"Be extremely careful and warn children!", "Death for two o'clock" ... I, as a good milf, consisting of several Whatsapp chat rooms, and every time anyone and send a photo of the frightening type of insect with formidable warnings. There will be too involuntarily: perhaps the truth of all Karakurts, Muh Tsets and ticks a serious competitor appeared?

Search in the World Wide Web issued several dozen reference to the required news. All of them dated last fall. As the nameless authors assure, the new insect appeared in India and, most likely, is a product of the scientific experiment from under control. And, allegedly, even there are victims.

"If you ever see this insect - do not try to kill it with bare hands or even touch him. Upon contact, a person is infected with a virus that lightly affects the whole body. For the first time, this horror was noticed in India. Distribute this information to your family members and friends. Let them know especially attentive, because they love to take all sorts of bugs and bugs, "one of the news aggregators is stirred.

And this picture is attached:

But the search for the photo of an unknown insect science refers to images quite studied by the entomologists of the watercloth. As it turned out, the alleged capsules with poison on the back of an unknown animal - the young, his giant water bug, dwelling really in India, is on itself for a consideration.

- The person believes in what he wants. The one who has critical thinking and high level of intelligence, usually such controversial news without difficulty checks, but, unfortunately, not all. Some, it seems, in general, gives pleasure to frighten with such fakes (fakes. Ed.) Others, - comments on regular distribution of horror stories in social networks Director of Legal Media Center Diana Okarenova.

She herself often organizes seminars for young journalists, which explains in detail how to calculate the fake news. But it seems that the development of this kind of libez should be carried out with the development of the Internet.

- Any publication should give a specific answer to three questions: what, where, when? With a distribution in social networks, everything is more complicated, because the information is compressed to one or two proposals. But still there must be some kind of specifics that could be checked, "says Media Ekspert.

With extreme caution, Diana Okareova advises to refer to publications beginning with the words: "Attention!", "Very important!" and ending with the words: "Maximum repost". Often, such loud calls serve as one goal: attract the attention of the user to something minor and distract from something important.

Anna Velichko

There are a lot of different insects in the world, which, at first glance, is very harmless. Some of them are really like that, but the other half of their fellow and very terrible, especially if we are talking about the attack on a person or an animal.
The speech was about the giant caterpillar of a silkworm, an ant-pool, Amazonian giant wax-glass and the fly Tsets. All of the above insects are a direct threat to a person. So be alert if you are going to go on vacation to hot countries.

Human hedge

The human heap looks like a bee, but he has more villi and less bristles. Usually they attack only livestock, deer and people. The female of the oat postpones his eggs in man, mosquitoes, flies, and other insects. The warmth of the body of the victim, which, without knowing it, until a certain time, is the carrier of the larvae of the oat, helps the eggs hatch and normally take root in the body of the carrier. Muhi typically cause significant losses to meat farm in tropical America, since because of their bites, the meat of cows intended for slaughter becomes unsuitable for the production of beef.

The larvae of the human ovens cause redness and swelling of the skin. In addition, the victim is experiencing crazy pain in the bite. Sometimes, when a person ishes in the soul or somehow rubs the wound, he may feel that something is moving inside it. The larvae usually remove a simple surgical procedure that includes local anesthesia. In addition to surgical intervention, the larva of the oat can be squeezed, but it is done only in certain cases. After the "apartment" expelled, the doctors prescribe the course of antibiotics. The wound heals for two weeks.

Bee killers

The killer bee (she is an Africanized bee) so similar to the usual bee, which is to determine who is who can only be in a special laboratory. The poison of an africanized bee is not stronger than the usual bee, but it still does not say anything. These minor killers are accustomed to attacking a whole roam, and that is why they create a huge danger to a person. Basically, they live in small colonies, so they can make nests in very strange places, such as tires, empty boxes, containers, as well as cars.

It is known that these killer bees can pursue a person at a distance of six hundred meters, if they are in an excited and aggressive state. The one who pursues an african bee should avoid zigzag movement and seem to seek refuge as soon as possible. Never jump into the water to hide from them, because they will wait for the moment when your macushkin appears above the water.

Stray ant (African ant)

Colonies of stray ants, in which almost up to 22 million individuals, do not sit in place, and move to a new place every day. These growing creatures will destroy everything that prevents them from making their goal, so they can move for quite a long time, due to the fact that in the literal sense of the word they eat on the go. Basically, they are found in Africa and prefer to live in the forests. Stray ants attack everything in their path, including snakes, birds, mammals and even people. They use their powerful jaws to attack.

To clearly consider your future prey, these insects climb up trees and shrubs. Stray ant is very big and on the kind of awesome. Sometimes it reaches more than 2.5 centimeters (1 inch). Usually these insects do not stuff their prey. Instead, stray ants tear their victims with powerful mandibulos. Lonely ant will not make much harm, but considering what they travel with whole colonies, then you should not come across their way.

Asian giant hornet

The largest view of the hornet, which was found in the world - is asian giant horns. They live in allast Asia, but most often found in the mountains of Japan. They are known to be extremely aggressive and fearless. Asian giant hornets feed their larvae honey bees And in the process of feeding can destroy entire hiles. These horns use their strength and dexterity, and, thanks to powerful mandibles, they are able to spread in fluff and dust, both beehive and bees. One hornet can break 40 honey bees in half in one minute!

Asian giant hornet has a 6-millimeter (0.2 inches) sting, through which the poison of such power is introduced that it can do human skin. In 2013, 40 people died due to Asian giant harnesses, and 1600 were injured after their attacks of the whole "company". They forced the local government to form medical brigades with specially trained personnel to help the victims of bites, and the fight against the Asian gigantic sorts of firefighters.

The terrible killer's beetle scare each other users of the popular Whatsapp messenger. Banal search on the Internet issues dozens of rationale in deception, but the photo still cares from one chat to another, writes a caravan.

"Be extremely careful and warn children!", "Death for two o'clock" ... I, as a good milf, consisting of several Whatsapp chat rooms, and every time anyone and send a photo of the frightening type of insect with formidable warnings. There will be too involuntarily: perhaps the truth of all Karakurts, Muh Tsets and ticks a serious competitor appeared?

Search in the World Wide Web issued several dozen reference to the required news. All of them dated last fall. As the nameless authors assure, the new insect appeared in India and, most likely, is a product of the scientific experiment from under control. And allegedly there are already sacrifices.

"If you ever see this insect - do not try to kill it with bare hands or even touch him. Upon contact, a person is infected with a virus that lightly affects the whole body. For the first time, this horror was noticed in India. Distribute this information to your family members and friends. Let them know especially attentive, because they love to take all sorts of bugs and bugs, "one of the news aggregators is stirred.

But the search for the photo of an unknown insect science refers to images quite studied by the entomologists of the watercloth. As it turned out, the alleged capsules with poison on the back of an unknown animal - the young, his giant water bug, dwelling really in India, is on itself for a consideration.

- The person believes in what he wants. The one who has critical thinking and high level of intelligence, usually such controversial news without difficulty checks, but, unfortunately, not all. Some, it seems, in general, gives pleasure to frighten such fakes (fakes. - Ed.) Others, - comments on the regular distribution of horror stories in social networks director of the Legal Media Center Diana Okaren.

She herself often organizes seminars for young journalists, which explains in detail how to calculate the fake news. But it seems that the development of this kind of libez should be carried out with the development of the Internet.

- Any publication should give a specific answer to three questions: what, where, when? With a distribution in social networks, everything is more complicated, because the information is compressed to one or two proposals. But still there must be some kind of specifics that could be checked, "says Media Ekspert.

With extreme caution, Diana Okareova advises to refer to publications beginning with the words: "Attention!", "Very important!" and ending with the words: "Maximum repost". Often, such loud calls serve as one goal: attract the attention of the user to something minor and distract from something important.

Scientists have discovered the new kind insects that are deadly for man

Recently found insects instantly kill poison all living around. How quickly a new look will spread around the globe, a specialist s So far can not say.

Deathly dangerous insects Were found in India. At the moment, scientists find out where the killer beetles come from. There is a version that they are the result of unsuccessful laboratory research.

The bugs of the new species have tiny sizes. They are easy not to notice, come or knock your hand. At the same time, "kids" are able to kill any living organism, including a person. There is enough fleeting contact to have a fatal outcome. The poison instantly penetrates under the skin, after which a destructive irreversible process begins in the body.

Experts warn: the insect-killer poison is several times more dangerous than the poison of Scorpion or Brazilian spider-runner - the most poisonous in the world!

Residents of India are in panic. Considering that many Hindus love to run barefoot, the tiny killers are dangerous for them. But it is unknown: whether such little monsters appeared in this country. Scientists do not deny the possibility of spreading terrible insects throughout the planet.

Three more dangerous

In nature, enough those who should be afraid and bypass. Contact, with the following creatures, can deprive the person of life.

1. Spotted tree

Little frogs (their size up to six centimeters), have a bright coloring - from yellow to acid blue. They live in a tropical climate in Brazil. One dose of elderly poison is able to kill Jaguar, an elephant or ten people. Just touching the frog leads to paralysis of the upper respiratory tract, arrhythmia and heart stop. Vaccines against the elder poison have not yet invented.

2. Sea wasp

This jellyfish weighs about two kilograms and has 24 eyes. It lives in Australia or Southeast Asia. The tentacles of the sea wasp can be lengthened to three meters. Jad jellyfish dissolves production. A couple of minutes after contacting the tentacles of jellyfish, the functions of the brain are disturbed, shock happens nervous system And the heart stops. It is curious that the sea wasa is dangerous to touch even a week after her death - the poison still keeps deadly properties.

3. Tipan.

Tapane's teeth reaches 13 mm in length, and the body is up to two meters. Snake in the central part of Australia. Poison Taipanov - Taisexin - causes a person's paralysis of the brain, muscles and suffocation. Death from the bite of the snake comes in 4-12 hours. Despite the invention serum, every second resident of Queensland, bited by Tapane, dies.
