Are you sure you know absolutely everything about the benefits and not quite the benefits of dried fruits? Don't rush to answer. Therefore, even experienced nutritionists and biologists cannot give an answer with absolute certainty. There are several points of view on this score. Some believe that these same "fruits in shrinkage" are not so useful, others, on the contrary, argue about the impeccable properties of dried fruits, which more than have a beneficial effect on the human body.
Let's try to understand the pros and cons, putting on two scales: "usefulness" and "delusion", in the characteristics of dried candied fruits, nuts and other delicacies we love.
Let's start with the most common misconceptions, so.

Product Energy value, kcal Water, g Proteins, g Fat, g Carbohydrates, g
Pear 246 24,0 2,3 - 62,1
Prunes 264 25,0 2,3 - 65,6
Dried apricots 272 20,2 5,2 - 65,9
Apples 273 20,0 3,2 - 68,0
Peaches 275 18,0 3,0 - 68,5
Raisins with pits 276 19,0 1,8 - 70,9
Dried apricots 278 18,0 5,0 - 67,5
Raisins raisins 279 18,0 2,3 - 71,2
Cherry 292 18,0 1,5 - 73,0

Nuts. The benefits of nuts
I think it's time to move on to the nuts. All nuts have a fairly high calorie content, but if we are not talking about the "diet" as such, but about the benefits for the body, then nuts are benefits in their pure form. Read and draw conclusions. So…
The benefits of walnuts
Walnut is not just a great delicacy, but also an unconditional help to your health. Nuts help with anemia, diseases, heart disease, dermatitis, colds. In addition, the walnut has a calming effect and is indicated for insomnia and nervous disorders. Walnut is necessary for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as during the recovery period after undergoing operations. It has a beneficial effect on the body's immune system.
The benefits of almonds
Sweet almonds are useful for hypertension, obesity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, asthma, pleurisy, heartburn. In addition, sweet almonds are recommended for all persons over the age of thirty as a preventive measure against atherosclerosis with high cholesterol levels. Bitter almonds are indicated for use as a prophylactic agent in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, as well as in the treatment of certain diseases of the genitourinary system in women.
The benefits of hazelnuts
Hazelnuts are pure protein. It is used as a prophylaxis against obesity, it is indicated for diabetes, chronic fatigue, phlebitis and varicose veins, enlarged prostate gland, arterial hypertension. Hazelnuts are used to treat chronic anemia.
Benefits of peanuts
Peanuts. Many consider this fruit useless, I hasten to convince you. Peanuts have a beneficial effect on tissue function, promote cell growth and renewal. It is used as a choleretic agent. Peanuts help lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition, it increases potency and has a wonderful effect on libido. It also improves memory, the ability to concentrate, and is indicated for insomnia and fatigue.
Cashew benefits
Cashews are a delicious sweet slightly curved fruit that perfectly strengthens the immune system, in addition, cashews normalize metabolic processes in the body, and are indicated for anemia, psoriasis and heart diseases.
The benefits of pistachios
Pistachio. This small greenish nut is able to help during the period of great physical and mental stress, as it activates the brain and at the same time has a tonic and tonic effect on the entire body. Pistachios are useful for people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, with anemia, arrhythmia and thrombophlebitis.
Conclusion: dried fruits contain a huge amount of nutrients. 5-6 pieces of dried fruits, eaten daily, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, in addition, dried fruits are an excellent immunomodulator. This delicacy is useful for both children and adults.

It is believed that sweets are harmful to the body, and in most cases, unfortunately, they are. But there is a separate category of delicacies, the benefits of which are very difficult for humans to underestimate. In particular, we are talking about vitamin cocktail made from dried fruits and nuts, which has recently become very popular, because today all doctors and sources of information "shout" about the need to maintain and strengthen the immune system, which in practice is not so easy to do. The "formula" of health can be deduced as follows: hardening - physical education - useful, into which we should introduce the delicacy indicated by us from nuts and dried fruits with the addition of honey and other valuable components. In the period of cold weather and spring beriberi, this magical mixture will become a real defense for your body against viruses, colds and infections.

What are the benefits of dried fruits and their value

People were convinced of the usefulness of dried fruits even in ancient times. The "grandmother's gifts" familiar to almost all of us are actually a storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements, it is a kind of concentrate of active substances that can saturate the body with everything that is only necessary for our health, beauty and longevity.

Interesting! Research by scientists has shown that dried fruits have much more valuable components than fresh counterparts. Despite the fact that they are dried, vitamins, fructose, sugar and calories from them do not go anywhere, only water is removed.

Let's just take a look at a few of the most common and used dried fruits:

Interesting! has long been given to women during childbirth, which really accelerated the process of delivery. As it turned out, they contain substances that contribute to the contraction of the uterus.

Why are essential in a vitamin cocktail

Nuts are not just a delicacy adored by both women and men, they are a valuable component, a real storehouse of useful substances, polyunsaturated fatty acids and, of course, protein. It contains iron in abundance, a lot of manganese, iodine and the vitamin group (B2, C, E). The benefits of nuts for our body are difficult to describe, because there are too many items to include on this list. They improve brain function, are invaluable for people suffering from diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system, are useful for the immune system, perfectly help with anemia, hypertension. Few people know, but nuts contain substances that have a positive effect on the nervous system, therefore, a vitamin mixture with this fruit is necessarily indicated for people who are, by occupation, in a state of incessant stress, with frequent mental disorders and insomnia. The cocktail helps a lot during the recovery of the body after operations and serious illnesses. Nuts are also useful for nursing mothers, because their valuable components and fatty polyacids saturate breast milk well.

How to make a vitamin cocktail from dried fruits and nuts

First, prepare your ingredients. You will need, taken in equal shares, for a start try on a weight of 300 grams each:

  • dried apricots;
  • raisins;
  • prunes (dried, not smoked);
  • nuts (in this case, walnuts are better).

You will also need 300 ml of honey (you need natural, by no means artificial) and one large lemon, which should be pitted, and the zest should be left as it is. it also contains a lot of nutrients.

Rinse dried fruits well, spread a non-paper towel to dry (the water should be completely gone). After that, all dried fruits and lemon must be passed through a meat grinder or chopped using a blender. Divide the prepared vitamin cocktail into clean dry glass jars, store in the refrigerator.

You need to use the "magic" mixture three times a day on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, in the amount of 1 dessert spoon. You can also give it to children.

Interesting! When, after standing in the refrigerator, the cocktail becomes very thick, make sweets from it, and not a single child will refuse such a delicacy, and you will be calm that the baby has received substances useful for the body.

Are there any contraindications for a vitamin cocktail

Despite the enormous benefits and value of the vitamin cocktail described above, it is necessary to state an important fact that taking the mixture has contraindications. You need to refrain from treats:

  • allergic to at least one of the components of the mixture;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • those who have been diagnosed with gallstone or urolithiasis.

Dried fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. They contain such elements necessary for the full functioning of the human body as magnesium, pectin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, fiber, carbohydrates. Such products have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, help in the fight against many diseases, improve digestion and improve mood.

Compared to fresh fruit, dried fruit is a concentrate of valuable substances. And all due to their dried state, in which useful microelements are "preserved". Therefore, they are high in calories and provide quick satiety.

Dried fruits are recommended to be consumed in the cold season, when the body needs vitamins. They can be stored for a long time, and therefore you can take them with you on a long trip or a hiking trip. This product will not take up much space and will not keep you hungry. Give a handful of dried fruit to the student as a snack. Dried fruits will be useful for pregnant women and people who are engaged in mental work. It is enough to consume 100-200 grams of dried fruits per day to provide the body with all the vitamins it needs.

Nuts will delight you not only with their taste, but also with incredible benefits for the whole body. In terms of importance, they do not lag behind the above-described dried fruits at all. They include vitamins E, A, group B, as well as elements such as iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. They contain quite a lot of protein, and therefore vegetarians successfully replace meat with them. Just keep in mind that you need to eat different types of nuts in order to provide yourself with the necessary proteins.

Of course, nuts are high in calories and can cause allergies. But as already mentioned in the block with dried fruits, so as not to harm your figure, nuts can be consumed in the morning. It is recommended to eat about 100 grams of nuts per day. This will be enough to saturate your body with the necessary vitamins and elements.

Like dried fruits, nuts can be stored for a very long time, without losing their beneficial properties, nutritional, and also taste. This product can be taken with you on a long trip and consumed in situations where there is no opportunity and time for a full meal.

Types of nuts in detail

  • Pistachios... They help to recover from heavy sports, physical activity or long-term illness. They have a tonic and invigorating effect. The product is useful for people suffering from chronic anemia, inflammation of the veins, tuberculosis, obesity. It has a positive effect on the condition of the liver and heart.
  • Cashew... Rich in nutrients, in particular magnesium, potassium, B vitamins. They are used as a preventive measure in relation to cardiovascular diseases. They contain a huge amount of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats.
  • Hazelnut... Helps to cope with varicose veins, diabetes, chronic fatigue, prostate diseases. It is used to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and treat chronic anemia. Indicated for obese people, as it helps to quickly feel full.
  • Almond... It is considered one of the healthiest nuts. Contains a large amount of magnesium, zinc and calcium, as well as protein and phosphorus. The increased content of vitamin E will provide the skin with a healthy appearance and slow down aging. The product is useful for bone tissue, liver, heart and nervous system.
  • Peanut... Rich in protein, folic acid, antioxidants. Helps improve focus and memory. It is useful for the normal functioning of the liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Includes substances that lower cholesterol levels.
  • Pine nut... They contain 10 times more vitamins than other types of nuts, and several times more amino acids than meat and milk. Useful for growing children's organisms and withering old people, prolonging their life.
  • Walnut... An excellent source of antioxidants. Helps neutralize and remove toxins from the body. Copes with nervous disorders. Indicated for insomnia, pregnant and lactating women.


All nuts and dried fruits provide incredible benefits to the body. These products are recommended for use by both adults and children and the elderly. It is enough to eat 100-200 grams of dried fruits and 100 grams of nuts per day to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. We recommend purchasing nuts and dried fruits for a healthy diet in the online store Oreshkoff.rf

569 vitamin mixture of dried fruits with honey

Dried fruits are an ideal alternative to fruits during the cold season, especially when the body is severely deficient in vitamins. Properly cooked dried fruits retain all the vitamins, micro and macro elements that the body needs.

The mixture of their dried fruits is a real storehouse of the most useful substances, thanks to which it is able to increase hemoglobin in the blood, cleanse the blood flow, prevent some heart diseases, normalize blood pressure, and more. And the mixture for immunity from dried fruits with honey acquires healing properties throughout the body, enhancing the action of each other. Therefore, let's talk in an article about how to make a vitamin salad at home in order to always stay healthy.

A mixture of dried fruits with honey - how are dried fruits useful for immunity?

Dried fruits are natural products that contain a huge amount of useful and nutritious substances. They can fully replace any sweets, which is very good for those who are on a diet and are struggling with excess weight. But do not forget that they are also high in calories and can be consumed in small quantities. Nowadays, you can find a huge number of different types of dried fruits on store shelves. Let's take a look at the classic types that bring the greatest benefits to immunity.

Dried apricots

It is the most common ingredient in mixes. This is a dried apricot, it contains a large amount of iron, potassium, phosphorus and glucose, it is also saturated with vitamins, especially of groups B and C. Its usefulness is aimed at strengthening the immune system and improving the cardiovascular system, helping to cleanse it of cholesterol and toxic substances.

Its unique composition gives the body extra energy. Dried apricot is very useful for such ailments as anemia or anemia, it is also recommended to use it for people who have low vision, as it is rich in vitamin A. B vitamins help to improve the condition of hair and skin.


This exotic fruit is high in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. But most of all, figs are valued for their rich content of potassium - a mineral that prevents the appearance of pathologies of the nervous system. Regular consumption of it in food significantly strengthens the body, and blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.


They are dried grapes that are loaded with fats and proteins. They are needed for the body, which is constantly exposed to excessive physical and mental stress. It is also a rich source of calcium, iron and magnesium, which improve cardiovascular health and immunity. Dried grapes are rich in B vitamins, which normalize the nervous system and promote sleep. Raisins, due to their calcium content, are able to strengthen teeth and bones. It is also able to improve lactation during feeding and remove waste and toxins from the body.


These are dried plums that are often used in baked goods, cakes, chocolate and other confectionery. Prunes are rich in vitamins B and C, which fully help to strengthen the immune system. And the content of magnesium, phosphorus and sodium in it allows you to cleanse the body of cholesterol and is an excellent combination for the heart.

In folk medicine, dried plums are used for constipation as a laxative. It helps fight pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella and E. coli, and it does the same thing as medications.


This is the fruit of the date palm, which is able to recover from excessive physical or mental stress, and it also improves performance and is an energy supplement. It contains the essential amino acid tryptophan, which can help synthesize serotonin, the hormone of joy.

Dates are able to improve metabolism and metabolism, restore the body after diseases and operations. They contain a mineral such as fluoride, which is able to fight tooth decay. In folk medicine, it is used to treat coughs, to help fight anemia and hypertension.

There are other healthy dried fruits that you can use in addition.

Dried fruits with honey for immunity

Such a delicacy can replace other sweets, while it has tremendous benefits for the body. Sweet honey with dried fruits helps to strengthen the body's immune defenses and improve the functioning of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. Such a useful product will be enough for the whole winter to maintain immunity. Many lemons can be added to this mixture, namely juice or peel.

Chopped dried seedless fruits are mixed with honey, thanks to which they acquire additional properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-aging;
  • cleansing from toxins and toxins.

Such a tasty vitamin mixture turns out to be high in calories, on average, 100 grams of the product contains more than 30 kcal. Therefore, there are restrictions on the dosage of the product. So for people who have a breakdown and general weakness, the mixture can be used for prevention in 1 tbsp. everyday. For the treatment of colds, an adult can consume 2-3 tbsp. product.

Children over 3 years old, as a preventive measure, can be given 1 tsp. per day, and when colds appear, the dose can be increased to 3 small spoons per day. The mixture can be added to cereals. Often used as an immune mixture: honey, nuts, dried apricots, raisins, lemon.

If, during the use of the mixture, gastrointestinal disorders or manifestations of an allergic reaction appear, the use of the product must be discontinued. The mixture cannot be washed down with water, otherwise all its usefulness will dissolve.

To whom and when it is better not to eat dried fruits

Despite all its benefits, dried fruits with honey for immunity still have contraindications. They are not recommended for the following groups of people:

  1. Allergy sufferers - Dried fruits can cause severe food reactions.
  2. Patients with diabetes mellitus - dried fruit contains more glucose, so its consumption should be minimized so as not to cause negative consequences.
  3. With obesity - these natural products are high in calories, 100 grams contains more than 250 kcal, so their use should also be minimized.
  4. Patients with an acute form of gastric ulcer, intestinal ulcer or duodenal ulcer - dried fruits are heavy food that causes severe discomfort, and the stomach cannot cope with its digestion. Therefore, with exacerbations, you need to completely abandon it.

Even in a healthy person, excessive consumption of these products can cause gastrointestinal upset, as it is difficult to digest food. Therefore, it is better to eat dried fruits in a small amount allowed.

Important! Doctors advise to eat no more than 8 healthy fruits in 1 sitting, so as not to cause negative negative consequences.

Traditional and popular recipe for dried fruits and honey

This classic mixture is used most often among the people to strengthen immunity in the cold season, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins. And also it perfectly improves brain function and gives vitality.

The presence of honey in the mixture increases its usefulness. It is a natural product of beekeeping, known all over the world, it is famous for its healing and rejuvenating properties. Honey gives the mixture a special sweet taste, which makes it more enjoyable and easier to eat.

To prepare a honey mixture with dried fruits, you will need:

  • dried apricots - 150 g;
  • prunes - 150 g;
  • figs - 100 g;
  • linden honey - 200 g.

Honey with nuts and dried fruits - recipe

Dried fruits are thoroughly washed, dried fruit mixture for immunity on a paper napkin, finely chopped. It is best not to grind dried fruits in a blender, as they lose the flavor of each component. Next, the pieces of fruit are mixed with warm melted lime honey in a glass container. Afterwards, the dish is placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for storage.

Dried fruits, nuts and honey: recipe

This is the healthiest concoction imaginable. It contains almost all micro and macro elements, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, phytoncides and others. Honey-nut mixture with dried fruits is the most nutritious and healthy food. The following components are often used here: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, honey and lemon (peel). Lemon peel can be substituted with another citrus peel.

The classic recipe for a healthy mixture consists of the following crushed ingredients:

  • prunes - 200 grams;
  • dates - 100 grams;
  • raisins - 100 grams;
  • dried apricots - 200 grams;
  • nuts - 250 grams;
  • honey - 250 grams;
  • lemon peel.

Honey should be warm and liquid, lemon peel finely chopped, and nuts - peeled and finely chopped or ground through a meat grinder. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and consumed per day, 1 tablespoon of dried fruit and nuts dessert for prevention, for treatment - 2 tablespoons.

The following types can be used as nuts:

  1. Greek - the most common nuts, rich in vitamin K, which are very nutritious and help to improve brain activity, give energy. Improve immune protection, recover from illness. Useful for men - increase potency. Often this combination is used for the mixture: honey, walnut, lemon.
  2. Cedar - help prevent the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases, improve brain performance. They are nutritious, and due to the content of arginine, which helps the young body to grow and develop normally, it is very useful for children, pregnant and lactating girls.
  3. Almond - prevents heartburn, flatulence, improves metabolism and metabolism. Able to remove cholesterol and toxins from the body. It contains hydrocyanic acid, which can be fatal to health, so you can eat up to 500 nuts at a time.
  4. Hazelnut - prevents the formation of malignant neoplasms, slows down the aging process, strengthens the immune system.
  5. Peanut - normalizes the nervous system, strengthens healthy sleep, improves memory and brain activity, prevents the appearance of heart disease.

Important! The vitamin mixture of dried fruits with nuts and honey is allergenic, so before taking it, you need to make sure that there is no allergy or personal intolerance to the components.

How to store healthy mixes so they don't go bad

In order for a mix of dried fruits and honey to retain its benefits for a long time, it must be properly stored and prepared:

  1. To prepare mixtures, you need to make only fresh natural products. Dried fruits should be free of mold, mildew or other damage.
  2. It is only necessary to make and store such a mixture in a glass container, which is then placed in the refrigerator on the lower shelf. The container should be hermetically closed, then the mixture can serve you up to several months. The honey mixture can be stored for a little longer because honey is a good preservative.
  3. It is always best to prepare a fresh mixture in small portions, such as once a week.

Dried fruit sweets without honey - recipe

To make dried fruit sweets, you will need:

  • dates - 250 g;
  • dried apricots - 200 g;
  • prunes - 100g;
  • sesame seeds - 5 tablespoons

Grind all the components with a meat grinder, then mix them thoroughly together in a glass container. To prevent the ingredients from sticking to your fingers, you can soak your hands in water. Roll the mixture into small balls and dip in sesame seeds. Dried fruit dessert is ready. This sweetness can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days. The calorie content of the product is 240 kcal per 100 grams.

Using dried fruits in winter is a great idea for adults, children over 3 years old and athletes who go to the gym or fitness. They are able to enhance the body's immune defenses and increase brain activity. They also help to normalize the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. You can buy a wide variety of dried fruits in stores to make a vitamin mixture from dried fruits.

Dried fruits can be used in the preparation of honey or honey-nut mixture. They are also often used for confectionery recipes. However, do not forget about the daily dosages of the product and contraindications for use.

A mixture of nuts and dried fruits with honey will become a complete substitute for pharmacy vitamin complexes, strengthen immunity and improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, as well as other organs and systems. Homemade vitamin mixture made from natural ingredients is suitable for all family members, including children.

The benefits of a natural blend

Dried fruits with honey increase immunity, therefore it is recommended to use them during the period of colds and viral diseases in order to increase the body's resistance to infections. Healthy Blend - A rich source of various vitamins and minerals. It helps to cope with spring vitamin deficiency, get rid of anemia, prevent the occurrence of heart disease, and so on.

All components of the useful mixture have unique properties, contain many vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as other useful substances. Dried fruits are a great substitute for store sweets. To prepare a homemade vitamin complex, you can take any dried fruits, but the following are most often used:

  • raisins. Contains proteins and fats, therefore it is especially useful for athletes and people engaged in physical labor. Quickly restores strength, increases the body's defenses. Contains magnesium, potassium and iron, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthens bones. B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system and ensure healthy sleep;
  • prunes. Improves bowel function, helps to cope with constipation, and also has a detrimental effect on intestinal infections, cleanses the body and normalizes blood pressure;
  • dried apricots. Dried apricot fiber cleanses the intestines and improves its peristalsis. Contains sodium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals. Ascorbic acid slows down the aging process, vitamin A improves vision, and B vitamins strengthen blood vessels and normalize the nervous system. Glucose energizes;
  • figs. Contains potassium, calcium and magnesium, activates brain activity, strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle, eliminates cholesterol, and also strengthens the immune system, has expectorant and antiviral properties;
  • dates. These dried fruits contain over 20 minerals and various vitamins. Strengthens the immune system and promotes the production of serotonin.

Honey is an obligatory component of the vitamin mixture. Even a child knows about its beneficial properties. A beekeeping product is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins, phytoncides and antioxidants, amino acids and carbohydrates. It has the following effect:

  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood circulation and heart function;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties;
  • stimulates the digestive tract;
  • improves metabolic processes and so on.

The dried fruit mixture is often complemented with nuts. It is a rich source of vegetable proteins and fats. They are nutritious and energizing. Strengthen the body's defenses, replenish reserves of minerals, and so on. To prepare a homemade vitamin complex, you can use any nuts:

  • walnuts;
  • almond;
  • cedar;
  • pistachios;
  • peanuts, etc.

You can take several types of nuts, it all depends on your capabilities and taste preferences. Lemon is often added to a healthy mixture of dried fruits, nuts and honey. Citrus fruit contains ascorbic acid, which has an antioxidant effect. Lemon strengthens the immune system, helps to cope with viral and colds, improves bowel function and contains many minerals.

Indications and contraindications

Dried fruits mixed with honey and nuts should be consumed by adults and children, pregnant women and the elderly. It is imperative to include the mixture in the diet in such cases:

  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • with anemia;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • during an epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • after undergoing operations and serious illnesses and so on.

The mixture is also recommended for athletes and people who are physically working. It is possible and necessary for all people to eat a vitamin-mineral complex from natural products, especially in the winter-spring period, when the body is experiencing a lack of nutrients. Refuse to use is necessary only if there are contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to beekeeping products;
  • allergies to nuts or other ingredients;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity.

With excess overweight and diabetes mellitus, the mixture can be completely banned or allowed in small quantities. If an allergy occurs to one of the components, it must be excluded from the composition and replaced with another component.

How to use it correctly?

A mixture of nuts, lemon and dried fruits with honey is a delicious treat, but it should not be overused. The composition includes a beekeeping product and nuts, so the ready-made mixture is high in calories, special attention should be paid to this for those who follow the figure.

If you are taking a folk remedy for preventive purposes, then one tablespoon a day will be enough. You need to eat the daily portion in the morning on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals, without drinking water. So all vitamins and minerals quickly enter the body and are easily absorbed. During an epidemic or with the development of any diseases, increase the daily dose to 3 tablespoons. Consume one scoop before each meal (half an hour).

Children can also be given formula, but from the age of 3-4 years. The children's norm per day is 1 teaspoon, during the period of illness, it can be increased to 3 small spoons. If a rash, redness or other signs of allergy appear, it is necessary to stop using the mixture, and then adjust the composition to exclude the allergen.

How to make a mixture of dried fruits to strengthen immunity

The recipe for making a folk remedy to strengthen the immune system is very simple. Anyone can prepare such a mixture. You will need a minimum of time and a set of necessary ingredients.

Dried fruits with nuts and honey

For cooking you will need:

  • 200 gr. dried apricots;
  • 200 gr. dried grapes;
  • 200 gr. prunes;
  • 100 g dates;
  • 1 tbsp. walnuts;
  • 0.5 tbsp. honey.

Rinse all dried fruits and pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. If desired, you can add other dried fruits: dried apples and pears, figs, and so on. Chop the walnuts or mixture of nuts into crumbs, but do not chop too hard.

Send prepared dried fruits and nuts to a non-oxidizable container. Add beekeeping product and mix everything. The amount of honey can be increased or decreased depending on taste preferences. Transfer the finished mixture to a dry and clean jar, cover with a lid and send to the refrigerator for storage.

With lemon

This recipe is just as simple, but even more effective and delicious, as lemon compensates for the excessive sweetness of honey and dried fruit. Take 200-250 grams of different dried fruits - prunes, raisins, dried apricots, figs and so on, as well as 200 grams of honey and the same amount of nuts. You also need a large lemon.

Chop nuts and dried fruits, and wash the lemon and pass through a meat grinder. Do not remove the peel as it contains the most vitamins and minerals. Add honey to the mixture, stir and transfer everything to a clean jar.

With seeds

You can diversify the classic recipe by adding seeds. Use pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, or other seeds to taste. Take these ingredients:

  • 200 gr. raisins;
  • 200 gr. dried apricots;
  • 100 g dates;
  • 100 g figs;
  • 200 gr. honey;
  • 150 gr. any seeds.

Chop large seeds, such as pumpkin seeds, along with the nuts. Rinse dried fruits and chop finely or pass through a meat grinder. According to the recipe, mix honey, nuts and dried fruits, as well as seeds. Then transfer to a jar for storage in the refrigerator.

A mixture of honey and other natural products is a natural vitamin complex that will help strengthen the immune system, speed up the healing process and simply recharge the body with energy.

In the Stone Age, when men went hunting, women were engaged in gathering herbs, roots and fruits - everything that could be eaten. Unfortunately, what was collected could not be stored for a long time, but resourceful women noticed that the fruits that had fallen from the trees, dried under the influence of the sun, although they did not have such juiciness as those just picked, were sweeter and lasted longer. So the moment when a woman, having plucked the next fruits, laid them on stones to dry in the sun, can be called the birthday of not only a new type of female activity, but also the food industry.

As time went on, many ancient seafarers took dried fruits with them as food, although at that time science did not yet know that dried fruits were a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and, most importantly, protected from many diseases. The ship's doctor not only used the sick with special herbs and medicines, but also always increased the diet of the sick with dried fruits - it was noticed that the body was more actively fighting ailments and the patients got to their feet twice as fast.

In ancient China, silk, dishes and dried fruits were considered the most valuable gifts. Moreover, it was dried fruits that were a must-have gift for a wedding. Each of the dried fruits meant a certain wish for future spouses: for example, a dried pear symbolized the wish to be inseparable; the donated dried apricots meant a wish for success and growth in prosperity, since the apricot had a yellow-orange color, and only representatives of the nobility wore clothes of this color (later, only the emperor); dried cherries meant a wish for more tenderness in relationships, a spring spirit of youth, caring for each other. No wonder one ancient Chinese philosopher said: "Dried fruits are fruits that have cognized wisdom."

Modern dried fruits

A real consolation for those with a sweet tooth, dried fruits can be an excellent substitute for confectionery, as they contain a large amount of carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose, glucose), and their calories are almost half as much as in sugar. Fructose (fruit sugar), contained in dried fruits, is "packed" in fiber, due to which it is retained in the body only in a limited amount, preventing the intestines from absorbing more sugar and cholesterol than necessary, and without increasing the level of insulin in the blood, as usual sweets. So, if you choose between chocolates and dried fruits, the second option will be less deplorable "for the figure."

In addition to the ability to replace sweet treats, dried fruits have many other equally valuable advantages. And above all, they are an absolutely natural product that does not contain colorants, emulsifiers, stabilizers and artificial additives. In fact, these are the same fruits, only without water.

Dried fruits are a real source of valuable microelements and nutrients. They contain calcium (strengthens nails and hair, give a fresh color to the face), magnesium (normalize high blood pressure), potassium (improve the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, remove excess fluid from the body, reduce swelling), sodium and iron ( will maintain the level of hemoglobin in the blood, provide oxygen to all organs and tissues), fiber and pectin (normalize the functioning of the intestines and stomach).

A handful of dried apricots and raisins satisfy the daily requirement for potassium, 50 g of dried cherries - for vitamin B6 and magnesium. And by eating several prunes, figs or dates a day, you will forever get rid of intestinal problems: the dietary fiber they contain improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. By the way, in prunes there are other "digestion aids" - organic acids. They increase acidity in the intestines and kill harmful microorganisms.

Most bought

Dried apples and pears.

These dried fruits were already known in Russia. Today they are no longer so popular (for there are many exotic dried fruits), but in vain! Apples and pears are in no way inferior to dates, figs, dried apricots in their healing properties. But what is especially valuable, they contain boron necessary for the brain to function, which is scarce in other dried fruits. Dried apples are well stored, and in winter they are used to prevent influenza. Dried pear removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.

Sun-dried bananas.

They serve as constant food for 400 million people in developing countries, and they come to us mainly from Vietnam. These bananas are rich in natural sugar, which, when digested, quickly enters the bloodstream and provides an energy boost. Therefore, they are often used by athletes.

Dried melon (dried).

This Tajik national sweet contains fiber, proteins, mineral salts, vitamin C, B vitamins, carotene, a large amount of iron, folic and nicotinic acids. Dried melon tones, has diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, cleanses the skin and intestines.


Contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, chromium, manganese, zinc, iodine, fluorine, cobalt, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C. It is a wonderful antidepressant and is an absolute champion in the content of antioxidants. Also removes salts of heavy metals from the body, heals the skin and strengthens blood vessels. Prunes are obtained from dried fruits of Vengerka plum varieties. Strange as it may sound, the best prunes are made from the Italian Hungarian variety, which is perfectly stuffed with walnuts and soft cheese. (And a little about the choice: if the prune has a coffee shade, this means that it was previously scalded with boiling water, and there are few vitamins in it. Also, do not buy a dark gray "anthracite" prune - it is clearly processed with glycerin. Real prunes are only black, and its taste should not be bitter.)

Dried apricots.

These are dried apricots (they carry various names: apricots with pits - apricots; apricots cut in half and without pits - dried apricots; whole apricots with squeezed pits - kaisa). They contain pectin, malic, citric and tartaric acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B15, P, PP, a lot of carotene (provitamin A). Everyone knows that dried apricots are rich in potassium, and only 5 pieces of dried apricots contain a daily requirement of iron. It also contains vitamin B5, which helps burn fat in the body. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of dried apricots reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Dried apricots (in the form of mashed potatoes) are prescribed for children with vitamin deficiency. (When choosing dried apricots, take a closer look at the grayish "individuals" - there is a chance that they were simply not treated with chemicals. It may still be orange, because it contains a storehouse of carotene, but only dried apricots with a "storehouse" of chemicals are bright bright orange.)


A royal gift from nature, they contain all vitamins, except for E and biotin, but they are especially rich in vitamin B5, which increases vitality. Dried dates contain potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, sulfur, and manganese. With dates, you get 23 different amino acids that are not found in other dried fruits. Dates are useful for colds - not only a vitamin supplement, but also a mild antipyretic. Another valuable property of dates: they replenish the loss of calcium in the body. Don't buy dates that are too wrinkled (although they should be wrinkled) and those with crystallized sugar and mold on the skin. You can store dates for a whole year in a container with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator, and in the freezer for five years!


Only chemically processed (imported) fresh figs get into our stores, because they are capricious. Therefore, it is better to use dried figs - it contains enzymes that stimulate the function of digestion, kidney and liver, and there is more iron in figs than in apples, therefore it is recommended for patients suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Figs are rich in potassium and fiber and are also the only fruit high in calcium. When choosing dried figs, it should be remembered that a high-quality fruit has a light yellowish wax color, while the fruit itself is the same in size and quite soft. But if the fig has an unpleasant salty-sour taste, dry and rough to the touch, its shelf life has already expired.


Everyone knows these dried grapes. Raisins come in different varieties: light, dark, blue, with or without seeds. It has a high calorie content: 100 g contains up to 320 kcal. Raisins from red grapes are considered more useful than from green ones. Raisins contain a large amount of boron, which prevents the development of osteoporosis, and manganese, which is necessary for the thyroid gland, as well as potassium, iron and magnesium, vitamins B1, B2 and B5. Raisins "with tails" are distinguished by the fact that they do not undergo mechanical processing during the separation of the stalk. Therefore, the berries do not wrinkle and do not lose their appearance. The highest grades of raisins are only "with tails". 99% of light raisins sold in stores and markets are treated with sulfur to give them a golden yellow color. Naturally dried raisins from light grape varieties are light brown in color! It is better to take raisins for compote with seeds, they contain the most antioxidants.

Candied fruits (papaya, banana chips, coconut)

This is dried fruit soaked in syrup before drying. Don't be confused: candied fruits are a dessert, not a healthy dried fruit. They are boiled in sugar syrup, dried, and even dyed with no one knows what. There are plenty of calories in them, but the benefits are completely ruined.

What the packaging should talk about

If you think that there are dried fruits and only them in a beautiful package, you are mistaken. There are preservatives and dyes. There is no need to be afraid of preservatives, their level is controlled, their dose does not exceed the permissible norm. But in any case, read the composition and draw conclusions.

It is advisable (especially if you intend dried fruits for children) to buy packages marked with GOST, not TU. Somehow calmer. Dried fruits and nuts are not subject to mandatory certification in the GOST system, but when I looked closely at the packages in the nearest supermarket, I found out that there are a lot of "gost" dried fruits.

If an excess of moisture is found in the product, then it has not been dried. This affects not only the consistency of dried fruits (they become too soft), but also the shelf life. It is known that a humid environment is favorable for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. Lack of moisture is also a minus: the fruits become too dry, tough and partially lose their nutritional value. The optimal moisture content is established by GOST: the mass fraction of moisture in dried apricots should not exceed 20%, and prunes - 25%.

The shelf life of dried fruits in bags is quite long: from 8 months to 2 years. Of course, in order to prolong the life of the product so much, manufacturers use preservatives: they dip the fruits in a sweet syrup containing sorbic acid (E200) or its compound (E202), fumigate with sulfur dioxide (E220). According to the regulations, the content of sorbic acid and its compounds in the product should not exceed 1000 mg / kg, and sulfur dioxide - 2000 mg / kg.

How to store dried fruits

Store loose dried fruits in a cool, dark and dry place at temperatures below +10 ° C. High humidity and warmth are ideal conditions for mold growth, so it is better not to stock up for years. If you notice signs of mold, do not try to wash or scrape it off: mold in dried fruits and nuts can be deadly! A moldy product should be thrown away without regret.

The optimal shelf life for dried fruits is from 6 to 12 months, in glaze it is less, about 4 months. Short storage of dried fruits at room temperature is also allowed.

How to choose dried fruits

Do not take overdried or, conversely, too soft fruits - this indicates a violation of the conditions for the manufacture and storage of dried fruits. Rinse dried fruit thoroughly before use - get rid of dirt and chemicals. Boiling water destroys vitamins, so warm water is used for washing. A good way is to pour apple juice over the dried fruit and leave it overnight. All this applies to dried fruits by weight, but if you bought dried fruits in packaging and trust the manufacturer, you can not wash them.

However, some manufacturers honestly point out on the packaging: "it is recommended to wash before use." Light fruit should ideally be dark after drying. Dried apricots without sulfur are dark in color, a bright color is achieved using potassium permanganate. Raisins should not be uniformly yellow, soft and oily. Avoid gloss: Dried fruits can be rubbed with less than the best quality oil to add shine.

Ideal dried fruits look unsightly: matte, wrinkled, opaque - dry, in a word. If dried fruit is improperly processed, it has a "burnt" wine flavor. When choosing dried fruits on street stalls, keep in mind that their pulp absorbs all harmful car emissions. Don't take the product off the curb.

Dried fruits and dried vegetables Are fruits and vegetables from which water is removed by drying. The concentrated high-calorie fruit remains. Most often they want to buy dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears, figs ... Popular dried vegetables - onions, garlic, carrots, bell peppers, beets .

Advantages of dried fruits and dried vegetables:

  • stored longer
  • less space and weight
  • more vitamins and calories

Dried fruit production

Usually, production involves drying in the sun, but this method is not suitable for industrial production. Most often, manufacturers use sealed dehydrating chambers that quickly remove water from a large number of fruits. In them, drying is carried out using streams of hot air or infrared radiation. Drying without heating will preserve the fruit's benefits more.

Drying is suitable for fruits - raisins, dried apricots, etc. There is a method - sublimation products ... Can be found sublimated berries. Dried fruits can be called a product in which only fruits. If sugar is added, then it can be called candied fruit. Exotic fruits (pineapple, papaya, mango) are often caramelized to keep them in shape. Therefore, it is correct to call them candied fruits. Read the composition when buying.

Unfortunately, for the manufacture of dried fruits, sometimes fruits that have begun to deteriorate or have been damaged are not neglected. Hence the conclusion: the quality of such dried fruits is in doubt.

For better storage, protection from insects and giving a presentation, all dried fruits are treated with detergents, vapors and pesticides:

  • Raisins and dried apricots - sulfur dioxide (in its composition it is designated as E220). This increases the shelf life and gives the dried fruit a golden color.
  • Fig - vegetable oils.
  • Grapes soaked in alkali.


Important! Beautiful multi-colored fruits will bring you little benefit, as they sometimes contain up to 80% sugar.

What is the harm of dried fruits and vegetables

  1. Manufacturers use chemicals in production
  2. Concentration requires smart consumption

Manufacturers add preservative E220 to dried fruits. It is a water-retaining chemical. For the body - to put it mildly, not useful.

Test your nearest store: Go to any convenience store. 99% of all presented dried fruits will be with E220 preservative. It's not worth buying. Is it sad? Yes. But there is a way out:

  • Search in stores, without E220. Often this nutritional stores, online stores
  • Buy in the south from grandmothers
  • Dry by yourself
  • Search the market (not an option). It's the same as in stores.

Always read the composition. I do not exclude unscrupulous manufacturers hiding the full composition. But more often the composition is written honestly. If there is a preservative, they will write it.

Dried fruits are considered to be a natural and healthy product, suitable for diets and weight loss. It is believed that they can safely replace sweets. It's true. But it is not worth using them in handfuls and without knowing the properties of a particular dried fruit. They all have different properties and affect the human body in different ways. Dried fruits can both help and harm.

The benefits of dried fruits for the body

Dried fruits are very beneficial for health, but in small quantities and when individually selected. Any fresh fruit itself is a natural source of vitamins. After processing, dried fruits retain all the beneficial properties, except that now they are contained in a more concentrated form.

These are quite natural delicacies that adults and children love. Dried fruits are often recommended for diets, for cleansing the body, for exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. They are high in calories and carbohydrates. Both nutritious and cleansing.

Types and composition of dried fruits:

View What are they made of Carbohydrates Sugar

Calorie content (per 100g)

Dried apricots Apricot 60-65 g 45-50 g 215-260
Prunes Plum 57-65 g 45-50 g 230-256
Raisins Grapes 72-80 g 55-65 g 262-264
Dates Dates 70-75 g 50-65 g 274-277
Dried apples Apples 68 g 62 g 199-231
Dried pears Pears 62 g 62 g 201
Fig Fig 57-65 g 45-50 g 257

The table shows that dried fruits are high in calories and contain a lot of carbohydrates. Dried fruits it is a nutritious product.

Dried apricots benefit

Dried apricots are one of the most popular dried fruits. This dried fruit is made from dried pitted apricots. This is not the same as an apricot. When making the latter, the seed remains in the fruit.

Dried apricots are eaten both separately and in baked goods, they are used in the preparation of sauces, compotes. This type of dried fruit is often eaten instead of regular sweets. Dried apricots are less nutritious than dates.

The dried apricots contain the following substances:

  • Vitamins A, C.
  • Potassium.
  • Iron.
  • Cellulose.

It's no surprise that this dried fruit has many beneficial properties:

  1. Even a few dried apricots will satisfy hunger for a long time.
  2. Improves metabolic processes.
  3. Normalizes bowel function, as it has a laxative and diuretic effect.
  4. Will have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  5. It will have a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

If the dried fruit is soaked, it will become soft and delicious.

Prunes benefit

Another dried fruit that will always find a place on the table is prunes. It can be added to both desserts and main dishes. Thanks to him, you can get an unusual spicy taste of dishes.

There are even more useful elements in it than in dried apricots:

  • Cellulose.
  • Pectin.
  • Vitamins C, A and group B.
  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.

If we turn to the question of the benefits and dangers of these dried fruits for weight loss, then we can see that prunes can be safely eaten during diets. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has a positive effect on the pancreas. Among all dried fruits, it is in dried plums that the most organic acids are contained.

Raisins benefit

Raisins are considered to be the healthiest of all dried fruits. It can be different, but it is worth considering that white raisins contain slightly more calories than dark or black raisins.

Attention! Any type of raisins has a high calorie content, so when dieting, you should not consume it in large quantities. And also you should not eat it with diabetes.

For the rest, raisins provide tremendous support to your health:

  1. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function.
  3. It should be consumed in case of anemia, as there is a lot of iron in raisins.
  4. Increases hemoglobin levels.
  5. Vitamin B1 ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  6. Strengthens the protective functions of the body.

Thanks to fructose and glucose, this type of dried fruit is a great helper for those who are engaged in physical labor. Eating oatmeal with raisins for breakfast will energize you all day.

Date benefits

Dates are often substituted for sweets, they taste no worse than sweets. They should be consumed if you have a weakened immune system, and in other cases, this type of dried fruit is very useful.

Here is the% of the daily requirement of elements in 1 cup of dates:

  1. Fiber -47%.
  2. Vitamin B6 - 12%.
  3. Folic acid - 7%.
  4. Manganese - 19%
  5. Magnesium - 15%.
  6. Calcium - 5%.

Eating dates will support your cardiovascular and immune systems.

Important! You can not eat dates with diabetes (fructose intolerance), as there is a lot of it in this type of dried fruit.

Apples benefit

Dried apples are primarily useful for anemia and other diseases in which hemoglobin levels decrease. 100 g of these apples contain almost half of the daily iron requirement.

And also such dried fruits are a source of fiber. Fresh apples contain much less of it, while dried apples, due to this composition, improve the digestive tract and lower cholesterol. But there is no vitamin C in these dried fruits, so you cannot completely replace fresh apples with dried ones. Apples with peels are best, so try to cook them yourself.

Pear benefit

Less popular dried fruits are pears, but they really shouldn't be overlooked.

  1. Dried pears contain large amounts of organic acids, dietary fiber, glucose, fructose, vitamin C.
  2. Among all dried fruits, pears contain the most antioxidants, without which normal heart function is impossible.
  3. Pears contain arbutin, a natural antibiotic.
  4. Dried pears should be used for problems with the pancreas.
  5. Normalizes digestion, strengthens blood vessels.

And also this dried fruit is perfect for snacks between meals.

Almost any fruit or berry can be dried. However, the most popular dried fruits in our country include apricots, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, dried apples, pears and cherries.

Dried fruits are used in diets, however, it is a misconception that they are low in calories. On the contrary, they have more calories per unit mass than fresh fruits. During grinding and drying, moisture leaves the semi-finished product and the proportion of ascorbic acid is significantly reduced. The energy value of the product increases. A fresh apricot weighing 45 grams contains about 12 kcal, and its shriveled version - dried apricots weighing 45 grams - 60 kcal.

Due to the high content of glucose and fructose, dried fruits are not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus. Their daily diet can be supplemented with a maximum of 100 g of this product.

For overweight people, abuse of harvested fruits will bring additional pounds. Only dried pears and apples are suitable for weight loss. These fruits are low in carbohydrates and sugar. Eating them in food contributes to gentle weight loss due to pectin and fiber.

The delicacy can also harm those who have been diagnosed with inflammatory processes of the duodenum and stomach.

For personal safety, it is best to avoid eating exotic fruits.

Ideally, it is best to dry the fruits and berries yourself. Dried fruits can and should be eaten, but everything is good in moderation! 100 g a day is enough! However, I recommend using them exclusively in the morning!

What is the right way to buy dried fruits

Unfortunately, low-quality dried fruits are common. Often, due to chemical processing, the harm of dried fruits to the body outweighs the benefits.

When buying, pay attention to:

  1. Fruit color is too bright.
  2. Unnatural shine.
  3. Bad smell or taste.

The bright color is usually given by dyes or sulfur dioxide.

High-quality and natural dried fruits, oddly enough, have a rather unsightly appearance. They are usually dull, dark in color and wrinkled.

The beneficial properties are best preserved in prunes and raisins with stalks, as well as in dates with seeds. The raisins should be neat, not sticky.

When buying, choose dried fruitsmatte, without shine or cracks on the peel, as well as odorless gasoline, diesel fuel, smoke... The latter means that the fruits were dried using a burner and in other ways, after which it is harmful to consume dried fruits.

How to store dried fruits

When storing dried fruits, adhere to several important rules:

  • The fruit should be stored in a cool, dry place out of the sun.
  • You cannot mix different types of dried fruits, as they have different aromas and moisture index. Only raisins and dried apricots can be put together.
  • It can be stored in glass, ceramic jars, wooden containers, plastic containers with air access, bags - cotton or canvas, jars with a vacuum system.
  • Remember the expiration date. Dried apricots, prunes, dates and figs can be stored for a maximum of 6 months, raisins - 1 year.
  • Protect food from insects.
  • Periodically ventilate and check the stocks of dried fruits, sort them out, removing the spoiled ones and drying the damp ones.

A good place to store these foods is in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

How much to use, so as not to harm, but to help?

Despite the obvious benefits, you should not eat too many dried fruits, primarily because of their calorie content. Remember the benefits and dangers of dried fruit if you are on a diet. Overeating can put you on weight. It is best if you consume no more than 200 grams per day. of this product.

The ideal option is to snack on dried fruits several times a day.

It is not necessary to eat dried fruits separately, they can be added to different dishes, they go well with cottage cheese, cereals.

To prevent dried fruits from being too hard, pour boiling water over them for five to seven minutes. At the same time, you will disinfect them and get rid of insects that may be in the fruit.

Eat wisely!

And be healthy!

Wanted to buy natural dried fruits in the online store -
