"Minecraft" - cult computer game modernity of the specific genre "sandbox". The developers have added to the game the ability to create third-party modifications - the so-called "mods". One of the biggest of these mods is "Duskwood", which adds a whole new dimension to the game with laws and monsters that are different from the "main" world of the game. But if you don’t know how to make a portal to the Twilight Forest in Minecraft, then installing the mod will be meaningless - you won’t get into a new dimension. Let's look at how to make this portal.

Creating a portal to the "Duskwood"

After installing the mod to create a portal, the player needs to do the following:

  1. Dig a hole 2x2 blocks and one block deep somewhere in grassy ground.
  2. The pit must be filled with water, which can be brought in a bucket (created from three iron ingots on a workbench) from a nearby body of water.
  3. Along the edges of the resulting square puddle, you need to plant plants - mushrooms, grass or flowers. Preparations are complete.
  4. One diamond must be thrown into the pit. By default, the throw of an object in the hand is carried out with the Q key. If the expected action does not occur when you press it, then you need to use another key. Which one - you will learn from the game settings.
  5. Immediately after the throw from the pit, you need to move away. According to the plot, a portal to the Minecraft forest is created after a lightning strike into a dug hole. And lightning is an event that causes a large amount of damage to the player.

As you can see from the instructions, making a portal to the "Twilight Forest" is not difficult - you only need a couple of buckets of water, twelve flowers for landing and one diamond. On the other side of the portal is a forest teeming with new monsters that the player will have to fight. Also in the "Twilight Forest" the player can get trophies that will make it easier to survive in the harsh world of Minecraft. Under the ground, caves with treasures and especially strong monsters guarding them will be found, trophies for defeating which are an order of magnitude more powerful than usual.

Autoinstall Minecraft mod - Twilight
The Twilight Forest Mod Installer for Minecraft

Imagine stepping through a portal into the realm of twilight, a world filled with trees as far as your eye can see. Breathtaking views and amazing discoveries await you around every corner. But be careful! Not all forest dwellers will respond to your intrusions easily. The Twilight Forest endless world like normal minecraft. Almost the entire forest is dense. It has more of an enchanted or fairy tale feel than the main Minecraft world.

Trailers or video reviews for the mod - Twilight:

Twilight Forest - Minecraft Mod

Minecraft Mod Showcase - The Twilight Forest Mod

Minecraft - Twilight Forest

To make a portal to the Twilight Forest, make a 2 x 2 shallow pool (4 squares) of water in a grassy area, and surround it exclusively with natural stuff. Flowers, mushrooms or tall grass. Then throw the diamond in (with the "Q" key, by default) and stand aside!

It should look a little like this:

Mod version installed: Minecraft 1.5.2 | 1.5.1 | 1.4.7 | 1.4.5 | 1.4.2 | 1.3.2
mod condition: Forge

Before installing any mods for Minecraft, be sure to close Minecraft.

This mod uses Forge. Installed only with it. If you only have ModLoader, then it will not be compatible. If you are unsure then install this mod on a clean minecraft and don't forget to empty your mods folder. Any other installation is not guaranteed.

Please create a backup before installing any mods. I am not responsible for the crash of Minecraft. In short, you have been warned!

Installation on minecraft 1.6.2

There is a mod on the version: Minecraft 1.6.2
Conditional mod: Forge
Delete option: Yes
Default profile mod: 1.6.2

How to use the new installer with the new Minecraft launcher:

1) If you have already played Minecraft 1.6.2 at least once using the new launcher, go to step 6.
2) If you haven't downloaded and launched the new Minecraft launcher yet, then you can download it from here: Download Launcher
3) Once you open the new launcher create a profile for Minecraft 1.6.2, you can name it "Minecraft 1.6.2" whatever you want, you can leave it "Default".
4) Log in to Minecraft with the selected profile (make sure the profile is using: release 1.6.2).
5) As soon as you start auto-installation Be sure to Close Minecraft!
6) Run the installer*
7) Click Install Mod ~ Done!

The profile from the Launcher and programs with auto-installation must be selected the same for correct installation fashion.
If the mod uses Forge. This mod will not work ModLoader. If you want the mod installed on a different profile select the version using the installer and then install. Don't forget to make a backup!

If the text instruction on how to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft is not clear to you, then there is a video at the bottom of the page.

Minecraft is a game that has gained a lot of fans in a short time. Extraordinary gameplay, open world, complete freedom of action, a lot of items - that's what attracts the audience. However, the game acquires new colors when installing mods, not all in a row, but only the most interesting ones. One of the best mods for Minecraft is rightfully considered Twilight Forest, with which you will plunge into the magical world of the twilight forest, which will open up new facets of the game for you. On detailed description this wonderful mod can be spent several hours, but now we will talk about how to get into the twilight forest from the ordinary world, or rather, how to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft.

Create a portal to the dusk forest

To create a portal, we need:

  • Buckets with water 2 pieces;
  • Diamond. I already wrote - this is a rather long and laborious process.
  • 12 yellow flowers. They grow in clearings, it is not difficult to find them.

Portal creation process:

Rules for handling the portal to the twilight forest

  1. Remember that if you are playing on a server, then you need to know where the portal is located, otherwise other players will be able to seize your territory, and you will not be able to leave the twilight forest, and this, believe me, is not the best prospect.
  2. Dangerous for the portal to the twilight forest and beginners who do not know "what kind of thing it is", because because of their inexperience they can break your building, and you will be "locked" in the twilight forest if you do not have a diamond to build a new portal.
  3. Also, griefers can simply block up your portal with blocks, and when you return to the normal world, you will suffocate.

There is only one way out in this case - to die and be reborn on your bed.

How to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft video

I hope you enjoyed this article and understand how to make a portal to the twilight forest in minecraft.

So, you play minecraft? What a great job! For lovers of especially thrilling sensations, I advise you to build a portal to the twilight forest.

And it should be noted that you don’t need a lot of resources here, however, you still have to dig in the beginning, since for such a thing as crafting a portal to the twilight forest you will need a diamond. Basically, such a resource can be obtained at level 5 to 15.

Our portal is almost ready, only water and diamond are missing!

Yes, and a few iron ingots will come in handy for crafting a bucket, of course, you need to dig iron ore, then melt it in a furnace for further use.

So let's start.

We take a shovel in our hands and dig a 2 by 2 square in the ground, 1 block deep.

It is important that you dig not just in the ground, but in blocks with grass. Further - on all sides of the square, and even in the corners we plant plants: all kinds of flowers, even mushrooms are acceptable.

Now we take a bucket in our hands, which is not difficult to craft, and, having collected water from the source, we pour it directly into our “pool”.

I congratulate you, you have done the main work! It remains the case for small things - we take a diamond in our hands and just throw it into the water.

Important! Having thrown a diamond into the future portal, you should quickly step aside, as our exit to another world is activated by a lightning strike, and you yourself understand that it will not be very pleasant for your square friend to get hit on the top of his head once again.

You can immediately understand that the activation of the portal was successful, as the water will sparkle with a lilac iridescent color. Well, you can safely embark on a journey!

Sweet and portal

An important point: if you play the network version, you must definitely secure the site where you have the minecraftportal to the twilight forest, because otherwise, other players can not only use it themselves (which, in principle, is not scary), but also and even you close the entrance. Even worse is a certain class of players, namely the noobs who will simply decide to destroy your creation.

Also, I recommend that you immediately lock the exit from the portal in the twilight forest, since the exit from your portal will definitely intersect with the exit of other players, and if one of them, in turn, blocks the territory, say, with blocks, then you will have access to the forest , full of treasures and adventures will be closed.

So, now you know how to make a portal to the twilight forest.

Are you already playing Minecraft with the Duskwood mod and are you ready for an adventure? Then you need make a portal to the Duskwood to enter this new and wonderful world. To create a portal to the world of the Twilight Forest, no special knowledge is needed, everything is done very simply, we tried to explain everything to you clearly and clearly.

First of all, I want to say that making a portal to the Twilight Forest is very simple, and the portal itself is different from other portals. A special ingredient in the process of creating a portal is a diamond. Of course, it is a little more difficult to get it than other resources that are needed for the portal.

How to make a portal to the Duskwood

Pick up a shovel and dig a small 2x2 hole that should be 1 block deep. Know (this is important) that you need to dig not just earth, but blocks that do not let water through (for example, blocks with grass). After that, plants need to be planted around this pit (any, even mushrooms will do).

There was one last element - diamond. We take it in our hands and throw it into our “pool” (the default is the Q button). Just throw as far away as you can. Since after you throw the diamond into the pit with water, the portal will activate and lightning will strike right into the pit. And there is a small chance that lightning can hit your character when you are standing next to the portal.

To understand that the portal has earned - you can immediately, as the water will change its color to lilac. This is how the portal to Twilight Forest is easily made, and you can safely begin your journey through the mysterious world.

If you, for example, play in network mode, then you should privatize this territory on which you made the portal. Since there are a lot of players in the network game, and wherever you make this portal, other players can find it. Well, then, according to the situation, some of the players can simply break it (this is done by noobs, mostly), some can seize this territory and close access to everyone, even you.

I advise you to lock the exit path of the portal, because errors and bugs can occur if other players enter your exit from the portal.

Good luck, now you have learned valuable information on how to enter the world of Duskwood after installing it.

  • The diamond can be thrown at any time, it doesn't matter if you threw it first or last.
  • The second layer should be made of blocks that do not let water through (grass, earth, beds, mycelium and podzol).
  • The portal you made can be broken.
  • On the first run, the world can be generated for several minutes.
