Do not be jealous of the evil ones, envy those who do iniquity. Zane like grass will soon wither, like a potion of cereal will soon fall away. Trust in the Lord and do good deeds, and populate the earth, and be saved in its riches. Enjoy the Lord, and give you the petitions of your heart. Open your way to the Lord and trust in Him, and He will do it: and he will bring out, like light, your righteousness and your destiny, like noon. Obey the Lord and pray to Him. Do not be jealous of the one who sings in his way, the man who commits the transgression of the law. Cease from anger and leave rage, do not be jealous of cunning. Those who are evil will be consumed, but those who endure the Lord, they will inherit the earth. And a little more, and there will be no sinner, and you will seek his place, and you will not find it. But the meek shall inherit the earth and delight in the multitude of the world. The sinner looks upon the righteous and gnashes his teeth with his teeth. The Lord will laugh at him, he will not see, for his day will come. Draw the sword of the sinners, strain your bow, lay down the poor and the poor, slaughter the upright in heart. Let their sword enter into their hearts, and let their bows be crushed. Better is a little for the righteous, more than the riches of sinners are many. For the muscles of sinners will be broken, but the righteous Lord affirms. The Lord knows the way of the undefiled, and their inheritance will be forever. They will not be ashamed in a fierce time, and in the days of famine they will be satisfied, as sinners will perish. Defeat the Lord, be glorified by them and ascend, vanishing like smoke has disappeared. The sinner borrows and does not return, but the righteous is generous and gives. For those who bless Him will inherit the earth, but those who curse Him will be consumed. From the Lord, the steps of a man are corrected, and his paths will be greatly desired. When it falls, it will not be broken, as the Lord strengthens his hand. The youngest was, for he grew old, and did not see the righteous left, asking for bread below his seed. All day long the righteous one has mercy and gives to each other, and his seed will be a blessing. Turn away from evil and do good, and dwell in the age of the century. As the Lord loves judgment and will not leave His saints, they will be preserved forever. But the wicked will be wed, and the seed of the wicked will be consumed. The righteous women will inherit the earth and dwell on it forever and ever. The mouth of the righteous will learn wisdom, and his tongue will speak judgment. The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps will not stumble. The sinner looks at the righteous and looks for a hedgehog to kill him. The Lord will not leave him in his hand; he will condemn him below, when he judges him. Be patient with the Lord and keep His way, and he will exalt you, if you inherit the earth, when you see the sinner consumed. He saw the wicked being exalted and exalted like the cedars of Lebanon. And I went past, and behold, I did not seek him, and did not find his place. Keep gentleness and see the rightness, as if there is a remnant of a peaceful man. But the wicked will be consumed together: the remnants of the wicked will be consumed. The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord, and their Protector is in time of trouble. And the Lord will help them, and deliver them, and take them away from the sinner, and save them, as if trusting in Him.

In many churches in Moscow, parishioners try to sing along, in some churches even “folk singing” is practiced. It is also possible to participate in worship in silence. But in any case, it would be good to understand the liturgical texts, it is convenient to follow with your eyes the text of the key liturgical hymns. We place the text for general folk singing for the festive vigil and liturgy



Circumcision of the Lord. Saint Basil the Great.

Blessed is the husband
Blessed is the man who does not go to the counsel of the wicked. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked will perish. Alleluia (thrice).
Work for the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling. Alleluia (thrice).
Blessed are all hopeful nan. Alleluia (thrice).
Resurrect, Lord, save me, my God. Alleluia (thrice).
of the Lord is salvation, and on Thy people Thy blessing. Alleluia (thrice).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Alleluia (thrice)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee, God (thrice)

Lord, I call to You, hear me. / Hear me, Lord.
Lord, I cry to Thee, hear me: / hearken to the voice of my supplication, / call me to Thee every now and then. / Hear me, Lord.
May my prayer be corrected, / like a censer before You, / the uplifting of my hand / is an evening sacrifice. / Hear me, Lord.

Bring my soul out of prison, confess your name.

The righteous are waiting for me, until you repay me.
Descend the Savior to the human race / pleasant swaddling wraps, / not disdainful of carnal circumcision, / resurrected by the Mother, Beginningless by the Father, / To Him, faithfully, we cry out: / Thou art our God, have mercy on us.

From the depths I called to Thee, Lord, Lord, hear my voice.

May Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
The All-Good God was not ashamed / to be circumcised by fleshly circumcision, / but gave Himself an image and a mark to all for salvation, / for the Creator of the law fulfills the law / and the prophets of prophecy, even about Him. / Even though you keep a handful and wrap yourself in linen, / Lord, glory to Thee.

If you see iniquity, Lord, Lord, who will stand; / like you have cleansing.

For Thy name's sake, suffer Thee, O Lord;
Even the namesake was called the kingdom, / when you are the royal sanctity, Christ's tongue is holy, / wisdom and art, Father, have saved you, / then adorn the kingdom with a crown, Basil, / Reign reigning and Lord of all, / Who is united to the Born, / Eternal Son and unoriginal. / Pray him to save and enlighten our souls.

From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch, / let Israel hope in the Lord.
The hierarchship is adorned with clothes, / rejoicing, you preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, Basil, / the Orthodoxy of the Church, pouring out the teaching. / Image now enlighten, / One Godhead, hedgehog in the Father Almighty, / and in the Only Begotten Word of God, / and the Divine Spirit, / theologian and glorify, / in Triech Faces inseparably. / Pray him to save and enlighten our souls.

For the Lord has mercy, and He has much deliverance, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
Staying in heavenly standing / and cohabiting, Father Basil, / even their life was jealous of you / the lordship of your pure life, / still alive with the flesh with those on earth, as if incorporeal. / Enjoying your God-inspired teaching / from troubles and darkness of ignorance / Christ our God, pray / save and enlighten our souls.

Being a zealot of wisdom, reverend, / and all that exist, hedgehog to God, having prejudiced a concubine with a mortal lesson, / you have bestowed your life with grace, / for, having imposed carnal passions / abstinence with fortresses for yourself / and Divine teaching by law, / unworking sincerely kept you dignity, / virtues with wealth / all carnal wisdom obeyed the spirit. / Having hated the flesh and the world and the ruler of the world, / standing before Christ, / ask our souls great mercy.

Descend the Savior to the human race / pleasant swaddling wrappings, / not disdaining carnal circumcision, / resurrected by the Mother, Beginningless by the Father, / To Him, faithfully, we cry out: / Thou art our God, have mercy on us.

Vouchsafe, O Lord, this evening without sin, be preserved for us. Blessed are you, O Lord, God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever. Amen.

Wake, Lord, Thy mercy on us, as if we were relying on Thee. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification. Blessed art Thou, Lord, enlighten me with Thy justification. Blessed art Thou, Holy One, enlighten me with Thy justifications.

Lord, Thy mercy is forever; do not despise the works of Thy hand. Praise is due to You, Singing is due to You, Glory is due to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, the Divine and sacred bee of Christ's Church, / Basil all blessed! / You have armed you with a sting of Divine desire, / you have wounded the blasphemous heresies of blasphemy / and you treasured sweetness for the souls of the faithful piety. / And now, passing through the pastures of the Divine Paradise, incorruptible, / remember us, standing before the Trinity of the Consubstantial.

My mouth will speak wisdom, and the teaching of my heart is understanding.
Thou hast gathered all the saints of virtue, / Our Father Basil: / Moses' meekness and Elijah's jealousy, / Peter's confession, John's Theology. / Like Paul, crying out, thou hast not ceased: / who is weary, and I am not weary? / Who is tempted, and I do not liquefy? / The same, settling with them, / pray that our souls be saved.

The mouth of the righteous will learn wisdom, and his tongue will pronounce judgment.
Those who exist out of habit / and seeing all the urgent, / found the One unshakable, / the Pre-existent Creator of all, / Him and more attached, / those who do not exist, you rejected the desire, / pray for us to receive the Divine desire, / Holy Basil.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The grace of miracles from Heaven is received / and the flattery of idols is exposed by teachings, / glory and affirmation of the saints, / all-blessed Basil, / and all the venerable teachings are an image. / Having boldness towards God, / Pray that our souls be saved.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The All-Good God was not ashamed / to be circumcised by fleshly circumcision, / but gave Himself an image and a mark to all for salvation, / for the Creator of the law fulfills the law / and the prophets of prophecy, even about Him. / Even though you keep a handful and wrap yourself in linen, / Lord, glory to Thee.

Now let your servant go, Master, according to your word, in peace; for my eyes have seen your salvation, if you have prepared before the face of all people, a light in the revelation of tongues, and the glory of your people Israel.

Your broadcast has gone out into the whole earth, / as if you had received your word, / you taught it divinely, / you understood the nature of beings, / you adorned human customs, / royal sanctification, reverend father, / pray to Christ God / be saved to our souls.


I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is always in my mouth.
My soul will boast in the Lord, so that the meek will hear and rejoice.
Praise the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.
Seek the Lord, and hear me, and deliver me from all my sorrows.
Draw near to Him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be put to shame.
This poor man called, and the Lord heard and, and saved him from all sorrows.
The angel of the Lord will encamp around those who fear Him, and deliver them.
Taste and see how good the Lord is: blessed is the man who trusts Nan.
Fear the Lord, all holy Him, for there is no deprivation for those who fear Him.
Riches are impoverished and drunkards: those who seek the Lord will not be deprived of any good.


(the lights are turned off, the six psalms are read: 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142 psalms)


Troparion of the Circumcision of the Lord, Tone 1 (twice):
On the fiery Throne / in the Highest sit with the Father Without Beginning and Your Divine Spirit, / deigned to be born on earth / from the Unskilled Maiden, Your Mother, Jesus, / for this sake you were circumcised, like a man of the day. / Glory to Your all-good advice, / Glory to Your consideration, / Glory to Your condescension, O One Lover of Man.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


We magnify you, / Saint Father Basil, / and honor your holy memory, / you pray for us / Christ our God.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, / and honor the most pure flesh of Yours / legal circumcision.


Surprised at the Angelic Cathedral, / in vain imputed to You in the dead, / ruined the mortal fortress, Savior, / and raised Adam with Himself, / and all freed from hell.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification.
How much peace with merciful tears, / O students, do you dissolve? / Shine in the tomb Angel of the myrrh-bearing things: / you see the tomb and understand, / He has risen from the tomb.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification.
It’s too early for the myrrh-bearing women to flow / weeping at Your sepulcher, / but an angel appeared to them and said: / weeping is the time of repose, do not cry, / the resurrection of the apostle is crying.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification.
The myrrh-bearing women from the world came / to Your tomb, Savior, weeping, / An angel spoke to them, saying: / what do you think with the living dead? / As God is risen from the tomb.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Let us worship the Father / and His Sons, and the Holy Spirit, / Holy Trinity in a single being, / from the Seraphim calling: / Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Having given birth to life, / sin, Virgin, Adam delivered thou, / joy to Eve / gave place in sorrow, / fallen from life / direct to this / from You incarnated God and Man.


JOHN 10:9-16 (translated into Russian)
The Lord said to the Jews who came to Him: I am the door: through Me, if anyone enters, he will be saved, and he will go in and out and find pasture. A thief only comes to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they might have life and have it in abundance. I am a good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hireling, and not the shepherd, the one to whom the sheep are not his own, sees the coming wolf, and leaves the sheep, and runs, and the wolf kidnaps them and disperses the sheep. And the mercenary runs because he is a mercenary, and he does not care about the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and I know mine, and mine know me. As the Father knows Me, I also know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have that are not of this fold, even those I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock, one Shepherd.

Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. We worship Thy Cross, O Christ, and we sing and glorify Thy holy Resurrection. Thou art our God, do we know nothing else for Thee, We call Thy name. Come, all faithful, let us bow down to the holy Resurrection of Christ; Behold, the joy of the whole world has come by the Cross; Always bless the Lord, let us sing of His Resurrection, having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Through the prayers of St. Basil, Merciful One, cleanse the multitude of our sins.
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Merciful One, cleanse the multitude of our sins.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy mercies, cleanse my iniquity.
Grace poured out of your mouth, reverend father, / and you became a shepherd of the Church of Christ, / teaching reasonable sheep / to believe in the Trinity of consubstantiality / in one Divinity.

The irmos of the feast of the Epiphany are sung, completing each of the 8 songs of the canon read during the polyeleos.
Song 1.
He opened the depths, there is a bottom / and draws with His dry land, / covering the opposite in it, / the Lord strong in battles, / as if glorified.
The storm of the sea is moving, / the land of Abie Israel is appearing. / The black pont of the Egyptian tristata is covered, / the coffin is water-lined, / by the strength of the strong right hand of the Lady.

Song 3.
The Lord gives strength to our king / and lift up the horn of His anointed ones / is born from the Virgin, but comes to Baptism. / To that, faithful, we cry out: / there is nothing holy, like our God.
The ancient figurines are riddled with nets / the brashen of lions, worn out by members, / we rejoice and expand our mouths, the word is weaving from the words of sweet singing, / it also enjoys gifts to us

Song 4.
Hearing, O Lord, Thy voice, which Thou didst proclaim, / the voice of one crying in the wilderness, / as if Thou thundered over many waters, / testify to Your Son, / having all the descended Spirit, cry out: / Thou art Christ, God's wisdom and strength.
By the fire of clearing the secret vision, / singing the prophet of men new action, / proclaims a voice, Splashing with the Spirit, / manifesting the Inexpressible Word incarnation, / In the name of the mighty powers, touching.

Song 5.
Jesus, the Head of the belly, / resolve the condemnation of the coming Adam of the primordial, / cleansings, like God, without requiring, / cleanses the fallen in the Jordan, / killing enmity in him, / bestowing peace on every mind.
The enemy of the dark and defiled poison by the cleansing of the Spirit of ablution, / to the new path of the unblemished path, / leading to impregnable joy, I will attack alone, / even God be reconciled.

Song 6.
The voice of the Word, lamp of Light, / daylight of the Sun, Forerunner in the desert, - / repent! - he cries out to all people, - and cleanse yourself: / behold, Christ is standing, / delivering the world from aphids.
The Father, with an all-blissful voice, is longed for, / I will burp him out of the womb. / To her, - he says, - This is the congenial Son, / This is luminous, pronounced from the human race, / My word is alive, and Man is industry.

Song 7.
Pious young men, who have joined the furnace of fire, / keep the dewy spirit rustling unharmed / and the descent of the Angel of God. / The same, in the flame we irrigate, gratefully singing: / venerable father, Lord and God, blessed are you.
The serpent's heads fell down with a jet of high-pitched flame, / bearing the pious young men, / Calming down, uncontrollable darkness from sin / all the same washes with the dew of the Spirit.

Song 8.
The secret of the glorious Babylonian display of the cave, which exuded dew, / as if with streams named Immaterial Fire perceive Jordan / and embrace the flesh of the baptized Builder, / Whom the people will bless and exalt forever.
Free, therefore, the creature is known / and the sons of Light, before darkening, / one representative of darkness groans. / Now bless diligently Guilty / formerly cursed tongues all heritage.

Every breath praises the Lord.
Praise the Lord from heaven, / praise Him in the highest. / You deserve a song to God.
Praise Him, all His Angels, / praise Him, all His Powers. / You befit a song to God

Create judgment in them is written, this glory will be to all His saints.

Praise God in His saints, praise Him in the affirmation of His power.
He endures circumcision of the flesh / from the Father, except for cutting and corruption / unspeakably be born like the Word / and like God from God, abide in the immutable Divinity. / Those according to the law more than the law, the former / the oath of the law delivers all / and from above grants a blessing. / The same, His most good descent is praising, / we sing and thankfully glorify, / We pray to Him to grant great mercy to our souls.

Praise Him in His might, praise Him according to the multitude of His majesty.
By grace, the Son of God was / the revival of Divine baptism, / nature and truth, / and the eternal Son of God and the Word, / consubstantial with the Father and co-eternal confessed thou, reverend, / heretics, unclosed mouth / with the lordship of your words shielded you. / Thou hast also settled in the Kingdom of the Highest, / reigning over the One and Naturally Reigning Christ, / richly distributing great mercy to the world.

Praise Him in the voice of the trumpet, praise Him in the psalter and the harp.
Inside the Heavenly Temple / like a holy hierarch you fit in, / with deed and vision / wisdom beginnings, like a holy garment, overlaid. / And now in the Highest altar, reverend, priesthood, / and standing before God, and performing an immaterial service, / commemorate graciously, all-blessed Basil, / making your sacred and all-honorable memory, / praying to Christ, / giving great mercy to the world.

Praise Him in tambourine and face, / praise Him in strings and organ.
The whole is consecrated to God / and has been entrusted in a universal way from childhood, / Having illuminated the dawns of the Divine Wisdom, / thou hast clarified the understanding of those who are, / speaking lightly and wisely telling, / creating deanery in those who are / the knowledge of the most divine deed. / The same, the God-speaking and Divine teacher / and the luminiferous lamp of the church, we preach, / praying Christ, / giving great mercy to the world.

Praise Him with cymbals of good voice; praise Him with cymbals of exclamation. / Let every breath praise the Lord.
Having established yourself with the fear of God, / you understood the beginning of Wisdom, Basil, / you surpassed the fear of wisdom and righteousness, father, / you were dissolved by love of God, / and you were the most proper. / Having been punished by the same Divine justification and fates, / you studied the customs of people / and adorned the minds of the faithful, / clarifying the cathedral with spiritual laws. / pray to Christ / grant great mercy to our souls.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Grace poured out in your mouth, reverend father, / and you were the shepherd of Christ's Church, / teaching the verbal sheep / to believe in the Consubstantial Trinity / in the One Divinity.
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Descend the Savior to the human race / warmly swaddled, / not disdaining carnal circumcision, / rehabilitated according to the Mother, Beginningless according to the Father. / To that, faithful, let us cry out: / You are our God, have mercy on us.



CIRCUITION OF THE LORD. BASIL THE GREAT, Archbishop Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia.

1st antiphon:
Bless the Lord, O my soul, Blessed art Thou, O Lord. Bless, my soul, the Lord, and all my inner being, His holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, and do not forget all His rewards. Who cleanses all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases. Who redeems your belly from destruction, who crowns you with mercy and bounties. Whoever fulfills your desire in good things: your youth will be renewed like an eagle. The Lord is generous and merciful, long-suffering and many-merciful. Bless, O my soul, the Lord, and all my inward things, His holy name. Blessed are you, Lord.

2nd antiphon:
Praise, my soul, the Lord. I will praise the Lord in my stomach; I will sing to my God while I am. Do not rely on princes, on the sons of men, in them there is no salvation. His spirit will go out and return to his own land: in that day all his thoughts will perish. Blessed is the God of Jacob his helper, his hope is in the Lord his God, who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them; who keeps the truth forever, who executes judgment on the offended, who gives food to the hungry. The Lord will decide the fettered; The Lord makes the blind wise; The Lord raises up the downtrodden; The Lord loves the righteous; The Lord guards the aliens, he will accept a sire and a widow, and he will destroy the path of sinners. The Lord will reign forever. Your God, Zion, to generation and generation.

only begotten Son, and the Word of God, He is immortal, and desirous of our salvation to be incarnated from the Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, immutably incarnated, crucified Christ God, righting death by death, One of the Holy Trinity, glorified by the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us.

Blessed are:
Remember us in Your Kingdom, O Lord, when You come into Your Kingdom.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who weep, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the mercies, for they will have mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed exile for the sake of righteousness, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are you, when they reproach you, and spit you out, and speak every evil word against you, lying for My sake.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is many in heaven.

During the small entrance with the Gospel:
Come, let us bow down and fall down to Christ.
Save us, Son of God, wondrous in the saints, singing to Ty: Alleluia.

Troparion of the Circumcision of the Lord, tone 1:
In On the fiery Throne / in the Highest, sit with the Father Without Beginning and Your Divine Spirit. deigned to be born on earth, from the Unskilled Maiden, Your Mother, Jesus, / for this reason, you were circumcised, as a man of modernity. / Glory to Your all-good advice, / Glory to Your consideration, / Glory to Your condescension, O One Lover of Man.

Troparion of Saint Basil the Great, tone 4:
Your broadcast has gone out into the whole earth, as if you had received your word, and you taught it divinely, you understood the nature of beings, you adorned human customs, the royal priesthood of the reverend father, pray to Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Kontakion of St. Basil the Great, tone 4:
Thou hast appeared as an unshakable foundation to the Church, / giving unstolen dominion to all by man, / imprinting with your commands, / unrevealed Basil the Reverend.

Kontakion of the Circumcision of the Lord, tone 3:
The Lord endures circumcision of all / and circumcise human sins, as Good, / gives salvation to the world today. / The hierarch rejoices in the Highest and Creators, / and the luminous, Divine secretary of Christ Basil.


Epistle to the Colossians of the Holy Apostle Paul, ch.2: 8-12 (Circumcision of the Lord):
Brethren, be careful that no one captivate you with philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ; for in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you are complete in him, who is the head of all principality and power. In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the sinful body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ; being buried with Him in baptism, in Him you also rose with Him through faith in the power of God, who raised Him from the dead.

The Epistle to the Hebrews of the Holy Apostle Paul, ch.7:26 - ch.8:2 (St. Basil):
Brethren, this is how our High Priest should be: holy, free from evil, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above heaven, who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices, first for his own sins, then for the sins of the people, for he committed it is once, sacrificing Himself. For the law appoints as high priests men who have infirmities; and the word of the oath, after the law, set the Son perfect for ever. But the main thing in what we are talking about is this: we have such a High Priest who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven and is the minister of the sanctuary and the true tabernacle, which the Lord erected, and not man.

Gospel of Luke, from chapter 2(Circumcision of the Lord):
In those days the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, as they were told. After eight days, when it was necessary to circumcise the Infant, they gave Him the name Jesus, named by an Angel before His conception in the womb. The infant grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him. Every year His parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. And when He was twelve years old, they also came, according to the custom, to Jerusalem for the feast. When, after the end of the days of the feast, they returned, the Servant Jesus remained in Jerusalem; and Joseph and His mother did not notice it, but thought that He was walking with others. And having traveled a day's journey, they began to look for Him among relatives and acquaintances, and, not finding Him, they returned to Jerusalem, looking for Him. Three days later they found Him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions; all who heard him marveled at his understanding and his answers. And when they saw Him, they marveled; and His Mother said to Him: Child! what have you done to us? Behold, Your father and I have been looking for You with great sorrow. He said to them: Why did you have to look for me? or did you not know that I must be in that which belongs to my Father? But they did not understand the words He spoke. And he went with them and came to Nazareth; and was in subjection to them. And His Mother kept all these words in Her heart. Jesus, however, grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

Gospel of Luke, ch.6:17-23 (St. Basil):
In those days Jesus stood on level ground, and a multitude of His disciples, and many people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the seaside places of Tire and Sidon, who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, also suffering from unclean spirits; and were healed. And all the people sought to touch Him, because power came from Him and healed everyone. And He, lifting up His eyes on His disciples, said: Blessed are those who are hungry today, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you when people hate you and when they excommunicate you and revile you and carry your name as dishonorable for the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven.

A detailed interpretation of the psalms according to the book of Archpriest Grigory Razumovsky "Explanation of the Holy Book of Psalms", 1914, modern edition of the St. Tikhon Theological Institute, 2002


This psalm is an instructive song that the happiness of the wicked passes quickly, and innocence and truth, although they are oppressed, in the end remain triumphant. This main idea of ​​the psalm, with some, however, digressions, developed from different sides, can be expressed in this form: if you see that sometimes in this world the wicked prosper, and the righteous live in misery, then do not envy the happiness of sinners, do not grumble at the manager Divine Providence, do not lose faith and hope: things will soon take a different form: after a short-term happiness, the wicked will suffer death, and the righteous will receive a rich reward for their virtue and hope in God.

It is known that the ideas of the Jews of ancient times about the earthly purpose of man and about the future reward were rather unclear, and therefore it is understandable if their eyes were mainly turned to earthly reward and if they were already expecting reward for virtue and punishment for vice from the truth of God. So it is in the present psalm: the suffering righteous consoles himself with confidence in the triumph of his truth already here on earth, and not with the rewards that are promised and await him in the future. And God Himself in the Old Testament, for the comfort of His righteous and for the fear of sinners, often equalized already on earth the differences in moral world government and retribution, as we see in the fate of the righteous Job. This psalm, as both the inscription and its content show, was written by David, whose virtue triumphed, while the temporary happiness of Saul, Nabal, Ahithophel, Absalom and others soon perished. Despite the clarity of the general thought of the psalm, it contains many such sayings that require explanation.

Art. 1 and 2. Do not be jealous of the evil ones; below, envy those who do iniquity. Zane like grass soon piss, and like a potion of cereal soon fall away. Word crafty means: cunning, cunning, evil. Potion of Cereal - means: green grass, small green grass. The prophet David, as a spiritual doctor, taught by bitter experience, instructs the believer how he should look at the welfare of ungodly and evil people and how to treat them. Seeing the wicked prosperous, when you yourself are in trouble and misfortune, do not try to imitate them in a lawless life and do not think of complaining about God, as if unfairly distributing earthly blessings. Because the apparent happiness of treacherous people and lawless people is short-lived and fleeting. Watching over the destinies of people and the whole world, the Providence of God does not allow the wicked to prosper and rejoice for a long time: they, like grass, will soon be cut down, and like green grass, they will soon wither and fall. The prophet did not say that the prosperity of the wicked would soon perish, but that the wicked themselves would soon perish, and with them all their prosperity and all their glory would be destroyed. But if we sometimes see that the wicked after a long time enjoy happiness and all their insidious and villainous intentions and plans are fulfilled safely, then such seemingly long and lasting prosperity should not embarrass the believers: the welfare of the wicked, no matter how long, still it is temporary and therefore has an end, but the prosperity and well-being of the righteous is eternal: “The righteous will be in memory forever” (Ps. 111:6), for “the righteous live forever” (Wisdom 5:15).

Art. 3 and 4. Trust in the Lord and do good deeds: and they populate the earth, and enjoy its riches. Enjoy the Lord, and give you the petitions of your heart. After admonishing not to envy the well-being of the wicked, the prophet, with the words of these verses, excites the believer to virtue, to faith and hope in God, saying as it were: if you want to be always happy and prosperous, then know Who is the originator of all well-being, and from Expect every good thing in Him alone, trust in Him: trust in the Lord. And so that your hope is firm and trustworthy, do a blessing do good according to the commandments of God. And peopled the earth: what kind of land is this that the prophet speaks of here and in the following verses (9,11,22, 29, 34) of this psalm? This is the land of Canaan, the same land flowing with honey and milk, which was promised by God to the patriarchs of the Jewish people - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and inherited by their descendants who inhabited it according to God's promise. Expulsion from this land, deprivation of the inheritance, inherited during its division (under Joshua) or by inheritance, was for the Jew the greatest misfortune, a sign of rejection, deprivation by God of an inheritance; peaceful and happy stay (population) in this land is great happiness, a sign of special Divine mercy. Therefore the expressions: populate the earth and save yourself in its riches, have the following meaning: trusting in the Lord and fulfilling His commandments, you will live in peace in the inheritance of your land and you will enjoy all its wealth: it will bear abundant fruit, and you will be content to extract everything you need from it. But this, of course, will not make up your complete happiness and well-being, for which material goods and pleasures alone are not enough. Only the wicked are satisfied with this happiness. For the pious and righteous, there are special blessings - the highest, and special pleasures - spiritual, to which the prophet points here with the words: Enjoy the Lord, and give you the petitions of your heart. Pleasure Lord consists in disposing and giving oneself over to those spiritual pursuits by which the fulfillment of the commandments of God is accomplished and the path of salvation is equalized for man. So, when we come to the temple of God and plunge into prayer, we enjoy Lord, because we ourselves feel spiritual, heavenly pleasure and at the same time we constitute an object of delight for the Lord. David was in such a state when he said, "We rejoice over those who said to me, let us go to the house of the Lord" (Ps. 122:1). Likewise, when we attentively listen to the Word of God or reverently read it, in our heart, as in the hearts of the apostles who listened to the Lord Himself, a fire kindles (Luke 24:32), which, of course, does not burn, but sheds sweet warmth in the heart. “My heart will be warmed within me, and fire will kindle in my teaching,” says David (Ps. 38:4). This sweetness is sweetness of the Lord because it also makes us feel the love of the Lord for us, and kindles love for the Lord in our hearts, then the Lord also delights in man. This is what David expressed when, in another psalm, he prayerfully sang: “May my conversation be delighted with Him” (103:34). And just as a pious person delights in prayer and the fulfillment of the commandments of God, so the Lord condescends to him and delights him with His mysterious conversation. Hence it is clear why to those who enjoy the Lord, God grants the petitions of their hearts: the merciful God desires to comfort them with the fulfillment of their desires, and they do not allow any desire in their hearts that would be offensive to the Lord. True, it is difficult to reach such a state as to indulge in spiritual pursuits with pleasure, but what does a person get without difficulty?

Art. 5 and 6. Open your way to the Lord and trust in Him, and He will do it. And like a light it will bring out your truth and your fate like noon. Your path... the way the psalmist calls not the material path along which we walk, but the very procession, or walking, in a figurative sense - the passage of life, this or that behavior of a person (Ps. 1:1,6). Wishing to warn the righteous from the consequences of vain slander and from the attacks of cruel persecutors, he offers the best means for this - prayer to the Lord God and firm hope in Him - advises to act as the righteous and chaste Susanna did, who, having been condemned to death by slander , crying crying to God, as narrated in the book of the prophet Daniel (ch. 13), because in all the ways of life she trusted in God. So, says the psalmist, do you also: open your way to the Lord and put your trust in Him; imagine in prayer to God all the circumstances of your difficult situation, imagine before the Lord how hard it is for you to live under the yoke of the lawless, and place your hope in the Lord, entrusting your fate to Him, and He will create mercy for you: in unknown ways will reveal your truth, - will create So bring forth your truth like a light. The severity of your suffering, like a dark cloud, covered you, your just cause seemed to darken from them, but the Lord will harass from this darkness your truth and your right (fate is yours) it will be clear as noon, it will shine like noon Sun.

Art. 7. Obey the Lord and beseech Him. Do not be jealous of the one who sings in his way, the man who commits the transgression of the law. Confess -means: shut up, submit; do not be jealous of the sleeping - means: do not envy the successful. Here the psalmist repeats almost the same thing that he said in the first verse, but only here his thought is expressed more precisely and definitely. It is not uncommon to see that a person succeeds in all his deeds and undertakings, even in lawful deeds - and this serves as a considerable temptation for the righteous - to be carried away by the example of a lawbreaker and embark on his path of lawlessness. Prophet David, warning the righteous against this temptation, says: obey the Lord those. be obedient to God, do His holy will according to His commandments and beg him those. always turn to Him in prayer. Be silent, do not grumble at God when you do not know the reasons for certain actions and manifestations of the Divine world government, in silence submit to the will of God and at the same time pray, ask God and patiently wait for what is asked. Do not look at the successes of the wicked and do not think to imitate him, do not envy a lawless man who prospers in his affairs, who, doing evil deeds, apparently prospers.

Art. 8 and 9. Cease from anger and leave wrath: do not be jealous, if you are deceitful, for the evil ones will be consumed, but those who endure the Lord, these will inherit the earth. Ragemeans the highest degree of anger. An envious view, as if the prophet says so, on the success of the wicked in his deeds can settle anger in your heart and excite fury - do not indulge in these pernicious passions: cease from anger and leave rage. If you want to be prosperous and happy, then be jealous of righteous people who do good and truth and trust in the Lord, but in no way don't be jealous evil to do evil. Remember that those who do evil will perish, the deceitful will be needed. Don't be an accomplice to them to be cunning; do not imitate the unrighteous deeds of those whose well-being is enviable to you. Know that only those will live quietly in their land who patiently wait for the reward from the Lord, patiently and calmly await the fulfillment of His promises, because "the Lord is faithful in all His words" (Ps 145:13) and is able to fulfill what He promised : they will rush the earth, according to his promise.

Art. 10 and 11. And yet it is not enough, and there will be no sinner: and you will seek his place, and you will not find it. But the meek shall inherit the earth and delight in the multitude of the world. In these sayings, in other words, the same thoughts are repeated that are expressed in the first three verses. There it is said that the deceitful, or, what is the same, sinners, as the grass of the field soon dries up or as the herbal potion disappears, so they will soon perish, be destroyed (v. 9), but here the prophet says that not much time will pass, and there will be no sinner(he will die a cruel death - Ps. 33:22), you look at his place, but he is already gone. So short-lived is his happiness and prosperity! But such is not the fate of the righteous and meek, who do not indulge in grumbling and anger and do not allow a criminal feeling of envy and rage in their hearts, but with hope in the Lord patiently endure their fate and expect mercy from God: they are destined for a reward not only on earth, but also in heaven, not only temporary prosperity but also eternal bliss. The meek shall inherit the earth... According to the Divine promises (Deut. 12:1,9-12), the highest reward for fidelity to God, for meekness and other virtues to the prophets and the Old Testament righteous in general was presented in the form of an inheritance of the promised land, a peaceful stay in this land, peaceful use of its treasures and riches (See explanations of vv. 3 and 4). The Lord God, who spoke here through the mouth of a prophet about the inheritance of the land of promise by the meek, indicated, as it were, an obscure allusion to the future blessedness in enjoyment abundant the world (the multitude of the world). In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ, elevating the ideas of the Old Testament righteous about the future eternal retribution, called the meek blessed and literally repeated the saying of the psalmist, saying: “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5), and he meant underground, of course. , not Palestine, or the promised land, and not Jerusalem, the city of this land, but that heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. "the dwelling place of the world"), in which all the righteous will forever be blessed (Heb. 12:22), enjoying about the multitude of the world(Bishop Porfiry: "an excess of the world"), of that world given By the Lord Himself (John 14:27), “who is beyond all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).

Art. 12 and 13. The sinner beholds the righteous and gnashes his teeth with his teeth: the Lord will laugh at him, he does not see, as if the day is coming, him. Naziraet -means: observes, sees, despises - sees, foresees, provides. Here, wanting to establish the righteous on the chosen path of faith and piety, the prophet exhorts him to be firm and constant in trusting in God, in meekness and other virtues, and not to be afraid of secret evil intentions and observations on the part of the sinner, as if saying this: although the sinner, not enduring virtues of the righteous, considering it a denunciation of his depravity, secretly observes the righteous, as if to catch him, and even, like a ferocious beast, gnashes its teeth, as if wanting to tear him to pieces, and although the righteous does not know about such evil intentions against him on the part of the lawless one, he must not forget that there is an All-Seeing God Who will laugh at the vain intentions of the sinner, because, as All-Seeing, He sees day fall and death his. And although God sometimes allows the wicked to kill the righteous or cause him any harm, however, before he has time to kill the body (and not the soul) of the righteous, he himself kills his soul, prepares his soul "for the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God" ( Romans 2:5) and exposes himself to eternal destruction. And therefore, isn’t he worthy of ridicule, and at the same time of bitter regret, who, while arranging the death of another, does not see his own near death?!

Art. 14 and 15. Draw the sword of the sinner, bend your bow, lay down the wretched and the poor, slay the upright in heart. Let their sword enter into their hearts, and let their bows be crushed. Words sword and bow explained above, the first in Ps. 34:3, and the second in Ps. 10:2. Both mean deadly weapons used by ancient peoples to cause death or injury to the enemy. In the sayings of these verses, the prophet more clearly and accurately expressed the same thing that he said above in verse 13. In their hatred of the righteous, as he would say, sinners stand armed: they drew the sword from the scabbard and pulled it - straining - your bow, in order to hit cast down the poor and the poor, to kill lay down the right heart. The hearts of the wicked are imbued with hatred for the righteous because they regard the truth and virtue of the righteous as a denunciation of their vicious life. The interpreters understand the sword and bow of sinners both literally, as tools made of wood and iron or steel, and figuratively, as tools of an evil tongue, with false testimonies and slander that can cause spiritual murder to the righteous or moral wounds with deep sorrows of the heart. Under the name poverty and misery generally mean a humble righteous man who does not display his righteousness, poor in spirit whom the Lord Jesus Christ blesses in the Gospel and to whom he appropriates the “Kingdom of Heaven” as a reward (Matt. 5.3). Such, one might say, are all the righteous, because although they abound in material wealth, they do not consider it their own, but God's property, in the use of which they will have to give an account to God. Right hearted - the same as the righteous who walk in the right way of the commandments of God. Saying: sword let them enter into their hearts, expresses not malevolence, but a prophecy or an affirmation of the position that he who does evil to another will first of all suffer from it himself, or, as Christ the Savior said: “All who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matt. 26:52) In a figurative sense, the last saying the psalmist and will mean that the slander and slander of sinners, directed at the meek and humble righteous, will turn on them on themselves, and they themselves will fall into the ditch that they dug for others. And the psalmist himself in the same sense sometimes uses similar sayings, such as, for example: "The teeth of their weapons and arrows, and their tongue is a sharp sword" (Ps. 56: 5).

Art. 16 and 17. Better is a little for the righteous, than the riches of sinners are many. For the muscles of sinners will be broken, but the righteous Lord affirms. In verse 17 the word muscle means "strength". See Ps. 9:36. The wealth that sinners have seduces many and arouses envy in many: many themselves would like to become rich. But since many vicious inclinations and passions are connected with the possession of wealth, such as, for example: pride, extravagance, or stinginess and greed, the habit of a wide, luxurious life, arrogance, and many others, the prophet, wanting to protect the wretched righteous from envy of wealth, which threatens a person with falling away from a virtuous life and deviating into the path of unrighteousness and lawlessness, says that much more useful to a person be content with little in a righteous life, rather than having with many riches unrighteousness, indulging in a vicious and lawless life. The most dangerous thing of all is to rely on the power of wealth, which all rich sinners are guilty of. Because this strength relies on the muscle of the flesh, which is exhausted: the sinners' muscles are broken, and therefore the power of wealth does not help. And the strength and strength of the righteous strengthens the righteous, and although they are shaken by demons and people, but supported by Divine grace, they stand and overcome the misfortunes they encounter (Blessed Theodoret). A sinner, with all his wealth, will not escape eternal perdition, because when he dies, he will not take with him anything of perishable goods, and his glory will not descend with him into the grave. The righteous one, who throughout his whole life hoped not for perishable wealth, but for God, who saves and gives life to all, will live forever.

Art. 18 and 19. The Lord knows the way of the blameless, and their inheritance will be forever. They will not be ashamed in a fierce time, and in the days of famine they will be satisfied, as sinners will perish. Fierce time - means: evil, crafty, disastrous time. The prophet here completes and confirms the same about the righteous that he spoke about them above, calling them blameless and saying that the Lord does not leave the life of the righteous without attention. Ways of life them to Him completely known. Since the Lord also calls Himself the path along which all those who believe in Him must go: Az there is a way, He says (John 14:6), then, of course, He knows those who walk in this way. “The Lord knows his being” (2 Tim. 2:19). Knowing paths of the undefiled, He favors them and blesses days their. heritage of the righteous is the Kingdom of Heaven, which they will inherit according to His immutable promise: “Come, bless my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you” (Matt. 25:34), and this “His Kingdom will have no end” (Luke 1-33) , and that's why property righteous in century will be. They will not be ashamed during the fierce, those. when the time of trouble comes hunger, they will not be in need: the Lord God through charitable people will nourish them: in the days of famine will be satisfied, how Elijah the prophet in the wilderness was fed by a raven, and how many other righteous people were miraculously fed by God. After a short-term oppression by sinners, a happy life begins for the righteous, because their oppressors will perish, i.e. not only lose the happiness of this life, but also lose their eternal salvation: as sinners perish. Fierce time and famine days some Fathers of the Church understand and interpret in a spiritual sense, namely: by the first they mean the time of temptations and persecutions for the faith, or the time of the future Judgment, which will be bitter and disastrous for sinners, but for the blameless - shamelessly because the grace of God will help them. And under famine days - the last days of the end of the world, when there will be neither sowing nor harvest, and when the righteous, All those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness will be satisfied justification and glorification from God (Matt. 5:6), when the time comes appear to glory God's (Ps. 16:15).

Art. 20. Defeat the Lord, be glorified by them and ascend, vanishing like smoke has disappeared. Translated from the Greek ep. Porfiry, these words are read like this: "The enemies of the Lord, at the time of their glory and exaltation, disappearing like smoke disappeared." And in accordance with and in connection with the previous two verses, the sayings of this verse have the following meaning: blameless people, as friends of God, will have an eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father and in the time of persecution or the Last Judgment of Christ will not be ashamed; oppose the Lord all sinners and wicked, soon after their exaltation and glorification will be disappear like smoke, which, shortly after rising upwards, disappears and vanishes altogether, so that not a trace of it remains. Slavic kuno - the same as the Russian "collectively, together, all at the same time." Under the name enemies of the Lord some interpreters (Zigaben and others) understand in the prophetic sense the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ, who, at the time they condemned and crucified Christ, and thereby thought be glorified and glorified at the same time (buy) already began to disappear and approach their destruction, which, having been predicted by the Savior (Luke 21:6, 20-24), soon overtook them: 38 years after the ascension of Jesus Christ, Jerusalem was destroyed, the Jewish land was devastated by the Romans and all the people of this land disappeared and scattered like smoke.

Art. 21 and 22. A sinner borrows and does not return; For those who bless Him will inherit the earth, but those who curse Him will be consumed. In the sayings of these verses lies the clarification and confirmation of what is said above, in verses 16 and 17. Possessing often and great wealth, the sinner is not satisfied, but in constant striving to acquire even more, he tries to seize other people's property, sometimes not by right, seizes under the guise of a loan, so that later do not return: a sinner borrows and does not return. Greed, covetousness, an insatiable desire for greater enrichment, and a habit of luxury, according to which he spends his expenses in excess of income, prompts him to such falsehood. The righteous, on the contrary, being satisfied with his small sufficiency, does not expand and does not increase his vital needs, but, satisfying his most necessary and essential needs, finds it possible to give to his neighbors from the smallest and, showing his generosity, is likened to those God the Generous of all: but the righteous is generous and gives. For such kindness and generosity, the righteous one is worthy of mercy and blessings from the Lord. Translated from the Hebrew, verse 22 reads: for those blessed by him shall inherit the earth, but those cursed by him shall be cut off. Righteous, upon which the blessing of the Lord rests, inherits the earth those. will receive the Kingdom of Heaven as a reward from the Lord, and sinners who irritated the Lord with their lawless and unrighteous lives and thereby brought down on themselves a curse His, will be exterminated will perish.

Art. 23 and 24. From the Lord the steps of a man are corrected, and his ways will be greatly desired. When it falls, it will not be broken, as the Lord strengthens his hand. In these sayings, the prophet continues the description of the actions of God's favor and providence in relation to a righteous person, saying that all intentions, enterprises and actions (feet) the righteous are directed to good and guided to a good destination by the will of God. All actions, all behavior and all life of the righteous, guided by the will of God and in accordance with this will, become charitable: good the Lord will greatly delight in his way, those. He looks with special favor on the good life of the righteous and in case of a stumbling or falling he will not allow him to break and perish: when it falls, it won't break. The fall of man is of two kinds: physical and moral. Here one must understand both: i.e. if a person falls into any misfortune, if any misfortune befalls him, then in righteous hope in the Lord, Who sustains, strengthens his hand this person will be delivered from misfortune and under the heavy burden of sorrow and misfortune will not be exhausted, will not fall into despair and will not perish. In the same way, if a believer is overwhelmed with passions and he is subjected to a heavy temptation to fall into sin, then he won't break will not lose the fear of God, faith and hope in God will keep him on the path of truth and righteousness: the grace of God strengthen his weak will, and the help of God will not allow him to a complete fall.

Art. 25 and 26. The youngest was, for he grew old, and did not see the righteous left, asking for bread below his seed. All day long the righteous one has mercy and gives to each other, and his seed will be a blessing. Here the psalmist, from his own experience and observation, presents evidence of God's special providence for the righteous, and not only about himself, but also about his offspring. The mercy and help of God never leave a righteous person, and blessing The Lord rests not only on him, but also on his seed, i.e. on his children and grandchildren. The youngest former - this is what the psalmist says about himself, i.e.: I was still very young, and from that very youth of mine, from the time I began to be aware of myself and people, from the very time I began to understand the everyday relations of people among themselves and their relationship to God, and until now, until my very old age (because I'm old) all my life I did not see not a single believer righteous person who would abandoned God and we are oppressed by poverty to such an extent that we would need a piece of bread. I didn't even see seed him, i.e. his descendants, who impoverished them to such an extent that they were forced by their extreme poverty ask for bread or charity. On the contrary, I, he says, saw that the righteous always has the opportunity to show mercy to others, he himself gives alms and gives others reciprocally. Therefore, his seed is also blessed by God (it will be a blessing) those. his descendants not only do not beg, do not beg others for bread, but are blessed by God with all contentment and an abundance of earthly and spiritual gifts.

Art. 27 and 28. Turn away from evil and do good, and dwell in the age of the world. For the Lord loves judgment and will not leave His saints: they will be preserved forever: the lawless women will be spit out, and the seed of the wicked will be consumed. In these sayings are repetitions or confirmations and explanations of what was said above, in this and in other psalms. Turn away from evil and do good - these words are literally contained in the 15th verse of the 33rd Psalm, where they are explained. Here, in connection with the previous one, with these words, the prophet wants to establish the righteous on the path of truth and a virtuous life and thereby strengthen him in the hope not only of the longevity of temporary earthly life, but also of the endless bliss of eternal life. The righteous man, he says, always abides in the mercy of God, and the blessing of God rests on him and his offspring, therefore you (every person) turn away from evil don't do anything sinful and do good be virtuous, and you will not only live long, but also inherit eternal bliss in the future endless age (settle in the century of the century). Because The Lord loves judgment those. He is just, he rewards everyone with justice, and therefore virtue and righteousness does not leave without reward, - and will not leave the saints(same as "righteous") their own, as I said above (v. 25). The righteous are distinguished by mercy, all day long and the Lord is always merciful to them: “Blessed are the merciful ones,” says Christ our Savior, “for they will have mercy” (Matt. 5:7), they will receive eternal salvation: will last forever. The lawless ones those. all the wicked and lawbreakers will be expelled (exhausted sya), i.e. will not only be deprived of all the blessings prepared for the righteous, but will be sent away by the Eternal and Righteous Judge into eternal torment they will be cast out “into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his aggel” (Matthew 25:41,46). And not only the wicked and lawless themselves will be cast out “into the outer darkness” (Matt. 25:30), but also all their offspring, and the seed of the wicked will be consumed. As the seed of the righteous, he says, will abide in the blessing of God, so the seed of the wicked will be consumed, And thus the word of the Lord, spoken through the lawgiver Moses, will be fulfilled: “I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, forgive the sins of the father to the children up to the third and fourth generation to those who hate Me, and show mercy to thousands who love Me and keep My commandments” (Ex. 20:5-6; Deut. 5:9-10).

Art. 29, 30 and 31. Will the righteous women inherit the lands? and dwell on it forever and ever. The mouth of the righteous will learn wisdom, and his tongue will speak judgment. The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps will not stumble. In the words of verse 29, the psalmist repeats what he had already said in verses 9, 11, and 18, namely, that all righteous, with those who patiently wait for the mercy of God will not only enjoy the benefits land, promised and given to them by God, but also move in on the new land of eternity Kingdoms of God, will enjoy eternal bliss in that land. In the sayings that follow (vv. 30 and 31), the characteristics of the righteous are set forth: they speak of what the lips of the righteous are busy with, what he likes to talk about most of all, what mainly serves as the subject of his thoughts, feelings and desires of the heart, and what his activity is. The wisdom of God, manifested in the creation of the world and providence for it, is so high and all-encompassing (Dan. 2:21-22; 1 Cor. 2:16), so boundless and immeasurable (Ps. 146:5; Rom. 11:33) that exceeds any human concept (Is. 55:9), this Divine wisdom serves as a favorite subject of teaching for the righteous, his mouth will learn wisdom, so that the beneficent influence of this wisdom is also revealed outside: “The mouth of the righteous one drips wisdom” (Prov. 10:31). Learning in the wisdom of God, the righteous and with his tongue speaks of the judgment of God, the concept and knowledge of which was not hidden from the righteous (1 Chron. 16:33; Eccl. 3:17). Every person loves to talk about what he always has and constantly carries in his heart (Matt. 12:34-35). And since the righteous always the law of his God is in his heart, then he speaks about this law, and at the same time about the Court, which is determined for the doers and violators of the law. AND blessed that man, will which is directed according to the law of the Lord(Ps. 1:2), who is very pleased with the commandments of God (Ps. 112:1) and who day and night is taught in sem law: his steps will not stumble, those. all his deeds, all his behavior, directed according to the law of God, will be firm and irreproachable, his words will be firm at the Judgment, and he "will never be shaken" (Ps. 111:5-6).

Art. 32 and 33. The sinner looks at the righteous and seeks to kill him: the Lord will not leave him in his hand, he will condemn him below, when he judges him. In other words, the same thing is repeated here as is said in verses 12 and 13. The righteous, having the law of God in his heart and doing it, becomes repugnant to the sinner who breaks the law and neglects it; because those who love and keep the law are thus the accusers of the lawless life of sinners, who pay special attention to catching the righteous, if not in deed, then at least in word, diligently observe (watching) what the righteous one does and says, so that kick his feet in order to harm him, they harass him in every possible way, they are looking for, if possible, to kill him. This was how His evil and impious enemies, the Jewish scribes and Pharisees, acted in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ, who were looking for reasons and grounds for “how they would destroy Him” (Mark 3:2,6). But The Lord does not leave the righteous without His help and will not betray him in hand enemies his, The Lord will not allow the righteous to remain in the power of the sinner. “Abraham was rewarded with such a providence when Sarah was twice abducted, and Isaac, who was subjected to the same thing, also Jacob, when he fell under the envy of his brother and father-in-law, and Joseph was rewarded with the same mercy when they armed themselves with envy and slander against him” (Blzh. Theodoret) . And as in real life God does not leave the righteous, and at the time of the future Judgment He will not condemn when the sinner will sue the righteous against whom he plotted.

Art. 34. Be patient with the Lord and keep His way, and he will exalt you, if you inherit the earth: when you see a sinner consumed. Here David again turns his speech into instruction and exhortation to the righteous, saying, as it were, this: but no matter how the wicked plots and no matter what the wicked does in relation to the righteous, you still do not get lost, do not lose heart, trust in the Lord and wait patiently (be patient) His help, go firmly through commandments of God, and the Lord lift you up will protect and glorify you in the eyes of sinners, you will receive the reward that is prepared for all the righteous, - inherit new earth in the Kingdom of Christ God (Matt. 5:5; 2 Pet. 3:13). And the sinners who sought your fall and destruction will perish themselves, and you will see (behold) when their time comes extermination, you yourself will be an eyewitness to their death.

Art. 35 and 36. When he saw the wicked, he exalted himself and exalted himself like the cedars of Lebanon; Here cedars of Lebanon Named trees growing on the Lebanese mountains and distinguished by their extraordinary height and multi-branching. The mountains of Lebanon (White Mountains) lie to the north of Palestine and serve as the border between Judah and Syria. Having said in the previous verse that the righteous man himself will see when the time comes for the destruction of the wicked, now he says: I also saw the wicked one, who exalted himself and exalted himself like the cedars of Lebanon, i.e. stood on the highest degree of power and honor, was famous for wealth and luxurious furnishings, so that all his well-being seemed strong and eternal, but now, after a while, I had a chance to pass by the place where he towered - and it was as if he was not there, looked for him, if there were any traces of his greatness left, and not finding his place, those. it was as if he had never been there. The prophet did not name the wicked one, whose fall he so vividly depicted here, but it is obvious that he meant either Goliath, or Saul, or others like them, proudly ascending wicked people. Goliath was great and strong, but his defeat was so terrible that it entailed not only his death, but also the flight of the entire Philistine army. Mighty and glorious was Saul, but, rejected by God, he not only suffered a cruel defeat from enemies, but his entire family, all his offspring were exterminated before the eyes of David, who was persecuted by him. Thus disappear, like smoke, the very traces of the greatest earthly power by God's permission! So human pride blinds the eyes of mortals that they do not see their dependence on the supreme Being and cannot see the danger at their feet!

Art. 37 and 38 But the wicked will be consumed together: the remnants of the wicked will be consumed. Here is the word mildness means innocence, chastity, rightness - truth, justice, righteousness, remnant- remainder, end, future. What remains is the prophet talking about, and whom does he mean by the name a person is peaceful? Under the name of a peaceful man, St. the prophet understands a person who is not hypocritically pious. Truly pious, keeping integrity (kindness) and striving for righteousness, is at peace with God. In him the intensified desire of the preachers of peace was fulfilled, saying: we beg you brethren, in the name of Christ, "be reconciled to God" (2 Cor. 5:20). He lives peacefully with his neighbors. He does not allow reasons that would make him break the peace. The world is broken by unrighteousness, malice, oppression. But all this is contrary to true piety. Often the search for earthly benefits or acquisitions drives out the world and sows hostile feelings, and the pious seeks nothing, not only on earth, but also in heaven, except for the Lord. “What are we in heaven; and because of Thee that I have desired on earth.... my part, O God, forever” (Ps. 72:25-26). “He imputes everything for skills (dung, sor. - Note), that he may gain Christ” (Philippians 3:8). Sometimes imprudence in a word, love for disputes and word disputes drive the world out of the midst of people. Why these controversies? From vanity and selfishness. But is it up to the righteous or the pious to seek vain glory? He knows what is pleasing to God innermost man, who is perfected “in the incorruptible beauty of a meek and quiet spirit” (1 Pet. 3:4). Is it up to him to slander, blame and condemn? He is always immersed in self-condemnation, busy with strict bickering with inner thoughts and feelings. For him, the world is dearest of all: “Give us Thy peace, O Lord; Thou hast given us all” (Isaiah 26:12), because only a peaceful heart is capable of love, only in the world is it possible to contemplate God and contemplate the Lord. To this a peaceful person has a remnant on earth. At times Old Testament when they were expecting the Blessed Seed, they considered the hereditary continuation of the family as a special mercy of God. This is a continuation of the family and is accepted at all times as a blessing from God. With the continuation of the offspring, the memory of a peaceful and pious person, who, taking advantage of the world, can do a lot of good for his neighbors, is also preserved at home, combined with blessing. The memory of the righteous with praises, - says the Wise One (Prov. 10:7); but such is not the fate of the wicked: their name is fading and soon their memory perishes. Blzh. Theodoret, Jerome and others under the name "remnants" mean eternal life and future retribution . lawless, all the wicked are doomed to perish, nothing remains after them: the rest will be consumed.

Art. 39 and 40. The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord, and their protector is in time of trouble: and the Lord will help them, and deliver them, and rescue them from the sinner, and save them, as if trusting in Him. Whatever tribulation befalls the righteous, they must not forget that they have a strong Defender and the helper of the Lord, the rescue Which is beyond doubt. In the most difficult circumstances He will help them. If heavy calamities and temptations continue to weigh on them, then they should not lose heart and despair, remembering that there is spare them from temptations and troubles. Intrigues and attacks from the side sinner and the wicked also must not frighten the righteous, because the Lord is God, the eternal and almighty Ruler of the whole world, who is mighty take away the righteous out of hand sinners.“Those who trust in the Lord,” according to the words of the Wise, “will understand the truth, and the faithful (the righteous) will abide in love with Him, as grace and mercy are in His saints” (Wisdom 3:9), And He save them because they hoped on him.

The Blessed Seed is the Messiah, Christ, Who was to be born from the seed of a woman (Gen. 3:15), become a descendant, or seed, of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Gen. 12:8; 18:8, etc.). For this reason, the Jews aspired to procreation, through which every Jew, in the person of his descendants, hoped to be in the Kingdom of the Messiah. — Approx.

St. Athanasius the Great

Whether in the tongue, in the mind, but he must, he says, carry the words of God with him everywhere and constantly practice in studying them. Having learned to act in this way, the lover of virtue remains fearless and unshakable, overcoming those who attempt to overthrow him. This is what the Psalmist said in the first psalm: but his will is in the law of the Lord, and in his law he will learn day and night(Ps. 1:2).

And his tongue shall speak judgment, i.e., justice is not judicial, but is found in an infallible and sound judgment.

Interpretation of the Psalms.

Blzh. Theodoret of Kirsky

Art. 30-31 "The lips of the righteous will learn wisdom, and his tongue will speak judgment." "The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps will not stumble." Both in tongue and in thought, says the Prophet, one must have the words of God, and continually learn from them. For in this way the lover of virtue, knowing what he must do, remains trembling, unshakable, overcoming those who intend to overthrow him. This is what David said in the first psalm: “But his will is in the law of the Lord, and in his law he will learn day and night”(Ps. 1:2), and so on.

Evfimy Zigaben

The lips of the righteous will learn wisdom.

With great pleasure Divine David narrates about the good deeds of the righteous: he does this to encourage people to imitate them. The mouth, he says, of the righteous will study the wisdom contained in the holy scriptures.

And judgment shall speak his tongue.

Judgment is called by David here, which is in the laws of God, the righteous judgment, which speaks the language of the righteous. Or he calls the judicious word judgment; because the righteous does not speak thoughtlessly whatever comes to mind: for the tongue of the righteous, he says, is silver tested by fire (Prov. 10:20).

Words by B. Kirill: The most decent thing for those who choose good life speak wisdom; for empty talk is rejected by the saints; and by judgment we mean correct instruction in every subject, leading students straight to the right place. So, with the righteous, he says, and the word does not go without consideration: having judged how it should be said, he speaks in due time and is silent, according to the following words: the lips of the wise are bound by feeling

Psalm 36 is a song of meditation and instruction. In it, David shares his wisdom with future generations, trying to show the young that only in the Lord can a person find comfort and salvation.

History of writing

According to the inscription in three versions of Scripture (Hebrew, Greek and Latin), the authorship of the text belongs to David. In verse 25, the author speaks of his old age, which allowed the researchers to conclude that the moment of writing the text was the old age of the king of Israel and the end of his reign.

In Psalm 36, David shares his wisdom with future generations

Since David gives instructions to youth worship in the song, it can be concluded that he wrote this text for his son Solomon, trying to convince him that only in the Lord would he find peace and rest.

Under the wicked one, which is given in verses 35-36, one can consider Absalom, whose death was much earlier because of pride and disobedience. On the mistakes of his son, David is trying to instruct the future generation and protect them from falling and retreating from the source of life - the God of Israel.

Important! This psalm is the quintessence of David's life, all the lessons he received from the Almighty. Everything that the king experienced and saw in life - he collected all this in this text.

The interpretation of the psalm

The psalm is an excellent text for the instruction of youth, each verse in it is a separate wisdom:

Important! The entire text can be seen as David's instruction to his children and to the entire people of Israel. He says that in all his life he has not seen a righteous man in need, thereby trying to convince people to believe in God and trust.

Reading Rules

Do not be jealous of the evil ones, envy those who do iniquity. Zane like grass will soon wither, like a potion of cereal will soon fall away. Trust in the Lord and do good deeds, and populate the earth, and be saved in its riches. Enjoy the Lord, and give you the petitions of your heart. Open your way to the Lord and trust in Him, and He will do it: and he will bring out, like light, your righteousness and your destiny, like noon. Obey the Lord and pray to Him. Do not be jealous of the one who sings in his way, the man who commits the transgression of the law. Cease from anger and leave rage, do not be jealous of cunning. Those who are evil will be consumed, but those who endure the Lord, they will inherit the earth. And a little more, and there will be no sinner, and you will seek his place, and you will not find it. But the meek shall inherit the earth and delight in the multitude of the world. The sinner looks upon the righteous and gnashes his teeth with his teeth. The Lord will laugh at him, he will not see, for his day will come. Draw the sword of the sinners, strain your bow, lay down the poor and the poor, slaughter the upright in heart. Let their sword enter into their hearts, and let their bows be crushed. Better is a little for the righteous, more than the riches of sinners are many. For the muscles of sinners will be broken, but the righteous Lord affirms. The Lord knows the way of the undefiled, and their inheritance will be forever. They will not be ashamed in a fierce time, and in the days of famine they will be satisfied, as sinners will perish. Defeat the Lord, be glorified by them and ascend, vanishing like smoke has disappeared. The sinner borrows and does not return, but the righteous is generous and gives. For those who bless Him will inherit the earth, but those who curse Him will be consumed. From the Lord, the steps of a man are corrected, and his paths will be greatly desired. When it falls, it will not be broken, as the Lord strengthens his hand. The youngest was, for he grew old, and did not see the righteous left, asking for bread below his seed. All day long the righteous one has mercy and gives to each other, and his seed will be a blessing. Turn away from evil and do good, and dwell in the age of the century. As the Lord loves judgment and will not leave His saints, they will be preserved forever. But the wicked will be wed, and the seed of the wicked will be consumed. The righteous women will inherit the earth and dwell on it forever and ever. The mouth of the righteous will learn wisdom, and his tongue will speak judgment. The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps will not stumble. The sinner looks at the righteous and looks for a hedgehog to kill him. The Lord will not leave him in his hand; he will condemn him below, when he judges him. Be patient with the Lord and keep His way, and he will exalt you, if you inherit the earth, when you see the sinner consumed. He saw the wicked being exalted and exalted like the cedars of Lebanon. And I went past, and behold, I sought him, and did not find his place. Keep gentleness and see the rightness, as if there is a remnant of a peaceful man. But the wicked will be consumed together: the remnants of the wicked will be consumed. The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord, and their Protector is in time of trouble. And the Lord will help them, and deliver them, and take them away from the sinner, and save them, as if trusting in Him.

1 Psalm of David. Do not be irritated when you see the wicked, do not envy those who do iniquity.

2 For they are like grass; soon they are cut down, and wither like grass greens.

3 Trust in the Lord, and do good; live on earth, and keep the truth.

4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

5 Commit your way to the Lord, and trust in Him, and He will do it.

6 And he will bring forth your righteousness like a light, and your righteousness like noon.

7 Trust in the Lord and wait on Him. Do not be irritated when you see one who succeeds in his path, a person who accomplishes his plans.

8 Calm down anger, and leave anger, do not be irritated to do evil;

9 For those who do evil will be cut off, but those who wait on the Lord will inherit the earth.

10 A little while longer, and there will be no wicked one; look at its place, and it is not there.

11 But the humble shall inherit the earth, and enjoy the abundance of peace.

12 The wicked plots against the righteous, and gnashes his teeth at him.

13 But the Lord laughs at him; for he sees that his day is drawing near.

14 The wicked draw their sword and draw their bow to slay the poor and needy, to pierce those who walk the straight path.

15 Their sword will go into their heart, and their bows will be broken.

16 Better is a little with a righteous man than the riches of many wicked ones;

17 For the arms of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord strengthens the righteous.

18 The Lord knows the days of the blameless, and their inheritance endures forever.

19 They will not be put to shame in the time of evil, and in the days of famine they will be satisfied.

20 But the wicked perish, and the enemies of the Lord, like the beauty of the meadows, disappear, like smoke disappear.

21 The wicked borrows and does not pay, but the righteous gives and gives.

22 For those blessed by him shall inherit the earth, but those who are cursed by him are destroyed.

23 The steps of his husband are firm in the Lord, and his way is pleasing to him.

24 When it falls, it will not fall; for the Lord holds him by the hand.

25 I was young and old, and I did not see the righteous man left behind, and his children asking for bread.

26 He gives and lends every day, and his blessing is upon his offspring.

27 Turn away from evil, and do good, and live forever.

28 For the Lord loves justice, and does not forsake his saints; forever they are kept: [and the wicked will be cast down], and the tribe of the wicked will be cut off.

29 The righteous will inherit the earth and will live on it forever.

30 The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue speaks truth.

31 The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not waver.

32 The wicked watches over the righteous and seeks to kill him:

33 But the Lord will not hand him over to him, nor will he suffer to be accused when they are judged.

34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way: and he will make you the ruler of the earth; you will see the destruction of the ungodly.

35 I saw a wicked, formidable, expanding like a rooted branched tree:

36 But he has disappeared, and behold, he is no more; I look for it and can't find it.

37 Keep purity and watch the truth: for a man of peace will have offspring.

38 And the wicked will disappear altogether, the offspring of the wicked will be cut off.

39 The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in time of trouble.

40 The Lord will help them and deliver them, deliver them from the wicked, and save them; for they trust in him.

Important! This text has the power to strengthen the Christian who doubts his ways and actions. The Lord through him speaks to the righteous, consoles and encourages him.

Psalter. Psalm 36
