Municipal educational institution
Keyses High School
Sedelnikovsky municipal district of the Omsk region.

"Do we know how to eat right?"

Classroom teacher:
Penkina Tatiana Ivanovna
S. Keyzes 2015


Topic: "Do we know how to eat right"

1. Convince students of the exclusive role of nutrition in shaping the physical and mental health of a person.
2. To reveal the meaning of proper nutrition: regime, quality and quantity of food.
3. To acquaint children with the rules of food intake.
4. To form the ecological thinking necessary in the modern ecological and economic situation.
5. Foster a responsible attitude of students towards their health.

1. Getting students of knowledge about proper, rational nutrition, about the environmental safety of food.
2. Involvement of students in activities to form and maintain their own health.

"Vegetables, berries and fruits are the most vitamin foods."

Progress: 1. Organizational moment
At the beginning of the lesson, we will warm up "Molecule".
Children move chaotically, then, on command, they must connect in pairs, or threes, or fours. This several times. After a while, they are connected on command in pairs and these pairs sit down at the desks.
Today the guys speak alone, everyone listens without interrupting.
You can not answer the question if you really do not want or cannot.
The main rule is the law of the right hand.

Prologue. Training: "How do you feel?"
To relieve some of the tension and excitement that we have with you, we will perform a simple exercise. Use the weather description to try to express your mood and well-being now. (All speak in turn).
2. Brainstorming "What is nutrition?"
(Give all participants a short definition of nutrition).

Today we will take a trip to the country of "Longevity", where we will find out if we can eat properly, rationally, and ecological safety of food. To do this, we will visit the stations:
1. Vitamin
2. Environmental
3. Doctor Aibolit
4. Entertaining
And at the end of our trip we will conduct a training: "How do you feel?" , let's conduct a test, let's summarize.

While preparing for today's event, I stumbled upon an article in a newspaper called "Councils for a Long-Liver".
And who is a long-liver?
Indeed, people who are over 80 years old are called centenarians. Do you want to live long and stay healthy? Then let's reveal one of the secrets of longevity. What is one of the secrets of longevity, you will learn by listening to the following poem;
And we will open it all together: connect your elbows and fists in front of your chest, feel the tension and with effort spread your arms at your sides.
Daily without fail
With appetite you need to eat:
Fish, cheese and yogurt,
Fruits, vegetables and porridge.
Butter too
And sour cream and cottage cheese,
And milk sausages
For the thin, cream is useful.
Daily without fail
You need to eat everything that is useful!
So what is the main secret of longevity? Choose the correct answer:
a) in a hearty diet;
b) in a healthy diet;
c) in abundant nutrition.
List from memory what foods the child must eat.
A schoolchild, on average, loses 2 liters of water per day, so during the day it is important to replenish this loss by drinking from -4 to 8 glasses of liquid.

The value of nutrition in human life reflects the expression of G. Heine "A man is what he eats", thereby emphasizing the exclusive role of nutrition in the formation of both the body and behavior of a child. The nature of the diet affects the growth, physical and neuropsychic development of the child. Proper nutrition is an absolutely necessary factor to ensure normal blood formation, vision, sexual development, and to maintain the normal condition of the skin. It should be noted that healthy nutrition also determines the severity of the body's protective function, increasing the resistance of children to infections, aggressive environmental influences, heavy metals, radioactive exposure and other adverse effects.
(see disc 8 Kl. Table 4 "The value of nutrients")
Table 5 "The meaning of the rules of compliance with the diet"

Interactive Drawings: Food Pyramid # 53

And so we go to the Vitaminnaya station
Berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but only come with food. This is why berries, vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet regularly. The main groups of vitamins are water-soluble and fat-soluble. (see disk Interactive scheme 4 Vitamins
Table 14 Vitamin content in food).

Brief characteristics of vitamins.
... Vitamin A is a growth vitamin. He also preserves our eyesight. You can find it in milk, carrots, green onions.
Vitamin C is hidden in garlic and cabbage. in all vegetables, fruits, berries.
Whether in the garden or in the garden
You will always find me.
And who will go to the forest in the summer,
The one in the basket will bring us! (Sorrel.)
Vitamin D preserves our teeth. Without it, a person's teeth become soft and fragile. It can be found in; fish, cottage cheese. When we sunbathe, we also get vitamin D.
Let the guys see video fragments of the primary processing of vegetables and how to properly preserve vitamins when cooking (17, 28).
Station "Ecological":
... Soup "in a glass" is cool
I'll cook it in a minute!
Kirieshki and hot dogs
Let's gobble up both cheeks!
Chips are simply delicious!
All we crunch in ecstasy!
We do not need to cook compote
-Don't even try!
Here is the powder - add water
And enjoy the juice!
I love Chupa Chups,
I enjoy them.
I often drink Coca-Cola
With your friends.
And gum and candy
Delicious croutons,
Chips, Chupsiks, Hot Dogs
We all love it!
Recently, a large assortment of products has appeared on the Russian market, which have become an integral part of our nutrition. These are hamburgers and instant soups, porridge minutes, cheeseburgers and hot dogs, carbonated sugary drinks, potato chips, chewing gum ... Parents are present at our press conference. My question is addressed to moms. Tell me, do you use instant food?
I'll tell you about chewing gum. Many people love her, especially children. This is what the gum business is built on. But what do these synthetic rubber cushions, stuffed with all sorts of additives, bring us? Gum contains sweeteners, colors and flavors. With regard to sweeteners, sugar and sweeteners are often in this role. It has long been proven that the longer the contact of sugar with the teeth, the higher the risk of caries. And here gum and gummies simply have no competitors. The flavors and colorants used in the production of gum are also not health benefits, especially if they are synthetic and not natural.
It must also be remembered that excessive use of chewing gum reduces appetite, provokes allergic reactions, inflammation of the skin around the mouth (perioral dermatitis), and also irritates the mucous membrane of the child's gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract (i.e. violation of the mobility of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract), gastritis, colitis and other diseases.

Wellness minute "Tops and roots"
Teacher. I will call vegetables. If we eat the underground parts of these products, we must sit down, if the ground ones - stand up to our full height and stretch your arms up. (Potatoes, beans, carrots, beets, cucumbers, turnips, pumpkin.)

Station: Doctor Aibolit.

Doctor Aibolit gives advice. Let's see the video fragment "Food spoilage due to improper storage of food No. 18".
For colds, you should drink tea with raspberries.
Beet juice is useful for a cold.
When coughing, drink a radish infusion with honey.
The cabbage leaf helps to get rid of the headache.
Onions and garlic help keep you from getting the flu.
(See additional literature).
Station: "Entertaining".

Guessing riddles
Small, bitter,
Luke's brother. (Garlic.)
The cheeks are pink
The nose is white.
I sit in the dark all day.
And the shirt is green
She's all in the sun. (Radish.)
The top is green
Below is red,
It has grown into the ground. (Beet.)
As in our garden
Riddles have grown -
Juicy and large
These are the round ones.
In summer they turn green
By the fall they turn red. (Tomatoes.)

Test execution.
Well done! We all passed the station. Was it easy to walk? What was in the way? What helped? How did you feel? What did you like?
Now, use the weather to try to express your well-being and mood. You have done well. Let's make gifts to each other. The hour hand needs to say a few warm words to the neighbor on the left.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school number 2"

about. Electrostal, Moscow Region

Health lesson

"Do we know how to eat right?"

Prepared by a primary school teacher

Kuznetsova Svetlana Viktorovna


Do we know how to eat right?

Goal: the formation of a value attitude to health and a healthy lifestyle through the organization of proper nutrition.

The course of the lesson.

Role-playing game "We are going to the store"

- Guys, our class received a letter from Carlson.

"Hello, friends. I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health deteriorated: my head hurts, there are stars in my eyes, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made myself a lunch menu: lemonade cake, chips, jam, and Pepsi-Cola. This is my favorite food. I guess I'll be well soon. Your Carlson. "

Guys, did Carlson compose the menu correctly? Now we will go to the store and select products for him.

The first and third rows are buyers, and the second row is controllers. Customers put pictures of various products in their baskets.

You have selected the healthiest foods. We will put them on a green plate. We will put the rest of the food on the yellow and red plates. Do you know why?

Green light - food without restrictions is coarse bread, whole grains and at least 400 g of vegetables and fruits per day.

Yellow light - meat, fish, dairy products - only fat-free and in smaller quantities than "green" products.

Red light are products to watch out for: sugar, butter, confectionery. The less often you eat these foods, the better.

It is interesting.

"Vegetables, berries and fruits are the most vitamin foods."

Probably it's not a secret for anyone that vitamins are substances necessary for our health. They enter the bloodstream with food and strengthen our muscles and bones.

The word "vitamin" was invented by the American scientist Casimir Funk. He discovered a substance ("amine") contained in the shell of a grain of rice, vital for people. Combining the Latin word vita ("life") with "amine", the word "vitamin" was obtained.

Where are the vitamins hidden? Now my assistants will tell about it.

Student 1.

Vitamin A can be found in carrots, bell peppers, green onions, sorrel, spinach, greens, chokeberries, rose hips, and sea buckthorn. It is essential for normal growth, the nervous system, good eyesight and healthy skin.

Student 2.

Vitamin B found in milk, cottage cheese, cheese, liver, eggs, wholemeal bread, cabbage, apples, legumes, tomatoes, cereals, It is responsible for a strong nervous system, helps to transmit impulses to muscles, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates in digestion and in the work of the cardiovascular systems.

Student 3.

Vitamin C is found in lettuce, parsley and dill, tomatoes, black and red currants, red bell peppers, citrus fruits, potatoes. It is needed for the growth of teeth, for the formation of blood cells, for the production of immune antibodies and the strength of the walls of blood vessels, for the prevention and fight against colds.

Student 4.

Vitamin E contained in the liver, germinated grains of wheat, vegetable oil, egg yolk, oat and buckwheat. Protects a person from stress.

Student 5.

Vitamin D can be found in caviar, milk, and also in the sun. He is responsible for the correct growth of bones.

Guys, remember what products are intended for what!

Improves brain function - fish, meat, cottage cheese, cereals, chocolate.

Aids digestion - vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

Strengthens bones -dairy products, fish.

Are sources of vitamins - vegetables fruits.

Physical education "Tops and roots"

I will call vegetables. If we eat the underground parts of these products, we must sit down. If ground - stand up to full height and stretch your arms up. (potatoes, beans, carrots, tomatoes, beets, cucumber, turnips, peppers, radishes, zucchini)

4. It's interesting.

From the above, it follows that each type of food is useful in its own way. It is very important that we consume all the necessary foods in the correct proportions. To see this clearly, we all need to study together the food pyramid recommended for organizing proper nutrition, which shows which foods can be eaten without restriction, and which in limited quantities.

5. Riddles "Where vitamins live"

Guys, let's remember a food product and name which vitamin lives in it:

Sitting grandfather dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Whoever undresses him sheds tears (bow)

Not a root, but in the ground,

Not bread, but on the table

And seasoning for food,

And on the disease the government, (garlic)

I grow in the ground in the garden - red, long, sweet. (carrot)

In the spring it hung

The whole summer is sour.

And it became sweet-

Fell to the ground, (apple)

In a swamp, in a meadow,

Vitamin closed in the snow, (cranberry)

Ugly, knobby,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

"Well crumbly, tasty!" (potato)

Everyone recognizes the fellow

What grows in the garden:

It's bigger than a cucumber

It is thick and sleek.

Also holds on to the whip ...

Come see (zucchini)

Played hide and seek

The guys from the garden.

And straight from the garden

Hit the tubs (cucumbers)

6. "How to eat right"

Guys, let's make a memo for ourselves on how to eat right. We will introduce this memo to Carlson,

You need to eat about 4 times a day.

The food should be varied.

There are vegetables and fruits.

Do not eat before bed.

There are fewer sweets.

Do not snack on chips, crackers.

Lesson summary.

A knock on the door. Another letter is given to the teacher.

Guys, this is a letter from Doctor Aibolit.

" Dear Guys! I wish you to be always healthy and, as a doctor, I want to give you some simple tips:

For colds, you should drink tea with raspberries.

Beet juice is useful for a cold.

When coughing, drink a radish infusion with honey.

The cabbage leaf helps to get rid of the headache.

Onions and garlic help prevent flu. "

Of course, a healthy lifestyle is not only about proper nutrition. This is only one of the terms, a small part of what will help prevent diseases, will preserve and strengthen your health.

Do we know how to eat right.

Targets and goals: Enhancing the cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren inthe formation of knowledge about healthy lifestyles, the concepts of "healthy" and "unhealthy" food, clarification of knowledge about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, and the benefits of vitamins.

Class organization

Teacher: Hello guys! Did you know that when a person says the word "hello" , he wishes the person health. To be healthy you need to eat right.


Clear sky, but not water,

Sticky, but not resin,

White, but not snow,

Sweet, but not honey,

They take from the horned,

Small children are given. (Milk)

Like your ball

Only tasty and edible.

Though green sides

Red pulp is sweet. (Watermelon)

On a bush in the garden

I will always find her

Add "M" to Alinka,

That berry ... (Malinka)

Sometimes I put it in tea.

Tea becomes like this

Delicious, aromatic,

Rich in vitamin C. (Lemon)

Little bitter brother to Luka. (Garlic)

Above it is green, Below it is red, It has grown into the ground. (Beet)

How riddles grew in our garden -

Juicy and large, These are round. In summer they turn green, By autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

Teacher: Who guessed what will be discussed in the lesson (children's answers)?

Right guys, we're going to talk about the benefits of products. We will find out - what is a healthy diet? Let's understand which foods are healthy and which are harmful? We will find out if we know how to eat right.

“A person needs to eat.

To get up and to sit down

To jump, somersault,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh,

To grow and develop

And do not get sick

You need to eat right

From a very young age to be able to. "

How many times a day should you eat?

What is a menu? (Menu is a list of dishes)

Why does a person eat?

Teacher. - You have correctly identified why a person eats. A person cannot live long without food. He needs food throughout his life. What do you like to eat and what do you eat is good for your body?

2. Food rules

What nutritional rules do you need to follow to be healthy?

Wash your hands before eating

Is there at the same time

Chew food thoroughly

Eat a variety of foods

Do not overeat

Do not eat later than 2 hours before bedtime

Don't snack on the go

Do not get carried away with sweet, sour, salty, spicy

Eat more fruits, vegetables

Do not chat while eating

3. Carlson's letter (Presentation)

Teacher: We received a letter from Carlson by e-mail. (slide)

"Hello, friends! I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health deteriorated: my head hurts, In the eyes of the star, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made myself a menu for lunch: lemonade cake, chips, jam and Pepsi - cola. This is my favorite food. I guess I'll be well soon. Waiting for an answer. Your Carlson. "

Teacher: Guys, did Carlson compose the menu correctly? Now we will choose products for him. (on the blackboard there are katrinka with healthy and unhealthy food, children choose healthy foods on the blackboard and the teacher puts them in a basket)

We have selected the healthiest products for Carlson. Now he is sure to get better.

4. Wellness minute. "fruits and vegetables".

Teacher: I will show pictures with vegetables and fruits. If I show a vegetable, then you sit down; if I show a fruit, then you get up and raise your hands high.

5. Solving the "Vegetables" crossword puzzle.

  1. The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is in the street. (Carrot)
  2. Ten boys live in green closets. (Beans)
  3. It is fresh, pleasant and juicy in appearance, it will treat you with tomato juice. (a tomato)
  4. It is long and green in the garden, and yellow and salty in the tub. (Cucumber)
  5. From it we will put a sweet clove in the soup with you. It will give the soup aroma, the soup will become a hundredfold tastier. (Garlic)
  6. It is boiled, fried, tinder, baked on a fire. (Potatoes)
  7. You decorate salads, vinaigrettes with scarlet color. There is nothing more tasty and rich borscht. (Beet)

6. Usefulness of vitamins.

Vitamins help our body to be healthy and beautiful.

Secrets from Doctor Aibolit.

7. Summary.

Teacher: Guys, what have we learned in today's lesson? (that you must definitely eat vegetables and fruits, because they have a lot of vitamins).

What advice can we give each other about proper nutrition.

I want to wish you that your most favorite dishes are good for your health.

Health lesson in 4th B grade

Topic: "Do we know how to eat right?"


To acquaint younger students with the commandments of healthy eating;

To teach to understand that healthy principles of nutrition strengthen the body;

To be able to select healthy products, make a varied menu for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner;

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

1. Organizational moment.

A person needs to eat

To get up and to sit down

To jump, somersault,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh.

To grow and develop

And do not get sick,

You need to eat right

Be able to do it from a very young age.

Teacher: These verses are not a joke, but the truth. You, too, from a young age learn from health lessons how to eat right. And for proper nutrition, you need ... (healthy foods). They contain nutrients: fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

2. Updating knowledge.

There is a magical land in the world

Where only children go.

There for ten days in a row

Birthday for the guys.

And they eat in the dining room

These days, not barley soup,

Not noodles, not vermicelli,

Not oatmeal, not jelly,

And strawberry ice cream.

There are no marks

Instead, the student

Issued by candy

And sometimes - a pie.

How many of you would like to go to such a magical land?

Why did you suddenly want to get to this land?

What else would you like to get instead of marks?

3. Statement of the topic.

Today we continue to talk about our health, what is good for it, what is harmful.

I received a letter from your beloved friend Carlson.

Let's read what he writes to us.

Hello, friends! I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health has deteriorated, my head hurts, there are stars in my eyes, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made myself a menu for lunch: lemonade cake, chips, Pepsi-Cola jam. This is my favorite food. I'll probably be well soon.

Your Carlson. "

Guys, did Carlson compile the recovery menu for himself correctly? (Children's answers).

-Now let's go with you to the store, where we will buy the necessary and useful products. And you need to prove your choice in the usefulness of products.

Role-playing game "Shop"

4. Work in groups.

(Children are divided into groups, they go to an impromptu store, collect food in baskets, give explanations for their choice.)

Group 1 chose dairy products.

Group 2 chose vegetables and fruits.

Group 3 chose sweets, drinks, cakes, etc.

(Children prove their choice. The correct solution is chosen).

5. Conversation on the topic.

Berries, fruits, vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins in the human body do not accumulate, but enter the human body with food. That is why berries, vegetables and fruits should be in the child's diet regularly. But guys, vitamins are different. There are fat-soluble vitamins, and there are water-soluble vitamins.

(Two plaques are hung on the board.)


Fat-soluble Water-soluble.

How do they differ?

When you were babies, your mothers gave you vitamin D to prevent rickets. But what else vitamins are useful, the guys will tell and show us.

1 student:

Vitamin A is a growth vitamin. It also helps our eyes maintain their vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, green onions.

Remember the simple truth -

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinking carrot juice.

2 student:

For the good work of our heart, we need vitamin B.

Very important early

Eat oatmeal for breakfast.

Black bread is good for you

And not only in the morning.

3 student:

Vitamin D - preserves our teeth. Without it, a person's teeth become soft and weak. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese. Even tanning in the sun, our body gets vitamin D.

Fish oil is most useful

Though disgusting - you have to drink.

He saves from disease

It is better to live without diseases!

4 student:

Vitamin C - hides in garlic, cabbage, onions, it is abundant in all vegetables, fruits and berries. This vitamin makes a person healthier, protects against flu and colds.

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it's better to eat a lemon

Although it is very sour.

All in chorus:

Never lose heart

And a smile on my face

Because we accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

Where does the word "vitamin" come from?

It was invented by the American scientist biochemist Kazimir Funk. He discovered that the substance "amine" contained in the shell of a grain of rice is vital. Combining the Latin word "vita" - life with amine - the word "vitamin" is obtained. And children of 7-8 years old need to eat 500 - 600 grams of vegetables and fruits a day.

No single food provides all the nutrients you need to maintain good health. Some foods give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired. Remember what these products are.

(honey, buckwheat, rolled oats, butter - foods with a high fat content).

And other products have a high content of substances necessary for the construction of our body. They make it stronger - it's proteins. What are the foods that contain protein?

(Cottage cheese, meat, eggs, nuts.)

To compare and select the healthiest foods, let's do a little work.

7. Practical work

You have labels on your desks for different food items. Look carefully, find on the label an inscription about the content and amount of substances in the product.

(Children fill out the table, the teacher does this work on the blackboard)

foods fats proteins carbohydrates

Choose the healthiest foods. They must be used by humans constantly, for the development of a healthy body.

8. The bottom line.

Tell me, who now would like to be in the magical land of our poem?

You see, now there are fewer people willing, you have understood that you need to eat right. Of course, you should not completely give up sweets. However, you need to eat a variety of foods in order to be strong, healthy and grow quickly.

Therefore, do not forget the advice of Dr. Healthy Food.

Before you sit down at the table, think about what to eat. "

Let's summarize now.

You need protein to grow

For protection and warmth

Fat has been created by nature.

Like an alarm clock without a factory

It will not work this way or that way

So are we without carbohydrates

We don't do it in any way.

Vitamins are just a miracle!

How much joy they bring:

All diseases and colds

Turned away before them.

That's why it's always

For our health

Complete food -

The most important condition.

Objectives: - To acquaint junior schoolchildren with the commandments of healthy eating; - to teach to understand that healthy principles of nutrition strengthen the body; - be able to select healthy products, make a varied menu for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner; - to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.



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Class hour on the topic:

"Do we know how to eat right?"


To acquaint younger students with the commandments of healthy eating;

To teach to understand that healthy principles of nutrition strengthen the body;

To be able to select healthy products, make a varied menu for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner;

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

1. Organizational moment.

A person needs to eat

To get up and to sit down

To jump, somersault,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh.

To grow and develop

And do not get sick,

You need to eat right

Be able to do it from a very young age.

Teacher: These verses are not a joke, but the truth. You, too, from a young age learn from health lessons how to eat right. And for proper nutrition, you need ... (healthy foods). They contain nutrients: fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

2. Updating knowledge.

There is a magical land in the world

Where only children go.

There for ten days in a row

Birthday for the guys.

And they eat in the dining room

These days, not barley soup,

Not noodles, not vermicelli,

Not oatmeal, not jelly,

And strawberry ice cream.

There are no marks

Instead, the student

Issued by candy

And sometimes - a pie.

How many of you would like to go to such a magical land?

Why did you suddenly want to get to this land?

What else would you like to get instead of marks?

3. Statement of the topic.

Today we continue to talk about our health, what is good for it, what is harmful.

I received a letter from your beloved friend Carlson.

Let's read what he writes to us.

" Hello, friends! I am writing my letter from the hospital. My health has deteriorated, my head hurts, there are stars in my eyes, my whole body is lethargic. The doctor says I need to eat right. I made myself a menu for lunch: lemonade cake, chips, Pepsi-Cola jam. This is my favorite food. I will probably be well soon.

Your Carlson. "

Guys, did Carlson compile the recovery menu for himself correctly? (Children's answers).

“Now let's go with you to the store, where we will buy the necessary and useful products. And you need to prove your choice in the usefulness of products.

Role-playing game "Shop"

4. Work in groups.

Children are divided into groups, sent to an impromptu store. They collect food in baskets. Give explanations for their choice.

1. The group chose dairy products.

2. The group chose vegetables and fruits.

3. The group chose sweets, drinks, cakes, etc.

Children prove their choice. The right solution is chosen.

5. Conversation on the topic.

Berries, fruits, vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins in the human body do not accumulate, but enter the human body with food. That is why berries, vegetables and fruits should be in the child's diet regularly. But guys, vitamins are different. There are fat-soluble vitamins, and there are water-soluble vitamins.

Two plaques are hung on the board.


Fat-soluble Water-soluble.

How do they differ?

When you were babies, your mothers gave you vitamin D to prevent rickets. But what else vitamins are useful, the guys will tell and show us.

1 student:

Vitamin A is a growth vitamin. It also helps our eyes maintain their vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, green onions.

Remember the simple truth -

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinking carrot juice.

2 student:

For the good work of our heart, we need vitamin B.

Very important early

Eat oatmeal for breakfast.

Black bread is good for you

And not only in the morning.

3 student:

Vitamin D - preserves our teeth. Without it, a person's teeth become soft and weak. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese. Even tanning in the sun, our body receives vitamin D.

Fish oil is most useful

Though disgusting - you have to drink.

He saves from disease

It is better to live without diseases!

4 student:

Vitamin C - hides in garlic, cabbage, onions, it is abundant in all vegetables, fruits and berries. This vitamin makes a person healthier, protects against flu and colds.

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it's better to eat a lemon

Although it is very sour.

All in chorus:

Never lose heart

And a smile on my face

Because we accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

Where does the word "vitamin" come from?

It was invented by the American biochemist Kazimir Funk. He discovered that the substance "amine" contained in the shell of a grain of rice is vital. Combining the Latin word "vita" - life with amine - the word "vitamin" is obtained. And children of 7-8 years old need to eat 500 - 600 grams of vegetables and fruits a day.

No single food provides all the nutrients you need to maintain good health. Some foods give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired. Remember what these products are.

(honey, buckwheat, rolled oats, butter - foods with a high fat content).

And other products have a high content of substances necessary for the construction of our body. They make it stronger - it's proteins. What are the foods that contain protein?

(Cottage cheese, meat, eggs, nuts.)

To compare and select the healthiest foods, let's do a little work.

7. Practical work

You have labels on your desks for different food items. Look carefully, find on the label an inscription about the content and amount of substances

In the product.

Children fill out the table, the teacher does this work on the blackboard.

foods fats proteins carbohydrates

Choose the healthiest foods. They must be used by humans constantly, for the development of a healthy body.

8. The bottom line.

Tell me, who now would like to be in the magical land of our poem?

You see, now there are fewer people willing, you have understood that you need to eat right. Of course, you should not completely give up sweets. However, you need to eat a variety of foods in order to be strong, healthy and grow quickly.

Therefore, do not forget the advice of Dr. Healthy Food.

"Before you sit down at the table, think about what to eat."

Let's summarize now.

You need protein to grow

For protection and warmth

Fat has been created by nature.

Like an alarm clock without a factory

It will not work this way or that way

So are we without carbohydrates

We don't do it in any way.

Vitamins are just a miracle!

How much joy they bring:

All diseases and colds

Turned away before them.

That's why it's always

For our health

Complete food -

The most important condition.
