.

Lit .: Spiritual regulations. M., 18974; Nicodemus [Milash], bishop . Dalmatian. Orthodox church law. SPb., 1897. S. 388-393; Pavlov A . WITH . Church law course. Serg. P., 1902. S. 246-247; Berdnikov I . WITH . A short course in ecclesiastical law of the Orthodox Church. Kaz., 1913. S. 87-96; Cathedral, 1918. Definitions. Issue. 1. S. 28-33; Regulations on the administration of the Russian Orthodox Church. M., 1945; Charter, 1988; Tsypin V ., Prot. Canon law. M., 1994. S. 284, 288, 292, 295-296; Smolich. History of the RC. Part 1. S. 275-276; Charter, 2000.

Prot. Vladislav Tsypin

Dean, in the Russian Orthodox Church since the 18th century. assistant to the bishop, supervising the clergy of one of the districts of the diocese - the deanery. That is, this is an official from the Orthodox clergy, called to observe the preservation of the external order and moral behavior of the brethren of the monastery (dean in the monastery) or churches and their clergy (deanery).

The duty of the Reverend is to supervise the preservation of external order and the moral behavior of the brethren of the monastery. During the Divine Service, the Reverend observes that complete silence and strict order be observed in the church. The Reverend visits the fraternal cells at all times, keeping order, the cleanliness of the cells and the pastime of the brethren, so that the monastics do not spend their time in idleness, but work in obedience, and in their free hours they practice reading soulful books, labor and prayer.

The dean's supervision of the clergy is entrusted to 10-30 surrounding churches, which make up the deanery district in the diocese. If there are more than 15 parishes in the district, an assistant may be assigned to the dean. Above the monasteries, one or more deans are determined in the diocese, depending on the number and distance to the monasteries in the diocese. The rights and obligations of deans of both types are determined by special instructions approved by the Holy Synod. The duties of the Dean over the churches are very complex, and the subjects related to their activities are very diverse. They are as follows:

1. Through the dean, the diocesan authorities carry out the closest and comprehensive supervision of the churches and clergy of the district with the aim of "preserving order in the church and serviceability in its ministers for the benefit of Christians and the glory of God."

2. Through the dean, the orders of the diocesan authorities relating to parish churches and church clergy are carried out. And, finally, the dean allows the priests to leave further than 25 miles from their parish in the same diocese.

3. The Provost has some governing authority over the clergy of his district. Thus, he resolves misunderstandings about the meaning of orders from the authorities, has the power to give the necessary instructions, and so on.

4. The dean has a certain right of court in such contentious cases and complaints between clergy or between them and parishioners that can end in reconciliation, or on such misconduct of clerics that, by law, do not require formal legal proceedings and can be eliminated by measures of exhortation, reprimands , suggestion, etc. Priests he has the right to fine with suggestion at the clergy, and deacons and clerks, in addition, with prostrations in the church.

The instructions given to the dean over the monasteries are a wide range of duties and powers in view of the special organization of monastic administration and the power of the abbots of the monasteries. The main objects of the dean's supervision over monasteries are worship, piety, morality, and economy.

In Russia, the Dean of the military clergy is intended to unite the actions of military priests and be an intermediary body that performs auxiliary functions between the highest spiritual authority of the military and naval departments and the subordinate clergy. If the dean priest was in charge of more than fifteen churches located at a considerable distance from each other, then, according to the Charter of the Spiritual Consistory, an assistant could be given to him.

The Reverend may have one or two assistants.
(Circular Decree of the Holy Synod of September 25, 1901).

According to the materials of the Orthodox Encyclopedia
