What is real friendship: the best examples in literature “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunshine "- so Cicero said. On July 30, the whole world celebrates the International Day of Friendship, which was established by the UN General Assembly in 2011. We are sure that this day will be an occasion for someone to call old friends or meet a friend whom they have not seen for a long time. This day is also good because it gives you the opportunity to remember how many wonderful books are devoted to friendship. There are many examples of loyal friends in the literature. Let's name just a few of them: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D "Artagnan - A. Dumas" Three Musketeers. The adventures of the brave Gascon D "Artagnan and his friends are the dream of any young man. "One for all and all for one!" Isn't that enough? Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - A.K. Doyle "Tales of Sherlock Holmes." The friendship of these famous literary characters is a fruitful bond that enriches everyone involved. Rational and stingy in manifestations of feelings, Sherlock finds in Watson not only an attentive biographer, but also an empathetic comrade who enlivens the concentrated work of the detective. Watson, in turn, learns from Sherlock the ability to control himself and to reason coldly. Thus, this friendship helps each of the heroes to discover a new, unusual side of the world. Hamlet and Horatio - W. Shakespeare "Hamlet". This is perhaps the best example of camaraderie of all time. Horatio is the only character in this drama who is endlessly devoted to Hamlet throughout the play. He endures the emotional outbursts of Hamlet, stands behind him as a mountain and ultimately refuses the only surviving hero, who tells us this tragic story. Andrey Ivanovich Shtolts and Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The natures are completely different and look like two opposites, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that these are sides of the same coin. Just two in love with the world, inquisitive children grew up in completely different conditions. Little Andrew was given almost complete freedom of action, it was possible to study the world and prepare for the fact that his life "will acquire other, wider dimensions." Ilya, however, was a hothouse boy "loved" by his parents, which suppressed any desire to act. Their friendship was built on anxious empathy, they sincerely wanted to help each other. Robert Lokamp, \u200b\u200bGottfried Lenz and Otto Kester - E.M. Remarque "Three Comrades". The heroes of the novel are linked with each other by close ties of friendship. They fought together in the First World War: they lost comrades in arms, tried to overcome the horrors of war and survive. “Peaceful” time even more rallied the three friends: poring over car repairs in the workshop during the day and drinking at night, the heroes strive not so much to forget their past or settle in the present, but simply to live, since life is the only value that makes sense to preserve: what is in military that in a peaceful environment. Frodo and Sam - J.R.R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings". This is a great example of a relationship where only friendly feelings resolve the whole situation. Frodo must destroy the Ring of Omnipotence, but for this it is necessary to make a path full of dangers. As a true friend, Sam shares this heavy burden with Frodo. He helps him in every possible way, supports him, saves him from certain death more than once, makes his friend weakened by the Ring go forward, towards the goal. Maybe if Frodo didn’t have an ally like Sam, he would not have been able to destroy the Ring. Nobody calls him a hero, he doesn't need it, he's just a real friend. This friendship is, in fact, unequal, Sam gives a lot more than he gets. But from a timid dreamer, he becomes a brave and courageous warrior and an integral part of great events. Even the last lines of the novel end with the words of Sam, who, as it were, puts an end to his adventure. He did everything he could for his friend and good won. Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer - M. Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Tom and Huck are real bullies. Together they commit hooligan antics, experience adventures and get into all sorts of alterations - as befits real friends. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley - J. Rowling "Harry Potter". Ron and Harry are sidekicks from the first book. Although they also have clashes and misunderstandings (who does not envy the boy whom everyone calls "the chosen one"?), They maintain their friendship for many years without losing it later. A rare case, isn't it?

Friendship, like love, has different shades - and they all found their reflection in fiction

Text: Fyodor Kosichkin
Photo: planeta.moy.su

"What is friendship? .."

Specialized resources assure us that July 30 is Friendship Day. Nobody knows what it is; as, however, no one knows what friendship itself is - because this wonderful word denotes a dozen different types of relationships. But they all found their reflection in fiction: from Pushkin “What is friendship? The slight ardor of a hangover ... " before Petrarch "S'amor non è, che dunque è quel ch'io sento?" ("If this is not love, tell me what?" ) - however, also mentioned in Pushkin's "Blizzard", and Tsvetaevsky “And the one next to her, dry and burning, like hellish coal, who is he? - What a question! Of course, friend, Not a husband, of course ...! " .
We, in no way pretending to be final, have identified and illustrated eight types of friendship. Although, of course, in fact, there are much more of them than the shades of gray in the once fashionable book.

Friendship in Arms:

Probably the oldest "type" of friendship that arose out of the need to drive mammoths together and fight off hostile Neanderthals. We will not go so far into history, it is enough to recall the three French musketeers of the 17th century with their legendary "One for all and all for one!" ... An exemplary contemporary of the Musketeers, the Cossack Colonel Bulba expressed the same idea even more vividly: "There are no bonds holier than comradeship!" ... Erich Maria Remrak's novel is called almost the same as Dumas' novel - but it was written in a completely different era and describes a different era. The front-line comrades have matured, and it turned out that they are different. War is like war. And in the world as in the world.

Alexandr Duma

Nikolay Gogol

Growing up friendship:

Growing up is almost as severe an ordeal as war. Or maybe even more severe. Few manage to survive it without losing long-term friends with whom they once were inseparable. And two very different books about a group of children growing up together are proof of this.

2. Arkady Gaidar

Leisure Friendship:

Joint hikes, (sports) games and meals are, it would seem, a much less traumatic "type" of friendship than comradeship in arms. Which is brilliantly described in the classic humorous book of Victorian England. Jerome K. Jerome emphasizes all the time that the three young London clerks are each unbearable in their own way - but they manage to get along well in the same boat. But we remember how the friendship between Onegin and Lensky ended, who at first were also just “friends for nothing to do”.

3. Jerome K. Jerome

4. Alexander S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Friendship of opposites:

However, Pushkin immediately points out that his characters were completely different - how "Scythe and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire" ... And sometimes this by itself, without additional external reasons, contributes to the establishment of friendly relations. Opposites attract and complement each other. Therefore, a prosperous house boy in a clean jacket (and with endless prohibitions and restrictions) Tom Sawyer gets along well with the actual homeless child Huck Finn, who enjoys complete freedom, and the self-absorbed hermit Narcissus is in constant intense dialogue with the eternal wanderer, the seething and active Goldmund (Chrysostom) - such thoughtful names were given to the heroes of his philosophical novel by the mystic writer Hermann Hesse.

5. Mark Twain

6. Hermann Hesse "Narcissus and Goldmund"

Friendship is "taming":

When heroes differ not only in characters, but also in age, experience and social status, it is more appropriate to talk about friendship, “taming”. Yes that's right: "We are responsible for those we have tamed" ... Whether it's Rose, Fox or Lamb. Sixty after the release of The Little Prince, the extraordinary beatnik writer Sam Savage ironically turned the famous Saint Exepury formula inside out. When his hero, an outsider writer, is asked how he managed to tame a rat so wonderfully (that is, this very Firmin, the main character of the book), he replies in all seriousness: "I did not tame, but civilized!"
Well, truly, we are responsible for those we have civilized.

7. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

8. Sam Savage "Firmin"

Friendship Assisting:

But it also happens: it seems that you don't need to “tame” a friend, but he is obviously not equal to his friend. And both are fine with it. A classic example is Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The sophisticated intellectual, cocaine and violinist Holmes needs to rely on a simple, but certainly decent doctor, the embodiment of common sense. And at the same time show off in front of him. And the reader, alas, is much easier to associate himself with an ordinary person than with a genius.
Thomas Mann took advantage of the same ratio of characters when he wrote his most complex intellectual novel, Doctor Faustus. Its full name is “Doctor Faustus. The life of the German composer Adrian Leverkühn, told by his friend. " And indeed: without this very friend with the speaking name Serenus Zeitblom (serenus - "modest"), the author would not have been able to tell about the brilliant composer and his supposedly concluded deal with the devil.

9. A. Conan Doyle

10. Thomas Mann "Doctor Faustus"


Somehow it so happened that examples of women's friendships are the first to come to mind. Countess Natasha Rostova and the Rostovs 'pupil Sonya grow up together, since childhood they share the most intimate, and the Rostovs' parents do not make any difference between the two girls. At the first ball “Two girls in white dresses, with the same roses in black hair, sat down in the same way, but, - continues Tolstoy, - the hostess involuntarily stopped her eyes on slender Natasha”... And then this inequality only grows ...
Female rivalry friendship is a terrible thing. The novel of the modern writer Anna Matveeva is about this. Not Tolstoy's, of course, the scope, but the depth of immersion in the chosen topic is impressive.

11. Lev Tolstoy "War and Peace"

12. A. Matveeva


But jealousy and rivalry are not the only possible "options" for female friendship. What Marina Tsvetaeva told in her usual exalted manner in The Tale of Sonechka. This is a poetic story about the most tragic and at the same time romantic period in the life of a young - she is not yet thirty - poetess, hungry and lifeless 1919 - 1920, spent in Moscow Borisoglebsky Lane. At this time, Tsvetaeva gets acquainted with the same as she, beggar and romantic youth - the actors of the Vakhtangov studio located next door, trying to discern Jacobin Paris in revolutionary Moscow and trying on, literally and figuratively, camisoles and wigs of the 18th century. Among them are young actors Yura Zavadsky and, most importantly, Sonechka Golidey - daring, beautiful, narcissistic. And for Tsvetaeva in this name, apparently, another Sonya appeared - Parnok, the heroine of the cycle "Girlfriend", written in 1914-15. And this cycle is no doubt a love cycle.
But it also happens the other way around. It probably even happens more often. Not friendship that turned into love, but love that turned into friendship. How this happens is described, for example, in the now half-forgotten novel by E. L. Voynich "The Gadfly". No, no, we are not talking about the main character Felice Rivares, who carried love for the heroine Gemma through his whole stormy life, but about the "family friend", the Italian Martini:

“He spoke English — of course, like a foreigner, but still quite decently — he had no habit of staying up until one in the morning and, not paying attention to the hostess's tiredness, rant loudly about politics, as others often did. And most importantly, Martini came to Devonshire to support Mrs. Ball at the most difficult time for her, when her child died and her husband was dying. Since then, this awkward, silent person has become for Katie (a maid - ed.) The same family member as the lazy black cat Pasht, who now nestles on his lap. And the cat, in turn, looked at Martini as a very useful thing in the house. "
And what about Martini himself?
“Nowhere did Martini feel so good as in this little living room. Gemma's friendly appeal, the fact that she was completely unaware of her power over him, her simplicity and cordiality - all this illuminated his far from joyful life with light. And whenever Martini became especially sad, he came here at the end of work, sat, mostly silent, and watched her bending over her sewing or pouring tea. Gemma did not ask him about anything, did not express her sympathy for him. And yet he left her reassured and reassured, feeling that "now we can stretch out another week or two." "Gadfly"

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  • Friendship can easily turn into enmity
  • Real friends have no secrets from each other, they are ready to come and help in any situation
  • Nothing can ruin true friendships.
  • Different people can be friends
  • Friendship does not mean unity of opinion is not life
  • Friends can teach each other something new.


F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Dmitry Razumikhin is a true friend of Rodion Raskolnikov. He is a responsive, open, kind person. It is Razumikhin who takes care of the patient Raskolnikov: he is nearby, invites a doctor. He treats both his sister and his friend's mother just as well. Razumikhin to the last does not believe that Raskolnikov committed the murder. He tries to justify his friend by referring to the illness. But when the truth becomes obvious, the hero does not abandon Raskolnikov. Dmitry Razumikhin marries Duna, his sister, and in three or four years, when he has accumulated the necessary amount of money, he is going to move to Siberia, where his friend is serving hard labor.

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The story of friendship between Arkady Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov runs through the entire work. However, it is debatable that this is indeed friendship. Arkady is a follower of Bazarov, who at the beginning of the novel agrees with him in everything. Evgeny Bazarov himself is a mature personality with his own views on life, his place in the world. The life values \u200b\u200bof the heroes are opposite. Arkady Kirsanov is attached to Bazarov, but Yevgeny believes that he has no friends. There can be no real friendship between them, because it cannot be based on the subordination of one person to another. Over time, the heroes only move away from each other. The break in their relationship is completely natural.

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Andrey Stolts and Ilya Oblomov are completely different people, but they are drawn to each other. Stolz comes to Oblomov with pleasure, and the latter gladly meets him. They carried their friendship through the years. Only throughout his life Andrei Shtolts was active, strived for development, and Ilya Oblomov was lazy and gradually faded away. When Oblomov died, Stolz took his son Andryusha for himself - this is another proof of their true friendship.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The friendship between Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov can be called true, real. They are honest and frank with each other. Prince Andrei cares about Pierre's future: at the beginning of the work, he asks his friend to abandon Kuragin's company. The heroes consult with each other, go through the most difficult moments of their lives together. They can argue, their views differ in some way, but this does not interfere with friendship. It is not for nothing that Prince Andrew asks Natasha Rostova to turn to Pierre for help in any situation. Although Pierre himself is in love with Natasha, he does not dare to look after her even after the departure of his friend. The hero helps the girl to survive one of the most difficult situations for her - an attempt to escape with Anatoly Kuragin. The friendship between Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky is the ideal to strive for.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Many call the relationship between Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky friendship, but this is hardly really the case. Onegin communicated with Lensky more out of boredom than out of interest. He considered himself wiser, thought that over time the young poet would also understand the true essence of life. The good relations of the heroes grew into enmity due to the fact that Eugene, to evil Lensky, danced all evening with Olga, his bride. Vladimir Lensky did not challenge the hero to a duel and died at his hands in a fair duel. However, Eugene Onegin's feelings after the duel confirm that, deep down, he considers what happened to be wrong.

A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". The enmity between Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kirilla Petrovich Troyekurov is the basis of the plot of the famous story. The heroes have been friends since their youth, they were brought together a lot, their friendship was envied. A seemingly funny situation led to enmity: Troyekurov's servant unintentionally insulted Dubrovsky in his own words. Both heroes were very stubborn, so it was not possible to exhaust the conflict peacefully. The meanness of Kirill Petrovich turned into madness and the death of Andrei Gavrilovich. Could true friendship turn into mortal enmity? Not. Most likely, there was no true friendship.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Friendship and camaraderie are very close concepts. For Taras Bulba, partnership is a tremendous value, including justice, joint efforts to defend the Motherland, honesty towards each other. Before the decisive battle, the hero makes a speech about partnership, which greatly inspires the Zaporozhian people, urging them to "become related by kindred by heart." The relationship between the Cossacks is a manifestation of true friendship, proven by deeds.

O. Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray". Friendship with Lord Henry negatively affects the young handsome Dorian Gray. It was the words of Henry Wotton that prompted the young man to wish that Basil Hallward's portrait should grow old in his place. Lord Henry constantly pushes Dorian to commit immoral acts. The values \u200b\u200bof hedonism that Henry Wotton preaches destroy the soul of a young man. You can hardly see anything good in the friendship between these characters.

The theme of friendship in the works.

The purpose of the lesson:Reveal how friendship between the heroes of works is manifested, what character traits a friend should have, according to the writers.

Updating:This lesson is designed for grade 6 students. This is the age when guys learn to be friends, strive to find a real friend for themselves. The topic of friendship is very interesting for children. Many of them have already developed their own concept of a friend. Every child, no doubt, wants to know what other people think about this. By comparing, based on their experience, their opinion with the opinion of another, an adult, students can change their opinion or expand their concept of friendship, of a friend. Students learn to highlight a topic in a work, expand their vocabulary, learn to express their opinions and explain why they think so. They develop their communication skills, broaden their horizons, learn to analyze, listen and hear.

Tools:interactive whiteboard, flashcards with summaries of text, cards with verses.

Lesson plan:

1. On the interactive whiteboard the topic of the lesson and the epigraph. Students get acquainted with the topic, for the purpose of the lesson, with an epigraph. Explain the meaning of the epigraph.

3. Work in groups. Each group receives a task card. The group representatives make a report in 15 minutes.

4. Students who are willing recite the friendship verses with expression. The guys talk about what a friend should be, according to the poets.

5. We draw a conclusion. What an ideal friendship should be, what qualities a true friend should have.

6. Watching a presentation about friendship with music.

7. Conclusion. "To get a real friend, you have to become a real friend yourself."

friendship- the greatest value available to man. This axiom, which does not require any proof, and, nevertheless, in every generation there is a mass of thinkers trying to learn as much as possible about this sacrament.

Only a faithful friend is everywhere

Will be faithful and in trouble

You grieve - and he grieves

You are not sleeping - and he is not sleeping.

Everything that your peace is confused with

He will take close to his heart,

And that's the only way to be recognized

Loyal friend and flattering enemy.

Friendship is the most necessary for life, since no one will wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. (

If your friend becomes your enemy, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust will bloom again, withered due to the fact that he was not watered with the water of friendship and did not look after him. (

A friend is one soul living in two bodies. (

Happiness is the highest friendship based not on habit but on reason, in which a person loves his friend through loyalty and goodwill.

True friends are dearer than relatives. (

Without true friendship, life is nothing. (Cicero)

You have to be good with a friend and an enemy!

Who is good by nature, you will not find malice in that.

If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy

You embrace the enemy - you will find a friend. (Omar Khayyam)

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunshine. (Cicero)

They are looking for a friend for a long time, they find it with difficulty and it is difficult to keep him. (Publius)

Group assignment : 1) familiarity with the text, 2) based on the text, write how friendship is manifested among the heroes, what actions prove that the heroes are friends, 3) what qualities a real friend should have.

Prisoner of the Caucasus

Officer Zhilin served in the Caucasus. He received a letter from his mother and he decided to go home on vacation. But on the way, he and another Russian officer Kostylin were seized by the Tatars (through Kostylin's fault, since Kostylin was supposed to cover Zhilin, but when he saw the Tatars he began to run away from them. Kostylin betrayed Zhilin). The Tatar who took the Russian officers prisoner sold them to another Tatar. They were kept in shackles in the same barn.

The Tatars forced the officers to write a letter home demanding ransom. Kostylin wrote, and Zhilin specially wrote a different address, because he knew that there was no one to redeem it (the old mother already lived poorly). They lived like this for a whole month. The owner's daughter, the girl Dina, became attached to Zhilin, she secretly carried cakes and milk to him, and he made dolls for her. Zhilin began to think about how he and Kostylyn could escape from captivity, he began to dig a hole in the barn.

And one night they ran away. They fled into the forest, but Kostylin began to lag behind and whine, as he rubbed his feet with his boots. And so, because of Kostylin, they did not go far, they were noticed by one Tatar who was driving through the forest. He told the hosts of the hostages and they were quickly caught up with the dogs. The prisoners were put on shackles and were no longer removed even at night, and they were also put in another place in a pit of five arshins. But Zhilin still did not despair. I kept thinking how he could escape. And Dina saved him, at night she brought a long stick and lowered it into the pit, along it Zhilin climbed up. But Kostylin stayed, did not want to run away: he was frightened, and he had no strength.

Zhilin moved away from the village and wanted to remove the block, but he failed. Dina gave him cakes for the journey, and then began to cry, saying goodbye to Zhilin: she became very attached to him, since he was very kind to her. And Zhilin began to go farther and farther, although the block was very disturbing, when he ran out of strength he crawled, so he crawled to the field, behind which were already his Russians. But Zhilin was afraid that the Tatars would notice him when he crossed the field. I just thought to myself: to the left, on a hillock, there are three Tatars, tithes for two. They saw him, set off to him. So his heart sank. He waved his hands, shouted at his best: Brothers! Help out! Brothers! The Cossacks heard Zhilin and rushed across to the Tatars. Frightened, the Tatars began to stop before reaching the destination. So the Cossacks saved Zhilin. Zhilin told them how it was with him, and said: So I went home, got married! No, it’s not my fate. And he stayed to serve in the Caucasus. And Kostylin was redeemed only a month later for five thousand. Barely brought alive.

In a bad society

The hero's childhood took place in the small town of Knyazhye-Veno in the Southwestern Territory. Vasya - that was the name of the boy - was the son of a city judge. The child grew up "like a wild tree in a field": the mother died when the son was only six years old, and the father, absorbed in his grief, paid little attention to the boy. Vasya wandered around the city all day, and the pictures of city life left a deep imprint on his soul.

One day Vasya with three friends comes to the old chapel: he wants to look there. Friends help Vasya to get inside through a high window. But when they saw that there was someone else in the chapel, the friends flee in horror, leaving Vasya to fend for themselves. It turns out that Tyburtsia's children are there: nine-year-old Valek and four-year-old Marusya. Vasya often starts coming up the mountain to his new friends, bringing them apples from his garden. But he walks only when Tyburtius cannot find him. Vasya does not tell anyone about this acquaintance. He tells his cowardly friends that he has seen devils.

Vasya has a sister, four-year-old Sonya. She, like her brother, is a cheerful and playful child. The brother and sister love each other very much, but Sonya's nanny hinders their noisy games: she considers Vasya a bad, spoiled boy. The father adheres to the same view. He does not find a place in his soul for love for the boy. Father loves Sonya more because she looks like her deceased mother.

Once in a conversation Valek and Marusya tell Vasya that Tyburtiy loves them very much. Vasya speaks of his father with resentment. But suddenly he learns from Valek that the judge is a very fair and honest person. Valek is a very serious and intelligent boy. Marusya is not at all like the playful Sonya, she is weak, thoughtful, "sad". Valek says that "the gray stone sucked the life out of her."

Vasya learns that Valek is stealing food for his hungry sister. This discovery makes a heavy impression on Vasya, but still he does not judge his friend.

Valek shows Vasya the dungeon where all the members of the "bad society" live. In the absence of adults, Vasya comes there, plays with his friends. During the game of blind man's buff, Tyburtiy unexpectedly appears. Children are frightened - after all, they are friends without the knowledge of the formidable head of the "bad society". But Tyburtsiy allows Vasya to come, taking from him a promise not to tell anyone where they all live. Tyburtsiy brings food, prepares dinner - according to him, Vasya understands that the food is stolen. This, of course, confuses the boy, but he sees that Marusya is so happy about the food ... Now Vasya freely comes to the mountain, and the adult members of the “bad society” also get used to the boy, love him.

Autumn comes and Marusya falls ill. In order to somehow entertain the sick girl, Vasya decides to ask Sonya for a while for a large beautiful doll, a gift from his deceased mother. Sonya agrees. Marusya is delighted with the doll, and she even gets better.

Old Janusz comes to the judge several times with denunciations against members of the "bad society". He says that Vasya communicates with them. The nanny notices the doll's absence. Vasya is not allowed out of the house, and after a few days he runs away secretly.

Marusa is getting worse. The inhabitants of the dungeon decide that the doll needs to be returned, and the girl will not notice it. But seeing that they want to take the doll away, Marusya cries bitterly ... Vasya leaves the doll for her.

And again Vasya is not allowed out of the house. The father is trying to get his son to confess where he went and where the doll went. Vasya admits that he took the doll, but no longer says anything. Father is angry ... And at the most critical moment Tyburtius appears. He is carrying a doll.

Tyburtsiy tells the judge about Vasya's friendship with his children. He is amazed. The father feels guilty towards Vasya. It was as if a wall had collapsed, separating father and son for a long time, and they felt like close people. Tyburtsiy says that Marusya is dead. Father lets Vasya say goodbye to her, while he gives through Vasya money for Tyburtsy and a warning: the head of the "bad society" is better off hiding from the city.

Soon, almost all "dark personalities" disappear somewhere. Only the old "professor" and Turkevich remain, to whom the judge sometimes gives a job. Marusya was buried in the old cemetery near the collapsed chapel. Vasya and his sister are looking after her grave. Sometimes they come to the cemetery with their father. When the time comes for Vasya and Sonya to leave their hometown, they pronounce their vows over this grave.

III group

Gaidar and his team.

Colonel Aleksandrov has been at the front for three months. He sends a telegram to his daughters in Moscow, invites them to spend the rest of the summer at their dacha.

The eldest, eighteen-year-old Olga, goes there with her things, leaving thirteen-year-old Zhenya to clean up the apartment. Olga is studying to be an engineer, makes music, sings, she is a strict, serious girl. At the dacha, Olga meets a young engineer Georgy Garayev. She waits until late for Zhenya, but still no sister.

And Zhenya at this time, having arrived at the dacha village, in search of mail to send a telegram to his father, accidentally walks into someone's empty dacha, and the dog does not let her go back. Zhenya falls asleep. Waking up in the morning, he sees that the dog is not there, and next to him is an encouraging note from the unknown Timur. Finding a fake revolver, Zhenya plays with it. A blank shot, which broke the mirror, scares her, she runs away, forgetting the key to the Moscow apartment and the telegram in the house. Zhenya comes to his sister and already foresees her anger, but suddenly some girl brings her a key and a receipt from a telegram sent with a note from the same Timur.

Zhenya climbs into an old barn at the back of the garden. There she finds the steering wheel and starts turning it. And from the steering wheel there are rope wires. Zhenya, without knowing it, is giving signals to someone! The barn is filled with many boys. They want to beat Zhenya, who unceremoniously invaded their headquarters. But the commander stops them. This is the same Timur (he is the nephew of Georgy Garayev). He invites Zhenya to stay and listen to what the guys are doing. It turns out that they help people, especially the families of the Red Army soldiers. But they do all this in secret from adults. The boys decide to "take special care" of Mishka Kvakin and his gang, which climbs other people's gardens and steals apples. Olga thinks that Timur is a bully and forbids Zhenya to hang out with him. Zhenya cannot explain anything: it would mean divulging a secret. Early in the morning, the guys from Timur's team fill the barrel of the old milkmaid with water. Then they put firewood in a woodpile for another old woman - the grandmother of the lively girl Nyurki, they find her missing goat. And Zhenya plays with the little daughter of Lieutenant Pavlov, who was recently killed at the border. Timurovites make an ultimatum to Mishka Kvakin. They order him to appear with his assistant, the Figure, and bring a list of gang members. Geika and Kolya Kolokolchikov deliver the ultimatum. And when they come for an answer, they lock them up in the old chapel. Georgy Garayev rides Olga on a motorcycle. He, like Olga, is engaged in singing: he plays in the opera of an old partisan. His "harsh and terrible" make-up will scare anyone you want, and the joker Georgy often uses this (he owned the fake revolver). The Timurovites manage to free Geika and Kolya and lock the Figure in their place. They ambush the Kwakin gang, shut everyone up in the booth in the market square and hang a poster on the booth that the "captives" are apple thieves. There is a noisy celebration in the park. George was asked to sing. Olga agreed to accompany him on the accordion. After the performance, Olga runs into Timur and Zhenya walking in the park. The angry older sister accuses Timur of turning Zhenya against her, she is angry with George too: why didn't he admit earlier that Timur was his nephew? George, in turn, forbids Timur to communicate with Zhenya. Olga, in order to teach Zhenya a lesson, leaves for Moscow. There she receives a telegram: her father will be in Moscow at night. He's only coming to see his daughters for three hours. And a friend comes to Zhenya's dacha - the widow of Lieutenant Pavlov. She urgently needs to go to Moscow to meet her mother, and she leaves her little daughter for the night with Zhenya. The girl falls asleep, and Zhenya leaves to play volleyball. Meanwhile, telegrams come from my father and from Olga. Zhenya notices the telegrams only late in the evening. But she has no one to leave the girl, and the last train has already left. Then Zhenya sends a signal to Timur and tells him about his trouble. Timur instructs Kolya Kolokolchikov to guard the sleeping girl - for this he has to tell Kolya's grandfather everything. He approves of the boys' actions. Timur himself takes Zhenya on a motorcycle to the city (there is no one to ask permission, his uncle is in Moscow). The father is upset that he never managed to see Zhenya. And when the time is already approaching three, Zhenya and Timur suddenly appear. Minutes fly quickly - Colonel Aleksandrov has to go to the front. Georgy finds neither his nephew nor a motorcycle at his dacha and decides to send Timur home to his mother, but then Timur comes along, along with Zhenya and Olga. They explain everything. George receives a summons. In the form of a captain of tank forces, he comes to Olga to say goodbye. Zhenya sends a "common call sign", all the boys from Timurov's team come running. All together go to see off George. Olga plays the accordion. Georgy leaves. Olga says to the saddened Timur: "You have always thought about people, and they will repay you in kind."

V. Rasputin. French lessons.

The hero of the work is an eleven-year-old boy who lived and studied in the village. He was considered "brainy" because he was literate, and also often came to him with bonds: it was believed that he had a happy eye. But in the village where our hero lived, there was only an elementary school, and therefore, in order to continue his studies, he had to leave for the regional center. In this difficult post-war period, in a period of devastation and hunger, his mother, in spite of all the misfortunes, gathered and sent her son to study. In the city, he felt even more hungry, because in the countryside it is easier to get food for himself, but in the city you need to buy everything. The boy had to live with Aunt Nadia. He suffered from anemia, so every day he bought a glass of milk for a ruble.

At school he studied well, with only A's, except for French, he was not given pronunciation. Lydia Mikhailovna, the French teacher, listening to him, winced helplessly and closed her eyes. One day our hero finds out that you can make money by playing Chika, and he starts playing this game with other boys. However, he did not allow himself to get very involved in the game and left as soon as he won the ruble. But one day the other guys did not let him leave with the ruble, but forced him to continue playing. Vadik, the best Chica player, provoked the fight. The next day the unfortunate village boy comes to school all beaten up and Lydia Mikhailovna is told what happened. When the teacher found out that the boy was playing for money, she called him into a conversation, thinking that he was spending money on sweets, but in fact he was buying milk for treatment. She immediately changed her attitude towards him, and she decided to study French with him separately. The teacher invited him to her home, treated him to dinner, but the boy did not eat out of pride and embarrassment. Lydia Mikhailovna, a fairly wealthy woman, was very sympathetic to the guy and wanted to surround him with attention and care at least a little, knowing that he was starving. But he did not accept the help of the kind teacher. She tried to send him a food parcel, but he gave it back. , in order to give the boy a chance to have money, he comes up with a game of measurements. And he, thinking that this method will be "honest", agrees and wins. The school director considered playing with a student a crime, seduction, but he did not understand the essence of what made the teacher do it. The woman goes to her place in the Kuban, but she did not forget the boy and sent him a parcel with food and even apples, which the boy had never tasted, but only seen in pictures. Lydia Mikhailovna is a kind and selfless person. Even after losing her job, she does not blame the boy for anything and does not forget about him.


But do you need to call a friend,

When it's dark on the way

When the roads are unrecognizable

And don't have the strength to go?

When trouble is on all sides

When the sun is at night

But won't he see

Won't rush to help?

After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep,

When this suddenly!

But ... if a friend needs to be called -

It is hardly a friend ... Valentina Kosheleva


It's great that there are friends in the world

When there is someone to laugh and joke with,

There is someone to play with, fool around like children,

And there is someone to talk heart to heart with!

When you are perfectly understood

Without unnecessary words and without beautiful phrases,

When they both love and suffer with you,

And sometimes they live life with you!

It's great that there is friendship in the world,

That is not subject to either winds or blizzards ...

We are together - what else do we need?

Be close and support each other! Marina Gavrina


My friend in trouble will not leave me.

He is always ready to listen.

He is unlikely to ask for anything,

But it will protect against all enemies.

He loves to communicate with me,

Will tell me his secrets.

I can honestly confess to you

There is no better friend anywhere.

He is the kindest, the sweetest,

So attentive to me ...

And how beautiful his soul is!

It gives me joy, peace, peace.

I respect him very much,

After all, he is my closest friend.

I understand his problems.

Let everyone envy around!

Although we are far from each other

But the fire of that friendship burns.

She is not threatened by frost and blizzard,

Nothing will frighten her! Olga Chernysheva

In difficult times, only a true friend can lend a shoulder and lend a helping hand. It is he who will not leave in trouble and will always support. Songs are composed about such people, films are made and, of course, literary works are written. Friendship booksare usually touching and emotional. This is not surprising, because they affect the most sincere feelings of a person. Books about friendship are understandable to everyone: adults and children, men and women. They are included in the literary treasury of the best works of the world and have been known to readers since ancient times.

Often friendship books, list which is rapidly increasing, it is advised for reading precisely by a young audience. By empathizing with the heroes, learning from them to build sincere relationships, comprehending the meaning of the science of camaraderie, children acquire invaluable skills. This knowledge of how people communicate with each other will be useful to a young reader in the future. The positive example of the literary heroes of a good book about friendship will remain in memory for a long time.

Friendship books - a list of the most fascinating publications

Thousands of works by classical authors have been devoted to the topic of partnership, gratuitous devotion and boundless mutual understanding. However, modern writers also carry these ideas into their works. By listing friendship books, list which is almost impossible to fully compile, of course, mention should be made of the work of Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". This work invariably conquers the minds and hearts of all new readers. Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men in a Boat, Not Counting a Dog is another famous essay about the travels of loyal friends.

There have been cases when books on partnership have turned the lives of their readers. Children all over the Soviet Union dreamed of doing kind and useful deeds like the heroes of Arkady Gaidar's book Timur and His Team. As more modern examples, we can cite a whole fan movement of fans of the saga about the wizard Harry Potter. Following the difficult fate of the brave young magician and his loyal friends, readers all over the world believed that true friendship can save, revive and inspire great achievements.

Fans of works dedicated to partnership ideas will appreciate the works of J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings trilogy), Nick Hornby (My Boy), Jack London (Hearts of Three), Vladislav Krapivin (Three from Carronade Square), Mark Levy (Where Are You?) And many others domestic and foreign authors.
