Spelling of case endings of adjectives can be checked posing the question which one? , since the endings of the interrogative word and the endings of adjectives are the same. An exception is the masculine nominative singular, where under stress the ending is written -Oh (young oh man, fields oh flower), and without stress written th or th (old th warrior, sin ui scarf).

In the feminine gender, the nominative singular is written -and I or -th: new and I syn yaya blouse (what sweater?), and in the neuter it is written th or -her: new oh syn her coat (what coat?).

In the plural of all three genders, the ending is written -th or -th: new th syn not scarves, dresses, sweaters (what kind?).

In the masculine and neuter in the instrumental singular, the ending is written th or -them (answers the question how?), and in the prepositional - th or -eat (answers the question what?): admired new th syn them suit (dress), talked about new ohm syn eat suit (dress).

In feminine, the ending is written in the accusative singular th or -yu (answers the question which one?), and in the instrumental - -Oh or -to her (-th or to her) (answers the question which one? what?): bought new yu syn yuyu sweater, we admire new oh (-th) syn to her (to her) sweater.

After the hissing in adjective endings under stress written oh no stress written e, eg: stranger aboutth, great aboutth, stranger aboutmu, big aboutmu; redhead ego, big ego, red emu, big eatat (compare with nouns).

After adjectives sizzling in names under stress suffix is \u200b\u200bspelled -ow- (penny ov oh, hedgehog ov oh, brocade ov th, canvas ov th), and without stress - suffix -ev- (plush ev oh, bite h ev a'ya water).

    Note. Remember spelling a word dash ё́в th (cf. cheaper).

In short adjectives under stress after sizzling written about: the food is hot about (about ending), ridiculous aboutn (about fluent in suffix).

In adjectives on th, -th, -th (fox, fox, fox) in all forms, besides masculine nominative and accusative singular (fox), before finishing written b: fox bhim, fox bhim fox band etc.

Diminutive adjectives are formed by the suffix -enk-: syn enk oh fat enk ui; after r, k, x possible and -onk-and -enk-: lay down onk ui and lay down enk oh, wide onk ui and broad enk oh, quiet onk ui and quiet enk ui.

In the suffix -an-, -yan-, forming adjectives from nouns, write one n: skins an oh, sand an th, silver yang th, except for three words: trees yann oh, tins yann oh, glass yann th.

In adjectives formed with a suffix -n- from nouns stemming from n, written two n: kame nn th, with nn th, long nn th.

    Note. From such adjectives must be distinguished adjectives with one n: yu noh, swi noh and so on (they dont Have suffix -n-).

In the suffix -in-, forming adjectives from nouns with the meaning of belonging or property, one is written n: goose in oh, sparrow in oh, donkey in th.

    Note. One n written in noun gOST in and Iwhich used to be an adjective: living room.

In the suffix -he N-forming adjectives from foreign words, written two n: divisions he N th, revolution he N th, constitution he N th.

In the suffix -enn-, forming adjectives from nouns, write two n: productions yenn oh, celebrations yenn th, kinship yenn oh, straw yenn th, cranberries yenn th.

    Note 1. Adjective the wind en th written with one n... Prefixed adjectives derived from the word wind are written with two n: withoutthe wind yennth, perthe wind yennth, underthe wind yennth etc. Distinguish adjectives the wind en th (with the suffix -en-) and the wind yang oh (with the suffix -yan-). Suffix -en- is written in adjectives with the meaning "with the wind": the wind en and I weather (windy weather), the wind en oh summer (summer with the wind), as well as used figuratively: the wind en and I girl, the wind en oh behavior. These adjectives have a short form: the weather is windy, the girl is windy... Suffix -yan- used in adjectives with the meaning "propelled by the wind": the wind yang and I mill, the wind yang oh engine. These adjectives do not have a short form... With suffix -yan- the name of the disease is also written: the wind yang smallpox (chickenpox).

    Note 2. The first stem of complex adjectives is written two nif it is formed from an adjective with two n: wave nno-tractor station (wave station nnth and tractor), vago nno-locomotive fleet (vago park nnth and locomotive). But if the first stem is formed from a noun in n, then one is written in it n: wave nbuilding plant (machine building plant), vago nrepair plant (car repair plant).

    Note 3. Nouns on -Nick--nice and -ostformed from adjectives with two n, are also written with two n: morning nnuh-morning nnhic; society nnth-society nnir society nnitza-society nnawn; revolutionary nnth-revolutionary nnawn; production nnth-production nnhic; tse nnoh-tse nnspine, and educated from adjectives with one n are also written with one n: hemp nth - hemp nhic, sand nth - sand nhic, u nth - th nspine.

    Note 4. With two n nouns formed with suffixes are also written -Nick-nice from nouns stemming from n: make friends na - be friends nnuk-friends nnitza, mosh na - moshe nnuk-moshe nnitza.

Complete adjectives that have two n, save them in short form: tse nnth thing - th thing nnand.

Before the suffix -sk- letter b written after l (village - sat down b sc s) and in adjectives formed from the names of the months on nb, pb: december b sc oh, nov b sc uh, june b sc uh, jul b sc ui (exception: word january sc ui).

In other cases, after n and r before the suffix -sk- letter b not written: horse - to n sc oh, bogatyr - rich r sc ui.

To distinguish between suffixes -to- and -sk-, must remember what's with the suffix -to- high-quality adjectives are formed that have a short form (bottom to ui - low, knot to uy - narrow), and with the suffix -sk- - relative adjectives, shorthand (Frenchman sc iy, Kyrgyz sc oh, Circassian sc ui).

    Note. From nouns stemmed to k, h and c relative adjectives are formed with the suffix -to- , moreover the sounds to and h replaced by sound c: kaza to - kaza c to uh, weave h-tka c to oh, dumb c-neme c to ui. But in some, mainly book, formations sounds to and h do not change and the suffix is \u200b\u200bused -sk-: uzbe to-uzbe to sc uh, embers h-coals h sc ui, also Pfal c-pfal c sc ui.

Adjectives in ny short form ends in -en: calmly ny- calm en, hot ny-no en , besides worthy ny - worthy in .

    Note. Short form participles honored from the verb honor written by general rule: honored en .

Are written with a capital letter adjectives, derived from their own names using suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -yn- (Gave ev dictionary, Ivan ovoh childhood, Liz ina doll, Zhuchk ins puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations used figuratively, in which lost contact with your own name (Adam ovoh apple, grazed ova disease, sisi fov labor, prokr ystove bed, etc.).

Are written with a lowercase letter adjectives, formed from people's own namesif adjectives contain a suffix -sk- (turgenev scnot "Notes of a Hunter", pushkin scstyle, lyermontov scth prose, etc.).

    Note. With a capital letter adjectives are written with a suffix -sk-, if they are part of names that have meanings "Name, memory", eg: Lriot police scnot reading, Lenin scand I premium.

Participle. For example, a bluing distance is a feminine gender, an inserted window is a neuter gender, an old man meets is a genus.
Determine the case in which it stands. The case is determined using a question. A GREENING OAK - what? at the oak, genitive. WITH A SMILING MOM - with whom? with mom, instrumental.

Check the ending of the sacrament against the rule.
The feminine participles in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases have the endings -th, -e. At the end of -th, -th. In the accusative case, the ending is -th, -yu.
The masculine and neuter participles in the genitive case have the endings -th, -th. In the dative -th, him. In the instrumental, im. In the prepositional -th, -em.
In the nominative case, the neuter participles have the endings -th, -ee, and the masculine participles endings -th, -th, -th.
In the accusative case, the neuter participles have the endings -e, her.
If the masculine participle is in the accusative case, then in the noun being defined, determine its animation. If it is animated, then the end of the sacrament is -th, -th. If inanimate, then the ending is -th, -th.

Check your findings again.
To do this, ask a question from the designated noun to the participle. Determine the ending of the question. Such an ending and participles.
Nominative. What is the book? - OPENED, what is the sun? - shining, what is the house? built.
Genitive. What books? -opened, what sun? - shining, at home what? - BUILT.
Dative. What book? - open, to what sun? - shining, which house? - built.
Accusative. What book? - I open, what is the sun? - shining, what is the house? - built.
Instrumental case. What book? - open, what sun? - shining, what is their house? - built.
Prepositional. What about the book? - open, what about the sun? - shining, about what house? - built.


The final -СЯ at the participles suffix: played out, overgrown.

Helpful advice

Do not confuse the dependent and the designated words for participles. Ask the question only from the definable.


  • ending wow him
  • The participle as a special form of the verb

With the morphological analysis of the participle, it is necessary to determine its type, which belongs to the permanent signs of this part of speech. This is very important for the translator, since a participle that has changed its appearance during translation often changes the meaning of the entire text to the opposite.

You will need

  • - a table of participle forms.


Determine from which it is formed. It is a special verb form and means a sign of an object by its action. The object being spoken about either acts on its own or does something with it. This is what determines whether the participle is valid or passive. For example, the participle "fanned" and "fanned" are formed from the same verb. But in the first case it can be the wind blowing around the face, and in the second - the face blown by the wind.

The participle combines the verb and. It answers the questions of the adjective. Check mentally to see if the participle can answer the question "what he does" or "what he did." It is not necessary to write this, but the actual participle with the help of such an auxiliary method is determined immediately.

Take the participle apart. It is important for you to determine its suffix, since it is he who is the main formal sign of its appearance. Real participles are formed from the infinitive with the suffixes -usch-, -yush-, -asch-, as well as -vsh- or -sh- in the past tense. Passive participles can have a suffix -нн-, -enn, -em. But other options are possible, including the formation of passive participles without suffixes. For example, if they are derived from monosyllabic verbs.

Try to put the full participle in short form. With the passive, this is most often possible, it always has both forms, but with the real you are unlikely to be able to do a similar operation. In any case, in the modern Russian literary language, real participles do not have a short form. Some dialects have it. The short form of the passive participle varies by gender and number. However, some passive participles are also usually not put in short form in modern Russian. For example, "breakable", "readable", etc. In such cases, a short form exists, but it refers, rather, to the archaic style.

Endings of adjectives

    It is most convenient to check the case endings of adjectives by asking which question? in the correct case, since the endings of the adjectives and the question are the same. An exception is the nominative (and similar accusative) case of the masculine singular.

    In the nominative singular, the masculine gender is written -th (with the stress on the ending), -th or -th (with the stress on the base); in the feminine gender - th or -th; in the neuter - -th or -ee, for example: bright blue (green) color, bright blue paint, bright blue dress... The plurals of all three genders are written -th or -th, for example: bright no blue (colors, paints, dresses).

    In the instrumental singular of masculine and neuter adjectives, the ending is written -th or -im (what?), And in the prepositional - -th or -em (which?), For example: made their way through a gloomy, dense (what?) forest; spoke of a dark, dense (what?) forest.

    In the accusative singular of feminine adjectives, the ending is written -u or -yu (what?), And in the instrumental - -th or -y (-y or -ee) (what? What?), For example: i see a beautiful morning (what?) dawn; I admire the beautiful morning (-s) (what? what?) dawn.

    Possessive adjectives in -iy, -ya, -ye, -y in all cases, except for the nominative and accusative cases of the masculine singular, are written with ь: fishing, fishing for him, fishing for him, fishing for him, about fishing.

Adjective suffixes

Different suffixes are used to form adjectives from different parts of speech. The most common ones are -k-, -sk-, -ov-, -ev-, -chiv-, -liv-, -iv-, -chat-, -onk-, -enk-... Let's consider them in more detail.

Suffixes -k- and -sk-

The suffix -к- is written in adjectives:

    1) with short form on-ok ( close - close, narrow - narrow);

    2) in adjectives derived from nouns with stem on c (dumb c - German) and k - h, which alternate with q (poor k - poor man, weaver - weaving).

In other cases, the suffix -sk- is written (Kirgi z - Kyrgyz, French - French).

Exception: Uzbek sk y.

To develop the ability to quickly choose between -k- and -sk- in doubtful cases, it is necessary to understand that the application of this rule requires two consecutive actions:

    1) it is necessary to determine whether the given adjective has a short form in -ok. If yes, then write -к-, and if not, then go to the second action;

    2) it is necessary to determine from which stem the given adjective is formed, and which letter this stem ends with.


    Before the suffix -sk- is written b:

      a) after l (learn lsky, rural);

      b) in all names of months, except for January rsk iy (Jun bskiy, december).

    In other cases, b before -sk- is not written: secret rsk iy, bogatyrsk iy.

    If the generating stem of a foreign word ends in ck, then before the suffix -sk- the first k is omitted, for example: San Francisco sc about - san franciss cue, etrusc - etrus cue (exceptions: basque - Basque, Oski - Oskan).

    If the generating stem ends in ss, then the suffix -loses s-, since in Russian three identical consonants are not written in a row (Cherka ss s - cherkassk).

    Russian place names in -sk- form adjectives without the suffix -sk-: Tom sk - Tomsk.

Suffixes -chiv-, -liv-, -ist-; -ev-, -iv-; -what-, -owat-; -onk-, -enk-; -esc-, -icc-, -chat-

The suffixes -chiv-, -liv-, -ist- are always written and: chivy, caring, sweeping.

The suffixes -ev-, -iv- are written without stress (str ev oh, tulle oh), and - under stress (games ive, handsome).

Exception: mercy ive, holy fool.

In the suffixes -evat-, -ovat- after soft consonants and sibilants, e (nostril ginger, reddish), in other cases it is written about (bitter a little, a little dirty).

The suffixes -onk-, -nk- after g, k, x are written about (soft ok, wide, inferior), in other cases - e (fresh little chernenky).

In the suffix -chat-, regardless of pronunciation, the letter is written h (bar chat, smoky, log, iridescent). Memorize the spelling of the word before well... If in the generating base before the suffix -k- there are letters z, s, d, w, then they are preserved, and k alternates with h, for example: spring sh ka - freckled, furrows ka - furrowed (cf. sharp - sharper, biting - biting).

Before the suffix -chat- the final q of the stem is replaced by t, for example: groats c and - crumbles chat.

In the suffixes -esk-, -isch-, e is written without stress (feud esk iy), under stress - and (biologist icy).

In order to correctly inflect adjectives, you need to know their case questions in both numbers.

It is most convenient to check endings and adjectives by substituting a question which one? in the desired form, since the endings of the question and the adjective coincide, for example: It was hard for him to go after the hard wow (as wow?) of the day... An exception is the masculine nominative singular (and the similar accusative), where the ending is written under stress -Oh (detachable oh calendar, business oh man), and without stress - th or th (present th calendar, sincere ui man).

In adjectives on th , -th , -th (wolf ui, wolf ya, wolf th ) in all cases, except for the nominative (and similar accusative) case of the masculine singular, the letter is written b , eg: wolf bi (flock), wolf be (lair), wolf band (traces); wolf bhim wolf bher wolf bthem wolf bthem and so on (but: wolf ui howl).

Nominative endings

In the feminine gender, the ending is written in the nominative singular -and I or th , and in the neuter - th or -her (what?correspondence and I average yaya school; what?interesting oh comprehensively her study).

In the plural of all three genders, the ending is written -th or -th (what kind?frost th winter not days, nights, mornings).

Accusative endings

In feminine, the ending is written in the accusative singular th or -yu (answers the question which one?), eg: graduate (what?) correspondence yu average yuyu school.

Instrumental endings

In the masculine and neuter in the instrumental singular, the ending is written th or -them (answers the question how?), eg: enjoy (how?) warm th autumn them afternoon, morning.

In the feminine singular, the ending is written -Oh (-th ) or -to her (to her ) (answers the question which one? what?), eg: patronize (which? which?) shift oh average to her school.

Prepositional endings

In masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the prepositional singular th or -eat (answers the question what?), eg: write about (what?) warm ohm autumn eat day, morning.

Declension of participles, ordinal numbers

Just like qualitative and relative adjectives, participles, some pronouns (each, every, the same, this, etc.), ordinal numbers (first, second, fourth, etc., except for the third, declining, like possessive adjective wolf). The spelling of the endings of all these words can be checked by substituting what question? in the desired form, for example: He strove to read (what?) every scientific article that appears on (what?) the question of interest to him.

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