- often to get an answer to the question asked, it is enough to draw one card, its meaning is the answer to your question. In this case, the possibility of misinterpretation is excluded, because there are no other cards that can confuse you. Highly recommended for beginners as well as those interested in specific question.

Divination supplied online statistics... All your predictions are remembered.

With the help of this fortune-telling, you can check whether you and your partner suit each other by your names and which Tarot card your name represents.

Moreover, you can find out the meaning and compatibility of cities, countries, and indeed any words and phrases.

The principle of fortune-telling is that a certain numerological meaning corresponds to each combination of letters, which, in turn, corresponds to a certain Tarot card. Next, it is checked how the resulting cards are combined.

Is one of the simplest and most concise possible layouts, however, it allows you to answer the most difficult question of concern.

Only three cards are selected: the first shows the most recent pastinfluencing your question, the second is the present and its impact on your question, the third is final result.

Four cardinal points - this layout belongs to the simplest and most universal layouts. It is suitable even for beginners, but requires a very precise formulation of the question. The more accurate the question, the more accurate the answer will be.

The layout shows how significant event awaits you in the futurewhat can not be done in connection with this, what is recommended to make tarot cards and the final result, if the recommendation is followed.

- this alignment is used to interpret current situation affairs and events. It allows you to orient yourself in what is currently happening around you, to better see what is happening from all sides, and helps to anticipate impending difficulties.

Having received this information, you can prepare for the problems awaiting you and deal with them more easily, and in some cases even avoid them altogether.

In this and all subsequent layouts, significator - the card around which the Tarot layout is built, denotes the person on whom they are guessing.

- this alignment can help you make an important decision. You are predicted two solutions Your problem and the results of each decision. You just have to choose which of the two proposed to accept (or not to accept both - your business). The prediction does not choose the best option for you, it only shows the results of one and the other solution. The choice is yours.

- a layout showing the past incarnation. Sometimes it happens that you are not interested, neither the past, nor the future, nor the present - you want to know at least something about your previous incarnation. Are you interested in what karma are you with came into this life, that they must work out, what to pay special attention to. In this case, the Infinity alignment will help you.

When the cards are laid out manually, it is done with the left hand. In the case of online mode, it is recommended to click on the cards with your left hand.

Seven Pearls of Isis - the alignment is used in cases where the problem has already occurred or something bothers you a lot, and you need to carefully analyze the reasons for what is happening. To get as much information as possible on the issue of your concern, this alignment is used.

The alignment can be useful if you feel that you are not in control of the situation, and something important is constantly eluding you.

- the alignment can help if you find yourself in a difficult situation that negatively affects your psyche.

The maps offer you a detailed analysis of the situation, its causes, the origins of the problem, the possibilities of overcoming the crisis, active steps on the way out of the crisis and the end result of these efforts.

- a layout that helps to see how each of the two fans treats you, and what you will come to if you choose the 1st or 2nd fan.

As any esoteric teaching, which should show an object from two sides, so the esoteric meaning of the cards describes them in terms of positive and negative qualities. Thus, the appearance of any card in your matrix always carries a dual meaning. Only you will discover the real meaning, because only you know how this or another card resonates in your life. Go through the esoteric dictionary of cards and see what happens most often in life. Be honest about this, because if you deceive yourself, then your life will deceive you. Then there will be no one to blame.

ACE OF WORM - Desire for love, emotional deficit, childbirth, dream birth.

ACE OF CREW - Desire for new knowledge, new plans, new philosophy, bad news.

ACE BUBE - Desire for money, feeling of poverty, starting a new financial venture or ideas on how to make money.

ACE PIK - Transformation, change, secrets, mystical knowledge, mystery.

TWO OF WORM - connecting hearts, lover, intimate relationships, flirting, love affair, parting with a loved one.

DOUBLE OF CUBES - dispute, communication, business meetings, debates, gossip.

TWO BUBEY - business relations, affairs and meetings, financial transactions, deposits, business partnerships, contracts, business papers.

DOUBLE OF PIK - cooperation, support, brotherhood, teamwork, a dead end for dealing with relationships and affairs.

THREE OF WORM - treason, indecision in love, inconstancy in relationships. Flirting, one night stand.

TRIP TRIP - worries, anxiety, mental creativity, versatility.

TROIKA BUBEY - uncertainty in values, financial activity, receiving money from two sources, different ways of making money.

TROIKA PIK - stress, combining two jobs, sharing energy, unresolved issues of work or health, internal conflict.

FOUR OF WORMS - wedding, satisfaction in love and friendship, family, commitment to family or friend, phone calls.

FOUR OF CUBES - stability of mind, stubbornness, lies, credo - the end justifies the means.

FOUR OF BUBEI - developed sense of value, patriotism, financial success and satisfaction, hard work or relationships for the sake of money, responsibility.

FOUR of PIK - satisfaction and success in work, inner strength, overcoming problems, sexual desires.

FIVE OF WORM-divorce, betrayal, parting, moving from friends, changing affections, moving to another job.

FIVE CUBES - a change in consciousness or philosophy, an active and creative mind, travel, moving, versatility, curiosity, scientific work.

FIVE BUBEY - change in financial situation, sale or purchase of property, business travel.

FIVE PIK - change in health and work or where you live, relocation, anxiety, travel, unwillingness to repay debts.

SIX OF WORM - karma of love, constancy of connections, compromises in love, responsibility in relationships, relationships that are tiring and difficult to get rid of.

SIX OF CUBES - intuition, compromise in favor of good relationships, development of responsibility, monotony in business, no change.

SIX OF BUBEYS - monetary karma, no changes in finances, payment and receipt of debts on financial obligations.

SIX OF PIK - unemployment, one of the death cards, a karmic card for paying debts, compromises at work, laziness, a desire to rest.

SEVEN OF WORM - liberation from dependence in personal relationships, platonic love, fear of betrayal, jealousy.

SEVEN OF CUBES - independent consciousness, spiritual knowledge, disclosure of bad thoughts and beliefs, painful experience, fear of the future.

SEVEN OF BUBEI - liberation from dependence on money, fear of poverty, gratitude for what you have. At the highest level, it can be a card for fulfilling a desire that concerns love.

SEVEN OF PIK - the disclosure of secret fears and shortcomings in a person's worldview, difficulties, but with a guarantee of success, if he has risen to the highest level, requires changing habits.

EIGHT OF WORM - power over people, working with an audience, healing abilities, a strong desire to please others, responsibility to people.

Eight of Clubs - mental power, organizational ability, educational success, hard work and satisfaction of ambition, responsibility to people.

EIGHT OF PUBS - the power of conviction in business relationships, an ambitious card of the desire to be rich, responsibility to people.

EIGHT OF PIK - the ability to achieve power, responsibility to people.

NINE OF WORM - universal love, breakup, end of romance. At the highest level, it can be a card for the fulfillment of a desire that concerns money.

NINE OF CUBES - world knowledge, completion of thoughts, disappointment in information. Betrayal.

NINE OF BUBEI - knowledge of the flow of money, financial losses, broad understanding of investments, long-term investments. Bankruptcy.

NINE PEAK - completion, death, job loss, spiritual work, friendship and revelation, abrupt and unexpected breakdown. Summit can be as vast as power

TEN WORM - social success, exhibitions, recognition, awards, popularity, paparazzi.

TEN OF CUBES - increased mental activity, political activity, advertising. The cross of fate.

TEN BOUBES - desire for financial success, a large amount of money changes hands, money exchange. Position: Alphonse. (Husband, wives)

TEN PIK - success in any activity, if honest work was invested, work with its own reflection.

JACK OF WORM - the card of Christ, sacrifice for love, immaturity in understanding problems in love, charisma.

VALET OF CREF - creativity, thoughts about the future, irresponsibility, immaturity in understanding problems, talkativeness.

VALET OF BUBAN - merchant, intuition associated with money, immaturity in understanding problems associated with money, financial fraud.

VALET PIK - extortion, dishonesty in business. Thief, con man, and loser. Spiritual Initiation Card or Robin Hood at the highest level.

LADY OF WORM - laziness, flattery, love of luxury and pleasure, mother, family, for a woman - the birth of a child. Patriotism, caring for the family.

LADY TREF - mentoring, gossip, service through knowledge, theft of knowledge, envy. Stubbornness. At the highest level: life savvy.

DAMA BUBIN - excessive waste of money, philanthropy, love of luxury and wealth. Mediator.

DAMA PIK - manager, self-control, self-control card, organizational skills, fear.

KING OF WORMS - power over people and power over their emotions, the power of love. At the lowest level: the desire to be loved, a test of the power and power of love and not love on oneself.

KING OF CREW - Skill in the field of mental work, writer, information exchange. Plagiarism, information piracy, Greed that constantly pays.

KING OF BUBE - manager or owner of his own business, power over money, the most material card in the deck. Loves money and power. Or vice versa: Huge difficulties with power and money.

KING OF PIK - knowledge of power in any field, dreamer. A dream come true. The impossible is possible.

Moscow is often called the Third Rome. Many researchers believe that the city was built not according to a random principle, but according to a strictly verified sacred scheme, and it has much in common with Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem ...

So, Rustam Rakhmatullin in his book "Two Moscow, or Metaphysics of the Capital" writes: "Moscow, like Constantinople before it, is at the same time a center of holiness and piety."

Rakhmatullin compares the seven hills on which our capital rests with other hills on which Ancient Rome was once erected:

“Capitol Hill is compared with Vagankovsky Hill, and Palatinsky Hill with Kremlin.

Sometimes the architects of Moscow saw this. Thus, when Konstantin Ton was laying the foundation for the Grand Kremlin Palace, some reviewer found that both the size and the "consideration of proportions" go back to the Palatine palaces of the Caesars. "

“- Pavel, let's start with the founding of Moscow. When do you think this event happened?

If we proceed from astrological laws, then the city, founded in 1147, could not survive so many fires, the invasion of Napoleon, 1941 ... I conducted a rather detailed study using planetary tables, solar activity tables, lunar cycles and dates of fatal events in city \u200b\u200blife. The cosmic cycles describing these events indicate: Moscow emerged in 575 BC. I am also convinced that the city's birthday should be celebrated around May 14 or 15.

- Did the astrologers influence the construction of Moscow?

- After a fire in the 16th century, the development of the city was supervised by the famous doctor and astrologer of Ivan the Terrible - Elisey Boneliy. It was he who proposed to build up the capital, dividing it into 12 segments. Each of them is subject to a specific zodiac sign. And Grozny, who was fond of mysticism, accepted this project.

The cosmic structure, which Moscow received in the 16th century, it still retains. That is why the Scorpio sector (and Scorpio is always confrontations, extreme events) is the most vague for Moscow. This Presnya and Khody is a kind of field, the White House with all the events we remember. In the same sector of Tushino - remember the Tushinsky thief False Dmitry.

In the region of the Virgin, which has always been considered a sign of chastity, there are the Novodevichy Convent and the Maiden Field. But the Falconers, who are associated with the most religious and mysterious sign of Pisces, have always been a place of accumulation of all kinds of sects. Here eunuchs and whips gathered. The Old Believer Church still exists on Preobrazhenka. There have always been many holy fools, as well as a lot of holy sources.

- And what sign is the Kremlin under?

- The city is built in such a way that the Kremlin bears the influence of all signs, but it exists as if outside the usual zodiac. It is associated with the lesser known 13th sign - Ophiuchus, which holds the astral spiral, giving balance to the signs.

- What areas, from the point of view of an astrologer, are the most dangerous?

- In my opinion, the subjects of Scorpio are Tushino and Strogino. Alarming signs include the presence of a canal, under which the highway passes, and the construction of a metro line there. Saturn can provoke disasters in the underground structures of areas under the control of Scorpio. In general, builders would not hurt to pay attention to the stars more often ...

- How, if you believe the stars, will the fate of the capital develop in the longer term?

- In the first half of the XXI century, Moscow will develop and become prettier. This will be followed by a decline, as the city is unlikely to be able to maintain its status as a capital. As the Russian soothsayer and astrologer of the 16th century Vasily Nemchin predicted, the capital will be moved inland, closer to the Urals. "

“At one time the press told about one interesting discovery made by the history teacher V.N. Polunina. Looking at the map of Moscow, she discovered that the outlines of the borders of the modern Garden Ring together with the bend of the Moscow River exactly repeat graphically the ancient cult symbol of the Pre-Slavs - the so-called "Solar Bird", the mute swan (the characteristic meandering of the Moscow River is a typical meandering pattern, very characteristic in general in various natural structures, including in the outlines of long-necked birds, and therefore in the wavy ornaments of ancient peoples).

Historians have found the most complete depiction of the pagan symbol of our ancestors on a copper bracelet found by archaeologists near Poznan. The find was dated back to the 7th century BC. The symbol depicted on the bracelet consisted of three circles - two at the same level, and the third higher, in the center. Two circles represented a stylized image of "solar swans", and the third circle symbolized the Sun itself. The outline of the border of the Garden Ring with the bend of the river exactly repeats the image of the "Solar Bird" on the bracelet.

Moreover, even the number of gates built along the borders of the Garden Ring coincides with the number of sun rays in the ancient cult image - there are twelve of them.

The conclusion suggests itself: was not the layout of the fortifications of the Garden Ring, built in the 16th century, a deliberate copying of an ancient symbol associated with the Proto-Slavic solar cult? "

“The symbol of three circles,” says N. Kovaleva, “has been known since ancient times not only to pagan pre-Slavs. The peoples of almost the whole world knew him. This sign of the Divine Triad was found in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, and on the banner of Tamerlane, and on Buddhist tanks, and on the crosses of the Russian Old Believers. It can be seen on the icons of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Nicholas the Wonderworker, on the coats of arms of the popes, in the paintings of Titian, Memling and other old masters. This sign runs through the entire history of world culture. And the most interesting thing is that in esoteric teachings the origin of this ancient symbol is associated with the legendary spiritual Abode of the East - Shambhala, the Community of sages and devotees, which has existed on Earth from time immemorial. Russian Old Believers who settled in Altai call this community Belovodye.

The "solar swan", which is part of the symbol of the Triad, still means in India the degree of the highest spiritual initiation. The title of "Paramahamsa" (which means "sacred swan") in the entire history of the Ramakrishna Mission - one of the most authoritative spiritual organizations in India - was awarded only to two of its outstanding spiritual ascetics: Paramahamsa Ramakrishna and Paramahamsa Yogananda.

The meaning of the ancient symbol of the Trinity has many interpretations: it is the connection of times - the present, the past and the future, and the Holy Trinity, and the three planes of Being, three worlds - the physical, Subtle and Fiery, or Divine, world. It is with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe multidimensionality of the universe that exists in all religious teachings that another meaning of the symbol of the Triad is connected.

In addition to the multidimensionality of the universe, the ancient sign also affirmed the need for spiritual knowledge capable of comprehending this multidimensionality. The Russian proverb spoke about the essence of spiritual knowledge simply and clearly: "Look at both, look at three!" So, in Russia they knew about the "third eye", capable of seeing what is inaccessible to physical vision ?! The symbol depicted on the ancient Proto-Slavic bracelet illustrates an old Russian proverb even graphically: the two lower circles denote the physical plane and the corresponding physical vision, and the upper central circle symbolizes the very "third eye" that is able to see the invisible ...

One can only guess how the builders of medieval Moscow managed to design the city fence in full accordance with the cult symbol of the pagan ancestors. But esotericism speaks of one pattern: the conscious mastery of a person by altered states of consciousness, especially the use of these states in creativity is available only to people who have an open "third eye"! Also, a person's ability to "enter" into altered states of consciousness depends on the activity of this mysterious organ. The pagan wise men in Russia, and later also the Christian saints, were able to see the invisible, including the spiritual world. And therefore, the ancient cult symbol of the pagan Slavs passed into the symbolism of Orthodox Christianity. The sign of the Holy Trinity became widespread in Russia during the time of St. Sergius of Radonezh and was closely associated with his name. And the extraordinary spiritual possibilities that this great holy Russian land possessed best of all spoke of the fact that the spiritual world was for him not an abstract symbol, but a reality, a part of his earthly life.

Both in the Ancient World and in the Middle Ages, the sign of the Triad served as a kind of international designation for initiation into the Higher Knowledge. The homeland of this symbol - Shambhala - is also, according to legend, precisely the international Brotherhood of Initiates into the secret wisdom of antiquity ...

Why could Muscovites of the 16th century “enclose” this sign in the outlines of their city boundaries? What did they want to attract to old Moscow with an ancient cult symbol? A link between times and generations? Higher spiritual knowledge and invisible help of another world for their descendants?

It turns out that any symbol carries more than just an idea. Symbols are capable of exerting a purely physical, energetic effect on the space around them. So say the esoteric teachings of antiquity, such a conclusion was made by modern physicists who study the cosmic-spatial impact of symbols ...

It is possible that our ancestors, including the builders of old Moscow, knew something about the energetic influence of symbols. Therefore, perhaps, they designed a symbol-amulet in the outline of your beloved city? Let the land of Moscow keep the holy sign from all sorts of misfortunes ... "


The maps used by Maria Anna Adelaide Lenormand, known as the French Sibyl, were the most common at the time. Such cards were used in France at that time for playing Tarok and gypsies for fortune telling. Only Lenormand's interpretation of cards was deeper - she combined the knowledge acquired from the gypsies in childhood, learning Tarot magic from Eteylla and her own "best practices" and natural - from the birth of this clairvoyance. With different cards she had her own visions and images - in some cards she saw a horseman, in others a clover or a ship. And the interpretation of the cards according to the meaning was based on the image - news, happiness, a trip. Unusual for decks of cards were special two cards - "blanks", the so-called "card of the questioner," but this innovation was borrowed from Eteylla's training.
Later, Maria Lenormand made a deck of 36 cards with her own hands, where there were two blanks and these different images from her visions: a rider, a clover, a ship, a house and others. Anticipating her death, the French Sibyl burned her cards in advance.

After Lenormand's death in 1843, no books on fortune-telling, no special cards, no explanations on the technique of fortune-telling were found. Of all that Maria Lenormand wrote, there are memoirs about Josephine, the wife of the Emperor Napoleon, for which she subsequently received from the Russian Emperor Alexander I a magnificent ring with a huge diamond, the value of which would be enough for the life of two generations of heirs. If they were, of course.
Lenormand also wrote a book about meetings with celebrities during fortune-telling sessions and called them "Notes of the French Sibyl". But Sibyl did not leave anything about the fortune-telling itself - believing that real predictors, like her, will receive knowledge from the Higher worlds.
The methods of Maria Lenormand were partially restored only by her students and followers. The most successful, perhaps, was the Flemish fortune teller Erna Drusbeke. And what we today call the Lenormand system is actually the Etteila - Lenormand - Drusbeke system.

I would especially like to note that it was not the system of symbols that was the main component of her success in predictions by cards, but the personal ability of Maria Anna Adelaide Lenormand to see not only cards, but pictures and plots of the life of the questioner, the one whose fate the cards speak about and what the great saw French Sibyl.

Lenormand cards are considered the most successful in fortune-telling about everyday and life situations, problems.
As a personal recommendation, avoid electronic fortune-telling, on-line fortune-telling by the computer method. No machine can predict anything - it has no soul and no clairvoyance, and after all, every card is a living creature. The probabilistic theory of machines is unacceptable for people living according to the laws of the Upper world in the spiritual world. And the worst thing is that machine fortune-telling can, as its result, lead a person to a non-existent side of life or make him make the wrong decision.
The same applies to the professionalism of fortunetellers. You yourself can be the best criterion for assessing - it is enough to see what the cards say at the fortuneteller, especially about your past, which you know and can compare with what is said to you.
Sibyls are born infrequently, and unprofessional fortune-telling is no less dangerous than a scalpel in the hands of an inexperienced surgeon.
Good luck and accurate predictions!

Teaching predictions from Lenormand cards - the author's training according to the Oracle program.
Teaching magical work with Lenormand cards - according to the author's program "Magic of Life".

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