"Dagger words" Konstantin Balmont

I'm tired of sweet dreams
From the delights of these whole
Harmonic feasts
And lullabies.
I want to break the blue
Calm dreams.
I want burning buildings
I want screaming storms!

The rapture of peace -
Sleepiness of the mind.
Let the sea of ​​heat flare up
Let the darkness tremble in the heart.
I want other rattles
For my other peers.
I want dagger words
And death exclamations!

Analysis of Balmont's poem "Dagger words (I'm tired of gentle dreams)"

Konstantin Balmont's attitude to the revolution was very contradictory. The poet anticipated it and at first was convinced that such a shock was needed. modern society, which is mired in lies, hypocrisy and feigned decency. In 1901, Balmont was even expelled from St. Petersburg due to the fact that he actively called on the masses to overthrow tsarism. The poet was not saved by his brilliant literary past, as well as a huge number of publications of spiritual content.

Nevertheless, after the events of 1905, Konstantin Balmont revised his attitude to the change of power, although he did not change his belief that society needed a good shake-up. However, he clearly realized that the bloody path leaves a very foul-smelling trail. It was for this reason that he twice decided to emigrate, and in 1920 he left Russia forever. The poet tried not to remember that once he himself was involved in popular unrest, and the St. Petersburg police had a very voluminous dossier on him. The poem “Dagger Words”, written in 1899, also belongs to this period of creativity, when Balmont was impressed by advanced revolutionary ideas. However, with some degree of success, it can be assumed that personal motives also prompted the poet to write this work. By that time, Balmont was married for the second time and began to realize that family life cracks again. The sharpness of feelings disappears over the years, and gentle words lose their original meaning, becoming familiar and ordinary. A kind of rebellion was brewing in Balmont's soul, he dreamed of changing not only his own fate, but the whole the world. And these two desires intertwined together, giving rise to the lines: "I want to break the azure of soothed dreams."

The poet admits that he is “tired of tender words”, behind which emptiness is hidden, he is disgusted by the delights and harmony of the universe, in which he sees falsehood. “I want burning buildings, I want screaming storms!” exclaims the poet.

He is convinced that a measured lifestyle leads to the lulling of the mind and soul, resulting in indifference to everything. This is how love dies, and all the brightest and purest motives die. That's why the author is ready at the cost of his own life to get rid of such a state, he longs for "dagger words and death exclamations" in which there will be much more sincerity than empty phrases.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont

I'm tired of sweet dreams
From the delights of these whole
Harmonic feasts
And lullabies.
I want to break the blue
Calm dreams.
I want burning buildings
I want screaming storms!

The rapture of peace -
Sleepiness of the mind.
Let the sea of ​​heat flare up
Let the darkness tremble in the heart.
I want other rattles
For my other peers.
I want dagger words
And death exclamations!

Konstantin Balmont's attitude to the revolution was very contradictory. The poet anticipated it and at first was convinced that it was precisely such a shock that modern society needed, which was mired in lies, hypocrisy and feigned decency. In 1901, Balmont was even expelled from St. Petersburg due to the fact that he actively called on the masses to overthrow tsarism. The poet was not saved by his brilliant literary past, as well as a huge number of publications of spiritual content.

Nevertheless, after the events of 1905, Konstantin Balmont revised his attitude towards the change of power, although he did not change his belief that society needed a good shake-up. However, he clearly realized that the bloody path leaves a very foul-smelling trail. It was for this reason that he twice decided to emigrate, and in 1920 he left Russia forever. The poet tried not to remember that once he himself was involved in popular unrest, and the St. Petersburg police had a very voluminous dossier on him. The poem “Dagger Words”, written in 1899, also belongs to this period of creativity, when Balmont was impressed by advanced revolutionary ideas. However, with equal success it can be assumed that personal motives also prompted the poet to write this work. By that time, Balmont was married for the second time and began to realize that family life was cracking again. The sharpness of feelings disappears over the years, and gentle words lose their original meaning, becoming familiar and ordinary. A kind of rebellion was brewing in Balmont's soul, he dreamed of changing not only his own fate, but the whole world around him. And these two desires intertwined together, giving rise to the lines: "I want to break the azure of soothed dreams."

The poet admits that he is “tired of tender words”, behind which emptiness is hidden, he is disgusted by the delights and harmony of the universe, in which he sees falsehood. “I want burning buildings, I want screaming storms!” exclaims the poet.

He is convinced that a measured way of life leads to the lulling of the mind and soul, resulting in indifference to everything. This is how love dies, and all the brightest and purest motives die. That's why the author is ready at the cost of his own life to get rid of such a state, he longs for "dagger words and death exclamations" in which there will be much more sincerity than empty phrases.

I'm tired of sweet dreams
From the delights of these whole
Harmonic feasts
And lullabies.
I want to break the blue
Calm dreams.
I want burning buildings
I want screaming storms!

The rapture of peace -
Sleepiness of the mind.
Let the sea of ​​heat flare up
Let the darkness tremble in the heart.
I want other rattles
For my other peers.
I want dagger words
And death exclamations!

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