The Conference pear is an early fruit variety of pears that are practically resistant to disease and have strong immunity against attack by insect pests. This delicious, elongated fruit is more popular in many countries of the European continent than other types of pears. The golden-green fruit has a juicy pulp, rich in vitamins, minerals and valuable components.

Fruit history and description

This type of fruit tree is native to England. Currently, it is the most widespread variety of pears in Europe, Russia and the Republic of Belarus.

You should consider the description of the pear variety Conference in more detail. The unusual name was given to the fruit in 1895, when British breeders introduced this type of pear at a conference in London. In connection with this event, the fruit tree acquired such an interesting name.

The tree gives abundant flowering, on one inflorescence there may be several fruit ovaries. The fruits are rather large, oblong in shape. The skin is thin, matte, the pulp is oily and very sweet. The fruiting period is already 2 or 3 years after planting young seedlings.

The fruit has a long shelf life and is perfectly transported, while maintaining the juiciness and integrity of the upper rind. Fruits are ideal both for fresh consumption and for preservation (baby food, compotes, fruit salads).

The pear tree is grown on an industrial scale. In countries with long winters and low summer temperatures, trees are grown in special indoor gardens.

The Conference pear is brought to Russia and neighboring countries from Holland, because there is the most suitable climate for the growth of fruit trees.

Beneficial features

Pear Conference, about the benefits and harms of which not everyone knows, is of great value for the proper functioning of organs and body systems. Useful properties of the fruit:

The use of pears The conference has practically no contraindications. It can only harm the health of people with stomach ulcers.

Growing features

The pear tree is more heat tolerant than the apple tree. It blooms about 7 days before the apple tree. Therefore, its flowers are more vulnerable to frost. The best growing areas are in the southwest regions. Fruit trees do not like strong and gusty winds. During the ripening period, sunny weather favors the proper development of flower buds and the golden color of the fruit.

The pear needs a fertile, sandy warm earth. Deciduous soils and clayey sands are the best options for growing fruit trees. The optimum soil pH for pears is 5.9-6.5.

Pear is a very sensitive tree, any little thing can affect fruiting and provoke a deterioration in the quality of the fruit. To avoid possible problems with the formation of fruits, it is worth taking proper care when the ovaries of future fruits reach a small size about the size of a nut.

The plant must be fertilized with dressings, which include:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

In early spring, the pear should receive the first part of nitrogen fertilizers, the next part of the top dressing in mid or late June. With each year of cultivation, it is worth reducing the amount of nitrogenous fertilizing to a minimum. Humus or compost in pear cultivation is the main fertilizer. Granulated manure can be diluted in water and irrigated pear tree soil.

Planting young trees

Planting manipulations are best done in spring rather than fall, because young trees are very sensitive to frost. Before planting, the roots of seedlings must be treated with a root growth stimulator. Thanks to this preparation, trees will take root in the soil faster and form a strong root system.

Before planting, it is also worth mixing manure with soil in a 1: 4 ratio. The soil in which pears will be planted must be free from weeds, enriched with nutrients, brought to the appropriate pH by liming or acidifying the soil. It is also recommended to improve the properties of the soil after the spring digging, 2 weeks before planting any plants, it is worth feeding the soil using compost, humus or any fertilizer with a high content of nutrients.

A humus soil is placed at the bottom of each hole, and after processing the roots of the tree with a growth stimulant, you need to plant a young seedling and fill the hole with soil. Then thoroughly compact the ground and sprinkle with a little water.

Pruning branches

Pear Conference needs pruning of weak and dried branchesleaving young shoots. Young shoots should be left on the tree and most of the branches over four years old should be removed. The branches are cut so that the young shoots are evenly distributed around the tree post, and the remaining ones are cut or sawed off. The main process, which grows from the base of the column, is also sawn off with a length of 40 cm. If young processes are located in the immediate vicinity near the beginning of the already cut part of the column, they must be completely removed.

Subject to all the rules for removing old branches, the tree forms with new shoots the correct shape of an inverted dome and will give a bountiful harvest of pears in the coming year. If you neglect the pruning procedure, the tree will soon stop bearing fruit and die.

Possible pear diseases

Despite its high resistance to diseases, the tree is sometimes exposed to some fungal or bacterial infections.

The most dangerous diseases of pear trees are:

After harvesting the entire crop, it is necessary to spray the trees every 7 days with a 0.7% solution of urea with zinc and boron. And after the first frost, irrigation of the entire tree should be done with a 5% urea solution. Such procedures will protect plants from diseases and provide a good harvest for the next year.

Conference in shape - large, oblong fruits, up to 100 mm in length with a long, strongly tapering upper part, sometimes cylindrical in shape. The skin is medium hard, edible, the surface is smooth, matte. Fruits are approximately the same size, average weight 130-160 grams.

When ripe, the color of the skin changes from green to yellow, brown-yellow, typical for the species will be "rusty" spots on the surface, which from the sunny side reach an orange hue. The peduncle is located at an angle to the base of the fruit, curved, short, has a brown-burgundy color.

The pulp of the fruit is juicy, fine-grained in consistency. The taste is pleasant, delicate, slightly tart, thanks to the tannin contained in the skin. The color of the flesh is predominantly creamy yellow, sometimes with a pinkish tinge. The aroma is especially good, it is not "flashy", delicate and very pleasant. The combination of all the advantages of the fruits of this tree has given such popularity and demand among consumers.

Where and how the variety is bred

Conference pear variety of English origin, obtained by self-pollination, presumably the fruit of Leon Leclerc de Naval and a wild seedling. The variety is ancient, in 1884 the seedling was discovered by T. Rivers, only in 1895 at a British conference it was presented to the public by breeders. From there came the original name of this species. Since then, "Conference" has enjoyed immense popularity everywhere, including in Russia.

Region and climate

The conference pear tree is thermophilic, it does not tolerate severe cold, the minimum temperature in winter is -18 - 20⁰С. The climate of Western Europe is considered the most comfortable for fruit, while the largest producer of the Conference is China.

In Russia, this fruit grows in temperate latitudes in the south of the country, with warm winters. In connection with import substitution, the cultivation of pears of this variety is increasing annually. But where does most of this product come from now? Today 70% of the fruits sold are imported from the EU, namely from Belgium and the Netherlands. Pears are also supplied by re-export from Belarus and Serbia.

Pear tree description conference

The height of the fruit tree will depend on what the rootstock is (the plant to which the graft is being made). A forest pear or quince is best suited for this. If the grafting is on a quince, the tree will grow small, from 2.5 to 4 meters. If a forest pear becomes a supply, the height will be 6-8 meters.

The crown is wide and dense, resembles a cone, the radius reaches 5 m. Branches are spreading, with a lot of foliage. In one season, it gives 60 cm of young shoots. Since the growth of young animals is fast, the crown must be formed carefully, adhering to the natural, conical shape.

Pear yield

Flowering occurs in the first half of May, it is distinguished by an abundance of flowers and duration. Flowers of 5 petals, arranged in inflorescences of 7-10 pcs. The great advantage of this species is its high self-pollination.

Under favorable conditions, the percentage of ovary from flowers reaches 70%, this indicator speaks of productivity. One tree gives a rich harvest, on average 40 kg. Full ripening occurs in mid-September. An interesting fact, a freshly plucked fruit will not be juicy, but after several days of "rest" in a warm place, the fruit will be filled with juice, sweetness and aroma.

The quantity and quality of the crop is strongly influenced by care. The tree needs to be watered, and the amount of water needed for watering depends on age. The older the tree, the less moisture it requires (up to two years - 25 liters every day, from 3 to 6 years - 40 liters once a week, over 6 years old - 60 liters every 2-3 weeks, depending on the weather).

Do not forget about feeding and pruning. Before and after flowering, the tree is fertilized with humus, urea, potassium sulfide and complex fertilizers. A solution consisting of ferrous sulfate (one percent), a solution of urea (two percent) and superphosphate (three percent) is good for increasing pear yields. For an adult tree, 4 liters of solution will be required.

Beneficial features

Any fruit is useful, "Conference" is no exception. In China, this delicacy is considered a longevity product and symbolizes it, as these trees have a long lifespan. Pears contain fiber, mineral salts of iodine, manganese, copper, iron, cobalt, carotene, tannins and nitrogenous substances, and of course a number of vitamins: PP, E, B1, A, B2, P, C.

Calorie content per 100 grams is 56 kcal. BZU content per 100 grams:

  • protein 0.9 gr.
  • fats 1.7 gr.
  • carbohydrates 14.3 gr.

Fruits contain glucose, sucrose, fructose, and the highest content of fructose (that is, insulin is not needed for assimilation), this means that the conference is useful for people suffering from diabetes and obesity. A large amount of nutritious dietary fiber is a serious value for a pear, as it is very beneficial for the functioning of the pancreas.

Fresh, ripe conference pears are loved to be used in folk medicine on a wide variety of occasions. But there are certain rules for its use: you cannot eat pears on an "empty" stomach and immediately after eating (only after 30 minutes), you should not immediately drink them with water, and also eat with meat. Remember, the more ripe, juicier and more aromatic the pear is, the more benefits it will bring.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of the conference variety:

  • Active growth of young shoots.
  • Regular fruiting.
  • Early maturation.
  • Self-pollination. Pollinator of other pear varieties, it is associated with a large crown.
  • Excellent quality and taste of the fruit.
  • The conference has a good "venal" look, easy transportation.
  • Long shelf life. In the basement, the fruit can be stored for up to 6 months, while the taste and appearance do not deteriorate.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • Winter hardiness. The tree will not tolerate the cold below - 20⁰С.
  • Intolerance to bad weather conditions. The sun allows fruit to ripen well, but rain, wind, cold can affect the taste.
  • Unattractive appearance.
  • Low resistance to diseases induced by fungi.

Obviously, for what they love "Conference" so much, more than 100 years have passed, and there is no worthy replacement for it. This pear variety is not the most attractive in appearance, but it has a unique taste and exquisite aroma. One tree bears fruit so well that it can feed a family with useful fruit in the fall and prepare various goodies for the winter. Grow, eat conference and be healthy!

Detailed description of the variety

Pear Conference refers to early autumn varieties. Fruit crops are actively grown in domestic and industrial horticultural farms.

Characteristics of the fruit tree

The conference is a vigorous fruit tree with an average height of 5 m. The annual growth of the fruit crop is 40–60 cm. It has a spreading, wide-pyramidal and densely leafy crown. The smooth bark of skeletal branches and young shoots is colored brownish-red. Leaves are dark green and oblong-oval.

The flowering period falls in the first decade of May. Five-petal small flowers are collected in inflorescences of 5-10 pcs. A distinctive feature of the variety is self-pollination. Under favorable weather conditions, about 60–70% of flowers form ovaries.

Description of fruit

The fruits are large. The weight of a ripe fruit ranges from 150 to 190 g. The pear shape is traditionally elongated. The rind is tough and rough. When removable maturity is reached, the skin of the fruit acquires a brownish-yellow color with a characteristic “rusty barrel”.

Fruit skin - brownish-yellow with a characteristic "rusty flank"

Despite its unpresentable appearance, the Conference has an amazing taste. The pulp of the fruit is tender, juicy, aromatic and oily. The taste is mildly sweet, with a slight astringency of the peel.

Productivity and use of fruits

Variety Conference - high-yielding. Depending on the growing conditions and climate, from 40 to 100 kg of fruits are removed from one adult tree. Fruit can be eaten fresh. The variety is suitable for making compotes, fruit drinks and juices.

Harvesting and storage

Harvesting begins at the end of September. If the summer was cold and rainy, then the fruit picking can last until mid-October. You need to store pears in a cool and semi-dark room, where the humidity level reaches 80-90%. The storage period is up to 6 months.

We do not recommend storing the harvested pear harvest in plastic bags, as the fruit may "suffocate". The best storage option is wooden boxes. Author's advice Store the harvested crop in wooden boxes

Drought and winter hardiness

The variety is highly drought tolerant. The fruit tree grows in direct sunlight and tolerates heat. However, a prolonged absence of watering is unsafe for any fruit crop.

Winter hardiness of the Conference pear is very low. For this reason, the variety is recommended for southern regions with warm and mild winters. A drop in air temperature to -20 ° C is the maximum threshold for this variety.


  • self-pollination;
  • early fruiting;
  • high productivity;
  • amazing taste of fruits;
  • rich biochemical composition of fruits;
  • universal use of the crop;
  • good transportability;
  • long storage period.


  • low threshold of winter hardiness;
  • unpresentable appearance of the fruit;
  • weak immunity to pathogens of fungal infections.

Features of growing pears Conference

The agrotechnical techniques described below will help to increase the yield of the Conference pear variety.

Choosing a place, soil and planting material

The pear feels comfortable in an area closed from wind and draft. The area chosen for planting a seedling should be well warmed up by the sun's rays. Undesirable close occurrence of groundwater. The optimum depth of groundwater is 1.5–2.5 m. The soil should be loose and well-drained. The conference prefers chernozem, gray soil or loose loam.

Suitable for planting annual seedlings with a well-developed root system. Quality planting material can often be purchased from nurseries.

Planting a seedling in open ground is carried out in late spring or early autumn. The landing pit is prepared in advance. The recommended depth and diameter of the hole is 80x80 cm. The bottom of the hole is laid out with drainage materials for better outflow of water. The drainage layer should be no more than 10-15 cm. Then a nutrient mixture is added, which includes an equal amount of black soil, river sand, peat and humus. You can add 300-400 g of superphosphate and wood ash.

Before planting, the root of the seedling is soaked in the Kornevin growth biostimulator. The tree is deepened in the center of the earthen mound formed in the hole. The root collar protrudes 6–8 cm above the ground. A support is installed next to the seedling.

The planted tree is tied to a support, sprinkled with soil, watered abundantly along the edge of the trunk circle and mulched with peat or hay.

Pear tree planting scheme

How to water and feed

The frequency of watering depends on the age of the pear tree. You can water the pear according to the scheme described below:

  • the first 2 years after planting in a permanent place of cultivation - 20 liters daily (subject to hot and sunny weather);
  • at the age of 3 to 6 years - 30–40 liters every 7 days;
  • 6 years and older - up to 60 liters of water every 15 days.

Before the flowering phase, the plant is treated with a solution of ferrous sulfate or superphosphates diluted in water. Root feeding is carried out three times per season:

  • in early spring - ammonium nitrate, urea or nitroammophoska;
  • during the flowering period - complex mineral mixtures with a high content of phosphorus and potassium;
  • at the stage of fruit filling - nitrophoska and potassium humate.

The nuances of trimming and shaping

During the growing season and in autumn, dried and damaged branches should be removed from the tree.

Crown shaping depends on the rootstock on which the varietal pear was grafted. So, if a forest pear was used as a rootstock, then a sparse-tiered crown formation is used. The crown grown on a quince rootstock of a tree is cut to the shape of a bowl. When forming the crown of a pear tree like a palmette, you need to make sure that the branches left are in the same plane.

Sparse-tiered crown formation Crown pruning in the shape of a bowl Formation of a pear tree crown like a palmette

Preparation for wintering

They begin to prepare the pear for winter at the end of the harvest. First, water charging is carried out. Then the trunk and skeletal branches are covered with a lime solution, the near-trunk circle is covered with dry opal foliage, hay and straw. On top, you can put several branches of pine branches.

To increase winter hardiness, the trunk and stem branches of the pear are wrapped in burlap or dense agrofibre.


The exact origin of the pear is unknown. Some consider the region between the Black and Caspian Seas as a place of origin. Others move this place further to the east, namely to the south of the Urals or even to Central Asia. From those wild pears, in the process of evolution, edible varieties were obtained, which, however, until the 16th century could only be consumed when cooked hot, that is, these pears first had to be boiled in order for them to become edible. Since the 16th century, mainly in France and Italy, the first edible pears have been mentioned. These are pear varieties that can be eaten without pretreatment.

Since the appearance of the first edible pears in the world, today there are several thousand new varieties. A distinctive feature of pears is that the difference in taste between pear varieties is much greater than that of apples. Thus, the taste ranges from sweet to sour (refreshingly sour), the flesh of the fruit is from firm to the softest, smooth to grainy texture, the smell is weak to very aromatic. As they say, for every taste. Also, the names of pear varieties differ from the names of apples in their colorfulness.

Several well-known pear varieties are named: Dwayne du Comis, Bjoerre Hardy, Bjoerre Alexandre Luca, Comtesse de Paris, Köstlische von Charneux, Bon Louise Dafranche and Triumph de Vienne.

All in all, great names for the queen of fruits. All these varieties are bred in the homeland of pear growing, namely on the mainland of Western Europe. But there are also pear varieties from other regions, such as Packham Triumph from Australia, Bartlett or Williams Bon Chretien from England and, don't forget, Conference pear, which is also from England.

Conference is one of the most widely grown pears in Northwest Europe. This variety comes from the Leon Leclair de Laval variety, which was accidentally discovered in 1884 by the fruit grower T. Rivers from the English village of Sowbridgeworth. Only in 1895, on the occasion of the "British National Conference on the cultivation of Pears," this variety finally received its name Conference. And pretty soon the variety took an important place in pear cultivation in Europe. Along with its good taste, this pear variety occupied this place due to its very long storage time. Over the past decades, due to changes in pear cultivation methods, the quality of the Conference has improved even more, thanks to which the variety has undoubtedly become the number one variety in pear cultivation in the Netherlands and Belgium during this time.

The representative of the English selection pear Conference is familiar and adored by connoisseurs of delicious healthy food around the world for two centuries. Not presenting decorative sophistication, the modest fruits of this pear variety are very interesting. They have not only a rich honey taste and aroma, but also a set of valuable nutrients and a supply of vitamins that can have a general tonic effect, especially in winter.

The garden pear of this variety is a tall tree with a wide pyramidal crown, capricious in relation to temperatures. Even light frosts already pose a serious danger to the tree, therefore it can grow and bear fruit only in a mild southern climate. It is grown on an industrial scale in European countries, from where it is brought to Russia (the main export is from Belgium and China). In our latitudes, the "Conference" can be found in the gardens of the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus and the Crimea, but on the shelves of markets and supermarkets, fruits are not uncommon. Pears harvested at the end of September accompany the consumer throughout the entire autumn-winter period, preserving their useful qualities and appearance.

Large, elongated fruits, reaching a mass of 100 to 250 g, are covered with a thick greenish skin with brown dull spots.

When ripe, they acquire roughness, which is a characteristic distinctive feature of the variety.

The pinkish-creamy flesh of an unripe fruit is tart, firm and crunchy, but upon aging it becomes soft, juicy and oily, with a granular structure. The taste is predominantly sweet, with a slight sourness.

Considering the average weight of one fresh fruit of 200 g, the calorie content of the Conference pear will be 84 Kcal.

This allows the use of the fruit in all kinds of diets, as well as for older people, pregnant women and babies.

But the number of calories can vary from the form of preparation of the fruit, for example, in 100 g:

  • freshly squeezed juice - 47 Kcal;
  • mashed puree - 52 Kcal;
  • dried fruits - 249 Kcal;
  • baked fruit - 46 Kcal;
  • candied fruits or jam - more than 300 Kcal.

Remarkable is the ratio in 1 pear (200 g) of BJU: proteins - 80 mg, fats - 60 mg, carbohydrates - 206 mg, dietary fiber - 56 mg. This allows the fruit to be regarded as a nutritious yet light dessert that is sweeter than an apple, but contains fewer sugars. The honey sweetness of the pear is given by fructose, which does not require insulin for processing, which makes it available for diabetics as well. In addition, the pulp of the fruit fills the entire volume of the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.

The balanced content of trace elements and vitamins makes the composition of the fruit also curative.

100 g of fresh fruit contains trace elements:

  • iron - 2.3 mg;
  • zinc - 0.2 mg;
  • iodine - 1 mg;
  • copper - 0.1 mg;
  • manganese - 0.1 mg;
  • selenium - 0.1 mcg;
  • fluorine - 10 mg;
  • boron - 0.1 mg;
  • vanadium - 5 mcg;
  • silicon - 6 mg;
  • cobalt - 10 mcg.

The content of cobalt, which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body and the function of the central nervous system, which is part of insulin and other cells, provides the body with 100% of the daily norm. Eating 2 large "conferences" during the day, the body receives 100% of the silicon. This element plays a major role in the formation of connective tissue and ensuring the elasticity of the vessel walls. It also compensates for the lack of iodine, which is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and increases the active consumption of oxygen by tissue cells.


  • potassium - 155 mg;
  • calcium - 19 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg;
  • sodium - 14 mg;
  • sulfur - 6 mg;
  • phosphorus - 16 mg;
  • chlorine - 1 mg.


  • ascorbic acid (C) - 5 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.1 mg;
  • niacin (PP) - 0.2 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) - 2 μg;
  • biotin (H) - 0.1 μg;
  • vitamin A - 2 mcg;
  • vitamin E - 0.4 μg;
  • phylloquinone (K) - 4.5 mcg.

There is more folic acid involved in hematopoiesis in pears than in black currants, and the vitamin C content of 100 g provides 5.6% of the daily value.

As a result of the consumption of the fruits of the discussed pear variety, sleep improves and the mood rises due to the presence of essential oils in its composition. The alluring sweet aroma determines the ripeness of the fruit.

The miraculous properties of pears have been known since ancient times. Chinese medicine men widely used the medicinal qualities of the fruit in the treatment of the heart, bones and genitourinary system.

  • Pears are able to reduce inflammation, improve mood, and regulate digestion.
  • Due to the presence of the natural antibiotic arbutin, Conference pears have antibacterial properties and activate the body's defenses.
  • Modern psychologists recommend eating fresh pears to relieve depression. They are healthier than chocolate and candy.
  • In addition, these fruits remove toxins and radionuclides from the body, reduce blood cholesterol levels, strengthen immunity, and coordinate the function of the pancreas and liver.

In folk medicine, all forms of products are used, both from the fruit of the pear and from its leaves.

  • Decoctions of pears, jelly treat diarrhea in young children and adults. With colitis, gastritis, they regulate digestion, producing the right amount of gastric juice, improve intestinal peristalsis.
  • Jams and jams help with coughs, tuberculosis and fever by relieving inflammation and thinning phlegm.
  • The leaves are used as an antifungal agent that can cope with sweaty feet and various dermatitis.
  • Dried pears have a diuretic effect, purifying and revitalizing the kidneys.
  • Natural antioxidants "Conference" promote the regeneration of skin cells, preventing age-related changes.

How is it useful for men, women and children?

Rich in vitamins and minerals, non-allergenic, enhancing immunity, with tasty juicy pulp, the Conference pear is a must for young children for proper growth and development. The reaction to the introduction of pear products in babies is individual, but mostly positive. Pears can have a mild laxative effect, but without fermentation, because they are easily absorbed by the body.

  • Their juice can be introduced into the diet of infants from 4 to 5 months, starting with a few drops and without fear of allergic reactions.
  • Baked pear puree is recommended from 6 months. You need to start with one teaspoon, monitoring the baby's reaction. If there are no changes in behavior, it is possible, gradually increasing the dose, to introduce such a product into a complete complementary food.
  • From 7 months, fidgets are already given pear compote.

The use of pears for men is useful and necessary. Eating the delicious pulp of the "Conference", a man gets emotional relief after physical and mental stress.

  • The components of the fetus affect the production of testosterone in the stronger sex over 40 years old.
  • They have a positive effect on erectile function.
  • Eliminate psychological problems.
  • Increase libido.
  • Natural antibiotic of pears relieves mild inflammation of the urinary tract.
  • Pear compote reduces the frequency of night urination.

Pear masks will relieve early alopecia.


  • 3 tbsp. l. pear pulp;
  • 1 sl. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil;
  • 3 drops of juniper essential oil.

All components are mixed into a homogeneous mass and applied to the scalp, intensively rubbing into the roots. After holding for 30 minutes, it remains to wash off the composition with warm water. Use once a week. This mask is also useful for women as a hair loss prevention.

Women need pear products no less.

  1. During the menstrual cycle, they are able to reduce unpleasant symptoms, cheer up, and improve performance.
  2. Pears relieve pain in cystitis and inflammation of the reproductive organs.
  3. Regular use of pears will normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Dietary fiber cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins, as a result of which the skin is transformed, its tone increases, and its color improves.

Pear products are essential for pregnant women. The pleasant taste of "Conference" will relieve depression, regulate the body's systems and gently cleanse the intestines.

The benefits of conference pears for losing weight

The unique composition of the fruit is indispensable in dietetics.

  1. A high amount of dietary fiber leads to a rapid filling of the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. This property is necessary for people struggling with excess weight. Scientific studies have shown that the consumption of 1 fruit per day helps to reduce weight up to 450 g per day.
  2. A sufficient amount of fructose provides the body with the necessary energy.
  3. The ability of the components of the pear pulp to slow down the absorption of carbon into the blood, normalizing blood sugar levels, prevents the feeling of sudden hunger.

Nutritionists widely use pear diets for losing weight, especially since you do not need to give up eating your usual food.

This concept of nutrition does not create discomfort for a person, as with many other methods of losing weight. It is enough to eat a baked pear with yogurt to replace a full dinner. A glass of pear juice or compote will be a great snack, energizing the body, but supplying it with a minimum amount of calories.

A variety of salads with the addition of low-calorie vegetables and fruits will be an excellent addition to your usual diet. For example, you can combine pear, avocado and sweet bell pepper, season the appetizer with mustard, lemon juice and olive oil sauce. You will get a delicious dish! But how many calories are in it? In this matter, fears are in vain - only 120 kcal per 100 g of product.

Contraindications to use

The same components of the pear composition can both cure and harm the body.

Therefore, despite the delicious taste, it is necessary to consume fruits in reasonable quantities.

Contraindications to the use of fresh pears are stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as constipation.

Dried pears are also not recommended for patients with diabetes and weight loss, as they are high in calories. Nutritionists warn about the dangers of consuming pears with milk at the same time - this combination can cause intestinal upset. But with fermented milk products, eat the fruit for health.

But you should not eat pears on an empty stomach or with fatty meat products, or wash them down with water.

Do not eat large amounts of fruit - the high fiber content can provoke gas formation, which is unsafe for pregnant women and babies.

In other cases, eating a pear 30-40 minutes after eating, you will provide the body with a healthy and tasty set of nutritious and healing elements and vitamins.

Pear Conference is quite popular among gardeners, as it has a wonderful taste and aroma. Conference pear variety is characterized by hardiness, early ripening and good yields. Thanks to such important qualities, many gardeners want to plant such a variety in their area.

From this article you will learn: features of the Conference variety, yield, external characteristics of the tree and fruits, tree care rules.

Description and characteristics of the variety with photo

The tree is considered vigorous, as it grows 40-60 centimeters per year (depending on weather conditions). An adult tree, on average, reaches 5 m in height. The tree has a wide-pyramidal and dense crown. The variety is resistant to scab, but it is endowed with weak winter hardiness, so it can be grown only in southern regions with a warm and humid climate.

In Russia, this pear is distributed mainly in the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimea.

The variety begins to bear fruit in 4 years after planting the seedling in a permanent place. If the Lesnoy pear stock is used, then the first harvest can be expected in 5-6 years. Fruiting of the variety is regular and abundant.

Fruits begin to ripen in late September or early October (depending on weather conditions). If the summer is cold and rainy, then the fruits ripen poorly and do not gain the required taste.

The fruits are located on a short and thick stalk, which is shaped like an arc. A feature of the variety is that the stalk is not located in the center of the fruit, but slightly obliquely.

Conference pear fruits are elongated, elongated pear-shaped or bottle-shaped. Fruit weight - 100-250 grams. Pear skin is greenish with matte brown spots. At the end of ripening, the fruits become rough to the touch, which is a characteristic feature of this variety. Fruits on the tree hold firmly and do not fall off until fully ripe.

Unripe fruits are tart, firm and crunchy, with pink-creamy flesh. If the harvested fruits are allowed to rest, they will become soft, juicy and aromatic.

The pulp of ripe pears becomes yellow, has an oily, slightly grainy consistency. The taste of stale pears is sweet and sour.

Planting and leaving

For planting pears of the Conference variety, it is worth choosing sunny, warm and wind-protected places.

It is impossible to plant a young seedling in a place where groundwater is close (above 2 m), as this will negatively affect the state of the root system.

For planting a tree, this type of soil is suitable: black soil, forest gray soil and loose loam.

You can plant a seedling in the ground both in spring and in autumn. If you plant a pear of the Conference variety at the beginning of September, then the seedling will be able to stock up on a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients before frost arrives.

  1. Pruning. A necessary procedure for caring for a conference pear - annual pruning of branches and crown formation. Pruning should be done before bud break. Every year, at a distance of 25–30 cm, the central trunk is pruned, the dense crown is thinned out and the damaged branches are pruned.
  2. Watering. Watering the tree is necessary starting from the moment the buds are set. During hot weather, the tree should be watered every day. One pear will require 20-25 liters of water. During cloudy, rainy weather, watering should be done every 3 days.
  3. Loosening. The soil in the trunk circle should be thoroughly loosened to a depth of 10–15 cm. This will provide the roots with oxygen and contribute to the destruction of larvae, bacteria and fungal spores.
  4. Fertilizer. The pear is fertilized once every three years with organic fertilizers, and mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil every year. During the flowering period of the tree or immediately after the ovary has fallen off, the tree should be fed with a complex fertilizer, which includes nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It must be applied directly to the soil.
  5. Mulching. For long-term preservation of moisture in the soil, it is necessary to mulch the tree trunk circle with sawdust or hay, the layer of mulch should be at least 7-10 centimeters.
  6. Shelter for the winter. The trunks of trees must be tied with insulating material such as burlap, spruce branches or reeds.


The variety is very good, we eat pears all autumn. The last harvest had no rusty spots at all, the pears were clean and beautiful! The pears are delicious, good to grow for yourself and are good for sale. And the variety also responds well to watering and feeding, pears grow much larger.

I love the Conference variety, as the fruits are sweet, juicy and very aromatic. For me, the main disadvantage of the variety is its low frost resistance, and the fact that the taste of pears depends on weather conditions. When a frosty winter comes out, I am afraid that my pear will freeze, so I try to cover well for the winter.

Oleg Noshchenko, Lipetsk

The conference has been growing for a long time and bears good results. Only now the first crop was harvested 12 years after planting. I have not ripened on a tree yet, in October I remove it from the branches and store it in a cool pantry. They ripen gradually, we eat pears until the end of January. The taste is good, the fruits are juicy. The variety is fruitful, it happens that you have to tie up and prop up the branches with pegs.

Maxim Igorevich, Yaroslavl

I have a pear at my dacha. The conference has been bearing fruit for the fifth year already. Ten years have passed since the landing. The pears are very tasty, juicy, the pulp is sweet, the children really like it - they eat almost the entire crop fresh. There is nothing difficult for me in leaving, the tree does not have to be cut much - the crown is formed on its own, with my little help. I am very pleased with this variety, I can safely recommend it to all gardeners. The pear hibernates well, but it can be frosty here, so I try to cover it well for the winter.

Characteristics of the variety

The description of the tree itself differs little from the description of other pear trees. It is a tall, vigorous tree, about 5 m high, with a wide-pyramidal well-leafy crown. Shoots are smooth and flexible, leaf plates are deep green, medium in size.

Variety characteristics Conference

Fruiting and ripening terms

The variety begins to bear fruit no earlier than 4 years after planting in a permanent growing place. Under favorable growing conditions, it bears fruit generously and regularly. The flowering period begins in early May and lasts for a long period of time. A high degree of self-pollination, more than 70% of flowers have ovaries. Fruits ripen in late September or early October.

The fruit never fully ripens on the branch, even under optimally warm conditions. Therefore, pears are harvested and stored in a well-ventilated, warm place.

Productivity and application

Even young trees yield from 30 kg. The yield indicator increases with age and can reach over 70 kg. The appearance of pears is rather unsightly. But due to its taste characteristics, the variety has a table purpose. And the high degree of transportability and the possibility of long-term storage make it possible to eat fresh pears even in early spring. They are also great for making jams and preserves.

Taste and aroma

Behind the thick, tough skin lies an attractive yellowish-pink oily pulp, which is distinguished by its juiciness and delicate structure. Sweet, with a note of pleasant sourness, the pulp is very tender and literally melts in your mouth. Also, the fruits have a persistent pleasant aroma. The taste is rated very highly by professional tasters - 4.9 points.

Winter hardiness

The conference is not distinguished by a high degree of winter hardiness and does not tolerate winters even in central Russia. Therefore, the recommended growing area is the Krasnodar Territory and the North Caucasus.

When purchasing a tree, it is imperative to take into account not only the pros, but also the cons of the variety, which can be very significant.

Among the advantages are:

  • fast tree growth - from 50 to 60 cm per year;
  • self-fertility;
  • excellent fruit characteristics;
  • unpretentious care;
  • the possibility of transportation and long-term storage of fruits that do not lose their attractiveness and other distinctive qualities.

Among the cons of the variety:

  • low level of frost resistance: temperatures below 20 ° C can provoke irreversible negative changes;
  • direct dependence of the quality of fruits on weather conditions: without a sufficient amount of heat, the taste of pears will deteriorate;
  • unpresentable appearance;
  • a weak level of resistance to fungal diseases.

Agrotechnics pear varieties Conference

Since the culture is grown in warm regions, both spring and autumn can be an acceptable time for planting. However, when planting in autumn, it is necessary to additionally cover the tree for the winter.

Pear planting scheme

Site and soil selection

For cultivation, a sunny place that is well ventilated, but protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts, is optimal. The most suitable type of soil is loose fertile loam or black soil.

The depth of the groundwater must be at least 2 m, and the acidity must be within 5–6.5 pH.

Landing scheme and rules

For tall trees, the optimal distance is 5.5 or 6 m, for undersized trees, from 3 to 4 m will be sufficient. The trellis method of growing involves a distance of about 2.5 m with row spacing of 3.5 m. If necessary, the distance can be reduced by half a meter.

The size of the pit depends on the type of soil: sandy soils - 1 m in diameter and in depth, loams and chernozem - 80 cm.Fertile soil consists of the following components necessary for making: peat, humus, chernozem, sand, a small amount of superphosphate (up to 400 g ) and potassium chloride (200 g), which can be replaced with a few liters of wood ash.

The planting process is similar to planting any other fruit tree.

Subtleties of care

Conferences need regular and abundant watering - a lack of moisture directly affects the quality of the fruit. In drought, the tree may shed some or even all of its fruit. The need for watering of a tree can be determined simply: take a little earth, squeeze it in a fist and throw it from a low height - if the lump falls apart, then water it.

Also, the tree needs annual feeding, which begins to be applied for seedlings from 3 years of cultivation. In the spring, the pear is fed with ammonium nitrate, urea or nitroammophos. Organic matter is also added. During flowering, spraying with boric acid solution is recommended. Potassium complexes are introduced in summer, and superphosphate time in autumn.

Pruning methods

The rapid growth of the tree makes the pruning procedure one of the most important maintenance activities. Young shoots grow in huge numbers, while thickening the crown and limiting the access of light and air.

Formation of a tall pear

For the formation of tall trees, a sparse-tiered crown shape is optimal. It assumes the annual formation of 2–3 tiers from 6–8 skeletal branches for 5 years.

Formation of undersized pear

The optimal crown shape for short trees is a regular bowl. The term of formation is similar to tall trees, but at the same time skeletal branches growing to the sides (3–4) are left and branch them 1–2 times. The rest of the shoots are cut out.

Formation on a trellis in the form of palmette

Skeletal branches are cut so that only those in the same plane remain. The number can vary from 8 to 12. For the lower branches, the slope level should be in the range of 45–55 °, and the upper ones - from 60 to 80 °. The central conductor is cut annually, it should be 70 cm higher than the base of the upper branch. Excess branches are cut out.

Sanitary and maintenance trim

Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring, before the start of active sap flow. Incorrectly growing, damaged and dry shoots are removed. Supportive pruning is carried out in the summer; it consists in a small pruning (up to 10 cm) of actively growing young shoots.

Preventive and sanitary work with pear

Pear contains a lot of fiber, pectin, B vitamins, provitamin A, C, phytoncides, flavonoids. The product is enriched with iodine, potassium and folic acid.

The calorie content of a Chinese pear per 100 g is 43 kcal. 100 g of product contains 0.5 g of protein, 0.23 g of fat, 7 g of carbohydrates.

The fruit has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, including choline, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, C, K, E, zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium and calcium.

Calorie content of conference pear per 100 grams

The calorie content of conference pears per 100 grams is 52 kcal. 100 g of fruit contains 0.9 g of protein, 1.7 g of fat, 14.3 g of carbohydrates.

Due to the large amount of poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and monosaccharides in conference pears, the product is very useful for normalizing the digestive tract and intestines, as well as restoring strength after heavy physical and mental stress.

Calorie content of dried pears per 100 grams

The calorie content of dried pears per 100 grams is 249 kcal. 100 g of product contains 2.3 g of protein, 0.6 g of fat, 63 g of carbohydrates.

Dried fruit is extremely useful for the prevention of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, is an excellent alternative to store sweets for weight loss, and normalizes the nervous system.

The benefits of pear

The benefits of pears have been known for a long time and are as follows:

  • the fruit is very effective as a diuretic, antitussive agent;
  • due to the increased concentration of folic acid in pears, they are shown to pregnant women;
  • with regular consumption of pears, the heart rate is restored;
  • the potassium contained in the product normalizes the work of the heart muscle;
  • dietary fiber in the pear helps to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, have a strengthening effect in bowel disorders;
  • pears are shown as a preventive product for gastritis, liver diseases;
  • the fruit is allowed for diabetes mellitus, since fructose makes it sweet, and not sucrose and glucose;
  • in cosmetology, pear is used as a component of anti-aging cosmetics.

Pear harm

Despite the fact that the harm of a pear is rarely manifested, it is definitely worth mentioning about it. The fruit is contraindicated for:

  • colitis, gastritis, ulcer;
  • tendency to chronic constipation due to the high content of tannins in the product;
  • when eating unripe fruit, the likelihood of an upset stomach and intestines is high;
  • individual intolerance to pears and allergic reactions to the product.

Pear is a very tasty and common fruit that is popular with both adults and children. In our time, many different varieties of pears have been bred. One of the best varieties of pear is the Conference variety. Many gardeners grow these trees on their site, as their fruits.

Pear Conference has a number of features, here are some of them:

How to draw a chanterelle mushroom. Knowledge useful for mushroom hunters

As you can see, the pear is a very useful and special product!

Composition and calorie content

The pear contains up to 0.6 milligrams of the following acids: folic, oxalic, malic and citric. Interestingly, citric acid contains more than lemon itself.

In addition, the product is rich in such vitamins: C, B1, B6, B2, B5, B9, K, A, PP and H. The following minerals are also included in the conference pear:

  • calcium
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • sodium
  • phosphorus
  • selenium
  • manganese

The fruit contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which improves digestive function, but a large amount of pear can cause constipation. In everything you need to know when to stop, especially when it comes to a small child.

Calorie content: one hundred grams of fruit contains 42 calories.

Positive and negative sides

Positive qualities of this pear variety:

The following factors can be attributed to negative qualities:

  • reacts poorly to sudden changes in temperature, does not tolerate cold
  • this variety also does not tolerate bad weather conditions (wind, cold, rains do not allow the fruit to ripen, and this further affects the taste of the product). This variety loves sun and warmth, which have a beneficial effect on its maturation.
  • the appearance of the pear is unpresentable, and therefore attracts little children and buyers
  • the fruit is easily infected with fungi and is prone to various fruit diseases
  • requires good care and proper storage
  • with a large number

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Any product has both positive and negative sides, everything is useful in moderation.

Storage method and rules for choosing when buying

To get a good quality product, it is important to smell it first. A ripe pear will be very aromatic and smell good. If you are buying a summer variety, it is important to choose an undamaged product or a slightly unripe one for long-term storage. Rotten or bumped areas will lead to spoilage, such pears must be cooked immediately.

Autumn varieties are better stored, the main thing is to keep them in the basement or other cool rooms. Periodically, each fruit should be reviewed for defects.

The winter variety is very hard to the touch, it is stored in sawdust in the basement, its positive properties last for about two months.

Pear and diet food

Nutritionists advise the following meals:

For three days, drink as much pure water as possible and eat up to one kilogram of pears. If you feel hungry, it is recommended to have a snack with bread, two flat cakes a day.

Such a developed diet gives a positive result already on the second day. However, this unloading can be carried out by observing some rules:

  • do not eat a pear on an empty stomach
  • strictly observe the regimen and time period for eating
  • it is not recommended to consume meat products for three hours after eating a pear
  • do not wash down the pear with compotes and other drinks
  • once every four months, not more often

You can use a weight loss product, but only under the supervision of a nutritionist.

So, Conference pear is a tasty, low-calorie and healthy product. The fruits of this tree have a number of beneficial properties and trace elements.

Aug 31, 2017 Violetta the Doctor


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The "conference" pear, the calorie content of which is quite low, is the most preferred in Russia. Its juicy and sweet pulp just melts in your mouth.


Pear "conference", the calorie content of which is quite low in comparison with other fruits, allows you to use it with various diets. It will not harm a losing weight figure. This fruit is useful for people suffering from pain in the heart, and in addition, it is indicated for use to increase immunity. The conference pear, which has a caloric value of only 40 kcal, contains many organic acids and nutrient fibers.

The fruit contains 40 mg of proteins, 30 mg of fat, 105 mg of carbohydrates per 100 g. If we consider that it weighs 200 g, then the calorie content of 1 pear will be 80 kcal. This is a good snack in between meals, or a dessert for a less dense meal. The calorie content of 1 "conference" pear allows you to eat it before dinner to kill your appetite and not overfill your stomach at night. Do not forget that this fruit should be consumed in moderation, as it strengthens the stomach.

Etiquette and vitamins

The pear is eaten with a fork and knife. First, it is cut into pieces, then carefully peeled from the skin, a small slice is separated and put in the mouth. It is much tastier to dig your teeth into a soft and juicy pear and eat it along with the peel, but this is at home. On a visit or at an important reception, you must follow etiquette. By the way, most vitamins (A, groups B, C, E, H, K) and microelements (Ca, Mg, Na, Ka, P, S, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, F) are concentrated in the skin of these fruits. ...

Dried fruits

Fresh fruits are used in small quantities (in comparison with other countries). In Russia, the calorie content of which is 270 kcal per 100 is popular. In addition, the population loves various jams, compotes, preserves, tinctures, jelly. But during heat treatment, most of the vitamins are lost. Therefore, it is better to eat fresh pears.

Pear juice

The juiciness of the fruit allows you to make excellent fresh. Freshly squeezed pear juice is a great refreshment. It does not seem sour, unlike apple, although it contains less sugar. Pear juice has a beneficial effect on the liver and cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. In a short time, relieve heartburn and discomfort in the intestines. It is also useful for cholecystitis and gastritis.

With a pear diet, juice should be drunk once a day. It will strengthen the metabolism and promote the speedy cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins. Freshly squeezed juice should be drunk some time before meals (1-2 hours).

A bit of history

The pear has been known to mankind for a long time. There is no unambiguous information about the origin of the tree. According to one version, the pear comes from China. Poets mentioned it three thousand years ago and revered it as a symbol of longevity. According to another version, it is believed that the ancient Greeks were the first to cultivate the pear. They selected the sweetest of wild varieties and planted the seeds in their gardens. However, it was believed that it was better not to eat a fresh pear, and they made wine from it.

In India, this tree was endowed with a soul and confided in him their secrets and hopes.

Residents of European countries showed interest in pears only in the 18th century. Then began its mass breeding and selection. A variety was even accidentally obtained, the fruits of which differed in the taste of butter.

Today, pears are grown everywhere, with the exception of the northern territories. One tree in a productive year is capable of giving up to 250 kg of fruit. Considerable areas have been allocated for pear orchards.

  • Baked pears ("conference" and not only) are used to treat cough and bronchitis.
  • These fruits are good not only in desserts, but also in salads with meat, cheese and nuts.
  • There are more than 3000 varieties of pears.
  • The leaves of the tree were used in place of tobacco before its appearance.
  • Musical instruments were made from wood.
  • Chinese Gao Xinjiang came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing pears in the form of a Buddha figurine. For this he uses plastic molds. These fruits are sold in supermarkets in China and are called "lucky pears".
  • A mask made from pear pulp is used in cosmetology. It tightens pores, improves elasticity, heals cracks and abrasions, tones and rejuvenates.

Pear in cosmetology

  • The hair mask contains mashed fruit pulp and a teaspoon of swollen gelatin. It is applied to the head, after 15 minutes, washed off with shampoo.
  • Hair strengthening formula includes pear pulp, one beaten egg, teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of burdock oil. Rubbed into the skin, washed off after 20 minutes.
  • The face mask contains only pulp. It is rich in biologically active substances that help to rejuvenate the skin, heal minor scratches, eliminate inflammation and irritation.
  • A decoction of pear leaves will help to reduce the oily skin. They need to wipe their face twice a day.

  • Dry skin can be helped by the pulp of a pear with two tablespoons of oatmeal and a teaspoon of olive oil. After 15 minutes, wash off and apply a moisturizer.
  • To cleanse the skin will help the pulp of a pear (you can take the "conference" variety or any other), mixed with a boiled onion. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse off with water.
