Prayers to the saints for the child will help to quickly cope with the disease, send relief from symptoms, and save from complications. If the medical prescription is ineffective, or the child is severely weakened, the Most Holy Virgin with the saints will help to recover.

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It is important to pray already at the stage of diagnosis, so that God will bring doctors to their senses, because a correct diagnosis is already half of the treatment. In complex diseases, such as cancer, it is especially ardent to cry out to God and hope for mercy and healing.

    A mother's prayer for a child

    Prayer for the health of the child is a manifestation of the highest maternal concern. And it's also a very effective way to help him get better sooner. Praying for the health of a son or daughter every day, invoking the grace of God on their lives, you will surely notice favorable changes. The most powerful is the mother's prayer for the children, because no one prays so fervently and sincerely for the child as she does.

      The best prayer for recovery will help you quickly get the sick person to their feet. It becomes effective in the case of conscious conversion and application of spiritual efforts. Often mothers make a vow to God, promise something important, and such a prayer becomes miraculous.

      The most complete prayer for recovery includes:

      • reading prayers;
      • lighting candles;
      • bows and signs of the cross;
      • sprinkling with holy water;
      • eating prosphora.

      This option is suitable in case of an acute illness such as a cold, infection, bruise, fright. If the illness is serious and prolonged, you need to order a prayer service for health in the church, submit notes for the liturgy to monasteries, and visit the relics of the monks.

      The Orthodox Church offers many ways to receive the desired healing. Most often, when a baby is sick, they turn to the following intercessors for help:

      • Mother Matrona;
      • Xenia of Petersburg;
      • The Most Holy Theotokos;
      • saint Nicholas;
      • Luka Voino-Yasenetsky;
      • saint Panteleimon.

      You need to pray not only for children who are born, but also for those in the womb. With a difficult pregnancy and a threat to the fetus, an appeal to God that wears in the womb will help calm the nerves, safely deliver and give birth to a healthy baby. After birth, reading prayers for a newborn baby will help with severe crying, fright, colic in the baby.

      What prayers to read in case of illness?

      With any illness of a child, you can ask God for health in your own words, but, as a rule, people have difficulty with the correct formulation of petitions, and a prayer feeling requires an exit. In Orthodoxy, there is a ready-made order of prayers that helps.

      "Our Father".

      Psalm 90.

      Prayer to the Life-giving Cross.

      Prayer to the Lord God for children.

      At the end, you can add prayers to selected saints and pray in your own words.

      Chosen saints

      The saints - our friends and intercessors, standing at the throne of God, ask for us. You can turn to any saint for help, but the people are convinced that some saints help mothers sooner and better than others.

      Praying to the Mother of God

      The Virgin Mary is considered the special patroness of motherhood and childhood. She, like a caring mother, takes care of all the children of God. Icon Holy Mother of God should be hung in the nursery or by the crib.

      The image will help you to remember the need for conversion more often and create a prayer mood.

      Mother Matrona

      Matrona of Moscow is most often asked for help about children. The holy righteous woman, being sick, took the suffering of others to heart. She bequeathed to everyone not to hesitate, but to appeal to her, and she will send the desired improvement.

      In order for the prayer to be accepted by God, one should cleanse the soul from the sins committed, confess to the priest, and proceed to Holy Communion.

      It is advisable to have the image of St. Matrona at home and hang it at the patient's bedside. It is important not to neglect the usual treatments prescribed by your doctor. Prayer for recovery:

      Xenia of Petersburg

      During the life of Blessed Xenia, women tried to bring their children to her for a blessing, sincerely believing that the touch of the eldress is miraculous. After the repose of the blessed eldress, prayers are as effective as her help in the world.

      Petition to Xenia of Petersburg:

The prayer that comes from the depths of the heart and soul has tremendous power. When a person's thoughts are pure and prayer is the most sincere. The most effective and pure is the mother's petition for children, because children are the most important thing in a woman's life. A mother loves her child just like that, her mother's heart always aches for her child and feels trouble.

Every mother wants to protect her children not only physically, but also to protect them from illness, mental anguish, and heavy thoughts. It is the mother's spiritual petition for her children that can help them recover faster, improve their well-being, and improve relationships.

Mother's Prayer for Children Is Powerful, believing women resort to prayer very often, trying to protect their child from problems.

In difficult times, when a child is feeling unwell or suffering from ailments, sacred prayer for the health of children will come to the rescue, it will give protection to a son or daughter, and soothe the mother's heavy thoughts.

The most powerful prayers for children's health

The most powerful prayer is considered to be sincere prayer before the image of Jesus Christ. If a child is seriously ill, stepped on a crooked path, has trouble, turn to the Lord in your request and ask him for help.

The prayer sounds like this: “Jesus Christ, your mercy will be on my child (name), save my child under your roof, save him from all evil thoughts, drive away every enemy from him, open his ears and eyes of the heart, grant humility to his heart. Lord, we are Thy creation, have pity on my child (name) and instruct him to repentance. Save, merciful Lord and have mercy on my child, enlighten his mind with your Light, and guide him on the path of your commandments and teach him, our Savior, to do your will.

Teach our Lord, my child (name) prays to you, may prayer become his salvation, support and joy, consolation in sorrow. Let prayer save him, as we are saved by prayer to you. And if he sins, then accept him, our Savior, let him bring repentance to you and grant him forgiveness with your mercy. "

This sacred petition is able to give protection in any business and will calm the minds of children, guide them on the right path, but only if the woman says it sincerely and worries about her children.

Prayer to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God for children

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God is an ancient Russian shrine, the original of the icon is kept in the church Yaroslavl wonderworkers (Kazan). Every year people from all over the world come to this icon to ask for help. Praying at this icon helps with many troubles, with mental disorders, vision problems, infertility. However, petitions addressed to the Kazan icon about the health of their children have the greatest power.

People come to this icon for a prayer service to the mother of soldiers who are in the war. It was this icon that commanders always prayed to, asking them to save their lives or reduce losses in battle. Many mothers from all over Russia turn to the icon with a request to take care of their children and protect them from diseases, adversity, and troubles. The icon of the Mother of God is considered the most revered in our country.

The mother's prayer for her child before the face of the Kazan Mother of God sounds like this: “Our merciful Mother of God, accept my petition, uttered before your holy image. You gave birth to Jesus Christ, your son, our Savior and took care of him throughout his life on earth, love my child too, accompany him in all his deeds, guide him on the true path, on the Orthodox path.

Mother of Our God, Queen of Heaven, be heard by me, do not turn away from me, unworthy Servant of God (name), accept my words, open your soul and heart. May it be for the good that I ask my children today, before your Savior face from ailments, listen to me and help my child (name).

Do not refuse my sincere request, pray to His Son, so that he may have mercy and send down his goodness to my child. Our good Intercessor, bless the entire globe, may all the children of the Earth live according to the laws of God, save them from evil thoughts, may the Holy Trinity be worshiped. In all deeds, help them, may their thoughts be pure, keep their souls pure, grant them health and goodness in this world, in the name of the Lord our God. Amen!".

Prayer to the Mother of God for children

Prayers to the Mother of God the Theotokos are considered one of the most powerful, since Mary, the Mother of God, can understand all the pain of the mother's heart, because she also experienced all this, enduring and giving birth to the Son of God. You can pray to the Theotokos every day, because motherly love is very strong, and you cannot force the mother to love the child less, in prayer you can ask for health, preservation of spiritual purity, for success in school or business.

The prayer to the Holy Mother of God has such lines: “O Blessed Virgin Mary, save and preserve my child (name) under her protection. Cover them with your robe of your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in the obedience of your parents. Pray for Thy Son, our Lord Savior, let him grant salvation. I entrust my children (names) to Thy Mother's gaze, Our Mother of God, You are the Divine Protection for Thy earthly servants.

Mother of God, lead me into the image of heavenly motherhood, heal the mental and physical wounds of my child (name). I entrust my child entirely to my Lord and Your heavenly protection. Amen".

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Praskovya

Prayer for children to the holy martyr Praskovya is rare and strong, with reads one of the most effective for diseases of infants, it sounds like this: “Oh, Holy Martyr of Christ Praskovya, we pray you, turn to Christ your God, ask for health to my baby. Pray for our All-merciful Lord, may he deliver us from the illness of our child (name), disperse the darkness that came to us from our sins with your holy prayers. Ask the Holy Father for the light of spiritual and bodily grace.

By your holy prayers, be our sinful helper, intercede and pray for your accursed negligent sinners, speed up your help to us, for we are weak. Or our Lord, that by your prayers we will rid ourselves of the darkness of sin and sing to the heavenly powers of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Mother Matrona of Moscow

Among believers, one of the most revered Saints is the Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow. You can ask for health for sick children with the help of the following prayer: “Oh, Blessed Old Lady Matronushka, I appeal to you in the hour of sorrow. Forgive me all my sins, and drive away all demonic nastiness from me. Help my child (name) to be healed faster and to be nourished with faith in God. Do not punish my child with pain, illness or other ailments. Do not torment his soul with suffering, I trust in your help. I pray you Blessed Old Woman for the health of my child. Amen".

How to read prayers for children's health correctly

The mother's prayer, pronounced in the temple of God, before the face of the Saints, has the greatest power. The most powerful prayer is one that is read from a pure heart with pure and sincere intentions. Each word of supplication should be passed through the heart and find a response in it. The disease will recede from the baby if both he and the mother are baptized.

It would be better to reinforce the prayer for the children, it is very good if a woman goes to church, puts candles about health in front of the faces of the saints, fills up holy water to wash the child or give him a drink. If the mother does not have the opportunity to do this, relatives can go instead of her, the main thing is that their thoughts are pure.

Important principles for reading prayers:

Even the most unpleasant diseases and symptoms recede if there is a loving mother next to the sick baby who takes care of him, supports him and can sincerely read the words of prayer.

The child's health is the main happiness of the mother. She wants her baby to be always strong, not sick, to study well, always remaining cheerful and cheerful and, of course, worries most of all when he feels bad. Therefore, it is very important that there is a prayer in the house for the health of the child, which can become reliable protection heavenly forces in difficult situation... Here are some of these prayers to help your child recover if they are sick. They can be read from time to time, and when the child is healthy, to protect him from negative influences from the outside.

How and to whom to pray

It helps best during acute illness saint Panteleimon ... He helps not only children, but also adults. This saint was in ancient times a Christian physician without silver, possessing the gift of healing. Many of his healings were like miracles. Another saint capable of healing and begging God for health is considered John of Kronstadt ... This holy Russian land also possessed the gift of medicine. Both parents and adults address various diseases to his icon. Before these saints, a prayer is read for the health of a sick child. In some cases, it helps to overcome various diseases and cure oncology, heart disease, developmental disorders of the baby that are not associated with genetic and organic abnormalities.

Prayer also helps well before the icon of the Zealous Intercessor - the Mother of God ... It is believed that it is she who helps not only in childbearing, but also in the prayers of parents for children. You can pray to the defender Nicholas the Wonderworker ... These saints help the child to recover if he is sick. Also in front of them is a prayer for the health of a sick child. But in mild cases, you can simply pray to your baby's guardian angel.

When and how to read a prayer in front of an icon? In severe cases, it is best to go to the church and order a church prayer for the health of the child. It will be read every day in the temple during the specified time. The prayer for the health of the child in front of the icon in the church or at home will help to strengthen the effect of the church prayer service. Here are the prayers that help various children and adolescents overcome mental and physical ailments.

Mother's Prayer for Children's Health

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, save my child (name) from all defilement, spiritual and bodily illness, give him spiritual and physical health for a long summer, keep, bless, direct, save. Protect from the arrows of the unclean spirit and grant him health for many years, amen. "

The simplest prayer that will help protect a child not only from physical illness, but also against mental illness such as depression, alcoholism, drug addiction and much more.

And this prayer for the health of a sick child is considered strong if he is physically sick:

"Saint Panteleimon the Healer, save my child (child's name) from the devil's flame of bodily illness, give him health, patience, longevity, may your will be done, Amen."

“Most Holy Theotokos, save us! (Read 3 times). Save, save your servant (name of the child) from sorrow, illness, heal, protect, support, do not leave him in trouble, disaster and adversity and grant him health, many summer and prosperity, amen. "

This prayer should be read in front of the icon of the Virgin 12 times every day, preferably in the evening or at night. It is believed to help the child overcome acute painful conditions and return to a healthy life. You can read it not only at home, but also in church during services, at the patient's bedside or in the hospital.

And since the relationship between mother and child is one of the closest, the Lord usually hears it and gives healing. But even if you forget the words or confuse something, it's okay. The prayer for the health of the child will not stop working, even if you read it in your own words. The main thing is that the words come from the heart, and God will hear them.

I am happy to offer you the strongest prayers for a sick child. Without giving up the treatment prescribed by the doctor, heal the child with Orthodox prayers.

Please do not fall for the torment.

And let them frighten you with a serious diagnosis, believe that the disease is curable.

Do not get sick yourself. Take care of yourself.

It is troublesome for you now, but choose a time to go to the Orthodox Church.

Submit a custom note on the Health of a Sick Child.

Place 1 candle each on the icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow.

Go back.

When you have a free minute, retire in a locked room.

Light all the candles. Place the images listed above next to it.

Read Psalm 90 3 times in a row.

Place the sign of the cross on yourself.

Proceed to repeated and unhurried whispering of special prayers addressed to God's Pleasing.

Prayer for a sick child Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Old Lady, breathe health into the sick child, heal me from the descending sin. May the wounds heal, health recover, and the Lord God be glorified forever. Let it be so. Amen.

Be baptized diligently.

Prayer for a sick child to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Wonderworker Nikolai, God's Pleasant. In heart-rending crying my child suffers, weeps bitterly from serious illnesses. Heal him from head to toe, grace from Heaven came from God. Thy will be done. Amen.

Here is another text from the transcribed manuscripts for you.

Orthodox prayer for a sick child

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Let go of my sins and forgive, let go of all the diseases in my soul. About a child who is sick, I pray, I am afraid of losing him forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

There are now 3 powerful prayers in your hands.

God help you!

Prayer for family
The Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection, instill in the hearts of my spouse and our children peace, love and obstinacy to all that is good, do not allow anyone from my family to parting and grievous parting, to incurable diseases and premature and sudden death. And save our house and all of us who live in it from fiery heat, thieves' attack, all evil, and we will glorify Your Holy Name both separately and openly and secretly, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for children
Most Holy Lady the Virgin theotokos, save and preserve my children (names) under Thy roof, Cover them with the robe of Thy Motherhood, observe them in the fear of God and in obedience to parents, beg my Lord and Thy Son, and grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy Mother's gaze, as Thou art the Divine protection for Thy children. Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly Motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children, inflicted by my sins. I entrust my children entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Thy, Most Pure, heavenly patronage. Amen.

Daily prayer for children's health

Lord Jesus Christ, may Thy mercy be on my children (names), keep them under Thy roof, cover from all evil, remove every enemy from them, open their ears and eyes, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Thy creatures, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Thy Gospel, and instruct them in the path of Thy commandments, and teach them, Father, to do Thy will, as Thou art our God.

Prayer for the healing of a sick child
Oh, Merciful Mother! You see the cruel sorrow tearing my heart! For the sake of the sorrow that Thou didst pierce, when a terrible sword passed into Thy soul during the bitter suffering and death of Thy Divine Son, I pray Thee: have mercy on my poor child, who is sick and fading, and if it is not contrary to the will of God and his salvation, seek his health bodily in your Almighty Son, the Physician of souls and bodies. Oh, Loving Mother!

Behold how the face of my child has turned pale, how his whole body burns with illness, and have mercy on him. May he be saved by God's help and serve with joy of heart Your Only Begotten Son, Lord and his God. Amen.

Prayer for children
Merciful Lord Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children, given to us by You, fulfill our prayers. I ask You, Lord, save them in the ways that You yourself know.

Keep them from vices, evil and pride, and let nothing that is contrary to You touch their souls. But give them faith, love and the hope of salvation, and may they be Your chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit, and may their life's path be holy and blameless before God. Bless them, Lord, that they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your Holy Will, so that You, Lord, could always be with them by Your Holy Spirit. Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer would be their support, joy in sorrow and consolation in their lives, and may we, their parents, be saved by their prayer. Let Thy angels keep them always. May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors, and may they fulfill the commandment of Your love. And if they sin, then grant them, Lord, to bring repentance to You, and by Your inexpressible mercy forgive them. When their earthly life ends, then take them to Thy Heavenly Abodes, where they may lead with them and other Thy servants chosen. Through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, saints (all the patron saints of the family are listed) and all saints, Lord, have mercy on us, as you were glorified with Thy Godhead and Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Thy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
