Painkillers are now in every home medicine cabinet. Most of them are sold without a prescription, and therefore it is very important to choose the right analgesics. The point is that pain relievers can be quite dangerous - many of them have very serious side effects.

Pain relievers should be used with caution, and in some cases, their use is completely contraindicated. So, the action of an analgesic can change the clinical picture, make it difficult to diagnose with sharp abdominal pain, pain in the heart, etc. It is important to remember that pain syndrome is always the result of some health problem. Accordingly, it is important not only to relieve pain, but also to eliminate the causes of its occurrence.

Below is an overview of effective and relatively safe pain medications. Before dwelling on one of them, we advise you to carefully read not only the specific purpose of the drug, but also with possible side effects, as well as contraindications.


Analgin is a classic, well-known remedy that is used to relieve pain in very many cases. Headaches, joint pains at high temperatures, toothaches, pains in places of injuries and bruises - in all these cases, analgin becomes an indispensable assistant.

Analgin was synthesized back in 1920. Until now, it is the basis of many more expensive medicines. Its action is to partially block pain impulses, as well as suppress the activity of pain centers. This explains the fairly wide spectrum of action of analgin.

Additionally, analgin has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also increases heat transfer. Therefore, it is often prescribed for colds, fevers, fever.

Analgin is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of 3 months. Strictly speaking, analgin is not recommended for use in older children as well - it is better to use it only for adults. Also contraindications are kidney disease and long-term alcohol use.

Analgin can have side effects, namely allergic reactions, lowering blood pressure, and impaired renal function. The risk of side effects becomes significant when the recommended dosage is seriously exceeded.

Analgin is available in tablets, suspensions, and solutions for intramuscular injection. It is most commonly used in tablet form.

The cost is about 10 rubles. (tab.)


Aspirin is another very famous medicine. It is believed that its main purpose is to lower the temperature, but aspirin also has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It effectively relieves joint and muscle pain at high temperatures, helps with headaches.

Along with this, aspirin is a rather dangerous drug. It is not prescribed for children under 15 years of age, pregnant and lactating women... Aspirin is used with great caution in patients with impaired renal or hepatic function. As an analgesic, it is used no longer than seven days in a row, and the dosage should not exceed 3 g / day (6 tablets 0.5 g each). Aspirin can cause side effects, including stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and tinnitus (in case of overdose), and the risk of bleeding. As a rule, such effects are associated with an overdose of the drug. However, nevertheless, it must be used with caution.

The cost is about 10 rubles.


Paracetamol is on the WHO list of essential medicines, the effectiveness of this drug is very high. It is used as an analgesic and antipyretic, and is a relatively safe medicine.

Paracetamol is used to relieve muscle, joint, headaches, toothache, neuralgia. The drug is not used for severe renal dysfunction, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the third trimester of pregnancy, as well as for newborns under the age of 1 month.

Paracetamol is not compatible with alcohol... It should be used no longer than 5-7 days. The side effects of taking paracetamol primarily include the risk of developing acute liver failure, as well as allergic reactions. True, complications arise either with the systematic intake of paracetamol for a long time, or with a one-time significant excess of the permitted dosage.

The cost is about 10 rubles.


No-shpa is an antispasmodic drug that is taken for headaches, menstrual pains, pain in the stomach and intestines, as well as in the organs of the urinary system. The drug is very well known and for many is almost the main anesthetic.

The drug is not used to relieve pain in children under 6 years of age, in nursing women. In pregnancy, renal failure, heart, liver failure, the drug is used with caution. Side effects from taking No-shpa are very rare and may include nausea, a decrease in blood pressure, heart palpitations, and an allergic reaction. In general, No-shpa is considered one of the safest and most effective pain relievers.

Cost - from 60 rubles.


Ketanov is a very strong anesthetic that is used for postoperative, oncological, toothaches, to relieve pain as a result of muscle injury, osteochondrosis, colic, etc. Ketanov is considered effective in relieving severe to moderate pain syndrome, usually it is used for a short time. The dosage of this drug must be observed very strictly. It is not recommended to use Ketans for more than two days..

Possible side effects from taking Ketanov include nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain, pallor and weakness, nervousness, and heart palpitations. Experiments on acute drug overdose have not been carried out on humans, but presumably it can give pallor, weakness, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, and shortness of breath.

Ketans are not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for children under the age of 16. In addition, the drug should not be used by those who suffer from gastric ulcer, renal failure, and disorders of the blood coagulation system.

Despite the extensive list of contraindications and possible side effects, Ketanov remains one of the most effective non-narcotic pain relievers. It effectively relieves pain, but it is important to remember that it should be taken with great care, carefully observing the dosage.

Cost - from 50 rubles.


Nurofen is a pain reliever, the main active ingredient of which is ibuprofen. Nurofen is available in the form of tablets, suspensions, gel, suppositories. The drug has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect and is used to relieve pain in colds, fevers, as well as to remove dental, headache, muscle, articular, etc. pain.

When taking Nurofen, it is not recommended to take Aspirin, Analgin or Paracetamol... The drug is not prescribed for children under 6 years of age, as well as for pregnant women in the third trimester. In the 1st and 2nd trimesters, the drug is used with caution, it is not prescribed to lactating women.

Among the contraindications for Nurofen are ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, renal failure, liver dysfunctions and other diseases. Nurofen must be used with caution, strictly observing the dosage. In case of an overdose, as well as when taking the medication for more than 3 days, side effects may occur, including vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, headaches, decreased blood pressure, etc.

The cost is about 120 rubles.


Diclofenac is a solution for injection, tablets and gels for pain relief from muscle and joint pain. The drug is widely known and actively used both in cases of trauma and in cases of OPD.

Diclofenac quickly relieves pain, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps reduce swelling. The drug is used for adults and children over six years old. It is contraindicated in lactating and pregnant women (in the third trimester). Locally, the drug is not used in cases of violation of the integrity of the skin.

The side effects of Diclofenac include allergic reactions, but they appear extremely rarely. In general, the drug is considered a safe analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, one of the most effective drugs for relieving joint and muscle pain.

The cost is about 20 rubles. (table), about 120 rubles. (gel).


Took - an anesthetic that is used to relieve mild and moderate pain syndrome in renal, intestinal, biliary colic, colitis, neuralgia, in the postoperative state, with menstrual pain, etc. The drug has not only analgesic, but also antispasmodic effect.

Took is available in the form of a solution for injection, as well as tablets. The tablets can be administered to adults and children over 5 years of age. In the form of a solution for injection, Bral can be used for children older than 3 months. (the weight must be more than 5 kg). Took is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, it is used with caution in case of impaired liver and / or kidney function. The drug rarely produces side effects. They can include allergic reactions, lowering blood pressure, dry mouth, etc. The appearance of side effects is usually associated with an overdose, and therefore it is important to observe the dosage regimen when taking Bral.

Cost - from 50 rubles.

Mig 400

Mig 400 is an anesthetic drug, the main active ingredient for which is ibuprofen. MiG 400 also has anti-inflammatory properties. This medication is believed to be most effective in relieving inflammatory pain. Also, the Mig 400 is used to relieve pain in joints and muscles, headaches and migraines, toothaches, menstrual pains and pain in feverish conditions.

The drug is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of 12 years. Also, it is not used in the presence of gastric ulcer and other erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For the elderly, patients with heart failure, impaired liver and kidney function, blood diseases, Mig 400 is used with caution, it is recommended to reduce the dosage. In case of an overdose, the drug can cause a number of side effects, including nausea and abdominal pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, anxiety, weakness, increased blood pressure, and allergic reactions. The drug is not recommended to be taken for a long time without interruption - this also provokes the appearance of side effects.

Cost - from 110 rubles.


Tramal is a very powerful pain reliever classified as an opioid analgesic. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription and is used to relieve severe pain syndromes in oncology, trauma, medical or diagnostic procedures that are painful. Tramal is also prescribed to patients after surgery.

Considering the effectiveness of pain relief, Tramal can be called a relatively safe analgesic. It can give a "standard" set of side effects (nausea, allergic reactions, drowsiness, etc.), and most of them are associated with an overdose. Tramal is not prescribed for conditions associated with severe depression of the central nervous system or respiratory function, with drug withdrawal syndrome, with severe violations of the liver and kidneys. Childhood is a contraindication. During pregnancy and lactation, Tramal is prescribed only for health reasons and is used once.

Cost - from 80 rubles.

People often experience intense pain that cannot be treated with conventional remedies. In such cases, Kaver is used - a drug produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The injections are recommended for patients with moderate to high pain. Similar symptoms are observed after surgery, with renal colic and advanced forms of osteochondrosis.

Release form and composition

Solution for injection is a clear liquid. The active ingredient is dexketoprofen trometamol. Additional components - 96% ethyl alcohol, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide and water for injection. The drug belongs to the group of NSAIDs and antirheumatic drugs.

Kaver tablets begin to act 30 minutes after ingestion, the effect lasts for 5 hours. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is reached after 25 minutes. With intramuscular injection, the action occurs faster. When taken with food, the rate of absorption of dexketoprofen is reduced. The active substance is excreted through the urinary system.

Existing contraindications

Strong pain reliever Kaver has the following contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • dysfunction of the hematopoietic system;
  • stomach and intestinal bleeding;
  • bronchial asthma.

Anti-inflammatories and pain relievers can negatively affect the functions of the female reproductive system by inhibiting ovulation. Therefore, patients planning a pregnancy should refuse to take Kaver. It is necessary to consult a doctor about discontinuation of the medication if a woman is being treated for infertility. In the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the drug is allowed in exceptional cases.

There is no information about whether the active substance penetrates with mother's milk. During lactation, you should choose other pain relievers or temporarily stop breastfeeding.

How is the drug used

Kaver injections are used for the symptomatic treatment of diseases accompanied by severe pain. There are no other indications for the use of the drug.

The instructions for use indicate that the injections must be given after 8 hours at the doses prescribed by the doctor. With severe pain syndrome, the injection can be given 6 hours after the previous one.

Tablets are taken 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Do not exceed the established dosages. Caver is not suitable for long-term use. Injections are given in short courses. Do not use the drug for mild pain or use it for more than 2 days in a row. After the patient's condition has stabilized with Kaver's injections, they switch to the use of painkillers in tablets.

In order to avoid the occurrence of side effects, the drug is administered in minimal doses that can improve the patient's condition. In the presence of severe pain in the postoperative period, the drug can be used in conjunction with narcotic analgesics.

If a patient has moderate and mild liver dysfunctions, no more than 50 mg of the active substance is taken per day. It is necessary to monitor all vital signs of the body. In severe liver disorders, the use of the drug is not allowed.

The safety of using Kaver injections in the treatment of pain in children has not been confirmed, therefore it is prescribed for patients under 16 years of age.

Side effects

Experts' reviews indicate that dexketoprofen negatively affects various organs and systems. Pronounced side effects occur in case of an overdose, independent change in the therapeutic regimen, or exceeding the recommended duration of treatment:

  1. On the part of the hematopoietic system, there is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, a violation of the maturation of neutrophils and platelets.
  2. The immune system can respond to drug administration with anaphylactic shock, which is extremely rare.
  3. Metabolism is disrupted: the level of triglycerides and blood sugar rises, anorexia develops.
  4. In some cases, the drug can negatively affect the nervous system. Insomnia appears, migraine attacks and dizziness are observed, fainting and paresthesias are rare. With prolonged administration, there is a decrease in visual acuity and hearing, the appearance of ringing in the ears, a violation of the heart rhythm.
  5. When taking the pills, nausea, vomiting, constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, swelling of the face, and constant thirst are observed.
  6. In women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, pains in the lower abdomen appear.

Interaction with other drugs

There are a number of drugs whose drug interactions with Kaver are unacceptable:

  1. You can not use it in conjunction with other NSAIDs, including salicylates, administered in large doses. The combined use of drugs increases the risk of developing a stomach ulcer or 12 duodenal ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding.
  2. Kaver enhances the effect of anticoagulants. Its joint administration with Warfarin is unacceptable.
  3. Dexketoprofen quickly binds to blood plasma proteins. The functions of platelets are inhibited, the mucous membranes of the digestive system are damaged. In cases where simultaneous use cannot be ruled out, treatment should be supervised by a specialist who will conduct all the necessary tests and decipher their results.
  4. When used in combination with heparin preparations, the risk of bleeding increases, ulceration of the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach may occur.
  5. Side effects occur when Kaver is administered together with corticosteroids. When combined with preparations containing lithium, the concentration of this substance in the blood is constantly increasing, which contributes to the poisoning of the body.

Cost and similar funds

The average price of the Caver injection solution is 2,000 rubles for 3 ampoules, so patients prefer to use cheaper analogs.

Prescription-only drugs such as Decafen, Sertofen and Dexalgin are considered effective. Self-medication is contraindicated.

Pain accompanies a person throughout his life. Accidentally hit the jamb - hurt, cut myself, fell, dropped something heavy on my leg - again pain syndrome of varying intensity. And if in these situations the pain is only the result of our clumsiness and ineptitude, which passes over time (the bruise passes, the cut heals), then in case of serious diseases in 99% of cases, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Remember, pain relievers do not cure. They only relieve a symptom, possibly of a serious illness, blurring the clinical picture.

Varieties of pain syndrome

Any malaise to which the body reacts with pain is a reason to contact a competent specialist. Painkillers are subdivided according to the mechanism of action on the body, therefore it is necessary to understand that analgin will not help with discomfort in the heart area, just as wear-pa will not relieve pain in the joints.

When choosing pain pills (or analgesics) without a doctor's recommendation, remember some of the features of different types of pain:

  1. Cardiac. Often associated with an attack of angina pectoris. In this case, nitroglycerin helps. If, after taking two tablets with an interval of 10 minutes, the condition does not improve, call an ambulance. Classic pain relievers are powerless in this case.
  2. Joint / vertebral pain is most common in people of any age. Self-medication in such a situation is dangerous, since pain syndrome is only one of the symptoms of a disease associated with degenerative-dystrophic processes in cartilage and ligaments. NSAIDs are most commonly prescribed to relieve pain.
  3. Renal colic is associated with the movement of stones. Taking pain relievers on your own is dangerous. An ambulance call is required.
  4. Hepatic colic requires immediate medical attention, as gallstones can block the bile ducts, obstructing or completely blocking the flow of bile. In this case, hours are counted.
  5. Menstrual pain - occurs in 85% of women of childbearing age. They are associated with various diseases of the female genital area, of which about 50% is endometriosis - a disease with an incomprehensible etiology, but giving the beautiful half of humanity a lot of inconveniences, including sick leave. Nevertheless, 90% of women prefer to take a couple of pills, lie down and return to their usual way of life without visiting a doctor. In each case, certain pain relievers are taken, more often combined (with antispasmodics).
  6. Headaches are another kind of discomfort when it is at least silly to see a doctor. Every second thinks so, trying to immediately take an anesthetic pill and quickly forget about the problem. This type of pain is most often relieved with pills without the advice of a doctor.
  7. Gastrointestinal pain is a symptom of a formidable disease. In such cases, uncontrolled intake of analgesics is dangerous, since the pain syndrome can hide peritonitis, perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestines, cancer, and other painful conditions that require specialist intervention and a comprehensive examination. If the pain is associated with an exacerbation of gastritis, antacids containing aluminum and / or No-shpu (antispasmodic) are taken. Taking NSAIDs to relieve pain is prohibited.
  8. Muscle relaxants are most often used to relieve muscle pain. They relax tight muscles, relieving pain. Additionally, external agents are used in the form of ointments, gels, creams based on NSAIDs.

Thus, self-administration of painkillers is possible, but undesirable, for menstrual, headache and joint pain. In other cases, drugs that relieve pain are not actually analgesics, but they enhance their effect.

Types of painkillers

All analgesics are divided according to the type of effect on the patient's body. They can change the biochemistry of the body, affect or not affect the patient's consciousness, remove inflammation or relieve fever:

  • Changing biochemistry - they act directly on the pain focus (do not allow prostaglandins to be produced) or do not pass pain signals to the brain.
  • Influencing / not affecting the patient's consciousness - narcotic analgesics (the most powerful pain relievers) or non-narcotic.
  • Providing / not having an anti-inflammatory effect - the former effectively relieve inflammation (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory), the latter reduce the temperature well.

Non-narcotic analgesics are divided into several subgroups - salicylic acid derivatives, pyrazolone derivatives, aniline derivatives, alkanoic acid derivatives and others.

Narcotic pain relievers

Among the most common are morphine, codeine - natural, fentanyl, promedol, tramadol - synthetic. Most narcotic analgesics cannot be bought at pharmacies. The exception is products containing codeine in small doses. These are combination drugs:

  • No-shpalgin. In addition to codeine, the composition includes drotaverine and paracetamol.
  • Nurofen plus - codeine + ibuprofen.
  • Panadein / Paracodamol - codeine + paracetamol.
  • Parcocet - codeine + caffeine + acetylsalicylic acid + paracetamol.
  • Pentalgin N / Peralgin. These tablets have a complex composition, which, in addition to codeine and caffeine, includes phenobarbital, naproxen and metamizole sodium (analgin).
  • Prohodol forte / Solpadein - codeine + caffeine + paracetamol.

Morphine-based drugs are prescribed for oncological diseases, complex surgical interventions, to alleviate the condition of hopeless patients. The principle of action is to change the patient's condition. After the injection of morphine, he falls into euphoria, his feeling of fear disappears, the pain threshold rises, and a clear sedative effect is observed. All the properties of narcotic analgesics, except for the removal of pain, are undesirable, in addition, repeated injections are addictive, and after withdrawal, withdrawal symptoms occur.

The aforementioned narcotic pain relievers with codeine work great for algodismenorrhea (painful periods), headache and toothache, sciatica, sciatica, osteochondrosis and other diseases accompanied by pain.

A doctor's prescription is required for narcotic pain relievers.

Non-narcotic pain relievers

This is a fairly large group of drugs, different in chemical composition and the nature of the effect on pain. The full name of such substances is “non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs”.


A prominent representative of this group is the familiar aspirin or salicylic acid. In addition to the pronounced analgesic effect, it well reduces fever and relieves the inflammatory process. Like any NSAID, it has a number of contraindications and side effects. Other drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid - Thrombo ACC, Holicaps, Salicylamide, Cardi ASK, Aspikor, Aspirin cardio and others.

Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include Ketoprofen, Nimesulide (Nise), Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, Indomethacin and others. All of these drugs combine three properties - relieve pain and fever, and relieve inflammation. But the latter property prevails in them. Therefore, such funds are allocated to the group of NSAIDs themselves. NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase, resulting in decreased production of prostaglandins, substances that cause inflammation and pain (pain mediators).

Analgin and Butadion

Metamizole sodium or the well-known Analgin is a pyrazolone derivative. In a number of European countries, it is prohibited for use, as it has many side effects. Analgin relieves fever and pain, but it has no effect on inflammation. Another pyrazolone derivative is Butadione. This is a highly toxic drug, therefore it is prescribed in extreme cases and for a short time.


The most famous of the aniline derivatives and the safest of all pain medications. It has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect, but does not in any way affect the focus of inflammation. Compared to NSAIDs or drugs containing codeine, it has significantly less pain relief. Has the ability to stop the negative effect of aspirin on the gastric mucosa. In therapeutic doses, it is relatively safe, therefore, complex preparations based on Paracetamol are often prescribed to relieve fever and pain in children.

Complications and side effects

All pain relievers have many side effects and contraindications. Therefore, self-medication in all situations is not approved by doctors. Long-term use of drugs from any group of painkillers can lead to unpredictable consequences. If the patient has a history of severe diseases of blood vessels and heart, lungs and bronchi, liver, kidneys and other organs, do not self-medicate and take the first pills that come to hand to relieve pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Such painkillers negatively affect the gastric mucosa, therefore, are contraindicated for gastritis, ulcers, erosions. They are not recommended for use in case of ordinary and aspirin asthma, liver and kidney problems, heart failure, hypersensitivity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, pregnancy and lactation. NSAIDs are not given to children under 12 years old, naproxen is prohibited from use under 16 years old.

Side effects include allergic reactions, bleeding in the stomach / intestines, the development of thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. A single dose is allowed to relieve severe pain in any cases after a meal - it will soften the effect of the drug on the mucous membrane. It has a negative effect on the stomach and aspirin, so it is also recommended to take it after meals.

Pyrazolone derivatives

Analgin and Butadion, with prolonged use, provoke a drop in the level of leukocytes (leukopenia, agranulocytosis) and platelets (thrombocytopenia). In the first case, immunity decreases and harmful bacteria freely enter the body, in the second, blood clotting is impaired, the likelihood of bleeding increases.

It is forbidden to take derivatives of metamizole sodium for a number of diseases, including bronchial asthma, impaired liver and kidney function.

Analgin / butadione is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Aniline derivatives

Paracetamol has few contraindications. These are alcohol dependence, impaired liver and kidney function. Pure paracetamol is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Among the side effects with prolonged uncontrolled use are thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, renal colic, allergic reactions.

Even the best pain relievers are not safe. Do not play with your health, get regular check-ups and see your doctor when pain first appears. This will prevent the development of many serious diseases. Remember, there are no good medicines without side effects that quickly relieve severe pain.

Joint pain affects 5/6 of the population after 35 years. Painful sensations vary in duration and intensity, but always create unnecessary discomfort in the joints. The best solution to eliminate unpleasant signs of the disease is pain pills for pain in the joints.

How is joint pain treated?

The causes of joint pain can be different, because of this, there will be different symptoms. Accordingly, depending on the origin of pain, there will be a different approach to the choice of medicines. The main diseases have their own characteristics, knowing which it will be easier to choose the appropriate pain relievers.

  • gouty and rheumatoid arthritis will affect the symmetrical joints of the feet and hands of the body;
  • in case of injuries, not only the joint can be damaged, most often the blow falls on the soft tissues and ligaments;
  • arthrosis destroys the cartilaginous membrane of the head of the articular bone;
  • when radiculitis appears, the nerve roots, which are located in the intervertebral foramen, become inflamed;
  • osteochondrosis affects the intervertebral discs themselves.

Depending on what symptoms you have, your doctor will prescribe pain medication for back or joint pain.


For many of us, all painkillers are of the same kind, but in fact, each of them has its own differences, and the similarity of some is only in the fact that they eliminate pain. All joint pain relievers can be divided into five main groups: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotic analgesics, non-narcotic analgesics, opioid-like drugs, and drugs of different groups.

Also, many of them are available not only in the form of tablets, they can be injections or ointments that have an analgesic effect.

Non-narcotic analgesics

For pain in joints and muscles, non-narcotic analgesics are prescribed. Regardless of what caused the pain, they are able to eliminate it. Their use is justified in case of bruises, joint pain, and other pain associated with the musculoskeletal system. These drugs are considered the main group of analgesics when joint pain occurs.

The advantage of these drugs is that they are not addictive and euphoric for the patient, which allows them to be dispensed without a prescription. These drugs work where there is inflammation. Therefore, the elimination of COX contributes to the disappearance of both pain and edema, and the temperature at the site of injury decreases.

There is a whole list of active substances of non-narcotic analgesics, this includes lornoxicam, metaimizole, and acetylsalicylic acid. Each substance has its own characteristics, therefore it differs in dosage and frequency of use.

Metamizole tablets are not the most powerful pain relievers. Injections of this drug have the best effect. The duration of the effect of this drug can reach 5-6 hours, depending on the pain.

A component such as ketorolac is a strong pain reliever, since even pills can relieve pain well. The effect of drugs that contain this component can reach 8 hours.

If you are wondering what are the most powerful analgesics among non-narcotic ones, then here you can safely name such drugs as Larfix, Xefocam. They contain the active ingredient lornoxicam, which has such a strong effect among popular pain relievers. Only if you are looking for inexpensive drugs will you have to give up these pills. Due to the fact that this drug is quite expensive, it is prescribed to patients with severe painful sensations, realizing that other drugs will not be able to eliminate such pain.

Aspirin is unable to numb the injury site, just like other non-narcotic analgesics. Therefore, it can be used for bruises, if they were minor, or if another minor injury has occurred. It is believed that in this group it is the weakest pain reliever, the effect of it lasts about 2.5 hours.

The doctor should determine the drug you need, based on what symptoms of the disease you have, in order to eliminate the likelihood of side effects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The drugs in this group perform several functions in the treatment of joints, one of which is the analgesic function. In addition to this effect, tablets of this group are able to eliminate inflammation that occurs at the site of the lesion and act as an antipyretic.

The list of the most common drugs includes: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Paracetamol, Meloxicam, Indomethacin. And also their analogues are widely used.

One of the most commonly used drugs in this group are Ketorol tablets. They look green with a white core. Active substance: tromethamine ketorolac. The range of pain relief that Ketorol tablets have is quite wide. In addition to the fact that these pills help with rheumatic diseases, they also eliminate pain in the place where the injury was, with sprains. Eliminate pain in neuralgia, for example, intercostal.

It is considered one of the best pain relievers because it can eliminate discomfort even with toothache and in the postoperative period. This drug is often used for bruises.

Ketorol has a number of contraindications. It cannot be used for diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, with hemophilia, with renal failure. It is also forbidden to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation, and children who have not yet turned 16 years old. If you have a hypersensitivity to the active substance of Ketorol tablets, then it must be replaced with a medicine with a similar effect. Prescription pills are only available. The drug is relatively cheap in terms of pricing policy.

There is another remedy of this group that is very similar to Ketorol - these are Ketanov tablets. They are similar in many ways, even the active substance of these drugs is the same. There are differences in the excipients that are included in the preparations. Ketanov, according to research, is better absorbed by the human body. But, despite this advantage, Ketanov has more side effects, which often puts the attending physician in a difficult position.

Because you can choose the drug with the best efficacy, but put it at risk for side effects. If you reduce the possibility of side effects, then the pain relief effect will be less severe. The external difference lies in the labeling of the tablets, the price for both drugs is almost the same.

NSAIDs are used for arthritis and chondrosis. Painful sensations appear in the muscles under heavy loads, so NSAIDs can also be taken for pain in the muscles. The most effective pills for back pain are Nurofen, Ibuprofen, which also belong to the NSAID group.

Despite the whole range of advantages of drugs, taking them in pill form is not recommended for the reason that in this way there is a negative effect on most organ systems in the body. First of all, the digestive system suffers from taking NSAIDs, after taking them, the acidity of the gastric juice increases, which can lead to the development of ulcers. Also, drugs have an effect on the kidneys, as they reduce the rate of renal blood flow.

Narcotic analgesics

This group of drugs eliminates pain, whether it is a neuralgic pain urge, or muscle. But despite this, it is considered one of the least common groups of pain relievers. This is directly related to how this drug works. Narcotic analgesics act on the opioid receptors in the pain center of the brain and thus relieve pain.

The impact on the body is addictive in the patient, therefore, monitoring of the intake of these drugs is required. Such analgesics are not widespread, which is why they are rarely included in the list of pain relievers when joint pain occurs.

The use of drugs is justified only if the pain sensations are so strong that they do not allow a person to perform even simple actions. They can also be used if all other drugs were powerless in the fight against the disease. To avoid negative consequences and eliminate unbearable pain, the attending physicians include these drugs in the course of treatment. They are used with NSAIDs or non-narcotic pain relievers.

These drugs are produced in the form of injections, since their use is most often associated with the need to eliminate pain in a few minutes. But also some drugs of this group can be purchased in the form of tablets, Promedol also belongs to them. Its peculiarity is that, unlike most drugs that are contraindicated for pregnant women, it can be used during childbirth, with severe pain syndrome. Remember that its effect on the body resembles a drug, so the patient may experience the same sensations as when taking drugs. As side effects there can be dizziness and euphoria, disorientation in space. Do not combine drugs with alcohol.

Compliance with the dosage and control of the intake of drugs from the group of narcotic analgesics is associated not only with the likelihood of addiction to them as to drugs. With prolonged use, such medicines lose their effectiveness, which is why even the best and most effective medicines cannot eliminate pain.

Opioid drugs

Among narcotic analgesics, there is a special group of drugs that differs from all others. Medicine does not stand still, if opioid drugs are addictive, then everything must be done to eliminate this effect. Therefore, currently there are already strong pain relievers that have an effect on the opioid receptors of the brain, which allows you to numb the joint, but is not addictive. There is no psychotropic effect, which immediately eliminates the likelihood of using such drugs in the form of drugs.

As a result, the drugs retain all their positive qualities and are almost completely free from side effects. They have a slight disadvantage, their cost may be too high for some patients. Currently, only one drug in this group is on sale - Nalbufin. Due to the fact that its effect goes on the opioid receptors of the brain, it is dispensed exclusively by prescription. As with narcotic analgesics, these drugs are subject to strict control, so they cannot be dispensed as a regular pain reliever.

On our site are anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and antipyretics from well-known manufacturers at a favorable cost .. You can order non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by phone number or through our website.

Delivery of funds is carried out to the nearest branch of the pharmacy chain 36.6. If the NSAID you need is not available, then on our web resource you can easily select similar drugs for the active substance.

The network of pharmacies 36.6 often has promotions and discounts that allow you to purchase the necessary NSAIDs and other drugs on favorable terms.


Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs? it is a group of non-steroidal drugs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. They are considered to be among the most used medicines. More than 30 million people worldwide take NSAIDs every day, and 40% of these patients are elderly people.

Non-hormonal pain relievers are indicated for the treatment of inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory tract and other diseases.

Such medicines have the following list of indications for use:

  • Headache;
  • Toothache;
  • Back pain;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Feverish states.

NSAIDs? these are the safest drugs used to eliminate the symptoms of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, osteochondrosis and other diseases accompanied by pain and fever.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also have contraindications for use, which include:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Ulcerative diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Renal or hepatic impairment.

Some types of NSAIDs are prescribed with caution to children, after consulting a doctor.

Release forms

It is customary to distinguish between the following dosage forms of drugs: liquid, solid and gaseous. They differ in the speed of exposure and the route of administration.

The following forms of NSAID release are presented on our website:

  • Gels;
  • Pills;
  • Capsules;
  • Candles.

Pain relievers are often used to relieve fever, and anti-inflammatory ointments work well for muscle and back pain.

Countries manufacturers of pain and inflammation medicines

On our website are presented not only domestic, but also imported pain relievers produced in the following countries:

  • Germany;
  • Great Britain;
  • Poland;
  • Spain.

To find the drug you need, use our filters and internal search, which select drugs by name, manufacturer and active ingredient.


List of references:

  1. [i] Strachunsky L.S., Kozlov S.N., "Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs", 2008

Updated: 05.12.

Pain relievers are first aid products that are used to eliminate pain syndrome of various origins. They help with headaches and toothaches, painful sensations caused by this or that disease, trauma. Our rating of drugs, compiled on the basis of feedback from patients and doctors, will help you figure out which pain relievers must be in your home medicine cabinet.

All pain relievers are divided into two large groups: narcotic and non-narcotic. Narcotic analgesics eliminate pain by acting on certain parts of the brain. Drugs in this group are potent and can cause severe adverse reactions, including drug dependence. They are used in extremely difficult conditions, mainly in hospitals, under strict medical supervision.

In outpatient practice, non-narcotic pain relievers are used to relieve pain, which include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antispasmodics and combined drugs.

Pain-relieving tablets of the NSAID group

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a large group of drugs that differ in chemical structure, mechanism of action, strength of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drugs help relieve pain and stop inflammation in various acute and chronic diseases.


The main advantage of non-steroidal drugs is a wide range of applications. The drugs help eliminate pain syndrome after injuries and operations, with joint diseases (arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis), cope with migraines and headaches, and help with algodismenorrhea (pain during menstruation). In addition to the analgesic effect of NSAIDs, they inhibit the development of inflammatory processes, lower the temperature in acute viral and bacterial infections.


Pain relieving drugs of the NSAID group are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children (under 6, 12 or 16 years old). They have an extensive list of contraindications and side effects, among which damage to the digestive tract (the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, up to the formation of ulcers and bleeding) and kidneys is most often noted. Often, the development of adverse reactions is due to the intake of large doses of drugs or their prolonged use. To eliminate the irritating effect of funds on the stomach, they should be taken only after meals.

Rating of the best pain relievers in the NSAID group

Rating #1 #2 #3
Mild effect on the body
Ease of use Duration of action Online pharmacy availability

The domestic antispasmodic based on drotaverine has a wide range of applications: gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer, kidney and gallbladder stones, spastic colitis and proctitis, vascular spasm (peripheral and brain), threatening abortion and postpartum contractions. In some cases, taking Spazmol provokes a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, fever and sweating, increased heart rate, and sleep disorders.

  • Helps with any pain.

An effective pain reliever based on drotaverine belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. The drug reduces tone and motor activity of smooth muscles of internal organs, moderately dilates blood vessels.

Like other pain relievers of the antispasmodic group, No-shpa helps to relieve pain in spasms of smooth muscles of the bladder, spastic colitis, diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder, peptic ulcer. Also, No-shpa helps with headaches caused by spasm of blood vessels.

Acetylsalicylic acid pain reliever tablets belong to the group of NSAIDs derived from salicylic acid. In addition to the analgesic effect, the drug lowers the temperature, reduces inflammation.

It is used for pain in muscles and joints, headache and toothache, as an antipyretic agent for colds.

  • Helps with headaches.
  • Effective antipyretic for colds.
  • Low cost.
  • Do not give to children and adolescents under 15 years of age.
  • You may experience heartburn after taking it.
  • In some patients, it causes dizziness, nausea, tinnitus.
  • A large list of contraindications.

A cheap pain reliever of the NSAID group, aniline derivatives. In addition to the analgesic effect, it is characterized by a pronounced antipyretic effect and a very weak anti-inflammatory effect.

It is used for headache and toothache, algodismenorrhea, arthralgia, neuralgia, myalgia, migraine, fever developing in infectious diseases.

Known pain relievers based on sodium metamizole belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pyrazolone derivatives. In addition to the analgesic effect, the drug helps to lower body temperature, exhibits weak antispasmodic properties.

It is used for pains of various origins - headache and toothache, neuralgia, arthralgia and myalgia, colic (hepatic, renal, intestinal), after trauma or burns.

  • A time-tested universal remedy that helps with headaches, neuralgia, arthralgia, rheumatism.
  • Quickly relieves pain (20-40 minutes after taking the pill).
  • Cheap pills.
  • A large number of side effects, which is why Analgin is banned for use in many European countries.
  • Cannot be used for abdominal pain (masks acute surgical pathology).
  • If taken often, addiction develops, the tablets do not help.

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent based on nimesulide relieves inflammatory processes, relieves pain, and has an antipyretic effect. It is used for joint pain caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system, muscle pain, fevers of various origins.

Quickly helps with headaches and toothaches, relieves pain and inflammation after injuries, in the postoperative period.

  • An excellent long-acting remedy - relieves pain for 12 hours.
  • Well relieves headache and toothache, pain syndrome after injuries.
  • The tablets are not bitter.
  • Does not relieve pain immediately, somewhere in 40-60 minutes after taking the pill.
  • In case of toothache it acts weaker than Ketanov.
  • Strong irritating effect on the digestive system, causing nausea, discomfort in the liver. You can drink only when urgently needed, and if taken often, then gastritis will have to be treated.
  • Cause drowsiness, therefore there are restrictions on driving a car, operating machinery and performing other potentially hazardous work.

The drug is used mainly for joint and muscle pain (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, exacerbation of gout), pain syndrome provoked by trauma (fractures, bruises, dislocations). In addition to relieving pain, it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

  • An effective drug that helps to reduce pain and inflammation in joint diseases.
  • Affordable tool.
  • Irritant effect on the digestive tract, severe pain in the stomach after ingestion.
  • Very rarely, patients note that the drug is not effective.
  • The tablets do not last long, then the pain resumes.

Ibuprofen-based analgesic tablets have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic, moderate antipyretic effect. They are used for diseases of the joints, ENT organs, migraine, headache and toothache.

It is strictly forbidden to take the remedy for peptic ulcer disease, heart failure, severe forms of arterial hypertension, diseases of the optic nerve, salicylic acid intolerance, hearing impairment, liver and kidney damage. Nurofen can cause disturbances in the functioning of various body systems.

Patients may experience flatulence, nausea, stomach pain, attacks of pancreatitis, allergic reactions, headaches and dizziness, insomnia, acute renal failure, hearing impairment.

  • Well soothes headache and toothache, joint pain.
  • Quickly lowers the temperature for colds.
  • Doesn't always help with back pain.
  • Often causes stomach pains, rarely allergic reactions.
  • For a long time, about an hour, to wait for the effect.
  • If taken for a long time, addiction develops, the pills do not relieve pain.

The best pain reliever based on ketorolac is used for severe pain after injuries, burns, operations, as well as for severe toothache, hepatic and renal colic, otitis media, joint diseases, and oncological pathologies. Contraindications include bronchospasm, renal and hepatic failure, stomach and intestinal ulcers, hemorrhagic diathesis and stroke, pregnancy and breastfeeding, under 16 years of age.

The drug is not used to treat chronic pain. Possible side effects of the drug include diarrhea, stomach pain, swelling.

Rarely there are allergic reactions, flatulence and nausea, hearing impairment, increased blood pressure. It is better to take the tablets once, but with severe pain, repeated administration is allowed.

The maximum duration is 5 days.

  • The best pain reliever - eliminates even very severe pain when Nurofen, Baralgin and even Analgin injections with No-shpa are not effective.
  • It helps well with toothache and headache, migraines, neuralgia.
  • The action persists for a long time (up to 8 hours).
  • Small tablets, easy to swallow.
  • Effectively relieves pain, but does not reduce inflammation (unlike Nurofen and Diclofenac), therefore it is not the drug of choice for joint diseases.
  • There are many contraindications.
  • Do not take pills for toothache before visiting the dental office - the anesthetic drugs used during treatment may not work.
  • Do not take longer than 5 days.
  • Dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.
  • For some, it causes severe drowsiness, lethargy.
  • After prolonged use, problems with the stomach and bronchi occur (a dry cough appears).


Antispasmodics eliminate attacks of spastic pain that occurs in various diseases of internal organs. The spasmolytic effect is achieved by acting directly on the cells of smooth muscle tissue or by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses.


The drugs help to reduce pain syndrome in diseases of the digestive system, biliary tract, kidneys and bladder, pelvic organs. Effectively eliminate colic and pain in irritable bowel syndrome. With caution, under medical supervision, drugs can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, children.


The drugs have a fairly wide list of contraindications, including tuberculosis, severe renal, hepatic and heart failure, and some types of colitis.

Rating of the best antispasmodics

An effective pain reliever based on drotaverine belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. The drug reduces tone and motor activity of smooth muscles of internal organs, moderately dilates blood vessels. Like other pain relievers of the antispasmodic group, No-shpa helps to relieve pain in spasms of smooth muscles of the bladder, spastic colitis, diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder, peptic ulcer. Also, No-shpa helps with headaches caused by spasm of blood vessels.

Severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, intolerance to drotaverine are contraindications for use. No-shpa almost never has side effects. However, it must be borne in mind that taking pills can cause a strong drop in blood pressure, headache and dizziness, increased heart rate, and insomnia. With prolonged use, constipation and nausea may occur. The maximum single dose of the drug is 2 tablets, the daily dose is 6 tablets. Duration of admission without consulting a doctor is no longer than 2 days.

Analogs - Spazmol, Drotaverin, Spazmonet.

  • Eliminates spasms of various origins.
  • Does not mask appendicitis and other surgical pathologies, does not complicate the diagnosis (unlike Analgin and many other anesthetic pills, it can be used for abdominal pain).
  • The tool is relatively safe, with caution No-shpu can be taken by pregnant women and children.
  • It only helps with cramps. With toothache, joint, muscle pain, pain syndrome after injuries and burns, No-shpa will not help.
  • The pain disappears no earlier than half an hour after taking the pill.
  • Weak effect, does not always completely relieve pain.
  • High cost - about 60 rubles 6 tablets per pack.

The domestic antispasmodic based on drotaverine has a wide range of applications: gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer, kidney and gallbladder stones, spastic colitis and proctitis, vascular spasm (peripheral and brain), threatening abortion and postpartum contractions.

In some cases, taking Spazmol provokes a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, fever and sweating, increased heart rate, and sleep disorders.

Analogs - Drotaverin, No-shpa, Spazmonet.

  • Helps with any pain.
  • Much cheaper than a similar No-shpa - about 40 rubles for 20 tablets per pack.
  • A large number of contraindications.
  • Eliminates only spasms, does not always relieve pain.

Combined Pain Relief Pills

Combination pain relievers contain both an analgesic and an antispasmodic as their main ingredients.


Thanks to the combination of an antispasmodic and an analgesic, the drugs act on any kind of pain.


Due to the combined composition, the safety profile of drugs decreases, the number of contraindications and side effects increases.

Ranking of the best combination pain reliever pills

Rating #1 #2 #3
Mild effect on the body
Effectively relieves painful sensations

Pain is the term for unpleasant sensations that arise in the human body for various reasons (trauma, dysfunction of internal organs, etc.). The purpose of pain is to give a signal about the destructive effect of the stimulus, which must be eliminated or at least reduced its negative influence. The onset of pain is due to irritation of the receptors of the nervous system, which are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Receptors located on the skin and in mucous membranes and reacting to mechanical displacement of tissues (stretching, injections, etc.).
  2. Receptors located on the skin, internal organs and mucous membranes and reacting to certain chemicals, the concentration of which increases during various pathological processes. A large number of such substances leads to an increase in pain.

Classification of pain

Due to the occurrence

  • Protopathic. It manifests itself as a result of the action of a non-damaging factor (temperature, touch).
  • Epicritical. It appears due to a damaging factor with precise localization.

By the nature of the manifestation

  • Sharp. It is characterized by a short exposure in the form of seizures.
  • Chronic. Pain of prolonged exposure, in constant mode.

By the affected area

  • Superficial somatic. It manifests itself with lesions of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes.
  • Deep somatic. It occurs with damage to muscles and joints.
  • Visceral. Appears with lesions of internal organs.

History of the discovery of anesthesia. Photo:

Since ancient times, intoxicating substances have been used as the main method of pain relief. Even Hippocrates invented inhalation anesthesia - inhalation of vapors of opium, belladonna, hemp to create an analgesic effect. Then they began to rub the skin with a Memphis stone, which caused local cooling, then cold water, ice, and pulling the limb were used for these purposes. Of course, this did not give good pain relief. And until the middle of the 19th century, they could not find such a method of anesthesia that would not ultimately lead to the suffering and death of the patient.

On October 16, 1846, the first operation was performed under ether anesthesia: surgeon John Warren at a Boston hospital removed a vascular tumor in the submandibular region. Also, this type of pain relief was used to remove teeth. Later, chloroform was used as an anesthetic, but it turned out to be highly toxic. In 1853, syringes and needles were invented - this was a revolutionary discovery, because now it was possible to inject drugs into tissues.

After that, morphine was used as anesthesia, then cocaine, which was used first in operations in otolaryngology and ophthalmology, and only then in surgery. It was later abandoned due to its high toxicity. They started using spinal, infiltration, and conduction anesthesia. In 1905, novocaine was synthesized, which is still actively used as anesthesia.

Classification of pain medications

You can eliminate or reduce pain with the help of drugs - analgesics.

Painkillers are classified according to the degree of effect:

  • General anesthesia (general anesthesia).
  • Local anesthesia (temporarily numbing a small area).
  • Regional anesthesia (turning off the sensitivity of a certain part of the patient's body).
  • Sedation (introduction to a serene, calm state in which the patient is relaxed, but can follow the doctor's instructions during the medical procedure).

Introduction to the state of anesthesia may be necessary during surgical operations. The patient not only does not feel pain, while his muscles are quite relaxed, and there will be no memories of the operation in his memory. Local anesthesia may be required for minor surgical or dental procedures. Anesthetic is injected in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, the sensitivity of which must be turned off. A few minutes after the injection of the drug, the pain syndrome of the operated area is completely blocked.

The principle of operation of the anesthetic with regional anesthesia is to turn off the sensitivity of the nerves responsible for a specific part of the body (arm, leg, etc.). The analgesic effect lasts for several hours after the operation.

Anesthetic action

The principle of modern action is aimed at suppressing pain, and not at treating the disease that causes pain. Depending on the active substance, analgesics either act on the brain, or on, or produce a local anesthetic effect.

For example, centrally acting pain relievers block pain centers at different levels in the brain. Peripheral anesthetics block the formation of substances that can stimulate pain centers, that is, they suppress pain outside the brain. The action of local anesthetics is aimed at preventing the passage of pain impulses from neural endings by blocking sodium channels.

Types of pain medications

The main classification division consists in the allocation of 2 groups of painkillers according to pharmacological characteristics:

  1. Non-narcotic.
  2. Narcotic.

The first group of pain relievers includes drugs that do not have an excessive effect on the nervous system. They are not addictive, nor do they have sedative or hypnotic effects. These medications can treat inflammation.

The second group includes drugs whose action is aimed at suppressing the functionality of the central nervous system. They change the nature of pain by affecting certain parts of the brain. Often, such drugs cause a feeling of euphoria, and with prolonged use, addiction is developed. They are prescribed mainly for serious diseases of the cardiovascular system or for oncology.

Separately, it is worth noting painkillers - antispasmodics, which can eliminate attacks of spastic pain. This pain syndrome is manifested due to spasms of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Cramps can cause various chronic diseases, poor diet, or other causes. It is the intake of antispasmodics that is most effective in this case, since the elimination of spasms will lead to the elimination of pain.


All pain relievers are divided into groups depending on the active substances used:

  1. Metamizole sodium... Suppresses the activity of cyclooxygenase and prevents the propagation of pain impulses. It is indicated for various types of pain (toothache, intestinal pain, headache, trauma, bites, burns, etc.). Not recommended for frequent use. With this composition, the drug can be attributed.
  2. Pitofenone... It is an antispasmodic and is often used with other analgesic substances, which together enhance the action of each other. It is prescribed for both adults and children with fever, colic, headache and other types of pain caused by muscle spasms.
  3. ... It is a derivative of acetic acid. Belongs to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, the drug Aertal.
  4. ... Prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue.
  5. ... It is used for arthritis and joint pain.
  6. ... Eliminates painful sensations of a weak or moderate nature, caused by various reasons.
  7. ... It is prescribed for arthritis and arthrosis, pain in the spine, and also as an adjuvant in infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Almost all substances that have an analgesic effect additionally have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

List of Pain Relief Pills

There are several anesthetic drugs that are classified as potent drugs. Among them there are prescription drugs, and there are over-the-counter drugs.


  • Active substance- Aceclofenac.
  • Composition- Microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, glyceryl palmitostearate, povidone.
  • The form- Tablets in a film shell (additionally produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration and a cream for external use).
  • Indications- Rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, osteoarthritis.
  • Contraindications-, violation of hematopoiesis, liver and kidney disease, children under 18 years old, during pregnancy, etc.
  • Dosage and administration - 100 mg twice a day with plenty of fluids.
  • Side effects - Rash, headache, malfunctioning of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys, leukopenia.
  • Recommendations - During the admission period, exclude, regularly monitor the analyzes.
  • Vacation from pharmacies - Prescription .


  • Active substance - Nimesulide.
  • Composition - Microcrystalline cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, corn starch.
  • The form - Biconvex tablets with a smooth surface (additionally produced in the form of a gel for external use).
  • Indications - Rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of soft tissues, ligaments and tendons, spondyloarthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, as well as in dental, headache, postoperative pain.
  • Contraindications - Bronchial asthma, changes in the functioning of the digestive tract, renal, heart and liver failure, hemophilia, children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Dosage and administration - 1 tablet twice a day with a drink.
  • Side effects - Violations of the functionality of the digestive tract and kidneys, itching, rash, dizziness, allergic reactions.
  • Recommendations - If signs of visual impairment appear, stop the appointment and visit an ophthalmologist. A lower dosage is indicated for patients with kidney pathologies.
  • Vacation from pharmacies - Prescription .


  • Active substance - Meloxicam.
  • Composition - Sodium citrate dihydrate, silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, crospovidone, magnesium stearate.
  • The form - - these are round convex yellow tablets with a beveled edge (additionally, the drug is produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration and rectal suppositories).
  • Indications - Degenerative joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, osteoarthritis.
  • Contraindications - Bronchial asthma, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, renal, heart and liver failure, children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Dosage and administration - For adolescents: 0.25 mg / kg body weight and do not exceed 15 mg. For adults: 7.5-15 mg / kg body weight depending on the disease. Take 1 time per day after meals with water.
  • Side effects - Disorders of the digestive tract and kidneys, changes in the leukocyte formula, bronchial asthma, allergic manifestations, dizziness, conjunctivitis.
  • Recommendations - It is necessary to monitor the performance of the kidneys.
  • Vacation from pharmacies - Prescription .


  • Active substance - Nimesulide.
  • Composition - Ketomacrogol, maltodextrin, sucrose, citric acid, orange flavor.
  • The form - - light yellow powder.
  • Indications - With severe back pain, lower back pain, as well as during menstruation, with sprains, injuries, toothache and osteoarthritis.
  • Contraindications - Fever, bronchial asthma, heart, renal and hepatic failure, inflammatory processes in the intestines, blood clotting disorders, children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Dosage and administration - 1 sachet twice a day by mouth after meals. Dissolve the powder in 100 ml of water.
  • Side effects - Anemia, thrombocytopenia, manifestations, dizziness, tachycardia, shortness of breath, diarrhea,.
  • Recommendations - Patients with chronic diseases need to take the drug with caution (reduce the dosage and course).
  • Vacation from pharmacies - Prescription


  • Active substance - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  • Composition - Microcrystalline cellulose, glycerol, silicon dioxide, starch, sodium carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, talc.
  • The form - Tablets in a film orange shell (for children from 2 years old they are produced in the form of dispersible tablets -).
  • Indications - Fever, neuralgia, pain in the back, joints and during menstruation, toothache, with bruises, dislocations and after operations.
  • Contraindications - Pathologies of the circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract organs, bronchial asthma, renal and hepatic insufficiency, children under 12 years of age (up to 2 years for a children's dosage form), 3 trimester of pregnancy and during lactation.
  • Dosage and administration - For adults: 1 tablet three times a day. For children over 12 years old: 1 tablet twice a day. Take before meals or 2-3 hours after and wash down with water.
  • Side effects - Nausea, vomiting, headache, heartburn, pressure surges, anemia, shortness of breath, allergic reactions.
  • Recommendations - Do not take in conjunction with other non-steroidal drugs. Spend more than 5-7 days with a course.
  • Vacation from pharmacies - Over-the-counter .


  • Active substance - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  • Composition - Calcium hydrogen phosphate, croscarmellose sodium, hyprolose, magnesium stearate, talc, silicon dioxide.
  • The form - Biconvex oval tablets with a red film shell (additionally available in capsules).
  • Indications - Migraine, neuralgia, toothache, pain in the joints and back, fever, as well as with bruises, fractures, sprains.
  • Contraindications - Renal and hepatic failure, bronchial asthma, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, children under 18 years of age, 3 trimester of pregnancy.
  • Dosage and administration - For adults: 1 tablet three times a day.
  • Side effects - Tachycardia, dizziness, shortness of breath, vomiting, hearing or visual impairment, anemia, nausea, allergic reactions.
  • Recommendations - Duration of admission is no more than 5 days for pain relief and no more than 3 days for temperature reduction. With an increased rate, control analyzes.
  • Dispensing from pharmacies Over-the-counter .


  • Active substance - Paracetamol, Naproxen, Drotaverine hydrochloride, Pheniramine maleate, Caffeine.
  • Composition - Microcrystalline cellulose, hyprolose, magnesium stearate, E321, croscarmellose sodium, starch.
  • The form - Tablets in a film shell (additionally produced in the form of a gel for external use).
  • Indications - With a variety of pains, including those caused by spasms, as well as colds.
  • Contraindications - Tachycardia, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, renal and hepatic failure, children under 18 years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Dosage and administration - 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. No more than 4 tablets per day.
  • Side effects - Allergic reactions, hearing loss, impaired renal function, headache, vomiting, nausea.
  • Recommendations - Duration of admission is no more than 5 days for pain relief and no more than 3 days for temperature reduction.
  • Dispensing from pharmacies Over-the-counter .

Nurofen Express Forte

  • Active substance - Ibuprofen.
  • Composition - Potassium hydroxide, macrogol, water.
  • The form - Oval capsules with light pink liquid.
  • Indications - Headache and toothache, rheumatic pain syndrome, fever, neuralgia, migraine.
  • Contraindications - Bronchial asthma, renal, heart and hepatic failure, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, hemophilia, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy (3 trimester).
  • Dosage and administration - A single dose is 400-800 mg. The maximum dose for adults is 2400 mg. Drink with water.
  • Side effects - Violation of hematopoiesis, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, nausea, changes in laboratory parameters in the study of blood.
  • Recommendations - The interval between doses is at least 4 hours. With long-term treatment, check the blood, liver and kidneys.
  • Vacation from pharmacies - Over-the-counter .

Contraindication for all medicines is individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug!

How to choose a pain reliever

The basics of correct treatment are to eliminate the cause of the pain. Sometimes antispasmodics are enough to relieve pain. In some cases, taking painkillers can interfere with an accurate diagnosis, because abdominal pain, as well as headaches along with vomiting, are a sign of serious illness. The safest way is to take a pain reliever as directed by your doctor.

In case of an unexpected and sharp pain syndrome, the combined drugs have the best effect, in which, in addition to the active substance - a pain inhibitor, there are additional components that enhance its effect.

Despite the fact that most analgesics help against a wide variety of pains, a specific drug can be selected for each specific cause of pain. It is recommended that you read the instructions carefully before purchasing pain relievers.
