1. What harmful substances are contaminated by the atmosphere of car internal combustion engines emitted with a waste gas (og)
2. What is the elementary composition of automotive fuel
3. What measures can be reduced air pollution by car exhaust gases
4. What climatic conditions (phenomena) contribute to the spread of air pollutants by exhaust gases
5. What are the migration paths of the contamination of the exhaust gases of their air from the air to other environmental objects
6. What groups on chemical components and impact on living organisms are divided by substances contained in the spent gases of cars
7. What impact on the body is nitrogen oxides
8. What a danger is polycyclic hydrocarbons
9. What impact on the body has carbon monoxide
10. The history of the Volgograd Metro
11. The influence of the metro on anthropogenic factors
List of sources used


In recent decades, due to the rapid development of road transport, the problems of their environmental impact esteem. The transport complex is a powerful source of pollution of the natural environment. Of the 35 million tons of harmful emissions, 89% falls on the emissions of road transport and enterprises of the road construction complex. The role of transport in pollution of water bodies is essential. In addition, transport is one of the main sources of noise in the cities and makes a significant contribution to the thermal pollution of the environment (1). Includes a huge amount of petroleum products, applying at the same time tangible harm to the environment, mainly atmosphere. Every year the amount of vehicles grows, and, therefore, the content of harmful substances in the atmospheric air is growing.

A continuous increase in the number of cars has a certain negative impact on the environment and human health. The environment of the environment by road is one of the most unsafe for human health, because the exhaust gases come to the atmosphere where their dissipation is difficult. As part of the spent gases of cars there is a large amount of nitrogen oxide, unhain carbon, aldehydes and soot, as well as carbon monoxide. In connection with a huge number of vehicles, it has a huge impact on the state of the atmosphere and the health of people. It is believed that thousands of people die annually due to exhaust gases, and the damage they cause the environment to estimate Billions of dollars. Exhaust emissions affect the development of many diseases. Industrial emissions have a negative impact on the health of people, destroy materials and equipment, reduce forest and agriculture productivity. Nowadays, scientists are actively working on the creation of technologies for emissions utilization, environmentally friendly production, fuel. Created emission disposal technologies for emission cleansing need to build cleaning facilities. If all chemical enterprises harvested emissions of production, they would receive tens of thousands of tons of valuities such as nitrogen and sulfuric acid, sulfuric anhydride, fluorine and other regret created efficient production technologies are not applied on most enterprises due to their high costs, and Sometimes, due to the neglect of the environmental problem.

1. What harmful substances are contaminated by the atmosphere of car internal combustion engines emitted with a waste gas (og)

The internal combustion engine is a thermal engine in which the chemical energy of fuel is converted into mechanical work. According to the type of fuel used, the DVS is divided into engines operating on gasoline, gas and diesel fuel. According to the method of ignition, combustible mixtures of DVS are with ignition from compression (diesel engines) and with ignition from spark spark plug (1).

Automotive internal combustion engines contaminate the atmosphere with harmful substances emitted with spent gases (ogs), crankcase gases and fuel evaporation. At the same time, 95 ... 99% of harmful emissions of modern automotive engines fall on the OG, which are an aerosol of complex, depending on the mode of operation of the engine.

2. What is the elementary composition of automotive fuel

Diesel fuel is a mixture of oil hydrocarbons with boiling temperatures from 200 to 3500c. Diesel fuel should have a certain viscosity and self-flammability, be chemically stable, with combustion to have minimal smoke and toxicity. To improve these properties, additives, antidymny or multifunctional additives are introduced into fuel. The exhaust gases of the engines contain a complex mixture, from more than two hundred components, among which there are quite a few carcinogens. The main parameter affecting the intensity of environmental pollution is the type of engine of the car. Table 5 shows the types of pollutant emissions from various types of motor engines (2).

The elementary composition of automotive oil fuels is carbon, hydrogen, in minor quantities of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. The atmospheric air, which is an oxidizing agent, is known, mainly of nitrogen (79%) and oxygen (about 21%). In the perfect combustion of a stoichiometric mixture of hydrocarbon fuel with air in combustion products, only N2, CO;, H2O should be present. In real limits, the products of incomplete combustion are also contained (carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, solid carbon particles, peroxidation compounds, hydrogen and excess oxygen), products of thermal nitrogen reactions with oxygen (nitrogen oxides), as well as inorganic compounds of certain substances present in fuel (sulfur arhydride, lead compounds, etc.).

3. What measures can be reduced air pollution by high-blooded automobile gases

Transfer of an internal combustion engine on gaseous fuel. The existing years of experience of operating a car on propane-butane mixtures shows a high ecological effect. In automotive emissions, the amount of carbon monoxide, heavy metals and hydrocarbons is dramatically reduced, but the level of nitrogen oxides emissions remains high enough. In addition, the use of gas mixtures is still possible only on trucks and requires the establishment of a system of gas stations, so the possibilities of this decision are currently limited (3). The engine of the internal combustion engine for hydrogen fuel is often advertised how almost the perfect solution to the problem, however It is often forgotten that nitrogen oxides are formed when using hydrogen and that production, combustion and transportation of large volumes of hydrogen are associated with large technical difficulties, unsafe and very overwhelmed in economically.

In the city, there are several hundred thousand cars, there would have to have enormous hydrogen reserves, one storage of which would require (to ensure the safety of the population) of the alienation of huge territories. If you consider that this would be supplemented by a developed network of filling stations, then such a city would be very unsafe for its inhabitants. Even if we assume that an economically acceptable solution to the problem of storage of hydrogen will be found (including in the vehicles themselves) in a bound state, then this problem, in our opinion, will hardly be promising in the coming decades. The car's electric car is also very intensely advertised in the popular literature, however, it is currently really real as the previous proposal. Firstly, even the most advanced batteries along with a significant one's own weight, worsening the parameters of the car, require a few times more to charge the energy than it is spent with an equal operation of a regular car. Thus, the electric car, being the most wasteful, energy relation, the means of transport, reducing the pollution of the medium at its own place of operation, dramatically increases it in the energy production site. Secondly, the production of batteries requires a significant amount of valuable non-ferrous metals, the deficit of which is growing hardly faster than the deficiency of oil and gas. And, thirdly, an electric vehicle, almost "clean" for the city street, is not such for the motorist itself, since during the operation of batteries there is a constant release of many toxic substances that inevitably fall into the electric vehicle salon. Even if we assume that all the above problems would be technically permitted, it would be necessary to take into account that at the restructuring of the entire automotive industry, a fleet change, the restructuring of the service and operation of vehicles would require not one ten years and several dozen, if not hundreds of billion dollars. Therefore, the rechargeable car can hardly be a promising solution to the problem of environmental pollution by road. In addition to the disassembled above there are dozens of other technical solutions, many of which are brought to prototypes. Among them, there are both unpromising, such as a car with a flywheel battery that can only move on perfectly evenly and straight road - otherwise the gyroscopic effect of the flywheel will seriously interfere with the control and rather promising "hybrid" structures.

Among the latest, the idea of \u200b\u200ba cargo trolleybus with a battery for interlinear movements, the implementation of which, subject to the improvement of current collectors and the reconstruction of currents, can sharply reduce the pollution of the air basin, especially in the centers of cities. In addition to the improvement of the means of transport themselves, a major contribution to the reduction of the atmosphere of cities may Make planning activities, measures to improve management of automotive flows and measures to rationalize transportation within the city. The creation of a single automated shipping management system in the cities can sharply reduce the mileage of cars within the city and, accordingly, reduce the pollution of its air pool.

4. What climatic conditions (phenomena) contribute to the spread of air pollutants by exhaust gases

Sustainable windless weather, usually accompanied by inversions, is necessary to create a high concentration of reacting substances. Such conditions are created more often in June-September and less often in winter. With prolonged clear weather, solar radiation causes the splitting of nitrogen dioxide molecules to form nitrogen oxide and atomic oxygen. Atomic oxygen with molecular oxygen gives ozone. It would seem that the latter, oxidizing nitrogen oxide, should turn into molecular oxygen again, and nitrogen oxide into dioxide. But this does not happen. Nitrogen oxide reacts with olefins of exhaust gases, which at the same time split off dual bonds and form fragments of molecules and excess ozone. As a result of continuing dissociation, new masses of nitrogen dioxide are split and provide additional amounts of ozone. A cyclic reaction occurs, as a result, ozone gradually accumulates in the atmosphere. This process ceases at night (4). In turn, ozone enters the reaction with olefins. In the atmosphere, various peroxides are concentrated, which in the amount and form the oxidants characteristic of the photochemical fog. The latter are the source of so-called free radicals that differ in particular reactivity. In its physiological influence on the human body, they are extremely dangerous for the respiratory and circulatory system and are often the cause of the premature death of urban residents with weakened health. Specifically pollution of the air pool of the city, it is necessary to mention that it is subject to noticeable fluctuations caused as weather conditions, so and the mode of operation of the enterprise and motor vehicles. As a rule, the atmosphere is more than at night, in winter, more than in summer, but there are exceptions related to, for example, with a photochemical could in summer or education over the city of stagnant polluted air in the night time. For cities located in various climatic zones and in specific landscaped conditions, various types of critical situations are characterized, during which the atmosphere bubbly can achieve critical values, but in all cases they are associated with long-haired weatherless weather.

5. Name the ways of migration of contamination by highlights of their air from the air to other environmental objects

Air pollutants directly produced by cars, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, or lead, are mainly accumulated adjacent to the sources of pollution, i.e. Along the highways, streets, in tunnels, at intersections, etc. Part of pollutants is transported over long distances from the emission site, transformed during the transfer process. Carbon dioxide and other gases, such as greenhouse effect, are distributed to the entire atmosphere, causing global geoecological effects (5). Many man-made technologic substances entering the city's air environment are dangerous pollutants. They are damaged to the health of people, wildlife, material values. Some of them, due to long-term existence in the atmosphere, are transferred over long distances, which is why the problem of pollution turns out of the local in the international one. It mainly concerns the contamination by sulfur and nitrogen oxides. The rapid accumulation of these pollutants in the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere (an annual increase in 5%) gave rise to such a phenomenon as acidic and acidified precipitation. They suppress the biological productivity of soils and water bodies, especially those of them that have their own high acidity.

6. What groups on chemical components and impact on living organisms are divided by substances contained in the spent gases of cars

In total, about 280 components were detected in og. According to its chemical properties, the nature of the impact on the human body, the substances contained in the exhaust and crankcase gases are divided into several groups. A group of non-toxic substances includes nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, water vapor, as well as carbon dioxide. The group of toxic substances is: carbon monoxide, NOX nitrogen oxides, a numerous group of hydrocarbons with "NT, including paraffins, olefins, aromatics, etc. Next, follow the aldehydes /? - SNO, soot. During the combustion of sulfur fuels, inorganic gases are formed - sulphide anhydride SO2 and H2S hydrogen sulfide.

The special group is carcinogenic nolicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAU), including the most active benz (a) of pyrene, which is an indicator of the presence of carcinogens in og. In the case of the use of ethyl gasolines, toxic lead compounds (6) are formed.

The formation of toxic substances - non-combustion products and nitrogen oxides in the engine cylinder in the combustion process occurs fundamentally different paths. The first group of toxic substances is associated with chemical fuel oxidation reactions flowing both in the suspected period and in the combustion process - expansion. The second group of toxic substances is formed when the nitrogen is compounded and excess oxygen in combustion products. The reaction of the formation of nitrogen oxides is thermal nature and is not directly related to the fuel oxidation reactions.

Harmful toxic emissions can be divided into regulated and non-elected. They act on the human body in different ways. Harmful toxic emissions: CO, NOX, CXHY, RXCHO, SO2, soot, smoke. The main toxic emissions of the car include: spent gases (og), crankcase gases and fuel evaporation. The exhaust gases emitted by the engine contain carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (schy), nitrogen oxides (NOX), benz (a) pyrene, aldehydes and soot. Cartarent gases are a mixture of part of the exhaust gases that penetrate through the looseness of the piston rings in the engine crankcase, with pairs of engine oil. Fuel evaporation enters the environment from the engine power system: joints, hoses, etc. Distribution of the main components of emissions in the carburetor motor The following: The exhaust gases contain 95% CO, 55% scheme and 98% NOX, Cartarent gases of 5% scheme, 2% NOX, and fuel evaporation - up to 40% so. The main toxic substances - the products of incomplete combustion are soot, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes. In fact, the values \u200b\u200bof the emissions of harmful substances in the exhaust gases of vehicles depend on a number of factors: relations in the mixture of air and fuel, vehicles of motor vehicles, relief and road quality, The technical condition of vehicles and others. Composition and volumes of emissions also depend on the type of engine. Emissions of basic pollutants are significantly lower in diesel engines. Therefore, it is considered more environmentally friendly. However, diesel engines are distinguished by elevated soot emissions formed due to fuel overload. Singry is saturated with carcinogenic hydrocarbons and microelements; Their emissions into the atmosphere are not allowed.

7. What impact on the body is nitrogen oxides

Curmarket gas and nitrogen oxides, such intensively allocated at first glance an innocent bluish chimney of the car silencer is one of the main causes of headaches, fatigue, unmotivated irritation, low ability to work. Sulfur gas is able to influence the genetic apparatus, contributing to infertility and congenital deformities, and all together these factors lead to stress, nervous manifestations, striving for solitude, indifference to the closest people. In large cities, diseases of blood circulation and respiration organs, heart attacks, hypertension and neoplasms are also widespread. According to experts, the "contribution" of road transport to the atmosphere is up to 90% of carbon monoxide and 70% by nitrogen oxide (7).

8. What a danger is polycyclic hydrocarbons

Pollution of atmospheric air is the most serious environmental problem of the modern city, it causes significant damage to the health of citizens, material and technical objects located in the city (buildings, facilities, facilities, industrial and transportation equipment, communications, industrial products, raw materials and semi-finished products) and green plantations . As shown numerous studies, the increased concentration of polycyclic hydrocarbons in the air sharply increases the corrosion of metals. Thus, according to the Swedish researchers, corrosive steel corrosion in cities with significant humidifier and in particular the adjacent to sea coasts (8) is particularly intense.

9. What impact on the body has carbon monoxide

Due to the fact that the spent gases of cars come to the lower layer of the atmosphere, and the process of their scattering is significantly different from the process of scattering high stationary sources, harmful substances are almost in the human breathing area. Therefore, road transport should be attributed to the category of the most dangerous sources of air pollution near motorways. On carbon oxide emissions, the road relief has a significant impact and the mode of movement of the car. For example, when accelerating and braking in the exhaust gases, the carbon oxide content of almost 8 times increases. The minimum amount of carbon oxide is highlighted at the uniform velocity of the vehicle 60 km / h. Nitrogen oxide emissions are maximal with the air - fuel 16: 1. The sensitivity of the population to the action of the contamination of the atmosphere depends on a large number of factors, including from age, gender, the general state of health, nutrition, temperature and humidity, etc. Elderly, children, patients, smokers suffering from chronic bronchitis, coronary failure, asthma, are more vulnerable (9).

10. The history of the Volgograd Metro.

In 1971, a new tram depot was opened in the northern residential area for servicing the 8th route and the new route, which connected the Tram Depot area with the line on Lenin Avenue and the Tractor Plant. The process of reconstruction of the tram line continued until 1976. In 1976, it was decided to build an underground site under the city center with three stations. According to the design of the designers, tram trains at the entrance to the city center went to a tunnel of small embarrassment, passed under Lenin's avenue with three stops at stations and after crossing the River Tsaritsa raffled on the ring at the Chekist Square. Such a solution significantly reduced the time on the way between the city center and the northern regions, especially since the 8th tram route directly in the center did not walk, ending with Pavlov's house, where there was a transfer to other routes on Soviet street.

The underground site was built in eight years and opened on November 15, 1984. The 8th tram route was renamed to "Art" and began to walk from the tractor plant to the Chekist Square. On the Northern Line line until 1998, the 9th route was maintained.

The construction of an underground site and the reconstruction of the already existing ground line conducted the Contractors Volgogradstroy, "Privolzhtranstroy" and "Kharkivmetrostroy" on the project developed by the Branch of the Kharkivmetroproekt Institute "Metrogiprotrans". The operator is the MUE Metroelectrotrans.

On December 1, 2011, the second launcher of the line was opened - from "Pioneer" to "Elsanka". Due to the insufficient number of trams with a double-sided doorway, the high-speed tram line is divided into two routes. From Art. "Elsanka" can be reached without transplanting to the station "Stadium" Monolith ", while the work of the first section of the station" VGTZ "-" Chekist Square "is stored as usual. The movement interval at first is about 10 minutes, but by mid-2012 it is planned to purchase several more rolling stock units. In the distant future, it is planned to reach the tram movement interval at this site 2-3 minutes.

11. The influence of the metro on anthropogenic factors.

After examining the history of the underground, and in particular the Volgograd Metro, we can conclude that the metro has a positive effect on the atmosphere.

Nowadays, many citizens use personal vehicles, which causes a negative impact on the ecology in general, standing in everyday urban traffic jams, cars throw out a huge amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which thus affects the atmosphere and man himself! Pluses of the metro can be listed infinitely. The metro is absolutely safe for the atmosphere, it saves a lot of time when moving from point A to point in which is quite relevant in our lifestyle.


Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of Russia, Russian Transport Inspects, the Government of Moscow, and other organizations, attention is paid to the monitoring of compliance with environmental requirements for the operation of vehicles and the ecological situation of the regions. The laws of the Russian Federation "On the Environmental Protection" and "On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" were approved. The basis of these laws is approved by temporary environmental requirements during the operation of motor vehicles, the task is approved to equip vehicles and special equipment on the automotive chassis with catalytic neutralizers and other technical decline devices The toxicity of exhaust gases. The government of Moscow issued a law on responsibility for the sale of motor fuel that does not meet environmental requirements.

In accordance with this law, for non-compliance with environmental requirements for the sale of motor fuel on violators, a fine is imposed, a license is suspended and canceled (10). Despite the holding of various events, as we saw during the work, road transport and road construction equipment continue to remain the largest The source of negative environmental impact. Impact exposed to all the environmental components. At the same time, the greatest and most dangerous pollution is atmospheric. It is dangerous because the air is necessary for us, our life and health depends on its quality. In addition, the air is associated with all other environmental components.

List of sources used

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20. Environmental Protection, Forestry and Natural Resources

Abstract on the topic "Impact of transport on the environment" Updated: November 6, 2018 by the author: Scientific

The negative effect of cars on the environment is obvious. Unfortunately, in addition to all those positive qualities, which brings with them the use of internal combustion engines is also observed with many negative factors. The main ones are negative impact on the environment. Internal combustion engines on which all cars work are running, during their work, it is simply a huge amount of petroleum products of varying degrees of cleaning. This causes harm to the environment and, first of all, the atmosphere. Since cars in large quantities are mostly focused in large cities, the air in megalopolis is depleted with oxygen and is contaminated with the products of combustion of petroleum products. Such air brings harm to human health, due to such an impact, the environmental medium is disturbed, natural and climatic conditions are changing. It is also well known that these harmful foods also fall into the water, which means that the water medium is also contaminated. Cars have a huge noise impact on a person. Noises that are published when the car engine is operating, they have excessive fatigue in humans in humans, which can serve as a reason for various mental and nervous disorders. The noise threshold is constantly exceeded, in which the normal operation of human hearing organs is possible. In addition, constant noise impact may significantly reduce human life. Permanent noises interfere with people to perform the necessary actions, such as, for example, sleep, rest, fruitful work, etc. Climatic and natural factors also affect the spread of noise. For example, in the zone that is saturated with green plantings, the noise is spreading much in a smaller concentration than, for example, in the city. That is why residents of cities feel often constant fatigue. Thus, it can be said that cars have a negative impact on the environment and per person. It is necessary to try to reduce this effect by various methods, at least before the level that does not interfere with the normal functioning of the human body, and will not violate the work of environmental systems. The main ways to reduce environmental damage from transport are concluded
in the following:
1) optimization of the movement of urban transport;
2) the development of alternative energy sources;
3) after hurrying and cleaning organic fuel;
4) Creation (modification) engines using alternative
5) noise protection.

The negative effect of cars on the environment is obvious. Unfortunately, in addition to all those positive qualities, which brings with them the use of internal combustion engines is also observed with many negative factors. The main ones are negative impact on the environment. Internal combustion engines on which all cars work are running, during their work, it is simply a huge amount of petroleum products of varying degrees of cleaning. This causes harm to the environment and, first of all, the atmosphere. Since cars in large quantities are mostly focused in large cities, the air in megalopolis is depleted with oxygen and is contaminated with the products of combustion of petroleum products. Such air brings harm to human health, due to such an impact, the environmental medium is disturbed, natural and climatic conditions are changing. It is also well known that these harmful foods also fall into the water, which means that the water medium is also contaminated. Cars have a huge noise impact on a person. Noises that are published when the car engine is operating, they have excessive fatigue in humans in humans, which can serve as a reason for various mental and nervous disorders. The noise threshold is constantly exceeded, in which the normal operation of human hearing organs is possible. In addition, constant noise impact may significantly reduce human life. Permanent noises interfere with people to perform the necessary actions, such as, for example, sleep, rest, fruitful work, etc. Climatic and natural factors also affect the spread of noise. For example, in the zone that is saturated with green plantings, the noise is spreading much in a smaller concentration than, for example, in the city. That is why residents of cities feel often constant fatigue. Thus, it can be said that cars have a negative impact on the environment and per person. It is necessary to try to reduce this effect by various methods, at least before the level that does not interfere with the normal functioning of the human body, and will not violate the work of environmental systems. The main ways to reduce environmental damage from transport are as follows: 1) optimization of the movement of urban transport; 2) the development of alternative energy sources; 3) after hurrying and cleaning organic fuel; 4) the creation of (modification) of engines using alternative fuels; 5) noise protection.

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Determine the Language of Klingon (Piqad) Azerbaijan Albanian English Arab Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengalsky Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gudjarati Danish Zulya Hebrew Idish Yidish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Cannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD ) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arab Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belor ENGLISH Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Georgian Greek Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Pepjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Seban Serbian Sisido Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish Khausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Cheva Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javelian Japanese Source: Goal:

The negative effect of cars on the environment is obvious. Unfortunately, in addition to all those positive qualities, which brings with them the use of internal combustion engines is also observed with many negative factors. The main ones are negative impact on the environment. Internal combustion engines on which all cars work are running, during their work, it is simply a huge amount of petroleum products of varying degrees of cleaning. This causes harm to the environment and, first of all, the atmosphere. Since cars in large quantities are mostly focused in large cities, the air in megalopolis is depleted with oxygen and is contaminated with the products of combustion of petroleum products. Such air brings harm to human health, due to such an impact, the environmental medium is disturbed, natural and climatic conditions are changing. It is also well known that these harmful foods also fall into the water, which means that the water medium is also contaminated. Cars have a huge noise impact on a person. Noises that are published when the car engine is operating, they have excessive fatigue in humans in humans, which can serve as a reason for various mental and nervous disorders. The noise threshold is constantly exceeded, in which the normal operation of human hearing organs is possible. In addition, constant noise impact may significantly reduce human life. Permanent noises interfere with people to perform the necessary actions, such as, for example, sleep, rest, fruitful work, etc. Climatic and natural factors also affect the spread of noise. For example, in the zone that is saturated with green plantings, the noise is spreading much in a smaller concentration than, for example, in the city. That is why residents of cities feel often constant fatigue. Thus, it can be said that cars have a negative impact on the environment and per person. It is necessary to try to reduce this effect by various methods, at least before the level that does not interfere with the normal functioning of the human body, and will not violate the work of environmental systems. The main ways to reduce environmental damage from transportation are as follows: 1) Optimization of the movement of urban transport; 2) Development of alternative energy sources; 3) Locking and cleaning of organic fuel; 4) Creation (modification) of engines using alternative fuels; 5) noise protection.

The Negative Impact of Cars On The Environment is Obvious. Unfortunately, in Addition to All Those Positive Qualities, Which Brings with IT The Use of Internal Combustion Engines, Also Observed A Number of Negative Factors. The Main One Is The Negative Impact On The Environment. Internal Combustion Engines, Which Run All The Cars During The Work Burn a Huge Amount of Oil of Varying Purity. This is Detrimental To The Environment and Above All, The Atmosphere. SINCE A LARGE NUMBER OF CARS ARE MOSTLY CONCENTRATED IN BIG CITIES, THE AIR IN BIG CITIES IS DIPLETED OF OXYGEN AND DIRTY PETROLEM PRODUCTS OF COMBUTION. SUCH Air Is Harmful to Human Health, Because Such Exposure Is Disturbed Ecological Environment, Changing Natural and Climatic Conditions. It is Also WELL KNOWN THAT THE AIR FROM THESE HARMFUL PRODUTS ALSO FALL INTO THE WATER, AND THUS CONTAMINATED, AND THE AQUEUS MEDIUM. Cars Have a Huge Impact on Human Noise. The Noises That Are Produced Whenon Excessive Fatigue in People That Can Give Rise to a Variety of Mental and Nervous Disorders. Consistently Exceed The Noise Threshold at Which Normal Operation Is Possible Organs of Hearing. In addition, continuous noise exposure can significantly reduce a person "s life. Constant noise prevent people from making the necessary actions, such as, for example, sleep, rest, fruitful work, etc. On the distribution of the noise level is also influenced by Climatic and Environmental Factors. For example, in An Area That Is Saturated With Green Spaces, Much Noise Is Distributed in a Lower Concentration Thank, for examples of Cities often Feel Constant Fatigue. Thus, We CAN SAY THAT THE CARS HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON SHOULD BE A VARIETY OF METHODS TO TRY TO REDUCE THIS EFFECT, AT LEAST TO A LEVEL THAT WILL NOT INTERFERE WILL BODY AND WILL Not Disrupte Ecological Systems. The Main Ways of Reducing The Environmental Impact of Transport Are
as Followows:
2) The Development of Alternative Energy Sources;
3) Post-Combustion and Clean Fossil FUELS;
4) Creation (Modification) engines that use alternative
5) Protection Against Noise.


the Negative Impact of Cars on the Environment Obviously. Unfortunately, in Addition to All of Those Qualities, Which Is Associated with the Use of Internal Combustion Engines, Also Has Many Negative Factors. The Main of Them Is The Negative Impact On The Environment. Internal Combustion Engines, Which Consists of all the vehicles in the Course of His Work Are Just a Great Number of Products of Varying Degrees of Purification. IT HARMS THE ENVIRONMENT AND, IN PARTICULAR, THE ATMOSPHERE. AS The Cars in Large Numbers Has Been Concentrated in Large Cities, The Air in the Mega Cities are depleted to Oxygen and Contaminated Products of Combuption Products. The Air Brings Harm to Human Health, Because of the Impact of An Ecological Environment, Change the Natural and Climatic Conditions. As IS Well Known That From The Air, These Harmful Products Are Still In The Water, And Then, The Polluted Water Environment. Cars Have Great Noise Effect. The Noises, Which Are Published in The Car Engine, Excessive Fatigue, People Have the Rights That May Give Rise to DiFerent Mental and Nervous Disorders. Constantly Exceeded The Noise Threshold, Which Is The Normal Organs of Hearing Rights. In addition, Continuous Noise Exposure Can Markedly Reduce The Life of Man. The Noise Preventing People to Perform The Necessary Actions, Such As, For Example, Sleep, Rest, The Work and So ON. On The Distribution of The Noise Level Are Also Influenced by Climatic and Environmental Factors. For example, in a zone Which is Dominated by Green Areas, Noise Is Much Less Concentrated Than, For Example, In The City. Theraefore, Urban Dwellers Are Often Constant Fatigue. Thus, WE CAN SAY THAT CARS HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN. A Variety of Methods To Try to Reduce This Effect, At Least to a Level That Will Not Interfere with the Normal Functioning of the Human Body, But Also Will Not Infringe on The Work of Ecological Systems. The Main Ways to Reduce The Environmental Impact of Transport ArenaXt: (1) The Optimization of the Urban Transport; (2) The Development of Alternative Energy Sources.3) Hope and Purification of Organic Fuel.4) A (Modified) Engines using AlternativeFuel ; (5) Protection Against Noise.


The problem of global warming caused by increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere constantly sounds in the speeches of prominent figures and organizations involved in the environment. Despite the fact that this idea is questioned, often quite reasonably, the presence of large-scale environmental pollution by various vehicles is very acute.

Yes, the facts say that carbon dioxide generated by the entire industry and cars can be evaluated just a few percent of the harm level, which is applied by an eruption of the average volcano. But the problem of other emissions, humanity cannot ignore. To reduce harm to nature, environmental transport, convenient for people and safe for the ecosphere, is being developed.

Modern engines can be referred to as a top of ecology, if comparing with their predecessors of half a century ago. The use of biodiesel, a constant decrease in the level of harmful substances in the exhaust specified by the safety standards, has a positive effect on the atmosphere of cities.

However, the continuous increase in the number of cars on the roads does not lead to a decrease in harm to the environment. The most notable dangerous features of modern transport include:

  • the presence in the exhaust of carbon monoxide, deadly for humans and other living organisms;
  • the presence of heavy metals salts deposited in the soil;
  • the presence of active substances of acidic, alkaline groups, which, when dissolved in atmospheric precipitation, affect the soil, structures of buildings, pollute the groundwater.

Environmental problems of transport are not limited to emissions and hazards associated with the operation of the engines. The area of \u200b\u200bharmful effects include leaks of oils, fuel, soot emissions, inevitable diesel engines. Damage to nature causes the extraction of raw materials for the production of gasoline and diesel engine, as well as its processing.

What is characterized by environmental transport

Eco-friendly cars minimize to the limit all emissions into the environment. Modern engineering ideas implemented in Metal and those used on the roads are familiar to many, for example, in the form of public transport. Other environmentally friendly cars operate either on a hybrid principle using a smaller amount of fuel or built without the use of internal combustion engines.

Public transport

Environmentally friendly modes of transport - public trolley buses, trams, metro. This part of the infrastructure of cities, if evaluating a specific means of movement, seems perfect. No harmful substances are thrown into the air, there are no soot, there are no large-scale atmospheric slins. The ecology of transport of this type is attractive, but somewhat controversial.

  1. Public transport is used during the daytime.
  2. The necessary power of the energy network is very high.
  3. There are big energy leaks due to damage to networks, short circuits, various emergencies.

As a result, there is an increase in the load on electricity producers. The thermal stations burn more fuel, increasing emissions into the atmosphere. Adjust the load on the time of day with public electric transport is very difficult. Therefore, humanity is needed another output.

Hybrid cars

Popular and acquaintances of all hybrids are a car that has an internal combustion engine in a stable controlled mode. Part of the load takes on the secondary electrical drive system. Environmental transport of this kind is valid according to the following scheme:

  • during the movement along the highway with cruising speed or with a small range, the internal combustion engine works;
  • in urban mode, when the speed is not needed, and constant accelerations and braking are required, the car is driven by the electric motor;
  • while staying in the city, the internal combustion engine provides only the operation of the air conditioner, as well as the electric generator, recharge the car batteries.

Eco-friendly hybrid type transport significantly reduces the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The total fuel consumption drops to 50% (for cars that are mostly moving in the city cycle). But during long journeys, on the highway, the advantages of hybrids are not going on.

Rechargeable electric cars

Electric vehicles that feed only from the battery are recognized by sets of experts as the most convenient and rational solution. Today, there is a wide range of models - from pickups, such as the Chevrolet brand, capable of passing from one charge under load up to 240 km, to small cars for individual or family use. Such environmental types of transport solve several problems at once:

  • electric cars have no emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • tactical and technical characteristics of engineering solutions are very attractive: models
  • "Nissan" capable of charging even from the usual electrical outlet of the apartment, can pass from one charge to 400 km;
  • the restoration of batteries tanks occurs at night, which makes it possible to balance the load on the infrastructure of electricity production.

It becomes clear why more and more companies offer their electric vehicles on the market. The spread of this type of transport is limited - in some countries, the systems of standards and laws governing taxation, the rules for the use and maintenance of such individual means of movement are not adopted.

But in a number of states, the electric car has become familiar transport, it is even an infrastructure for quick charging of batteries from powerful energy sources.

Transportation on solar panels and induction propulsions

The car on solar panels has long been present in the works of science and various films about the future. This type of transport exists. Its development is still inhibited by the undoubted disadvantage:

  • car traffic can only occur during the day;
  • batteries capable of ensuring cravings in the evening and at night, weight the engineering solution, increase the car, reduce the overall dynamics.

Individual means of transportation on solar panels are not offered on the market. But public transport is already functioning. Serial, existing and used solutions include solar-powered buses moving along routes in the cities of Australia.

Another example is a mini-trains for tourists launched in Hungary. Implementing public transport projects, the movable energy of the Sun, China and other countries with high industrial potential.

Another interesting type of environmentally friendly vehicle is powered as well as smartphones with wireless charging. The source of energy serves as a cable laid under the road. Using induction, electricity is transmitted to engines. Such buses run through the streets of Paris (Jeweline project), in America parks, Japan.

Swedish engineers found another induction scheme. SCANIA CITIWIDE regular buses are built as electric cars. They are equipped with batteries and move freely. Postage stations on the induction principle are located directly in the zones of public network stops. This gave transport mobility and at the same time the ability to move as much as possible, without tosing to the power supply line laid under the road.

Induction buses, not equipped with batteries, offer another advantage. They do not need a driver. The route is clearly turned out, passes where the power cable is laid under the road. At the same time, the vehicle speed is easy to control, it is possible to track the position of a particular machine on the way, organizing a safe mode.

But on the scale of a large city where many road participants are present, the tracking system is difficult to implement. Therefore, buses with cable food are moving so far only in areas of tourist routes in parks or well-localized areas of cities.

The above-mentioned essay in English on the topic of environmental problems shows the main problems of the ecology of the modern world. He introduces the reader with scientific vocabulary. Suitable for students of 8-9 grades of the secondary school, as well as for those who teach the language at the level of "pre-intermediate". The text will be a good benefit for oral and written tasks - retelling, answer to questions, writing out unfamiliar words.

Topic "Ecological Problems"

The Word "Ecology" Comes from the Greek Language and Means "The Study of the Place We Live in". SO, There Is No Person On Earth Who Is Not Affectedd by Ecological Problems. For example, Air Polluted by Plants Will Travel For a Long Distance with Wind, The Heavy Particles Will Get Into Rivers and Seas.

Pollution of the Sea Is The Most Dangerous. The Regions That Are Most Loaded with Sea Traffic Are Very Dirty. For example, The Baltic Sea Is The Dirtiest Zone On The Planet. The Radioactive Leak At Fukushima, Japan Has Led to the Death of Many Fishes and Other Aquatic Beings.

The Cutout of Forests, Contamination of the Seas and Intense Burning of the Oxygen, Ozone and Carbon Dioxide in The Atmosphere, Making the Ozone "Shield" of the Planet Thinner. IT Results in Global Climate Changes. Debates Are Still Being Held Whether The "Global Warming" IS Real, But Every Year There Comes Another Evidence of the Warming - The Ice Mounts Melt At The Poles, Raising The Global Sea Level.

You, of Course, May Say That You Can't Affect The Production of Plants and Factories Much. But There Is Also The Ecology of Your Home and Your Workplace. You Shouldn't Pour Dangerous Chemicals To the Ground - IT Will "Die", Become Infertile. Don't Throw Away Batteries - Send Them to the Recycling Center. There Are Often Special Containers for Batteries in Major Malls. Generally, Do Not Waste Resources - Like Take A SHOWER, Not a Bath, Turn Down The Water Want You Brush Your Teeth. Turn Off Electric Devices That You Do Not Use. Take Care of the Health of Your Environment.

Topic "Environmental Problems"

The word "ecology" comes from the Greek language and means "science about the place in which we live." That is, there is not a single person who would not affect the problems of ecology. For example, air contaminated by the plants will take a large distance with the wind, and heavy particles will fall into the rivers and the sea.

Sea pollution - most dangerous. Regions that are most downloaded by the stream of marine ships are very dirty. For example, the Baltic Sea is the dirtiest zone on the planet. Radiation leakage in Fukushima, Japan, led to the death of many fish and other inhabitants of the sea.

Forest cutting, seas pollution and intensive coal burning shifted the balance of oxygen, ozone and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, making the ozone "shield" of the planet thinner. This leads to global climate change. Debates are still underway, whether "global warming" is realistic, but every year there are new warming testimonies - melting ice mountains on the poles, the global level of the sea increases.

Of course, you can say that unable to influence the production of factories and factories. But there is also the ecology of your home and your place of work. Do not thump dangerous chemicals on Earth - she will die, will become non-frozen. Do not throw away the batteries - send them to the recycling center. Often there are special containers for batteries in large supermarkets. In general, do not waste resources, for example, take a shower, not a bath, turn off the water while clean your teeth. Turn off the devices that do not use. Take care of your health environment.

17 Sep.

Theme in English: Environmental Problems

Topic in English: Environmental Problems (Ecological Problems). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, writings or messages on the topic.

Actual problems

E. cOLOGICAL PROBLEMS cause great harm to the environment. Among the most relevant - ozone layer, acid rain, global warming, toxic contamination of the atmosphere, the disappearance of forests, groundwater pollution by chemicals, the destruction of the soil in some areas and the threat to representatives of flora and fauna.

Pollution types

The land is home to a million living beings that make up a complex world of nature. Nowadays, people are trying to change their habitat to satisfy their needs - to create agricultural land or build cities. They pollute and destroy the habitat of wildlife, rear ground for coal mining or building roads. It is known that a quarter of all plants is under threat of disappearance. There are various types of pollution: water, air, earth pollution and radioactive.

Acid rain

Acid rain falls when poisonous gases from nuclear power plants and automotive exhausts are mixed with oxygen and moisture in the air. These gases become part of the water cycle, and can be distributed to the wind for a long time until they fall out with acid rain, which kills life in lakes, rivers and forests and destroys the life of plants.

Global warming

World temperatures are rising every year. This is the so-called global warming caused by the accumulation of gases and evaporation of water in the atmosphere. These gases form a layer, which reflects heat back to the ground. Since the planet heats up, the polar ice will begin to melt. It can cause an increase in sea level, and many habitats will disappear under water.


Environmental problems do not have borders. However, the disaster of the environment can be avoided if people will expand their environmental knowledge, and everyone will understand that the beauty of nature is very fragile. Governments must take serious measures to combat environmental pollution.

Download Topic in English: Environmental Problems

Ecological Problems.


Ecological Problems Are Causing Great Damage to Our Environment. Among The Most Urgent Ons Are The Ozone Layer, Acid Rains, Global Warming, Toxic Pollution of Atmosphere, Disappearance of Forests, Contamination of Underground Waters by Chemical Elements, Destruction of Soil In Some Areas, And Threat to Some Flora and Fauna Republic.

Types of pollution.

The Earth Is a Home to Millions of Different Kinds of Living Things, Which Make Up the Complex World of Nature. Nowadays People Try to Change their Habitats to Suit Their Own Needs - To Create Farmlands Or Build Cities. They Create Pollution and Destroy Wildlife Habitats by Digging The Ground Up for Mining, Or by Building Roads Through Them. A Quarter of All The Plants In The World Are Known to Be In A Danger or Threetened with Extinction. There Are Different Types of Pollution: Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Ground Pollution and Nuclear Pollution.

Acid Rain.

Acid Rain Falls When Poisonous Gases from Power Stations and Vehicle Exhausts Mix with Oxygen and Moisture in the air. These Gases Become Part of The Water Cycle and May Be Carried A Long Way by The Wind Before The Fall As Acid Rain, Which Kills Wildlife in Lakes, Rivers, And Forests, and Damages The Surrounding Plant Life.

Global Warming

World Temperatures Are Currently Rising Every Year. This So Called Global Warming Is Caused by The Building Of Gases and Water Vapour in the Atmosphere. These Gases Form A Layer That Reflects The Heat Back to Earth. AS The Planet Warms Up, The Polar Ice Caps Will Start to Melt. This Could Cause Sea Levels to Rise and Many Habitats Will Disappear Under Water.


Ecological Problems Have No Borders. However, Environment Disasters Can Be Avoided if People Broaden Ecological Education and Every Person Understands That The Beauty of Nature Is Extremely Fragile. Governments Must Take Serious Actions Against Pollution.
