Tatyana Ustinova

One day, one night

"You're evil? - Moomin asked softly. “You’re awfully bad, scary, bloodthirsty, merciless, aren’t you?” Oh, you are glorious, dear, my little, my, my!

Tove Janson. "The Tale of the Last Dragon in the World"

An outfit arrived, and boring people in boring gray clothes with boring leatherette folders under their arms began to examine the body. They sat down, walked around him, and now and then touched his outstretched, very white and inanimate hand. The hand was moving.

“Did the neighbors find out…?” one of them asked in a dull voice resembling gray leatherette, and the second nodded at a tall girl who was sitting on the landing between the first and second floors, squinting, smoking and shaking her ashes into a huge clean crystal ashtray. The ashtray was on the steps nearby. Both the girl and the ashtray were strange and out of place here. - All the other tenants huddle against the walls, whispering, but this one sits to herself! Smokes. Look you!..

“Only you ... be careful with her,” muttered the second, hiding from the girl with a folder.

- And what? In hysterics?

- She's not hysterical. She's... on TV.

- Yes, she is some kind of, damn it, a writer from these ... fashionable ones. My Lelka squeals from her! .. Only yesterday they showed it on TV, she taught everyone about life there ...

- Here, my...

- That's it...

The first sighed and began to rise. The girl looked at him attentively, smoking.

“Hi,” he said, before he reached it, and straightened his folder under his arm. - Captain Mishakov. Your corpse?

And he turned purple from such an oversight.

“Not really,” the girl said without batting an eyelid, and put out her cigarette. But I know whose. That is, I knew him until he had yet reached the state of a corpse.

Captain Mishakov, correcting an oversight, spoke deliberately loudly and clearly, and again stupidity came out:

“I mean, did you find him in the state of a corpse?”

“Lord, help me,” the majestic grandmother in a painted satin robe said in a distinct theatrical whisper, “what it has come to! .. I knew it!

Captain Mishakov looked - the neighbors were crowding, stretching their necks. It is necessary to disperse everyone to their apartments, send a lieutenant to interrogate, and start with the grandmother.

“This is Tolya Kulagin,” the girl continued, ignoring the audience, and nodded towards the corpse. - He visited me yesterday. Old friend.

Captain Mishakov shrugged his shoulders, ran down a few steps, called for Lieutenant Pavlusha, gave instructions in an undertone, returned to the platform and invited the girl to "go through."

- Where? - she did not understand, but obediently got up, immediately standing a head taller than the captain.

He didn't like tall women.

- Let's go to the apartment! Which is yours?

In the apartment - oh-hoo, they show more and more of them in the movies! It was dark, very quiet and smelled good.

- Want to? asked the girl who had ceased to like him. - Make coffee?

- Excuse me, what is your first name?

- Polivanova Maria Alekseevna.

- I'd like some documentation.

“Come in,” and Maria Alekseevna made an inviting gesture, “now everything will be ready: both coffee and documents ...

She pulled out a briefcase, rather shabby, from under an old, sprawling bronze-branched hanger, and went down the corridor. The captain started to follow her, but stopped and whistled, he could not help himself.

All the walls of the wide corridor, like a tram depot, were occupied by books. There were so many of them that you couldn't see the shelves behind them, and it seemed like the books were just growing out of the walls, starting on the floor and ending somewhere at an unimaginable height, under frosted lamps on long chains.

The books were heaped, pointed, shoved one on top of the other, leaned against, propped up, squeezed in; they lived some sort of life of their own, unknown to Captain Mishakov. For the first time he saw living books.

“I’ll show you later in the office,” the girl said easily, like a friend, and flung open the door to the kitchen. - There's even more! It is believed that great-grandfather began to collect them, but it seems to me that he already had a library when ...

- Hello.

In a sunny, bright to tears after the book darkness of the corridor window opening loomed silhouette. The man was sitting on a stone windowsill, barefoot, in jeans and a wrinkled T-shirt. Holes on jeans. Curls and curls on the head. Mug in hand.

Woo, thought Captain Mishakov. The thing is bad.

- Here's my document. And a passport in a worn cover poked into his hand. - Would you like milk and sugar? .. - asked the hostess.

“Show your passport, too,” the captain muttered towards the person sitting on the windowsill and hastily flipped through the pages that said that Maria Alekseevna Polivanova was born then, lives here according to her registration, is childless and unmarried.

“Then show me!” the long haired man said.

The captain stopped scrolling.

- What to show?

- Passport.

- Why do you need mine?

Mishakov got angry.

That's what he couldn't stand, and such fanaberies! .. Now we'll start talking about a lawyer! They've seen enough of the series, the damned bourgeois, they would only have to drink coffee and sit on the windowsills in torn jeans, and he, Mishakov, has a corpse in his arms, by the way! And the aforementioned corpse, by the way, by the owner’s own admission, was in this apartment yesterday! ..

“Manya, give him my passport,” ordered the subject on the windowsill, dabbing at the ID with a glance.

“Where is he?” Manya asked.

Curly shrugged.

- I have no idea.

- Would you like some sugar and milk, Comrade Captain?

- Kulagin Anatoly Petrovich who are you related to?

Curly again shrugged and took a sip from his mug. And there are abrasions on the knuckles, the captain noted, wow! .. And completely fresh! Looks like he hit someone in the mouth no later than yesterday, but he looks like a squishy squishy! ..

- Kulagin Anatoly Petrovich is my old friend! a girl screamed from somewhere in the distance. We fought him yesterday!

Mishakov, who did not expect such an early recognition, was taken aback.

- How... did you get into a fight?

“Manya is exaggerating,” the seated man said hostilely. She always exaggerates everything. By profession.

“Here you are,” the girl said so close that the captain even shuddered and looked around.

Why does she keep appearing and disappearing? She would shed inconsolable tears over an old friend, but she flutters, although she looks like ... a horse, but a horse is not supposed to flutter!

“Here is your passport, and this is your coffee.” I added more sugar.

For some reason, the captain meekly took both the cup and the passport.

Shan-Girey Alexander Pavlovich. What a surname, chuchmek, it must be some kind! .. Born, married, divorced. Registered in hell on the horns, liable for military service, no children.

In the photograph, the curly and full of holes looked like the most ordinary, unremarkable person, and the captain sighed and put the coffee on the table.

We'll probably pick up the documents for now. For edginess. It is known that when an official takes the passport and does not seem to be going to return it, it always makes ... the corresponding impression. It exerts, so to speak, psychological pressure. And at the moment it is very important for Captain Mishakov to put psychological pressure on the strange couple! ..

And he carefully and unhurriedly placed the passports in a leatherette folder and even fastened the “zipper”, zipped it in especially loudly.

Neither Maria Alekseevna nor Alexander Pavlovich paid any attention to such a "whipping" of his. Psychological pressure could not be exerted.

Yes, they are absolutely! ..

- So, Kulagin Anatoly Petrovich was visiting here last night, did I understand correctly? ..

“Absolutely,” the girl said. - Twice.

“What do you mean…twice?”

- The first time Alex put him out, so he returned! I had to post it again. Again.

Tatyana Ustinova

One day, one night

"You're evil? - Moomin asked softly. “You’re awfully bad, scary, bloodthirsty, merciless, aren’t you?” Oh, you are glorious, dear, my little, my, my!

Tove Janson. "The Tale of the Last Dragon in the World"

An outfit arrived, and boring people in boring gray clothes with boring leatherette folders under their arms began to examine the body. They sat down, walked around him, and now and then touched his outstretched, very white and inanimate hand. The hand was moving.

“Did the neighbors find out…?” one of them asked in a dull voice resembling gray leatherette, and the second nodded at a tall girl who was sitting on the landing between the first and second floors, squinting, smoking and shaking her ashes into a huge clean crystal ashtray. The ashtray was on the steps nearby. Both the girl and the ashtray were strange and out of place here. - All the other tenants huddle against the walls, whispering, but this one sits to herself! Smokes. Look you!..

“Only you ... be careful with her,” muttered the second, hiding from the girl with a folder.

- And what? In hysterics?

- She's not hysterical. She's... on TV.

- Yes, she is some kind of, damn it, a writer from these ... fashionable ones. My Lelka squeals from her! .. Only yesterday they showed it on TV, she taught everyone about life there ...

- Here, my...

- That's it...

The first sighed and began to rise. The girl looked at him attentively, smoking.

“Hi,” he said, before he reached it, and straightened his folder under his arm. - Captain Mishakov. Your corpse?

And he turned purple from such an oversight.

“Not really,” the girl said without batting an eyelid, and put out her cigarette. But I know whose. That is, I knew him until he had yet reached the state of a corpse.

Captain Mishakov, correcting an oversight, spoke deliberately loudly and clearly, and again stupidity came out:

“I mean, did you find him in the state of a corpse?”

“Lord, help me,” the majestic grandmother in a painted satin robe said in a distinct theatrical whisper, “what it has come to! .. I knew it!

Captain Mishakov looked - the neighbors were crowding, stretching their necks. It is necessary to disperse everyone to their apartments, send a lieutenant to interrogate, and start with the grandmother.

“This is Tolya Kulagin,” the girl continued, ignoring the audience, and nodded towards the corpse. - He visited me yesterday. Old friend.

Captain Mishakov shrugged his shoulders, ran down a few steps, called for Lieutenant Pavlusha, gave instructions in an undertone, returned to the platform and invited the girl to "go through."

- Where? - she did not understand, but obediently got up, immediately standing a head taller than the captain.

He didn't like tall women.

- Let's go to the apartment! Which is yours?

In the apartment - oh-hoo, they show more and more of them in the movies! It was dark, very quiet and smelled good.

- Want to? asked the girl who had ceased to like him. - Make coffee?

- Excuse me, what is your first name?

- Polivanova Maria Alekseevna.

- I'd like some documentation.

“Come in,” and Maria Alekseevna made an inviting gesture, “now everything will be ready: both coffee and documents ...

She pulled out a briefcase, rather shabby, from under an old, sprawling bronze-branched hanger, and went down the corridor. The captain started to follow her, but stopped and whistled, he could not help himself.

All the walls of the wide corridor, like a tram depot, were occupied by books. There were so many of them that you couldn't see the shelves behind them, and it seemed like the books were just growing out of the walls, starting on the floor and ending somewhere at an unimaginable height, under frosted lamps on long chains.

The books were heaped, pointed, shoved one on top of the other, leaned against, propped up, squeezed in; they lived some sort of life of their own, unknown to Captain Mishakov. For the first time he saw living books.

“I’ll show you later in the office,” the girl said easily, like a friend, and flung open the door to the kitchen. - There's even more! It is believed that great-grandfather began to collect them, but it seems to me that he already had a library when ...

- Hello.

In the sunny window, bright to tears after the book darkness of the corridor, a silhouette loomed. The man was sitting on a stone windowsill, barefoot, in jeans and a wrinkled T-shirt. Holes on jeans. Curls and curls on the head. Mug in hand.

Woo, thought Captain Mishakov. The thing is bad.

- Here's my document. And a passport in a worn cover poked into his hand. - Would you like milk and sugar? .. - asked the hostess.

“Show your passport, too,” the captain muttered towards the person sitting on the windowsill and hastily flipped through the pages that said that Maria Alekseevna Polivanova was born then, lives here according to her registration, is childless and unmarried.

Is one day and one night a lot or a little? What can be destroyed and what can be created?

In the entrance of the house where the author of detective novels Manya Polivanova lives, her old friend is killed, the day before he came in for a "glass of tea" and talk about the eternal. Money and valuables remained with him, and he himself was neither a criminal authority, nor a great politician, nor a rich man! So why was he killed?

Alex Shan-Giray, Polivanova's lover and part-time genius of world literature, may not look like a "real hero." He is scattered and loves to delve into himself. Nevertheless, he knows for sure: it is up to him to deal with the next incident in which his girlfriend has fallen.

One day and one night is a lot! They will change the whole further life of the heroes, and they have only one chance to save themselves and their world - to establish the truth...

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One day, one night Tatyana Ustinova

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Title: One day, one night

About the book "One Day, One Night" by Tatyana Ustinova

The detective story of the talented writer Tatyana Ustinova "One Day, One Night" is the third story about the charming Manya Polivanova, who gets into trouble so often. Fans of Tatyana Ustinova's work have already come across the author of detective stories, who independently conducts an investigation, in the works “From Heaven to Earth” and “Uncut Pages”.

The victim of the crime this time is not a rich man or an adventurer leading a dangerous life. An ordinary young man dies at the hands of an unknown killer, who is in no way connected with the world of crime, political adventures, or the cynicism of show business. Whom and what could he interfere with? Fortunately, if this question interested the author of detectives Manya Polivanova, then the criminal will be found. This case seriously hurt the main character, because the victim was her acquaintance, who came to visit more than once to chat about life over a cup of aromatic tea. But time does not wait - to solve this mysterious murder, Mani has only day and night. Will she have enough time? It turns out that in such a short time the whole life can be turned upside down. To save her world, the heroine of the work "One Day, One Night" will have to solve this intricate criminal puzzle and establish the truth, no matter how unpleasant it turns out to be.

Of course, Polivanova will not be alone in her investigation. Her lover Alex Shan Giray, at first glance, is not a heroic person. He is absent-minded, suspicious and prone to lengthy and not always necessary introspection. But Alex knows for sure: it is he who will have to rescue his girlfriend from another alteration in which she managed to get.

Tatyana Ustinova is a popular Russian prose writer who specializes in detective fiction. Most readers who accidentally got acquainted with her work become his devoted fans. The book "One Day, One Night" is a great option to plunge into the world of intrigue and crime, invented by the writer. The tension is maintained until the last page of the work. Love story lovers will also enjoy, because this fascinating detective novel did not do without a romantic line. Lovers of philosophizing will also appreciate the book. Perhaps evil lurks in people with whom we have known for a long time? Or even in ourselves?

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"One Day, One Night" by Tatyana Ustinova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "One Day, One Night" by Tatyana Ustinova

I will explain to you how I understand life. A man exists to create, protect, protect, explain, and not to spoil and spoil! He should not leave behind one manure, he is not a dung beetle!

A man exists to create, protect, protect, explain, and not to spoil and spoil!

– And where did you get such roses, Michurinite? Dan bent down and dragged the bucket to the center of the room. - Robbed the Botanical Garden?

…What can you do?.. An old friend. Better than the new two. Where can I get two new ones and exchange them for this old one? ..

Any relationship must "evolve". If they do not "develop", then sooner or later they die.

- Go to FIG.
- No, really, well, where? What if tomorrow I need to strike the lady’s imagination, and I don’t know where they get such roses at night!
“In the stall,” Beregovoy muttered. He was shy of roses. “They were just brought in and unloaded. And I bought.
- Whole truck? They say they are transported by trucks!
- They arrived on the Moskvich.
