The kitchen can be considered one of the most important places in any home, especially for the hostess. It is understandable, because the mood and, accordingly, the quality of work of the one who prepares dinner largely depend on the level of comfort in the kitchen. One of the issues that deserves the most attention is the correct layout of the kitchen space. What types of planning are there, and which option should be preferred?

Any kitchen layout is based on three main elements: refrigerator, sink and hob. This basic triangle is a guarantee of minimal time and effort for cooking. The comfort and productivity of work in the kitchen depends on the distance between these elements - the smaller it is, the greater the convenience. The most optimal distance from the sink to the stove is about 1200-1800 mm, to the refrigerator - 2100 mm.

In this video you can see an example of planning and arranging furniture in the kitchen of a private house

U-shaped layout

U-shaped placement of furniture and household appliances would be appropriate only if the width of the kitchen is at least 3 meters. Many women prefer these types of layouts, in which the sink is located next to the window (which allows you to admire the view from the window while washing dishes). If you also like this option, remember that its implementation is possible only if there is a wide window sill (so that splashes of dirty water do not fall on the glass). In addition, you will need to install a special faucet that can be laid on its side, thereby opening the window when necessary.

An example of a U-shaped kitchen layout in a private country house

In the event that the kitchen area is small, the options for implementing this type of layout should be selected most carefully. In a small kitchen with a U-shaped layout next to the window, you can get a pretty decent dining place, which, however, will have some minor drawbacks. This option is best suited for a couple of two people.

If you need a full-fledged dining place, then it is better to equip it in the living room, and organize only a small snack area in the kitchen. The width of the tabletop on this side will allow you to get an extra few centimeters, suitable for drawers and easy movement.

corner layout

The corner placement of furniture and household appliances is standard for many Russian apartments, but it can also be suitable for those in which the kitchen will occupy a small space. By organizing a small distance between the stove, sink and refrigerator, you can get an almost perfect space.

Read also

Development of drawings of private houses

Layout of a small corner kitchen

linear layout

Linear furniture placement is great for when family members prefer to eat out. This layout does not take up extra space, but at the same time it has everything you need to prepare a quick breakfast. If you decide to add a few drawers, you can get a complete kitchen that will be convenient for any hostess. At the same time, please note that the furnishing line cannot be stretched too much, otherwise, in the process of cooking, you will have to run from one corner to another.

An example of a linear kitchen layout

If your house has high ceilings, then you can improve this layout even more by equipping mezzanine storage boxes. A drywall box will allow you to move the ventilation duct to a more convenient place.

Parallel layout

In some cases, due to the special configuration of the living room or the location of the windows, only one kitchen layout is possible. If the doors are located opposite the window, then two opposite walls can be taken away for appliances and furniture. The parallel layout is especially convenient in cases where all the necessary things should be at hand - to get them, it is enough to turn 180 degrees.

Parallel layout is especially suitable for custom-shaped kitchens

island layout

The island layout of the kitchen is a very attractive option, but its implementation is possible only with large areas, the presence of a ventilation duct for the hood, as well as time-consuming water distribution. If you don't want your kitchen set to be visible to guests, consider using a sliding door system. Thanks to this, you can hide the kitchen while changing the content of the space.

Island kitchen layout in the house


Starting the layout of the kitchen, be sure to take into account all the important areas that need to be arranged in a certain order. For example, a storage area next to the refrigerator, followed by a storage area for dishes next to the sink. The kitchen utensils that you use most often should be placed at the level of your belt or outstretched arm so that they are always nearby at the right time. The correct location of the kitchen set will save time and effort, saving you from unnecessary running around.

Interior design of the kitchen-living room

If you have given preference to the kitchen-living room, then first of all you need to carefully consider its design. Combining two rooms is a rather risky business, the implementation of which requires foreseeing all, it would seem, even the most insignificant details. The successful arrangement of furniture and selected colors will turn this room into a magnificent living room, which will be comfortable for both home and guests.

The first thing that implies is to divide the premises into separate recreation areas and a cooking area. At the same time, a minimum of space should be allocated for the last zone (for example, a narrow strip a third of the length of the room). Here, in the future, household appliances will be located. It is advisable to choose built-in options that take up less space. In addition, it is necessary to provide a separate place for storing small household appliances, which should not be in front of everyone.

Most often, private houses are much larger in area than city apartments. Therefore, the choice of kitchen and the organization of the kitchen space in it should be approached more carefully.

After all, there is a place for creativity to unfold here - almost any design solution can be realized for the decor.

And for organizing a cozy home, there are many different options.

Arrangement features

Let's dwell on the main differences from the kitchens in the apartments:

  • usually more windows. The illumination in the room also depends on this: much more sunlight enters the kitchen;
  • large area and high ceilings;
  • the possibility of equipping fireplaces and other interior elements;
  • kitchens in private homes are most often impassable, hence the unlimited number of ideas for creating various zones: a dining room, a bar, etc.

Square kitchens

The most common and convenient form of kitchen design. Often such kitchens are equipped in a classic style.

Before proceeding with the layout, you should decide where the so-called work area will be located: a stove, storage cabinets, a refrigerator, and so on. Already from this space, it is worth starting further arrangement.

When designing this type of kitchen, furniture is most often placed in one line or corner sets are chosen.

When placing, one should not forget about the location of window openings.

If the area of ​​​​the room is large, you can consider another "fashionable" option: organize a workspace in the middle of the room. There are no restrictions in the choice of wallpaper - almost any design solution will do.

Narrow kitchens

The choice of the interior of such a room is very difficult. Experts recommend using a design that will visually expand the kitchen space.

The easiest way out for this is the color of furniture, walls, ceiling and curtains should be as light as possible.

No need to litter the kitchen with useless or unnecessary items. Leave only essential items in the room. The headset should also be small.

Bright colors will also suit the interior - they will distract the eyes from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Combined kitchens

Such a layout of a kitchen for a private house is actually a rare occurrence. But the demand for such premises has recently increased significantly.

This is due, first of all, to a wide range of design ideas and ease of design.

For example, in order to separate the work area from the recreation area, you can use curtains, partitions, and pieces of furniture. In addition, you can divide the kitchen space with different color schemes.

Classical styles are not suitable for this type of room. Most often, such kitchens are decorated in the styles of minimalism, hi-tech and modern.

Kitchen Design Styles

The most popular styles of kitchen design in private homes are deservedly considered minimalism and modern.

To use the first, small, narrow and non-standard rooms are better suited. Distinctive qualities of minimalism: simplicity and ergonomics. There are no unnecessary decor items in it, the colors are usually monophonic. Hence the ease of design.

Art Nouveau style fits more into large spaces. It is based on non-standard solutions: bright colors, unusual interior items, a combination of various building materials.

If you do not live in a country house on a permanent basis, but use it as a place of rest, then the Provence style will suit you.

It emphasizes the provinciality of the structure. It is characterized by raw materials of natural origin: wood, stone, etc.

The choice of furniture, household appliances, building materials play an important role in the design of your future kitchen. But to start, nevertheless, should not be with this. To begin with, it is necessary to decide on more fundamental questions.

First, with communications. Light, gas, water, ventilation - you need to think about all this before proceeding with the design.

With limited financial resources, it is worth choosing more economical options - for this, the design of the kitchen in classic and minimalist styles is most suitable.

Photo ideas for decorating a kitchen in a private house

The rooms of the apartment are tied to a typical layout, and the design of the kitchen in a private house is practically unlimited. Private buildings most often have disproportionately more usable area, due to the larger quadrature. This is the case when it is easier to implement the most daring design ideas, from facing materials to built-in furniture. You should not get down to business until everything is thought out to the smallest detail, so that the place at the "hearth" becomes the most comfortable corner.

The design of the kitchen space in a country house is a responsible and at the same time pleasant occupation.

What to consider when planning a kitchen renovation in your home

Many people dream of their own home, but the design of the kitchen space is no less important than the arrangement of the hallway, living room or bedroom. The overall impression depends on many factors. In the Russian-speaking space, for a long time, certain standards for housing arrangements reigned, which it is time to abandon. They are being replaced by interior design of a new format, without mental restrictions, even if it is a kitchen interior in a country house or a small country house.

The style of the kitchen should be consistent with the interior of the rest of the premises, creating a sense of integrity and harmony of the whole house.

It is not necessary to buy traditional furniture if the soul desires something universal. Today, built-in furniture is considered the best solution, where all kitchen equipment is installed, which facilitates cooking. The number of household appliances directly depends on the lifestyle of the owners of a private house.

  1. If it is customary for a family to make large weekly or monthly purchases, then it makes sense to purchase 2 refrigerators, one of them exclusively for drinks, a spacious chest freezer for meat and semi-finished products.
  2. The thoughtful interior of the kitchen-studio in a private house involves the combination of two adjacent rooms. But each functional area is equipped taking into account how often the whole family is going to dine in the dining area, the guest area - how often there are visitors who need to be accommodated somewhere with convenience.
  3. The equipment of the kitchen block depends on the volume and variety of food being prepared. In city houses of private development, similarly to all townspeople, everyone has their own busy schedule, it takes a lot of time to work or study, they rarely gather and cook for the whole family in the house.
  4. In a private house where a servant cooks in the kitchen, most often there is complete equipment, ranging from a bread machine to a compact electric grill for cooking a small amount of meat. Kitchen equipment is the basis of the interior.
  5. In some families, it is customary to cook a lot on weekends with a margin, so that during a busy week, ready-made first and second courses are only warmed up. In this case, 2 stoves, an oven and a microwave oven will be useful so that any method of cooking and heating dishes is available.
  6. In a house where there is practically no cooking, using semi-finished products and ready-made cuts for well-made tea or coffee, you do not need a lot of equipment. Often the family communicates at dinner, watching TV shows and news under sandwiches. A coffee machine, cutting equipment and a simple stove are the basis of kitchen equipment, it makes no sense to spend on appliances and clutter up the room with overall kitchen furniture.

Design features of kitchens in private buildings

The house of your dreams is needed not only for living, but a place near the stove for cooking your favorite dishes. This is a vital space for warm meetings with people dear to the heart, including the kitchen in a country house.

Pastel shades, carved wooden furniture, retro lamps, fresh flowers and other elements in a rural theme - all this is especially liked by country residents.

The design of the premises in a private house should be different from the kitchen in the apartment, where a lot depends on the non-standard layout:

  • a large spacious room may look empty and lifeless if the furniture is not properly approached - an “island” type is recommended (in the center is a working or dining area);
  • the design of a kitchen with two windows on different walls in a private house involves a decrease in the number of wall cabinets and built-in household appliances, but lighting is better here;
  • the kitchen space can be walk-through - when it is half a house, and there are not enough useful premises, a part of a large corridor or hallway is allocated for a compact catering unit;
  • depending on the useful area of ​​​​a small kitchen, in a country house it is recommended to get rid of old furniture and trash in favor of free passages;
  • a dining area is a mandatory attribute of any kitchen, but you can do without a dining table with chairs (a soft corner) if everyone eats separately (at a TV or a computer in another room);
  • sometimes a Russian stove is dismantled in houses, replacing it with a fireplace or its imitation - a great solution for a spacious kitchen with a guest area “by the fire”!

To visually lift a low ceiling, paint it white.

The non-standard layout of the kitchen does not limit professional designers stylistically. They retain functionality and all important areas, but vary in format and implementation methods.

Conceptually, the interior design of a kitchen in a wooden house can be "attached" to nature, ethnic roots, nostalgic times of rural childhood. These are retro, country, ethnic or ecological styles.

Country-style kitchen with a pleasant green tint

Advice. Choose the finishes with modern materials according to your taste, beat the zoning, change the old facades of the built-in furniture for new ones, but do not forget that everything should be in harmony stylistically.

Interiors in the style of yesteryear always look good in country houses.

Any idea is much easier to implement in a private house than in a city kitchen, deprived of square meters, where everything is due to strict binding to a wall with communications and a gas pipeline.

How to equip a kitchen of a specific configuration?

The room to be equipped as a kitchen does not always have an ideal shape, you often have to adjust the space to fit your needs

square kitchen

A square room is rare for city apartments, but a very convenient option for the interior of a private house kitchen. There is a place to put a dining table and arrange all the kitchen equipment. Cabinets and cabinets can be arranged in different ways:

  • along all walls;
  • in parallel, freeing the passages;
  • L-shaped or angle;
  • U-shaped, leaving one wall free (with a window or door).

Such a room does not cause problems with the design of the kitchen with your own hands in a private house. Depending on the amount of cabinet furniture, the dining table is placed in the center, placed against a free wall or window, as in the photo.

A square room is a great success, it is quite easy to equip such a room even without special design skills.

Advice. It is easiest to fill a square kitchen with useful equipment, but still avoid clutter, make revisions more often.

For a limited space, a folding table is very practical to use, the side surface of which can be raised if necessary.

In a small square kitchen there may not be enough space for a full-fledged dining space, but you can do without it by replacing it with another plane.

narrow kitchen

A narrow kitchen in a private house is a common option if it was completed or somehow reconstructed. You will have to minimize the use of standard kitchen furniture and equip only one wall with cabinets or cabinets. It can be a solid plane opposite the window or any other wall.

Linear layout of a narrow kitchen along the window

Advice. In preference, the interior design of a small narrow kitchen in a private house, which will visually expand the room. Opt for light colors and plain cladding, avoid large prints and catchy patterns that consume space.

The dining area is best placed in a remote part of the room.

Other methods are applicable, including spatial illusions in the form of photo wallpapers, mirror surfaces, but in the kitchen they have to be cleaned often. The more horizontal lines along the ceiling and on the end walls, the better.

Advice. The ideal style is minimalism. Avoid excess decor in the form of small details.

All kitchen utensils can be hidden behind the doors to avoid visual clutter in a small space.

In the design of a narrow kitchen in a private house, one spectacular accent is better. For example, original curtains, a mosaic panel on a kitchen backsplash or a self-leveling floor with an original pattern. All utensils and household appliances should be hidden in closed cabinets.

The feeling of “emptiness” and free passages are only good. The dining area is taken out into the living room or limited to a folding tabletop and stackable stools.

Small kitchen

A small kitchen or catering department is the only possible solution when a full-fledged kitchen is not available. Everything should be compact here, even the cooking area. Often in a small kitchenette, a full-fledged gas or electric stove is replaced with a compact model - without an oven, with only 2 burners. For baking and heating, a built-in microwave oven in a kitchen cabinet is suitable, which should also accommodate all other appliances.

Compact kitchen in a log house

There should not be a dining area in the design of a small kitchen in a private house - there is nowhere to place it. A good option is to combine the dining and working plane. It is not very convenient and hygienic, but functional and practical. Here it is better to abandon the decor, but all equipment should be modern and aesthetic.

Advice. If the room has a window, limit yourself to simple curtains or curly-cut vertical blinds. Multi-layer curtains or curtains of a complex cut "steal" the space.

Even a small kitchen will seem more spacious if the interior is made in bright colors.

High-tech style or any other urban direction is recommended. Metallized surfaces and fittings will look good. In a compact catering unit, it is important to observe stylistic organicity - everything is mutually complementary, makes up a single whole. Glossy surfaces reflect light and visually expand the space, but they require careful maintenance, especially when there is no hood.

Advice. Cabinets should be shallow, but spacious enough to hide all kitchen utensils and appliances, with light-colored facades. Ideally, it should take up no more than one solid wall, but do not give up L-shaped built-in furniture.

Cozy kitchen in English country style

Such a kitchen option is a necessary measure in case of a lack of space, as, for example, in a country house. Most often, the dining area is taken out under a canopy in the fresh air. It is worth considering where to put the refrigerator. In the open air it is difficult to protect yourself from bad weather in the summer, and ready-made meals in the summer from annoying insects.

walk-through kitchen

A walk-through kitchen with 2 exits is, as the designers say, “an ungrateful option”. Here, too, there is no place for a full-fledged dining area, especially if the aisle is narrow. Folding tabletops or extended window sills in the form of a table are a great option. However, you need to cook somewhere, and it is better to equip a full-fledged place for the hostess. An inclined hood would be very appropriate.

If the passage is very narrow, you can reduce the width of the kitchen modules

If this is a walk-through square or rectangular room, then the interior design of the kitchen in a private house should not be conditioned by anything, with the exception of free passages. Perhaps the kitchen area goes into the dining-living room, the other end - into the hallway.

Rustic walk-through kitchen

Important! Consider how to decorate the passages and the walls in which they are located - they should not be empty. Even light functional shelves or multi-level dish racks will be more useful than just a doorway in the wall. The style of the passage room should not contrast with adjacent rooms, but complement them organically.

Walk-through kitchen with access to the garden

Spacious kitchen

A spacious kitchen is typical for private suburban buildings of large footage. With many advantages, it has its drawbacks - this territory needs to be formalized somehow. It will fit two refrigerators and all the kitchen equipment you can imagine. However, it makes no sense to buy equipment that is hardly used.

In a spacious room there is a place for a functional kitchen island

About a third of the room is allocated for the working area

Beautiful dining area in the kitchen in the Scandinavian tradition

The interior of a large kitchen in a private house does not imply stylistic restrictions. The main design goal is competent functional zoning. The spacious room will fit not only a working and dining area, but also a guest room, which can be equipped with a large TV panel or a false fireplace.

Upholstered furniture for guests can be set as an island or a peninsula. The only condition is that in a large room there should be enough light and heat. A powerful hood is welcome.

Combined kitchen

A combined or studio kitchen is equipped according to the same principle as a spacious room, with zoning. The only difference is a compact food unit and an extended guest area. A dining set may be absent if it is customary in the family to dine in front of the TV, sitting on a coffee table by the sofa.

Kitchen-studio with built-in storage cabinets

Panoramic lighting in the spacious kitchen-dining room

The kitchen-dining room is, first of all, a convenient place for joint meals at a full table. Often, for this, an expensive set is purchased, which can be selected from the catalog with the designation of the style - Provence, Renaissance, Baroque, etc.

Kitchen in the attic

Kitchen in the attic or other room, placed on a separate floor. Often this is a necessary measure when the cottage, for example, is built on 3 levels. Perhaps this functional room has nowhere else to equip. If the whole cottage is a solid spiral staircase around a fireplace or chimney, then somewhere there should be sofas and folding chairs.

Sloping attic skylights provide the kitchen with good natural light

In the attic, it is advisable to use furniture of different heights or cabinets with a beveled top.

The attic kitchen is equipped upstairs, but it is used in cold weather or bad weather. It is better to duplicate the summer kitchen under a canopy to cook and dine outdoors. The attic kitchen suggests an original solution, since it has many inclined planes that do not involve traditional cabinet furniture with wall cabinets.

Perhaps you have a different layout - a kitchen with a bay window, in which the emphasis on the guest area is appropriate. Or is it a summer kitchen in a separate house, our advice will also be useful. More original solutions on how to design a kitchen in a private house - in our photo gallery.

Video: the best kitchen design ideas in a private house

Photo: kitchens in country houses

Creating a kitchen in a private house is very different from creating a kitchen space in an apartment. Consider how to properly equip the interior of a kitchen in a private house, as there are certain specific features.

For almost every family, the kitchen is the main room in the house. Every day, all members of the seven gather on it for a meal or tea. The kitchen space should be cozy and multifunctional, regardless of its dimensions.

The main difference from the kitchen in an apartment building is that all the main communications of the building are collected here, and in some cases a stove is installed to heat the home.

Kitchens in the house have the ability to be completely diverse in shape and size. Therefore, before repair work, it is necessary to draw up a design project for the future kitchen, where all the little things and details will be thought out.

Principles of kitchen equipment

The design of the kitchen in a private house seems to be a reflection of originality and conveys the character of the owners.

The kitchen in the house has distinctive features from the kitchen space in apartment buildings, in the following aspects:

  • the working area can be made where it is most comfortable;
  • the number of window openings is much higher, so a large amount of natural light;
  • the creation of a fireplace is used in rooms in which a stove for heating is located;
  • there are times when the kitchen space combines both the dining room and the entrance area in one room, it is important to plan the design project in advance;

The constitution and dimensions of the kitchen in a country house are very diverse, which makes it possible to experiment.

Kitchen shapes and sizes

In the main cases, the kitchen in a country house has a non-standard shape, which is not quite familiar to most people.

Note! Corner kitchen set - 77 photos of amazing new products and design

Square shape

Making a kitchen design in a private house with this form will not be a problem. First, you should understand where the work area will be located, start from where the main communications of the house will take place.

The furnishing of the space depends entirely on the dimensions of the room. If a small kitchen is in a private house, then furniture is best placed in a linear or angular way.
If the kitchen space is large, then the island method is used so that the room does not seem empty. Here you can also make a kitchen - a dining room in a private house.

narrow shape

In such rooms, preference is given to styles that provide for a visual increase in space. Suitable styles - minimalism or loft, which exclude many small details in the interior.

The kitchen set should not be bulky, give preference to small furniture. A corner kitchen in a private house will also be appropriate. If the kitchen has a window in a private house, then highlight it with bright blinds or Roman blinds. The flooring should run parallel to the narrow wall.

Combined kitchen

This type of kitchen becomes popular when the room is small and does not have the correct shape. Often the kitchen is combined with the living room.

You can fence off with the help of a bar counter. It is not appropriate to use the classical style, it is better to give preference to minimalism or modernity.

The layout of the kitchen in a private house in the minimalist style is very beneficial, as it implies a minimum of elements in the decor. A small kitchen in a private house will become accountable and functional, thanks to simple forms of minimalism.

Finishing the kitchen in a private house in the Art Nouveau style is a very good option, since it is possible to combine different materials and colors here. The great advantage of Art Nouveau is that it can be used in kitchens of any size.

Kitchen arrangement

The arrangement of the kitchen space begins with the development of the project. Repair work begins with the planning of technical structures.

In order to make the room comfortable and multifunctional, a detailed layout of the kitchen in a private house is necessary, while taking into account all communications.

Creating a modern kitchen in a private home is a complex and expensive process. Since central communications are already provided in apartment buildings, but not in private ones.

For reliability, it is best to show your kitchen project to specialists so that there are no problems in the future. Photos of the kitchen in a private house are presented to help, with which it will be easier to make a choice.

Photo of kitchen design in a private house

Unlike cramped rooms enclosed within the walls of storey buildings, kitchens in private sectors are most often presented as spacious rooms that provide a wide scope for the imagination of any designer.

Large rooms can be created comfortable for work and leisure, multifunctional, and, most importantly, cozy. In order to avoid the effect of an empty and generally poorly organized space, pay attention to the following tips and subtleties of organizing a kitchen design in a private house.

Kitchen layout in a private house

Large kitchen spaces allow you to use any options for the location of the main furniture elements. Start from the dictated style and your own preferences, and then you will create a wonderful kitchen. To begin with, we list the options for planning a kitchen:

Corner kitchen + island or peninsula

Corner kitchens are wonderful because they allow you to fill in corners that otherwise remain empty. It also allows you to save space and accommodate a wide dining area.

The location of the refrigerator, kitchen and sink within walking distance of each other is typical for the L-shaped layout. This solution is very convenient during cooking, as everything you need is at hand.

The corner kitchen can also be combined with islands and peninsulas, which can serve as a bar counter or an additional work area.

U-shaped layout

Such a solution for interior design of a kitchen, namely kitchen furniture in a private house, is ideal for housewives who need a large number of drawers and sections for storing kitchen utensils.

Placing a large number of household appliances is also suitable for this layout, since a dishwasher, an oven, a small refrigerator, etc. can be placed in the countertop.

Linear Headset Placement

Linear placement of a kitchen set is possible in cases where the kitchen is rather narrow and elongated. Furniture located along one line, in addition to practical use, can participate in the zoning of the room, since a wide dining area can be placed behind it.

The tabletop can be used not only as a work surface, but also as a dining area, but this is only suitable for small families. For large families, the design of the dining room with a large table is better suited.

Combined type

For walk-through kitchens, placing furniture along two parallel walls is a great solution. So, between two surfaces, you can place a kitchen table, which will serve as a surface for meals.

Instead of a classic table, you can use a countertop that will play the role of a kitchen island.

Choosing a style for the kitchen

The style of the room reflects the temperament of the owner of the house and his sense of style. That is why you should pay attention to the main styles of the room and arrange each component of the interior in such a way that the design is holistic and harmonious. We list the styles that are suitable for the kitchen rooms of private houses.


Provence style is the embodiment of tenderness and airiness. More often use "whitened" shades of yellow, green, blue or pink. Floral prints on various textile elements are relevant. Flowers can also be placed in pots and vases.

Furniture in such an interior should be made of light wood, such as cherry or oak. Most often, the furniture looks like a rarity, and this gives the style such French sophistication.

It is better to hide household appliances or, if possible, build them into cabinets so that they do not knock down the overall style of the room.


Country is associated with a cozy village dwelling, giving warmth and comfort. Chrome-plated parts and the latest household appliances should be covered if possible, and it is better not to make windows made of metal-plastic.

Small household appliances can be hidden on the shelves of lockers, windows should be framed with light-colored curtains with a floral pattern, and pictures should be hung on the walls.

The floor can be covered with rugs - it's not only stylish, but also comfortable! Fill the open shelves of the headset with beautiful jars of spices and herbs, arrange wicker baskets.


Art Nouveau style implies the use of smooth designs with smooth shapes, a minimum number of accessories and a maximum of functionality. This means that modern gadgets will fit perfectly into modern style. Since smooth mirror surfaces are used, the room looks visually even larger.

The colors in the interior can be pastel, or vice versa - flashy. In the first case, it is best to highlight the apron against the background of the general interior.


This option uses the minimum amount of furniture and decorations, as its name says. Its main principle: only the essentials should be in the room.

Household appliances are mainly built into the kitchen set, and the room is dominated by no more than three primary colors with slight bright splashes to create contrast.

Artificial materials such as glass or metal can be combined with natural materials (wood, stone).


Bright spacious kitchens with a minimum of textiles and decor - all this describes the Scandinavian style. The main color of the style is white, but in order not to create a "hospital" effect, dilute it with beige, lavender or mint.

Household appliances can be chrome-plated, reflecting light, but they should not be the same tone as the walls.


For sustainable design, flooring in warm woody tones is suitable, natural wood is ideal for this. You can also use a stone or ceramic tile floor. Ideally, the room should be well lit with natural light.

The room can be decorated with plants in stone or ceramic flowerpots, there can be photo wallpapers with a nature motif on the walls, and wooden spoons and plates will also become an element of an eco-friendly style.


This style originated from the phenomenon when abandoned houses and basements were decorated in such a way that they became habitable.

If you like such an unusual design, one or more walls can be finished so that it consists of bare red brick, and communication systems and ventilation grills will become the "chips" of the design. The room should be brick or concrete, wood and steel.

High tech

This style is the epitome of high technology and functionality. A minimum of textile elements, a maximum of glass, chrome and metal will create the effect of a modern kitchen.

The metallic color scheme can be diluted with black, blue, yellow for contrast.

Instead of curtains, remote-controlled blinds can be used, and kitchen utensils should be neatly hidden and arranged in sections in cabinets.

Actual colors

This year, "natural" color schemes have gained popularity. These include blue, green, brown, subconsciously associated with nature in humans, which means they give peace and a sense of security.

Brown color can be combined with white and black or brown, and pastel-green color just asks to become part of the Provence style.

The use of bright colors such as red, yellow, green or even pink will make a modern interior even more unusual and bold. But it is important not to overdo it with the brightness of the colors, otherwise they can become boring and even annoying over time.

Beige and white colors are relevant for almost any interior at any time of the year. They are perfect for classic, Scandinavian style, country and more. You won't go wrong with this color choice.

In choosing a style, you are guided not only by your preferences, but also by the location and decoration of the house. For example, a house located on the seafront may include a nautical design. In this case, the landscape outside the window complements the room.

For convenience, while working in the kitchen, plan the main work items within walking distance from each other. So, the sink, stove, refrigerator and countertop should be located close to each other.

If the kitchen in your private house is combined with the living room, do not forget to zone the space in order to separate the recreation area from the area for creating culinary masterpieces. You can zone the room using a countertop or a corner sofa.

Furniture and flooring in dark colors highlight all the crumbs and other debris that have fallen on the floor. It will be more practical to use light elements.

Give preference to natural shades and materials in the interior.

A spacious kitchen in a private house allows you to realize almost any design ideas that come to mind the owner of the house. Here you can place not only all the necessary utensils and household appliances, but also a dining room, a bar counter or a seating area.

It all depends on your personal preferences, but a competent approach to the organization of the room is necessary in order for the room to be practical, beautiful and functional.

Photo of a selection of successful kitchen design

Question answer

How to arrange a kitchen in a private house with one large window?

If you move the work area to the window, the most important part for cooking will be illuminated by sunlight, which is very beneficial and comfortable for the eyes. Place the sink directly under the window, and place countertops near it. To the left of the window, you can place cabinets in which household appliances are built-in, such as an oven, dishwasher, microwave. To the right of the window, place a cooking surface, and next to it - cabinets with a large number of sections. To the left or to the right (depending on the space) you can place a table with comfortable chairs or an ottoman.

What are the options for designing a dining room kitchen in a private house?

The combination of kitchen and dining room is convenient for people who look after the child while cooking or communicate with relatives or friends during the work process. The connection of the premises is convenient for both guests and the owner of the apartment.

Any style is suitable for this option: classic, baroque, loft, provence, minimalism, hi-tech, chalet... In this case, rely on personal preferences. However, for a private house, variations that are as close as possible to nature and radiate comfort are better suited.

The colors are also up to you, but stick to the formula: two primary colors + one or two contrasting ones. In this case, you will create a room that is not faded and not "overloaded" with flowers at the same time. When choosing textile elements, give preference to lightweight materials that repel dirt and odors.

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