The long-suffering shareholders of the housing cooperative "Nightingale" have been waiting for their apartments on the Republican since 2009. It was at that moment that Domberi LLC promised to hand over the house. However, the construction was delayed. In 2016, Domberi notified the housing cooperative of the termination of the contract due to non-fulfillment of payment obligations. According to the shareholders themselves, in 2015 the current chairman of the housing cooperative, Plotnikov, in violation of the competence of the general meeting of the cooperative, signed an additional agreement with Domberi LLC, according to which the shareholders had to pay 4 thousand rubles in addition. for each square meter of housing built. For obvious reasons, most tenants were against the surcharge.

From the statement of the housing cooperative "Nightingales" to the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region Sergey Okhlopkov:

At the moment, according to the shareholders, they cannot get into the house and receive documents for the transfer and acceptance of housing.

Dmitry Rozhin, lawyer:

The situation when people are asked to pay extra is standard for all shareholders. Because they are not protected by law. However, if people have certificates of full payment in their hands, then they should be given housing without further questions. If the acceptance certificate is not drawn up, it is necessary to go to court.

Alexander Novikov's assistant promised the site to soon prepare a commentary on the reasons for what is happening.

Recall that chansonnier Alexander Novikov and his partner, former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region Mikhail Shilimanov, are accused of fraud in a development case cottage village"Bay Queens" on the shore of Lake Shartash. The housing cooperative was organized in 2010, 65 shareholders were involved in the construction of the project, who contributed 150 million rubles for future apartments, but no housing was built. The construction was put on hold in 2011.

Investigators charged Novikov with fraud, the court initially placed him under house arrest. Before the New Year, he was released on bail. At the same time, Novikov was able to fly to the United Arab Emirates - he said that he was on vacation, and, as it has now become clear, he met with Alibek Isaev in Dubai. The latter declared his readiness to invest his funds in the Queens Bay project so that there would be no more claims against Alexander Novikov.

On January 19, the chansonnier announced his readiness to buy out the shares of the cooperative participants. At the same time, he found a developer - the Mayak Corporation, which planned to complete the construction of a cottage village. However, on January 23, the shareholders of the cooperative stated that there might not be enough funds to buy out all the shares, then Alexander Novikov arranged demonstration transactions. But instead of the promised billionaire from the UAE, the bard's laconic fans paid their debts.

At the end of January, Novikov announced that he would complete the Queens Bay in three months, and on February 14 he announced that the investor had refused to buy out the shares because of the chairman of the cooperative of shareholders, Zili Bulatova. According to the chansonnier, the woman refused to sign the documents for the redemption of shares, although she had already received the money.

In Yekaterinburg, before the delivery of one of the most scandalous long-term construction projects in Yekaterinburg - LCD "Nightingales"- another conflict has ripened between PZhSK "Solovi", which people entered in order to get an apartment in a new building after buying a share, and a construction company that came to build an object after the previous developer.

LCD "Nightingales" - a 16-storey building, buyers of apartments in which they have been waiting for their housing for about 8 years. He is alongside with the village of "Bay Queens" and LCD "Nikitskie Vorota" - is one of the projects of the Domberi Group of Companies, and not the most unsuccessful. LCD "Nikitsky Gate" is now built up and populated, there are no prospects for "Queens Bay" - its shareholders recently went on a hunger strike, demanding a meeting with the governor. But the Nightingales are being completed: after the departure of Domberi, another project investor, Tekhstroy LLC, entered the facility. Now the house is almost ready.

However, at the end of 2015, a story began here, which eventually undermined the trust of shareholders in the project. The complex was originally built on the basis of an investment agreement concluded between PZhSK and Domberi. The investment agreement continued to operate even when Tekhstroy entered the facility. According to the chief accountant of PZhSK Svetlana Morozova, in the fall of 2015, the chairman of PZHSK, without the knowledge and consent of the shareholders, signed an additional agreement to the investment agreement with a representative of Domberi, implying an additional payment from PZHSK of 40 million rubles in favor of Domberi. The shareholders did not receive details of what this money should go for, and they did not start paying. Now the leadership of PZhSK has regrets that they did not immediately go to court about it. As always, we hoped that everything would somehow resolve itself. The result turned out to be natural. Interestingly, the chairman himself, who led this cooperative for many years, was affiliated with the developer and signed all the documents without the knowledge of the other participants in the cooperative. Surprises only the modesty of the amount itself. It was quite possible to sign a document with an amount of a couple of hundred million rubles. How it calmly rolled in other housing cooperatives, where the developer kept his man as chairman.

After the discovery of this agreement, the chairman in PZhSK was changed once again. But the next one did not last long - he was also recently re-elected and also because of potential surcharges: the developers once showed shareholders the forms of future agreements with each of them, implying a significant surcharge for the installation of heat meters. On the part of PZhSK, these documents turned out to be signed by a person who had nothing to do with the leadership - however, as it turned out later, he had a power of attorney for such decisions from the chairman. The chairman has changed again.

We were not provided with any papers, justifications for additional payment. We said that we were ready to meet halfway, to pay for heat meters so that the construction could continue, but on the basis of documents, and that we first go through the house. We wanted to check everything in order to pay for the equipment only on our own meters - Tekhstroy has its own areas there. And they just told us - pay extra for this much, and that's it. No one wanted to speak the language of documents with us, - notes the chief accountant Svetlana Morozova. According to her, the position of PZhSK is supported by three-quarters of all shareholders (and there are about 300 of them).

Now, just before the delivery of the house, the investment agreement between "Domberi" and PZhSK is terminated unilaterally. This was reported to shareholders by the regional Ministry of Construction. The reason was the non-fulfillment of that very additional agreement of 2015 - PZhSK did not pay several tens of millions of rubles, which they allegedly owed. And shareholders are offered to withdraw from PZhSK and sign new sales contracts directly with the developer - however, with the condition of an additional payment of 4,000 per square meter. Those who refuse are offered to return the money in the amount of a share - for which now such an object, which the shareholder was counting on, can no longer be bought.

We don’t have enough money to complete the construction of the house, of course, - said Galina Shevchuk, financial director of Tekhstroy LLC. - If the funds under the additional agreement were sent on time, this would certainly help, but the investment agreement has now been terminated anyway, and the shareholders must conclude an agreement on their apartments directly with the developer.

Galina Shevchuk notes: the details of what the money was needed for from the additional agreement were sent to both the Ministry of Construction and PZhSK - whoever needed this information received it.

The standards have changed, the switchboards had to be removed from the residential sections - this is 3 million rubles, the construction site was not drained - another 4 million rubles, the heating system in sections 2 and 3 was completed with violations - 7 million rubles were needed to remake it, and so on, and this is not to mention the fact that since 2008 the cost of building materials has simply increased. No one in the government paid us for the completion of the house, they did not allocate additional land - but this is not charity, we had our own 7 thousand square meters, which we were supposed to receive under the investment agreement. Actually, we went to the construction site because of our own meters. True, the officials of the Ministry of Construction assured the shareholders that the money for the completion of the problematic object was allocated from the budget in regular tranches.

« We have already transferred 16.5 million rubles to the customer. to complete the construction and in the near future we will pay about another 4 million. This money should be enough for the residential complex to be commissioned as early as July this year. As for the meters, since the legislation has changed since 2008, the house cannot be put into operation without them, so think for yourself whether to pay for them or not. Our task is to help complete the construction, and regarding additional payments, resolve issues with the developer», — told the shareholders after inspecting the object Sergey Bidonko. Whom to believe in this situation and whether it is possible to believe any of the applicants at all - decide for yourself.

According to Shevchuk, shareholders have already begun to come to Tekhstroy and draw up documents for new apartments - according to her, there is no panic, people are friendly. True, the number of those who applied here is not called. As they say, there is a tongue, there are teeth. you can say whatever you want. No one punishes and bears responsibility for the "language"

No one, except the shareholders themselves, in the current situation can pay the additional costs incurred during the construction. And I do not represent a shareholder who, waiting 7 years one-room apartment, which he bought for 800 thousand rubles, would refuse to pay only 80 thousand in order to finally get it. If desired, he can immediately sell it for 1.5-2 million rubles. For those who currently do not have that kind of money, we have an installment plan. If there really is such a shareholder who does not want to pay extra in any form, he will simply receive back the money in the amount of his share. That's what businessmen are counting on, so people are trying to twist their arms. Perhaps it will work out and the shareholders will not go to court.

The only difficulty that residents may have, according to Shevchuk, is that the shares were resold, and in order for the second or third owner of the share to renew the contract with the developer, the original payment orders are needed - that is, here the PZHSK management should help the owners confirm the fact of receipt Money under the primary agreement in PZhSK. However, Galina Shevchuk believes, PZhSK does not explain the situation to people and does not contact the builders. This provokes difficulties in contacts and is an artificial escalation of the situation for people already exhausted by expectation, she believes.

Firstly, a person must have original payment orders confirming that he paid his share, Shevchuk describes the scheme. - Secondly, he must write an application for withdrawal from the housing cooperative, and, at the same time, sign documents with Tekhstroy LLC stating that his own apartment is assigned to him at the cost indicated in the original agreement with PZHSK for it. In the contract, the cost of the apartment was initially increased by 4,000 rubles per meter, and the price of the contract also included payment for heat meters (the amount is individual for each, calculated based on the number of batteries in the apartment) and forced ventilation(only for studio apartments) - that is, he eventually pays a small part. After that, an act of offsetting mutual homogeneous claims is drawn up: what the housing cooperative should return to him when the share is returned will go towards offsetting the payment under the agreement. So it turns out the contract, the main part of which is repaid by these two papers.

A meeting was held at the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure Development of the Sverdlovsk Region with the participation of shareholders and Tekhstroy LLC, the Ministry of Construction confirmed to E1.RU. - Residential complex "Nightingales" is one of the four objects, the construction of which is under the special control of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, in mid-September, documents will be submitted to complete the construction of the house, and in mid-October it is expected that the house will be put into operation. Homebuyers in this house are shareholders of a consumer housing construction cooperative. Understandable agreements were reached at the meeting: the need for additional payment from the shareholders at the facility really exists, Tekhstroy provides the opportunity to make this payment in installments, but if someone thinks that they are not ready to pay extra, then the person will be returned the funds in the amount of his share .Although, quite recently, an official said the exact opposite. So it can be assumed that the minister's rhetoric changed to the opposite not just like that, but as our officials like to say: "certain agreements were reached." The truth is already between those who are really in the share.

Shareholders are currently alarmed. The leadership of the housing cooperative does not understand why, in order to implement the scheme, it is imperative to leave the housing cooperative. The house has not yet been completed, so, according to Svetlana Morozova, equity holders do not receive ownership rights, while remaining without a share. The shareholder is issued a receipt from the incoming cash order. Other shareholders also called the editorial office of E1.RU, who reported that they were not against even paying extra, but were really afraid to write an application to leave the cooperative - what if, instead of transferring obligations for their apartment, they would find themselves “hanging in the air” and on some At the first stage, they will simply be given their money, small by today's standards, and the apartments will somehow end up on the market.

Another "hot spot" is brewing in Yekaterinburg. This time, the deceived shareholders of the housing cooperative "Nightingale" are ready to take to the streets. According to the shareholders themselves, they have already beaten the thresholds of all instances - the police, the prosecutor's office, the ministry of construction, the Investigative Committee, the FSB, but this did not bring any result. Desperate people are ready to take to the streets Nakanune.RU.

As told On the eve.RU the deceived shareholders of the housing cooperative "Nightingale" (a residential complex on Respublianskaya St., Uralmash), seven years ago they joined a cooperative in the hope of finding their own housing, paid its cost in good faith, but in the end they still live in rented apartments.

"Agreements in 2008 were concluded with the Domberi company, but having violated all its obligations, three years ago this company resold the object to complete the construction of another organization, but the new developer does not complete the construction of the houses, but only pushes back the estimated deadlines for a variety of reasons. As it turned out later, already at the stage of their own investigation, the Domberi website initially indicated addresses where there was no one and no one, and the founders of the construction site were young people aged 25-28, "say the shareholders of the housing cooperative "Solovi" .

According to the shareholders, the last four years of their lives have turned into going to authorities in the hope of achieving a solution to the problem, but everywhere desperate people receive only replies. So, the shareholders turned to the police, the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Construction, the FSB, the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Government of the Russian Federation, to the deputy Alexander Khinshtein, who, by the way, recently visited the capital of the Middle Urals, and others.

“We are told that cooperative construction does not fall under the law on shared construction, and, therefore, we need to deal with unscrupulous developers ourselves. People are driven to complete despair and are ready to take to the streets with protests in order to somehow attract attention to our misfortune! We have become victims of both scammers and the authorities at the same time! ”The deceived shareholders are indignant.

According to the site of the company "DomBeri" ZHSK "Nightingales" is indeed their object. The completion date is scheduled for the second quarter of this year. The house consists of three sections, equipped with passenger and passenger-and-freight high-speed elevators, underground parking, modern system water purification, digital telephony, etc.

The layout provides for the construction of several types of housing: studios from 23 sq.m; as well as apartments for 40, 50 and 72 "squares".

In addition, published on the website and photos of the progress of construction. The last of them were posted online in September-November of the past year. According to them, it is difficult to say that the construction is "frozen": the photo shows housing in which interior decoration work is underway.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of the week, a meeting on long-term construction projects in Sverdlovsk was held at the residence of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein also took part in it. During the meeting, it was announced that the work to solve the problems of deceived equity holders in the Sverdlovsk region is nearing its logical conclusion, and by the end of 2015 it is planned to close issues on almost all long-term construction.

In addition, according to the information voiced at the meeting, today there are still seven unfinished houses left, for all of them the authorities of the region "keep their finger on the pulse" and know how to eventually resolve the situation. In total for last years about 40 long-term construction projects were put into operation in the region, almost three thousand Ural residents moved into their legal apartments. The meeting participants reviewed in detail the situation with all unfinished residential properties that will be dealt with in 2015 - a house on Sheveleva Street, 1, houses on Frazerovshchikov-Cosmonauts Street, houses in the quarter of Roschinskaya - Yakutskaya - Patriotov Streets, as well as Mira Streets - Gagarina - Cherry in Yekaterinburg, a house along Udovenko street in Nizhny Tagil and along Papanintsev street in Pervouralsk. For all objects, the governor set clear deadlines for resolving the remaining issues.

Recall that as of September 1, 2014, the Department of State Construction Supervision of the Sverdlovsk Region included 536 citizens in the Regional Register in order to provide them with support in accordance with the regional law. The total number of square meters of living space paid by these citizens is 21,727.8 "squares". It is planned to provide support to all citizens included in the regional register until the end of this year.

Shareholders of housing cooperative "Nightingale", with the problem of which the whole March is trying to figure it out Sverdlovsk Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev, announced their intention to seek their apartments through the courts. “On March 30, the Tekhstroy company put the house on cadastral registration for itself, and not for the Solovy housing cooperative. We are afraid of repeated sales and, in order to avoid this, we are currently filing lawsuits with the Ordzhonikidzevsky court to recognize the rights of each of the shareholders to the property. At the same time, we apply for an encumbrance in the form of an arrest on the contested property,” Dmitry Bektyaskin, a lawyer representing the interests of housing cooperative shareholders, said at a meeting with reporters.

The construction of the residential complex "Nightingales" (has the same name as the cooperative) on Republicanskaya Street on the edge of the famous Victory Park at Uralmash began in 2008. The customer of the construction was Domberi LLC, the general contractor was Tekhstroy LLC. The house was promised to be completed in 2010. According to the original project, it was supposed to be five-story, with an area of ​​about 10 thousand square meters. meters. However, by 2011, with the participation of the team of the then governor Alexander Misharin, the project had to be adjusted. In fact, it turned out that the developer built a box of 16 floors with an area of ​​17.3 thousand square meters. meters.

By the way, until the spring of 2012, the chansonnier Alexander Novikov acted as a co-owner of the Domberi Group of Companies (owned 50%). Since April 2012, Ilya Storozhev has owned a 50% stake in Domberi LLC. In September 2013, the other 50% of the company was taken over by Valery Arsenchuk. Until 2011, he also owned 50% of Tekhstroy LLC (now 20%) and previously acted as the director of this structure.

After the situation with the violation of the project was resolved, the Solovi residential complex was completed for another five years. The Ministry of Construction of the Sverdlovsk Region issued a permit for the commissioning of the infamous long-term construction only in mid-December 2016. However, the long-awaited transfer of keys to the shareholders of housing cooperatives and registration of ownership rights for them did not happen.

The reason was the additional agreements to the investment agreement, which in September 2015, the former chairman of the housing cooperative "Nightingales" Oleg Plotnikov (in August 2016 he was replaced by Vasily Pervushin) signed with LLC "Domberi". It was about paying an additional 41 million rubles, which the housing cooperative has committed itself to pay to the developer and contractor. The money had to be deposited into the developer's account by June 15, 2016. After the change of chairman took place in the housing cooperative, the new one received a notice of termination of the contract for the construction of the residential complex. The rights to the latter were transferred to a new investor, it was Tekhstroy LLC.

It is known that in the wake of the proceedings in the criminal case around the housing cooperative “Queens Bay” (another construction project associated with the name of Novikov), Pervushin turned to the Main Investigation Department of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region with a request to give a criminal legal assessment of the housing cooperative “Nightingale” . Pervushin said that they did not initiate cases and “let everyone down” to police department No. 15. “To put it simply, they just don’t have time to cope with all these things yet,” noted Pervushin.

Now, as ZhSK's lawyers assure, they are trying to challenge the additional investment agreement through the courts. The next meeting is scheduled in the Kirovsky District Court of Yekaterinburg on April 11 at 14.30. “The debt, as we believe, was fictitiously formed in accordance with the papers signed by the former chairman of the housing cooperative Plotnikov, - lawyer Bektyaskin explained. - In court, we are now appealing against the protocols by which the board and chairman were elected [Plotnikov in 2014]. If the court takes our side, then later we plan to challenge the additional investment agreement and remove the debt.”

Since the end of winter, the Sverdlovsk Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev has put the problem of the Solovy residential complex under his personal control. He has already met three times with shareholders and representatives of the developer. “The governor has already expressed his opinion that, since the house has been commissioned, the shareholders should be given the keys,” noted Bektyaskin. The indication of the head of the region has not yet been fulfilled.

Vasily Pervushin

However, now there is another problem. According to Pervushin, 365 apartments were built in the Solovy residential complex. Of these, 276 were paid - ZhSK transferred 350 million 856 thousand rubles to the developer's accounts. However, since the autumn of 2016, the number of members of the cooperative has declined sharply. After the termination of the agreement on the construction of the residential complex with the cooperative, the Domberi and Tekhstroy companies offered the shareholders to conclude tripartite agreements for the assignment of rights of claim with them and receive the housing due from them. As a result, ZhSK, according to Pervushin, left about 170 people, another 120 remained.

Several of those who remained also came to talk to journalists. “There are disabled people among us, there are widows among us, and these people are still forced to wander around rented apartments, huddle with friends! I myself have been a widow for 5 years, and we really wander with my daughter, ”- a woman who introduced herself as Tatyana Sidorova shared her story. According to another woman, in "Nightingale" they planned to transport the mother-in-law from the village- "She is already 75 years old, a person walks on crutches, and she will die in line for an apartment." “And at the last meeting I said so to the governor, Evgeny Vladimirovich, I say, let me move to you with my husband and daughter,” - added her neighbor.

The current co-founder of "Domberi" Valery Arsenchuk has his own view on what is happening. “What these people are saying is not true. Our arithmetic is simple. There are 316 apartments in the building and 190 shareholders have already signed contracts for the assignment of rights of claim, made the necessary additional payments, received the keys and have already moved in. What 120 shareholders remaining in the housing cooperative are they talking about? Initially, there were only 230 of them. We asked the housing cooperative to provide a list - they do not. At the same time, we see that only 5-7 dissatisfied people go to the governor,” businessman said.

He also called unpromising attempts by members of the housing cooperative to register their rights to real estate through the courts. “In fact, they already went to court with this, and they were denied. They have no legal grounds for this,” the interlocutor believes.

By the way, the keys to another 80 apartments in the Solovi residential complex have now been handed over to another large investor, who, according to Arsenchuk, has invested "half a billion rubles to complete this project."

LCD "Nightingales"

“In 2011, the Tekhstroy company, which is controlled by Valery Arsenchuk. In 2014, in a way unknown to us, she changed her status to an investor instead of Domberi, ”a shareholder of the Solovyi housing cooperative tells Pravda UrFO Ilya Pustynnikov.

Most of the shareholders learned about the change of investor after the fact: in 2016, the housing cooperative received a letter from Domberi LLC unilaterally terminating the contract on the basis of the cooperative's allegedly existing and overdue debt of 40.965 million rubles to the company. An additional agreement on it was signed on September 8, 2015 by O. Plotnikov, who at that time was the chairman of the housing cooperative. The estimate of the work performed on them by the housing cooperative has not been provided so far.

The shareholders themselves were not aware of the deal. They do not see the opportunity to challenge it directly, since initially in investment agreement between ZhSK and "Domberi" there is a reservation on the resolution of controversial issues in the Arbitration Court. "The Arbitration Court is headed by Galina Shevchuk- her company provided legal support to Domberi. Galina herself is the daughter of Valery Arsenchuk, who is the actual owner of Tekhstroy, one of the shareholders shared with Pravda UrFO.

Actually, members of the cooperative consider Plotnikov's arrival as chairman of the housing cooperative illegal. When deciding on his election, only 5 out of 290 shareholders were present. general meeting ZhSK elected a new chairman to replace Plotnikov in September 2016.

“None of the shareholders saw Plotnikov. He did not provide any documents. In addition, he appeared in the Queens Bay case (the facility was also built by the Domberi company, affiliated with the bard Alexander Novikov and the former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region Mikhail Shilimanov. - Ed.), gave testimony, from which it follows that he was a "nominal" in one of the companies in this case. But there is no direct evidence that he is "nominal" in our housing cooperative. As soon as we filed a lawsuit to declare the meeting on the election of Plotnikov illegal, Dombery entered the case as a third party. Pressure began on the shareholders who acted as plaintiffs. The doors to their apartments will be covered with drying oil, then funeral wreaths will be put under them,” said one of the members of the housing cooperative (for fear of pressure, the interlocutor asks not to give his name).

In parallel with the lawsuit, Tekhstroy LLC, which, according to the shareholders, appears to be the main investor in the project, is taking actions to destroy the housing cooperative. They are offered to enter into a housing reservation agreement with the company in exchange for the keys to apartments in the already commissioned 16-storey building and exit from the cooperative. In parallel, it is proposed to pay extra for housing already paid for by shares. The amounts range from several hundred thousand to 1 million rubles.

“The subject of the agreement is the reservation of an apartment until March 2017 (by this time, according to the shareholders, Tekhstroy must complete the registration of the object in the cadastral chamber), but the shareholders do not have the right to own housing on it. People are afraid that their apartments will actually be sold. Tekhstroy is trying to resolve the issue in its favor through civil law relations. They are trying to persuade shareholders to leave the housing cooperative, because the cooperative is an organized group that is difficult to put pressure on. These people will start to strike, attract the attention of the authorities, ”the lawyer told Pravda UrFO Irina Kuzmina representing the interests of citizens.

Tekhstroy, in the course of negotiations with shareholders, with the help of various arguments, managed to convince about a hundred of them to leave the cooperative and conclude apartment reservation agreements. However, according to Kuzmina, not all of them received the promised keys to housing.

“In the created situation, in no case should you leave the housing cooperative - upon exit, the shareholders should receive their share. They have no legal relationship with Techstroy. In this case, only the housing cooperative can sue the developer. It is possible to first conduct a case on one apartment, and then file a general lawsuit from all the others. Shareholders of ZhSK "Tekhstroy" should not pay any money before the presentation of legal requirements. To get information about the funds actually spent by the company on the object, you need to contact the Gosstroynadzor authorities. At his request, the developer is obliged to provide documents, ”the lawyer of the Yurliga company believes. Ivan Volkov.

Shareholders are afraid of double sales of apartments they have already paid for. Moreover, on real estate websites, there have already been advertisements for the offer of apartments in the residential complex "Nightingales". So, in the announcement of December 2016, it is indicated that there are 345 apartments in the house, of which 80 are for sale (despite the fact that there are 290 shareholders). The developer designated "Techstroy".

“The fact is that Domberi could pay Tekhstroy for work in square meters. She had about 7 thousand meters, including non-residential areas. There are also apartments that could not be sold because of the large areas (in the announcement, the total area of ​​​​the apartments put up for sale is about 6 thousand square meters. - Approx. Ed.) ”- explains Ilya Pustynnikov.

Lawyers, however, advise to take a closer look at the information that has appeared, and on the fact of the agreements concluded between the shareholders and Tekhstroy, contact the prosecutor's office in order to issue a warning to the company against the sale of apartments already paid by the shareholders.

Tekhstroy does not express intentions to provide shareholders with non-residential premises. So, the entrepreneur Ilya Pustynnikov, under an agreement with the contractor hired by the company Regionstroy-Ural LLC (affiliated with Tekhstroy LLC), undertook to pay 3.5 million rubles for the completion of the entrance groups and flights of stairs to the Nightingale residential complex, where he had previously invested 15, 5 million rubles.

Regionstroy-Ural is a contractor controlled by Sergei Shevchuk, the son-in-law of Arsenchuk - the actual owner of Tekhstroy. Although formally a large share there belongs to Yanina Mikova He is in charge of all processes. Then there was moral pressure, they said that "Domberi" would go bankrupt, that they would leave the object without flights of stairs, although they would still have to be built. I signed the contract, paid 2 million rubles on it. Another 1.5 million was due after the completion of work at the end of 2015, but the deadline was missed by a year. I did not pay and now I am solving this issue in court. The difficulty is that both companies are registered in Krasnodar Territory. Before the New Year, Arsenchuk called me and demanded 1.5 million. After that, in the presence of my wife and a lawyer, he told me that I would not receive any premises, ”said Ilya Pustynnikov.

Together with the rest of the shareholders, he tried to draw the attention of the authorities to the problems of the residential complex "Nightingales". On March 4, the initiative group met with the head of Yekaterinburg Evgeny Roizman, who advised shareholders to contact the governor.

“The same day we went to the governor's residence. Evgeny Kuyvashev was met near her. He walked along the road to the residence. We talked about our problem. At the residence, he called Volkov (Mikhail Volkov, Minister of Construction of the Sverdlovsk Region - Ed.), called Arsenchuk. He tried to say that shareholders should not be taken seriously. But the governor told him to give the shareholders the keys to the apartments, and to resolve other issues in court. On Monday (March 6) we came to see Volkov, Arsenchuk was also there. He began to say that there was no agreement for 40 million. Galina Shevchuk, a lawyer and daughter of Arsenchuk, was quietly explaining something to the lawyers of the Ministry of Construction. When Arsenchuk left, the minister began to advise agreeing to the terms of Tekhstroy. The impression that Volkov supports them suggests that we allegedly may have fake certificates about the full payment of the share, although the payments are confirmed by bank statements. As for providing the keys to the apartments to shareholders, the minister said that we would receive them only after the court decision on recognition of ownership, although the governor said the opposite,” Ilya Pustynnikov recalls the details of the meetings.

Techstroy LLC told Pravda UrFO that Vitaly Arsenchuk personally gives all comments to the media, but today, March 16, he is not at his workplace. Employees of the company promised to provide a comment in response to the letter of the publication in the near future. At the time of publication, no response had been received.

Shareholders see signs of fraud committed by a group of persons (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in the actions of Tekhstroy, Domberi and the former management of the Nightingale housing cooperative, and are currently preparing a corresponding appeal to the court.

" " will continue to monitor developments.


Tekhstroy LLC was founded on February 9, 2011. The authorized capital is 26 thousand rubles. According to the Kontur.Fokus system, for 2016 60% belongs to Yanina Mikova She is currently the director of the company. According to information for 2011, 20% each control Sergey Shevchuk And Valery Arsenchuk. The latter for 2011 was also listed as a director of the company.

2015 "Tekhstroy" finished with a net profit of 5 thousand rubles, 2014 - 8.8 million rubles.

Regionstroy-Ural LLC was established on December 31, 2013 in Yekaterinburg. The authorized capital is 10 thousand rubles. At the time of creation, the founders in equal shares were Sergey Shevchuk and Valery Arsenchuk. Sergei Shevchuk was originally a director of the company. According to Kontur.Fokus, in March 2016 the company changed its place of registration to Krasnodar, in April 100% of the authorized capital was registered in the name of Yanina Mikova, she was also appointed director. The company's revenue for 2015 is 192.3 million rubles, net profit is 308 thousand rubles.

Domberi LLC was founded on April 27, 2005. The authorized capital is currently 20 thousand rubles. According to Kontur.Fokus, in 2011, 10 thousand rubles in the authorized capital accounted for Alexandra Novikova and 5 thousand for Anna Stukova. The leader at that time was Anna Stukova. April 19, 2011 Alexander Novikov was appointed CEO, January 16, 2013 - Elena Agafonova. Since 2012, 50% in the authorized capital belongs to Ilya Starokozhev, since 2013 another 50% - Valery Arsenchuk.

ZhSK "Nightingales" was founded on January 24, 2008. Founders: Natalya Gurkova, Lyudmila Letyaeva, Viktor Klinov. Initially, Viktor Klinov was elected Chairman of the Board, in 2011 - Oleg Plotnikov, in March 2016 - Maria Snegireva, in August 2016 - Vasily Pervushin.

The same persons - Gurkova, Letyaeva, Klinov - were the founders of the housing cooperative "Nikitskiye Vorota", by agreement with which the residential complex of the same name was erected by LLC "Domberi". From April 2011 to March 2016, Oleg Plotnikov was the chairman of the housing cooperative.
