Calories, kcal:

Carbohydrates, g:

Chicken fillet is commonly referred to as white meat that has been stripped of skin, cartilage and bones. Chicken fillet is considered the most dietary meat of all, due to the least amount of fat and dietary fiber (calorizator). Fresh chicken fillet has a pink-brick color, pleasant smell of chicken meat, the taste of cooked fillet is neutral.

Calorie content of chicken fillet

The calorie content of chicken fillet is 110 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Chicken fillet holds the record for the content of easily digestible animal protein, which is necessary not only for muscles, but for the whole body as a whole for building cells. The product contains vitamins, especially a lot, and also maintains a high level of hemoglobin in the blood. In comparison, for example, with chicken drumsticks, chicken fillet contains four times less fat, so the product is excellent for dietary and unloading nutrition. In case of stomach diseases, it is recommended to use boiled chicken fillet, because it has the shortest digestion time.

Chicken fillet harm

In rare cases, chicken fillets can provoke allergic reactions, especially if the fillets are cooked in a skillet.

Chicken fillet in weight loss

Boiled chicken fillet is one of the main ingredients of many diets, especially for athletes who are building muscle mass or are in the "drying out" period. For everyone who wants to keep their weight under control, the

Chicken fillet is offered in several versions - chilled or frozen. Preferably, of course, chilled fillet, the freshness of which is checked visually - the color of the chicken meat should be uniform and not too bright, tactile - when you press the fillet surface, the depression should quickly disappear, otherwise you will see the defrosted fillet. Bad smell is also a reason for not buying a product. When buying frozen chicken fillets, you should give preference to small packages, which contain one or two pieces, while making sure that there is no ice layer on the surface of the product.

Chicken fillet in cooking

Chicken fillet is one of the versatile foods that can be prepared in various ways - boil, fry, stew, bake, grill or smokehouse. Minced meat is prepared from chicken fillet for making cutlets or casseroles, you can finely chop the fillet, add seasonings, egg and mayonnaise (any sauce to taste), onions and a little flour, mix and fry in the form of pancakes. Steamed broccoli and cauliflower, green salad or rice are traditionally considered ideal companions for chicken fillets.

For more information about chicken meat, its benefits and how to reduce the calorie content of the product, see the video clip of the TV show "On the most important thing."

Specially for
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"Where are my chicken breasts ?!" - they joke on the Internet about a fanatical athlete who demands exclusively boiled chicken at the table and convulsively builds up muscles in the gym. There is some truth here: chicken breast is an ideal dietary product. 100 grams of chicken meat contains a huge amount of easily digestible protein (23.6 grams). Fat, on the other hand, is at least 1.1 grams, and there are practically no carbohydrates (0.2 grams). And in general - only 101 calories! In a word, losing weight on a chicken breast is a sure thing, but you need to approach everything wisely: balance is important.


Explain what is useful in chicken breast.

✔ Lots of vitamins. B vitamins, vitamins C, PP, A and amino acids help to strengthen the immune system.

✔ Choline. Provides the adrenal glands and kidneys, cleanses the liver from excess fat.

✔ Absorbs excess acidity: suitable as a gentle food for gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers and gastritis.

✔ Potassium. Chicken breast is useful for heart disease: the presence of potassium protects against strokes and heart attacks.


✔ An excess of protein. Eating too much chicken meat can overload the kidneys and liver and disrupt their proper functioning.

✔ Not suitable for severe physical exertion. It is understandable - too few calories.

✔ Chicken skin can be dangerous. It consists of almost one fat and becomes carcinogenic when fried.

Chicken breast is easily digested: it does not cause a feeling of heaviness or bloating. And how many dishes you can cook from it! Chefmarket has a lot of chicken recipes - especially on the diet menu. And all of them are incredibly tasty and varied. We share.

Diet options

Diet spicy chicken breast with ginger and coriander

Chicken roast with vegetables and herbs

Diet chicken a la putanesca

Diet chicken kebab with vegetables

Richer options

Caesar Burger

Chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms with corn cream

The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of our country from meat products prefer the use of poultry meat. Firstly, this is due to the high cost of other types of sources of animal proteins, such as, for example, lamb and pork, and secondly, many citizens are guided when choosing by knowledge about the benefits of dishes made from turkey or chicken fillets, which significantly outweighs that of meat domestic mammals. However, when including these proteins in your diet, you need to be aware of the nutritional value and value of specific carcass segments. The healthiest part of a chicken is the breast. This article will help you figure out if this is really the case.

Chicken breast composition

Chicken breast in a chicken carcass is easy to identify. This part is located on both sides of the base of the bird's chest, is whiter in color compared to meat from other segments, for example, legs, wings, and as a result of cooking it has a greater dryness of protein fibers.

The product has a variety of chemical contents. Almost on? it consists of proteins (100 g of chicken breast contains 23.2 g of protein). Fat in this type of meat is negligible: only 1.65 g, carbohydrates are absent altogether, although some information sources claim that sugar in the brisket still occurs in a purely symbolic amount - up to 0.4 g.

In addition to protein, vitamins and minerals are of the greatest value in the product. There are a lot of them here, so we list only the most important ones. Of the biologically active substances, mention should be made primarily of choline, ascorbic and nicotinic acids. A chicken breast is able to some extent to saturate the human body with vitamins E, A, H, K, group B. Ash also belongs to the organic elements of the breast. The mineral composition will delight the gourmet no less: the animal product contains enough sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, and also chromium, iodine, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, manganese, calcium. As for the calorie content, the brisket is classified as a dietary type of food, since it contains from 108 to 113 kcal.

Useful properties of chicken breast

A valuable animal product with such a rich composition, by definition, cannot but heal the human body. Indeed, chicken breast has a lot of healing properties that each of us is able to use, as they say, "to the fullest."

  • Diet brisket is a source of important amino acids, especially glutamine, which in tandem with vitamin B3 has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Well, of course, the presence of a significant amount of protein in white chicken meat makes it useful for children, the elderly and athletes.
  • The presence in the product of vitamins A, E, C, group B, minerals magnesium, potassium, antioxidants selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, a small amount of lipids and, as a result, "bad" cholesterol, creates all conditions for improving the health of the cardiovascular system. This means that lovers of chicken breast dishes are not afraid of hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia and other diseases of this series. The specified features of the chemical composition of the product give hope for protecting the body from the onset of oncological ailments.
  • The lack of carbohydrates in white chicken meat is a "green light" for diabetics. The latter can feast on a product of animal origin without fear of provoking a jump in blood sugar.
  • The presence of calcium and phosphorus in chicken breast suggests that meat is useful for people suffering from diseases of the skeletal system and musculoskeletal system: gout, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism.
  • The low calorie content of the product makes it possible to use it in diets for people trying to lose weight. With chicken breast, this is more than possible: in 7 days it is really possible to get rid of a dozen kilos!
  • Regular consumption of chicken breast has a beneficial effect on the blood composition, moreover, due to the neutralization of the increased acidity of gastric juice, it is an excellent prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and enterocolitis.
  • The white meat of the chicken breast is much healthier than the other parts of the chicken. So it is preferable to feast on them in any case. Just do not go to extremes: periodically eat the rest of the chicken carcass segments. They contain valuable substances that are absent in the brisket.
  • It is advisable to use the product together with the skin, since it is the latter that contains the lion's share of all the vitamins and minerals of the chicken breast. Do not put aside the bones of this segment of the carcass - the main source of calcium, since they are easy to chew when properly cooked.
  • Chicken breast is useful for people who have undergone surgery or a serious illness, that is, during the recovery period.

Chicken breast harm

After reading the information about the benefits of chicken breast, you are probably asking the question: can white meat do any harm to health? Answer: definitely not. However, this animal product still has some minor drawbacks that should be mentioned.

It was already mentioned above that the chicken breast contains important mineral and organic compounds necessary for hematopoiesis: iron, magnesium and vitamin K. Alas, there are very few of them in the product, and therefore the regular inclusion of white meat in the menu of a sick person or person , going through a long period of recovery from a serious illness, will not improve their health as much as they would like.

The second drawback is the inability of chicken breast to become a source of energy for people engaged in hard physical labor. Do not forget that there are no carbohydrates in this product, and if there is, then the minimum, which is by no means enough to raise morale and replenish an exhausted supply of strength.

Cooking delicious dietary chicken breast!

There are many culinary recipes for preparing white meat chicken breast - for every taste. But if you want to get a really healthy product, and not just a tasty product, you will have to take into account several nuances.

1. It is best to boil chicken breast, not to stew or fry. Thus, you will not add fat and calories to it - these indicators will remain in their original form.

2. Prepare the breast as follows: first wash in running water, then cut or cut in half, if it is intended. It is recommended not to put it in a pan immediately, but only after the water in the container boils.

3. Since there is a possibility of overdrying the chicken breast due to the existing tendency, it is necessary to strictly observe the cooking time. Leave the product with the skin and bones and cook for about 30 minutes. Cook the fillet without the parts listed above for 25 minutes. The chicken breast, cut in half, should be kept on the stove for 15-20 minutes.

4. Excessive heat treatment is harmful to the product - it turns the brisket from tender to “rubbery”.

5. To add juiciness to white meat, it is worth keeping it in a marinade with a minimum of spices and spices or in whipped proteins for 2-3 hours. After such a procedure, even frying will not greatly affect the healing properties of the product.

6. Non-high-calorie breast can be obtained by baking it in the oven. Sprinkle grated cheese on the product first for a delicious crust, but be sure to keep track of the cooking time.

7. Having decided to fry the chicken brisket, then be sure to stew the meat along with vegetables and / or fruits. It can be bell pepper, mango, pumpkin pulp, etc. In this case, the product will turn out to be more juicy, aromatic and, of course, tasty.

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White meat is a real delicacy

Do you consider yourself a meat eater? Or maybe you are an inveterate who just hearing the word "meat" falls into a state of shock? Whoever you are, it will be interesting for you to read about the benefits and dangers of white meat. And, also about how such meat differs from red meat, and who will benefit from eating it, and why ...

To all these questions, if you wish, you can find the answer in our publication. And, there - there is white meat, or to stay true to your vegetarian principles - decide for yourself….

What is white meat

We are used to the fact that meat is called red. But, there is also white meat. This definition includes poultry meat (chicken - the area of \u200b\u200bbrisket, turkey meat), rabbit meat, certain types of fish ... Such meat is distinguished by its dietary characteristics, is easier and faster digested by the human body, and it contains less myoglobin than red meat. It is useful to eat it for people who are more demanding on their diet due to their state of health, for children, for pregnant women ... But if someone else eats a piece of such white meat, it will definitely not harm ...

It is noteworthy that such white meat is not only different in appearance from red, but it has a completely different taste, which cannot be confused with anything ...

The benefits of white meat chicken

The benefits of chicken

In a chicken carcass, you can find 2 types of meat - white and red. So, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brisket, there is just the tidbit that interests us. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. And, scientists say that such white meat has much less cholesterol and fat than other parts of chicken. Such meat is really low in calories and can be eaten by those who are on a diet and take care of their weight.

Despite the rich content of carbohydrates and proteins, such white meat does not contain fats. But, although white meat is a low-calorie product, if you, on the contrary, want to get better, then more often include this type of poultry in your diet.

Those who are going through a rehabilitation period after injuries, operations, blood loss should definitely include a piece of such boiled white meat in their daily menu.

Not convinced by these arguments yet? Then, what can you say about the fact that the composition of white chicken meat contains complex B vitamins, which are so necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. Vitamins B9 and B12 are especially important - and they are necessary, first of all, for expectant mothers, and those women who breastfeed their baby.

White chicken meat will also be useful for those who care about their beauty. Thanks to such a composition as vitamins A, H, PP, a whole complex of microelements, useful enzymes - the condition of your skin and hair will definitely improve, as well as strengthen the skeletal and nervous system ...

How to cook white chicken meat

White chicken meat is actually quick and easy to cook. Even if you do not differ in special knowledge in the field of gastronomy and cooking - this lesson - "cooking white meat" - you can easily master. The main thing is to adhere to our tips and recommendations.

So, a lot of dishes can be prepared from chicken breast, the basis of which will be boiled, fried, stewed, baked, breaded, stuffed fillets. The main thing is to remember one simple rule.

Whichever way you cook white chicken meat, it will inevitably become dry during the cooking process. And, in order to prevent this from happening, you need to cover it on top with fatty bacon, or put a slice of lemon or half a medium-sized onion inside the fillet. This will prevent the meat from losing its natural juiciness.

As for the spices, herbs and seasonings that go well with such white meat, it all depends on the region of your residence and your personal preferences. So, for example, in the East, white meat is flavored, but in India, they prefer to stew with. Well, if you want to cook the well-known chicken curry, then you cannot do without red turmeric.

Another good advice is to cut the meat across its fibers, then the strips will retain their shape even after heat treatment, and the meat will taste more tender ... In addition, this way you heat a large area - thereby significantly reducing the time for cooking chicken fillets ...

All kinds of sauces, both in-store and prepared by you yourself, will not interfere with the taste of such meat. For example, you can make your own Indian sauce called murkarma, which is made with cream, garlic, onions, ginger and almond paste. If you don't have such exotic products at hand, you can simply fry the mushrooms or other mushrooms in olive oil until golden brown, add garlic and onions to them, pour in a little white dry wine, evaporate the liquid from this sauce, and then add to it cream (preferably with a fat content of 33%). Simmer the resulting mass until thickened ...

As for the appetizing side dish for such white chicken meat, it can be rice, vegetables, mushrooms and ... you will not believe it, but even fruits. In short, you can't spoil the taste of white chicken meat, because it is perfect ...

The harm of white meat chicken

Despite such benefits of white chicken meat and its pleasant taste, it still contains small amounts of iron and magnesium. These trace elements are known to be responsible for the processes of normal blood formation. Therefore, constantly "sitting" only on white meat is not worth it. Better to alternate its use with red ...

The same plus as the absence of fat in such meat can be turned into a minus. If your work is connected with physical activity in difficult conditions, then you will simply not get enough energy from such a dietary diet. However, all this, rather, is not even harm, but the disadvantages of this type of meat ...

And, if we talk about harm - then, here you need to pay attention to the chicken skin - it accumulates a lot of harmful substances, therefore, before cooking - boiling, frying, stewing, it is better to remove it from the brisket. Well, and, of course, do not forget about measure in everything. Therefore, alternate eating white meat with red ...

It is hardly possible to find a more popular dietary product than chicken breast. A high concentration of protein and a minimal level of carbohydrates are a real gift for those who adhere to a healthy diet or want to solve the problem of excess weight. Let's try to consider the benefits and harms of chicken breasts, and also figure out why this type of meat is erected on the pedestal of dietary nutrition.

Features of the composition

100 grams of white chicken meat contains about 113 calories. The overwhelming majority are proteins (23.4 g), much less fat (1.9 g) and practically no carbohydrates (0.4 g).

However, after heat treatment, the nutritional value of this product, and the calorie content, by the way, also changes somewhat. During cooking, the fat is boiled into liquid, the calorie content will drop to about 95 kilocalories. But the breast, cooked by frying, on the contrary, is more high-calorie due to the fat in which it is cooked.

Vitamins and minerals in white chicken meat are abundant. 200 grams of the product boasts the content of the daily requirement of vitamin PP, providing 50% of the need for B6. There is also a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B3.

No other product contains this amount of cobalt. In addition, white chicken meat is rich in sulfur, chromium, zinc, choline, vitamins A, H, PP.

How is chicken breast useful?

Thanks to the available micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other biologically active components, white chicken meat is not just a dietary product, but also a very useful delicacy.

The broth made from this product is used to treat colds. It tones up the protective properties of the body, helps to strengthen the immune system. It is allowed to drink in any volume, it is not capable of harming the body, since it contains very little fat.

Chicken breast, as well as broth cooked on its basis, are excellent remedies for pathologies of the gastrointestinal canal. To digest such a product, no special energy costs are required. Once in the stomach, it is softly enveloped. Due to the content of vitamin PP in the product, the work of the alimentary canal is normalized.

Thanks to chicken breast, it is possible to provide the human body with most of the B vitamins. B1 takes part in metabolic processes with the participation of fats and carbohydrates, increases metabolism, and is responsible for regulating the functioning of the digestive system. B6 is also involved in metabolic processes with carbohydrates. With the participation of B2, biological oxidation is carried out, energy is generated more intensively. Thanks to this component, the eyeball focuses better on objects that are located at a distance.

Choline, noted in the product, is able to stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, making sure that the liver is not overloaded.

The systematic inclusion of such meat in the menu is good for the appearance. The skin looks healthy, it becomes smooth, the curls are thick and shiny, and the nails do not break so much.

It is best to boil the chicken breast. To make the white meat pleasant and tasty, it is recommended to add some other ingredients during cooking (carrots, celery, onions, etc.). You can also bake white meat in the oven for a juicy, rich dish.

Is chicken breast harmful

White chicken meat is a special product that is practically incapable of harming the human body.

It should only be noted that such a delicacy is not quite suitable for people who have the advantage of physical labor. If there are serious loads in a person's life, then it is advisable for him to eat meat not chicken, but more fatty.

Chicken skin is mainly formed by fat alone, so those who follow a diet need to remove it.
Important! During frying, chicken skin becomes carcinogenic!

Chicken fillet must undergo good heat treatment before consumption, since there is a high probability of contracting salmonellosis or toxoplasmosis.

The disadvantages of white chicken meat include the likelihood of an excess of protein. The presence of chicken in the diet in excessive quantities can overload the kidneys and liver and lead to undesirable consequences.

How to choose a chicken breast

There is a danger of purchasing a poor quality product. Suppliers are different. Some of them raise poultry on normal natural feed. There are many among them and those who increase the massiveness of the breast, by pumping carcasses with estrogen or adding antibiotics to feed. Such experiments are far from the best effect on human health. Immunity decreases, allergic reactions may occur, the result is hormonal disturbances. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chicken meat in those places that you have already checked or in specialized stores.

If it is not possible to buy a natural product in the village, then it will be possible to get rid of the vast majority of chemicals only by thorough cooking.

When planning to buy chicken breast in a store, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Choose the product chilled, pink, without bruising and blotches. It is better not to take large pieces, most likely, such a chicken was overfed with hormones. It is important to pay attention to the date of manufacture: you can store chicken breast for no more than 5 days.

Chicken breast is the main component of an ideal diet. This product can be used to prepare not only many different delicious dishes, it is also an excellent way to restore health and accumulate muscle mass.

"Where are my chicken breasts ?!" - they joke on the Internet about a fanatical athlete who demands exclusively boiled chicken at the table and convulsively builds up muscles in the gym. There is some truth here: chicken breast is an ideal dietary product. 100 grams of chicken meat contains a huge amount of easily digestible protein (23.6 grams). Fat, on the other hand, is at least 1.1 grams, and there are practically no carbohydrates (0.2 grams). And in general - only 101 calories! In a word, losing weight on a chicken breast is a sure thing, but you need to approach everything wisely: balance is important.


Explain what is useful in chicken breast.

✔ Lots of vitamins. B vitamins, vitamins C, PP, A and amino acids help to strengthen the immune system.

✔ Choline. Provides the adrenal glands and kidneys, cleanses the liver from excess fat.

✔ Absorbs excess acidity: suitable as a gentle food for gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers and gastritis.

✔ Potassium. Chicken breast is useful for heart disease: the presence of potassium protects against strokes and heart attacks.


✔ An excess of protein. Eating too much chicken meat can overload the kidneys and liver and disrupt their proper functioning.

✔ Not suitable for severe physical exertion. It is understandable - too few calories.

✔ Chicken skin can be dangerous. It consists of almost one fat and becomes carcinogenic when fried.

Chicken breast is easily digested: it does not cause a feeling of heaviness or bloating. And how many dishes you can cook from it! Chefmarket has a lot of chicken recipes - especially on the diet menu. And all of them are incredibly tasty and varied. We share.

Diet options

Diet spicy chicken breast with ginger and coriander

Chicken roast with vegetables and herbs

Diet chicken a la putanesca

Diet chicken kebab with vegetables

Richer options

Caesar Burger

Chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms with corn cream

Chicken breast in teriyaki sauce with itself and green peas

Meat should be present in the diet of every person, it saturates the body with a huge amount of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. And an excellent option for such meat will be chicken, or rather chicken fillet. This is a dietary product that is available to each of us. The topic of our conversation today will be the use of chicken fillet for children. Let us recall the calorie content of a chicken fillet, and also clarify what benefits and harms a child can have from eating it (in other words, consider its beneficial properties and contraindications to the consumption of chicken fillets).

About why chicken fillet is valued, what benefits to the body

Chicken fillet can rightfully be called the most valuable part of chicken. If we talk about the amount of the unique protein contained in it, then not a single type of meat is characterized by the same indicators. Chicken fillet protein is the source of 92% of amino acids, which are essential for a growing child's body.

Such meat contains a lot of phosphorus and other useful elements, including vitamins H and PP. Besides, this product is rich in sulfur, chromium and cobalt.

Its calorie content is one hundred and ten kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

Chicken fillet is an excellent meat for baby food. This product contains very little connective tissue, so it is easily absorbed.

The protein of this meat is a building material necessary for every cell of the child's body for the full growth of the muscular system. It is also necessary for the adequate and constant development of the brain and mental abilities. The fillet contains a unique amino acid histidine, which is important for the full growth and formation of all tissues. Chicken meat also contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin in the body and has some calming and relaxing effects on the child's body.

Chicken meat contains some iron. It helps to maintain normal hemoglobin levels and optimizes blood formation processes. And for children, this is very important, since there is a huge amount.

B vitamins in the fillet are needed for the full development of the child's nervous system and to ensure a normal response to stress. Also, such beneficial substances provide. B vitamins are also important for the activity of the body's defenses.

White chicken meat is a source that helps to cope with fatigue (which is important during a child's education), improves memory by an order of magnitude and has a positive effect on the immune system.

Of course, the beneficial qualities of chicken fillet are largely determined by the way it is prepared. This product is best boiled, stewed, steamed or in the oven. Fried meat loses a lot of nutrients during cooking and generally does not bring much benefit to the body.

About who should not eat chicken fillet, what harm from it

Chicken fillet for children is not always useful as it provokes allergic reactions. Therefore, when introducing such a product into the diet, you need to be especially careful. High-quality meat can be given to children closer to one year of age. And classic broilers, which are sold in all stores, are advised to introduce into the baby's diet closer to two or three years.

It is worth noting that the quality indicators of chicken fillet are determined by the conditions in which the bird lived: they directly depend on the feed with which it was fed. After all, almost all chickens raised on an industrial scale receive compound feed. And in addition, manufacturers give them antibacterial agents that help prevent the spread of infections among poultry that are kept in large numbers. These drugs are really effective, but they remain in the meat and then enter the body. Moreover, it is almost impossible to identify the amount of antibiotics in meat.

Also, hormones, which are used to make the bird grow faster and actively build muscle mass, can also harm the child.

How to introduce chicken into a children's diet?

High-quality chicken meat can be given to babies from nine to ten months. Most often, such a product is introduced after and when the body of the crumbs normally adapts to them. Chicken meat is given to the baby in accordance with the general rules for the introduction of complementary foods.

It is better for a child to buy chilled chicken. A frozen product is not the best option, because when freezing and thawing, meat loses some of its nutrients. When buying a chicken fillet, be sure to study what is written on the package. And immediately before cooking, the skin and possible fat should be removed from it.

Rinse the meat thoroughly before preparing a meal for your baby, and remember to cook it for a sufficient time. Only a well-cooked (steamed, stewed or baked) product will be safe enough for a growing body.

Chicken can be given to children two to three times a week. It is best to serve such dishes with vegetables - stewed or fresh (in the form of a salad). So the meat is absorbed by the body as well as possible.

Chicken fillet is a dietary food that should be present in the children's diet.

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Chicken breast is a part of a carcass that is whiter in color and is dry after cooking (see photo). It is located on two sides of the base of the chest. Chicken breast is a very popular food product in almost every corner of the world. Each housewife certainly has her own original recipe.

How to choose and store?

Today, a fairly large assortment of chicken breasts is presented on store shelves. Some of them are small, others are very large. At such moments, the question arises, what kind of high-quality and fresh chicken breast should look like? Now let's try to find out with you:

Chicken breast can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. If you do not plan to use it at this time, then it is better to freeze it right away.

Useful properties of a dietary product

The benefits of chicken breast are its chemical composition and low calorie content. This product is the basis of the diet of people who want to lose weight, keep fit or are actively involved in sports. The protein found in chicken is considered the best and most easily digestible. Chicken breast is also distinguished by the fact that there is practically no harmful cholesterol in it. With regular use, you can significantly improve your metabolism, as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended that you add chicken breast meals to your diet if you are seriously injured or injured, or if you have burns or blood loss.

Chicken breast contains a full complex of B vitamins, which is important for metabolism and for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Due to the presence of vitamins B9 and B12, this product is very useful for pregnant women, as they contribute to the normal development of the fetus and improve the well-being of the expectant mother. There are other vitamins in white chicken meat, for example, PP, A, etc. This product also has a rich mineral complex. Eating chicken breast improves blood circulation, as well as the appearance of the skin and hair.

Cooking use

Chicken breast can be classified as a universal product, since it can be subjected to any heat treatment, for example, stew, boil, steam, grill, etc. Today there are a huge number of dishes using this product. You can prepare various snacks, salads, kebabs and barbecues from the breast. First and second courses are prepared on its basis. Due to its delicate and neutral taste, when combined with various products and spices, you can get a new, original, and most importantly, very tasty dish.

Chicken breasts can be served with various side dishes: potatoes, cereals, pasta, as well as vegetables. Minced meat is also made from them, which is used to make cutlets, dumplings, and also as a filling for various baked goods.

How to cook delicious and juicy chicken breast?

Despite the fact that chicken breast is very easy to prepare, it has its own characteristics that should be taken into account in order to make the final dish tasty. Very often, during cooking, the breast turns out to be dry, since there are practically no fats in it. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to pre-hold it for some time in the marinade or cream.

There are also some secrets on how to boil chicken breast so it doesn't dry out. If you are using frozen meat, then you must first defrost it, for this, leave the breast at room temperature. Do not use hot water or microwave to speed up the process. Be sure to rinse the breasts in running water. Your goal is tasty meat, which means that you should put the breasts in already boiling water. Close the lid or leave a small gap for steam to escape. The cooking time for chicken breast depends on its size and type:

  • The breast will cook with the skin and bones for about half an hour.
  • Without skin and bones about 25 min. If the breast is pre-cut in half, the time will be reduced to 15-20 minutes.

The finished chicken breast will be white and can be easily broken by hand or with a cutlery.

Harm to chicken breast and contraindications

Chicken breast can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product.

Chicken meat is now one of the most common foods. Firstly, it is relatively inexpensive, secondly, chicken is a dietary product with low fat content and high digestibility, and thirdly, it is quickly and easily prepared with a minimum of additional ingredients. That is why it is a popular culinary product and many are interested in what to cook with chicken fillet, they are looking for recipes for this. Let's help them!

First, let's figure out why chicken meat has become so popular and thanks to what properties it is considered so useful.

Firstly, it contains a lot of easily digestible protein (more than any other meat), and in addition there are polyunsaturated fatty acids. This makes it a prophylactic agent against stroke, heart attack, ischemia and hypertension. Also, chicken contains very little cholesterol, second only to fish products.

This meat is high in B vitamins, as well as trace elements and minerals - iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, sulfur, copper and magnesium.

Chicken meat is indicated for various disorders and diseases of the digestive system, regardless of the acidity level. Despite the high amount of protein, it contains a minimum of calories, and it is recommended for dietary nutrition for obesity, diabetes, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

All of the above advantages of this product affect the appearance during its use. Chicken meat contributes to the good condition of hair and nails, normal vision and a slim figure.

How to prepare chicken fillet deliciously and quickly?

1) Cut the fillet into small cubes - about a centimeter. Place in a deep bowl, beat in an egg and add a couple tablespoons of mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly, adding salt and pepper, add a little flour in order to give the resulting mixture a thicker consistency. Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet and place the fillets out of the bowl like pancakes. Fry them on both sides until golden brown.

2) Cut the fillets into strips, in a separate bowl, stir the semolina along with the salt and spices. Roll the fillets in it. At this time, put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire and heat it up. Spread the strips of meat on top of it and fry until golden brown. Then reduce heat and let the resulting sticks simmer until cooked. Spread them out on a napkin to blot off excess grease.

3) Take some chicken fillets and cut them into small pieces for beating. In order to properly beat off chicken meat, use cling film. Place a piece of meat on a layer of film and cover with another layer on top. This way it will not stick to your hands, board, or hammer. Beat off the meat. In a hotel plate, beat an egg, in another plate, mix salt, pepper and other spices as desired, in another plate, prepare chopped crackers. Sprinkle the resulting chops with spiced salt, then dip first in the egg, then in the crackers, then again in the egg. Now fry them in a skillet until tender. In principle, you can already eat them, but you can make them even tastier. To do this, cut the tomato into thin rings and grate the cheese. Put the chops on a baking sheet, sprinkle with cheese and place the tomato circle on top. Send it to the oven preheated to 180C for a couple of minutes - until the cheese melts.

4) Take chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. Arrange them randomly in a baking dish. Place thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpotato slices between them. You can add salt to taste. Pour cream over the resulting mass. Spoon the tomato paste over them without stirring. You can also drizzle generously with lemon juice over the top. Send the baking sheet to the oven at 180C for half an hour. Then take it out, sprinkle with grated cheese and send back until it melts.

5) Cut the fillets into large squares. Cut each square into the side to create a kind of pocket. Put the pre-prepared filling into it - finely chopped mushrooms should be mixed with grated cheese, salt and spices, as well as herbs - to taste. Gently fold the filled pockets into a baking dish and fill with sour cream mixed with spices. Bake in the oven at 180C for about twenty minutes.

6) Boil chicken and three eggs. Cut them into cubes and place them in a salad bowl. Also chop a couple of medium tomatoes and grate 200g. hard cheese. Open a can of green peas. Toss all ingredients with mayonnaise and add salt to taste. This salad will be a very nutritious and healthy dish.

7) Chicken fillet can be very quickly baked in the oven by simply rubbing it with garlic and salt. You can add mayonnaise or any seasonings to them. If the skin remains on the fillet, it will be more juicy. You need to bake for a short time - from 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the thickness and amount of meat. It is best to use special baking bags for cooking, which can be purchased at any store.

So you know what to cook from chicken fillet for yourself and quickly and tasty. I showed you how you can combine it with different ingredients in every possible way. This useful and widespread product, and therefore it is worthy of more frequent inclusion in your daily menu.

It is hardly possible to find a more popular dietary product than chicken breast. A high concentration of protein and a minimal level of carbohydrates are a real gift for those who adhere to a healthy diet or want to solve the problem of excess weight. Let's try to consider the benefits and harms of chicken breasts, and also figure out why this type of meat is erected on the pedestal of dietary nutrition.

Features of the composition

100 grams of white chicken meat contains about 113 calories. The overwhelming majority are proteins (23.4 g), much less fat (1.9 g) and practically no carbohydrates (0.4 g).

However, after heat treatment, the nutritional value of this product, and the calorie content, by the way, also changes somewhat. During cooking, the fat is boiled into liquid, the calorie content will drop to about 95 kilocalories. But the breast, cooked by frying, on the contrary, is more high-calorie due to the fat in which it is cooked.

Vitamins and minerals in white chicken meat are abundant. 200 grams of the product boasts the content of the daily requirement of vitamin PP, providing 50% of the need for B6. There is also a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B3.

No other product contains this amount of cobalt. In addition, white chicken meat is rich in sulfur, chromium, zinc, choline, vitamins A, H, PP.

How is chicken breast useful?

Thanks to the available micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other biologically active components, white chicken meat is not just a dietary product, but also a very useful delicacy.

The broth made from this product is used to treat colds. It tones up the protective properties of the body, helps to strengthen the immune system. It is allowed to drink in any volume, it is not capable of harming the body, since it contains very little fat.

Chicken breast, as well as broth cooked on its basis, are excellent remedies for pathologies of the gastrointestinal canal. To digest such a product, no special energy costs are required. Once in the stomach, it is softly enveloped. Due to the content of vitamin PP in the product, the work of the alimentary canal is normalized.

Thanks to chicken breast, it is possible to provide the human body with most of the B vitamins. B1 takes part in metabolic processes with the participation of fats and carbohydrates, increases metabolism, and is responsible for regulating the functioning of the digestive system. B6 is also involved in metabolic processes with carbohydrates. With the participation of B2, biological oxidation is carried out, energy is generated more intensively. Thanks to this component, the eyeball focuses better on objects that are located at a distance.

Choline, noted in the product, is able to stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, making sure that the liver is not overloaded.

The systematic inclusion of such meat in the menu is good for the appearance. The skin looks healthy, it becomes smooth, the curls are thick and shiny, and the nails do not break so much.

It is best to boil the chicken breast. To make the white meat pleasant and tasty, it is recommended to add some other ingredients during cooking (carrots, celery, onions, etc.). You can also bake white meat in the oven for a juicy, rich dish.

Is chicken breast harmful

White chicken meat is a special product that is practically incapable of harming the human body.

It should only be noted that such a delicacy is not quite suitable for people who have the advantage of physical labor. If there are serious loads in a person's life, then it is advisable for him to eat meat not chicken, but more fatty.

Chicken skin is mainly formed by fat alone, so those who follow a diet need to remove it.
Important! During frying, chicken skin becomes carcinogenic!

Chicken fillet must undergo good heat treatment before consumption, since there is a high probability of contracting salmonellosis or toxoplasmosis.

The disadvantages of white chicken meat include the likelihood of an excess of protein. The presence of chicken in the diet in excessive quantities can overload the kidneys and liver and lead to undesirable consequences.

How to choose a chicken breast

There is a danger of purchasing a poor quality product. Suppliers are different. Some of them raise poultry on normal natural feed. There are many among them and those who increase the massiveness of the breast, by pumping carcasses with estrogen or adding antibiotics to feed. Such experiments are far from the best effect on human health. Immunity decreases, allergic reactions may occur, the result is hormonal disturbances. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chicken meat in those places that you have already checked or in specialized stores.

If it is not possible to buy a natural product in the village, then it will be possible to get rid of the vast majority of chemicals only by thorough cooking.

When planning to buy chicken breast in a store, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Choose the product chilled, pink, without bruising and blotches. It is better not to take large pieces, most likely, such a chicken was overfed with hormones. It is important to pay attention to the date of manufacture: you can store chicken breast for no more than 5 days.

Chicken breast is the main component of an ideal diet. This product can be used to prepare not only many different delicious dishes, it is also an excellent way to restore health and accumulate muscle mass.

Video: about the dangers and benefits of chicken breasts

Chicken breast is a popular product that is classified as a white meat with specific properties. However, not everyone knows what the peculiarity is, as well as the benefits and harms of chicken breast for our body and how its use affects the functioning of the body. Get to know the features of the product in detail.

Nutritional value and calorie content of chicken breast

Chicken breast is considered the leader in the optimal combination of proteins and fats: 25% of protein accounts for only 2% of fat. That is why athletes and bodybuilders love this product so much, because eating breast allows you to increase muscle mass (thanks to protein) without increasing adipose tissue.

Breast contains an element such as choline, vitamins A, B, C, H and PP, as well as minerals, which include zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, chlorine, copper, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and many others. ... Thanks to this extensive set of minerals, its use significantly improves the functioning of the heart, increases the body's immunity and helps it quickly rehabilitate after illnesses: it is not without reason that chicken broth is considered useful for people with colds.

Vitamins of groups A, C and H are especially significant, which have the properties of cleansing the liver, improving blood circulation, and positively influencing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands. The equally valuable B9 and B12 are of particular benefit for pregnant women: thanks to them, chicken breast has the property of helping the normal growth and development of the fetus.

According to the calorie content of the product, it is known that 100 g of it contains 113 kcal, which means that one such portion provides 7-10% of the total daily human need for energy.

  • 6 g protein;
  • 9 g fat;
  • and 0.4 g of carbohydrates.

How is chicken breast useful?

Due to its rich chemical composition, the breast has high beneficial properties:

  • its use neutralizes the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, which is especially important for people suffering from stomach ulcers;
  • due to its low calorie content, it is considered one of the best dietary products, and therefore nutritionists especially recommend its use for overweight people;
  • included in the list of foods with a low cholesterol content: about 70 mg per 100 g of product (for example, 100 g of drumstick meat contains about 85 mg of cholesterol with the same concentration of vitamins and minerals).

The benefits of boiled chicken breast are to improve metabolism, skin, hair and nails. It is strongly recommended to include it in your diet for those people who have suffered physical injury or damage to the muscular skeleton;

The unique composition of chicken breast is of great importance for the formation of a nursing mother's diet, since the B vitamins it contains will help the development of the baby's nervous system and brain, iron will promote hematopoiesis, and vitamin D and phosphorus will maximize the health of the skeletal system and metabolism.

It is also known that one chicken breast contains a daily requirement of niacin, which is beneficial for muscles, building their endurance and strength.

The benefits of chicken breast for weight loss

Thus, white meat serves as a major component in the protein diet of athletes, helping to build muscle mass.

Its use contributes to the improvement of metabolism and weight loss, as well as the risk of vitamin deficiency, poor health on diets due to its rich vitamin complex.

Chicken breast diet

There are many chicken breast diets.

Let's consider the most popular ones:

Chicken Mono Diet

It provides for the use of exclusively chicken meat for three days - about 100 g per meal.

In just a day, you can perform up to six such techniques.

Important! A prerequisite for the chicken mono-diet is to consume enough liquid throughout the entire period. Water is considered the best option, but it can also include healthy herbal teas and freshly squeezed natural juices.

This diet can help you lose up to 3 kilograms of weight.

Chicken breast with kefir

One of the most effective is considered a diet based on the use of chicken breast and kefir, the duration of which is 9 days.

During the first three days, only green apples are allowed - 1.5 kg per day.

The next three days, it is necessary to eat only chicken breast fillets - boiled or steamed, without salt, spices or seasonings (about 1 kg per day).

Over the next two days, you should drink only kefir no more than 1% fat - about 2 liters per day.

On the last day, you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of chicken broth without salt.

The result of the diet is getting rid of more than 10 kg of excess weight and feeling great: over the entire period, the body is cleansed of toxins and accumulated toxins.

Chicken breast and green buckwheat

This diet is quite gentle and promotes gentle and smooth weight loss. Moreover, the combination of the properties of chicken breast and green buckwheat has invaluable benefits for the body's work, especially due to the unique set of proteins.

Sample diet menu:

  1. Breakfast includes 150 g of steamed green buckwheat and 200 - 250 ml of unsweetened green tea.
  2. During the second breakfast, you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  3. Lunch consists of 150 g of boiled meat without salt and spices, a portion of green buckwheat sprouts and salad of spinach, cabbage and herbs.
  4. The second snack includes 200 ml of low-fat yogurt without any fillers.
  5. For dinner, you need to eat 100 g of steamed green buckwheat, you are allowed to drink a cup of tea.

Attention! Dinner should be taken 4 to 5 hours before bedtime. It is also very important to drink the daily fluid intake - 1.5 - 2 liters. The best option would be plain water without gas.

Is chicken breast good for diabetes

Chicken breast meat is one of the few products that are allowed to be consumed in case of diabetes mellitus, with the confidence that it will not cause harm in the specificity of the disease: due to the absence of carbohydrates in the product, its glycemic index is zero! In addition, white meat is beneficial for diabetes due to its easy digestibility: this is influenced by the positive ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Therefore, with diabetes mellitus, chicken breast can be cooked in absolutely any form, with the exception of frying with fats.

Boiled chicken breast is beneficial for obese people with type 2 diabetes. It is important to note that it is advisable to remove the skin from meat before cooking, since it contains a certain amount of fat and cholesterol, and they can harm diabetics even in low quantities.

How to cook chicken breast properly

In terms of culinary properties, chicken breast has a controversial reputation. Its nutritional value, which is good for diets, meets the problem of dry meat in dishes with it. However, it all depends on the secrets that can solve such complaints.

How and how much to cook chicken breast

Steaming chicken breast is the easiest healthy option, in which the meat will not be digested and retain its useful properties.

To give the meat a delicate structure and juiciness, it must first be beaten off. This is done using cling film with a thornless culinary hammer.

If it is not possible to use a double boiler, you should boil water in a saucepan that is one third full and place a sieve or wire rack with the product on it. Various herbs or spices can be added as desired. Close the top tightly and keep it that way for 15 to 25 minutes, depending on the size of the breast.

It is better to cook in a pre-cooked broth: put onions, carrots, peppercorns and various spices in boiling water and cook for several minutes. Then put the breast into the broth and cook under a closed lid for 5 - 10 minutes (depending on the size of the breast). After turning off the heat, leave the meat under the lid in the broth for another 15 minutes, until it cools completely.

How to roast chicken breast properly

Before the frying process itself, it is best to hold the breast in solinade for a while - a strong solution with salt, sugar and various spices. The solinade itself should be chilled, with salt and sugar already dissolved in it.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 60 g sea salt;
  • 40 g brown sugar;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. The breast should stay in the solinade for 2 - 6 hours, after which it will become very juicy and tender in taste.
  2. After "staying" in the solution, the meat must be slightly beaten off with a culinary hammer, and then boldly fry - about 3 minutes on each side, without covering it with a lid.
  3. After covering the pan with a lid, fry for another 3 - 5 minutes on each side.

Chicken breast in the oven

The process of baking the breast is very simple - you just need:

  1. Pre-grease the meat with olive or sunflower oil.
  2. Place it in a parchment or baking sleeve (this will make the breast even more appetizing) and place in an oven preheated to no more than 160 ° C.
  3. Bake for about 12 minutes.

What goes with chicken breast

Probably, it is difficult to find a more versatile product: in combination with other breasts there is no equal. Side dishes, spaghetti, vegetables, lettuce, eggs, cheese: do not count the options where chicken breast will show its multifaceted taste! White meat is an excellent basis for proper nutrition, so we present a list of the most beneficial combinations for the body:

  • arugula salad with olive oil;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower, Chinese cabbage and stewed cabbage;
  • vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, herbs);
  • beans: beans, peas, corn;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat (fried and green), millet, wheat; porridge and others.

Is chicken breast harmful?

It all depends on the purpose of use: under various conditions, a metamorphosis occurs with products, when the benefits can turn into harm to the body: this also applies to the properties of chicken breast.

The point is, first of all, in the high concentration of protein, which for some people, especially children, can become a dangerous harmful allergen. In this case, cooking meat without skin can help.

Attention! Before feeding (including breastfeeding) a child, it is imperative to conduct a test reaction.

Another "weak point" of the product is fats, or, better to say, their almost complete absence. It is known that a lack of fat leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones - female and male.

The product also suffers from an insufficient amount of mineral salts. The thing is that it has very few blood capillaries, which usually contain all these substances.

Therefore, eating only white meat can seriously harm the work of your body: after all, with a lack of minerals, the body tends to "take" them from itself, which is fraught with harm to the collapse of bones and teeth, hair loss and brittle nails.

To balance the fat and minerals in the product, the advice will be the opposite: eat meat together with skin, which contains, among other things, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K.

Contraindications to eating chicken breast

The main contraindications for white meat are the use of fried, smoked and grilled breasts: such methods of processing meat are categorically contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis or other gastric diseases.

Frequent use of the product for gastrointestinal problems can cause serious harm: chicken meat tends to "linger" in the colon and provoke putrefactive processes when various bacteria begin to actively multiply on undigested particles, and their cleavage products are absorbed into the blood.

Another pressing problem is the content of harmful hormones in chicken meat. Here you can breathe easier, since most of them are accumulated by the dark meat of other parts of the poultry, and the white meat of the brisket is considered to be of low toxicity in this respect.

The benefits and harms of smoked chicken breast

Smoked chicken breast is obtained through long heat treatment. Cold, chemical smoking is highly harmful. Hot smoking of the breast is relatively optimal and harmless. Since a real natural smoked chicken breast should not contain any flavor enhancers or additives, but only meat and salt, buying a smoked product from a trusted manufacturer or smoking at home will guarantee the right technology.

People with digestive system problems are strictly prohibited from eating any type of smoked meat.

How to choose a chicken breast when buying

The chicken breast needs to be examined carefully before you put it in your grocery cart. If white stripes are visible on the meat, you should not take it: they indicate that this chicken grew too quickly, and its adipose tissue was formed unevenly. This means that the product contains fats and additives that can cause serious harm to health.

You should not take meat with pale veins: this is evidence of feeding the bird with antibiotics and hormones to accelerate growth. Regular consumption of such meat can contribute to obesity, as well as kidney and liver disease.


A detailed acquaintance with the product in response to the question of what are the benefits and harms of chicken breast for the human body can be concluded with the conclusion: chicken breast meat is considered the most digestible and useful, because it contains a huge amount of structural proteins and trace elements. That is why the breast is valued as the basis of a protein diet: with its help, you can get rid of extra pounds and gain muscle mass in a fairly short period. However, overuse of white meat can be harmful due to insufficient amounts of fats and minerals.

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When cooked properly, a serving of chicken is low in calories. It is useful for sports diets.

The use of fats and oils significantly increases the calorie content of the finished chicken fillet

Useful elements

Meat contains a certain percentage of beneficial vitamins and minerals. The indicator is minimal, ranging from 30 to 50% of the daily need. A high level of vitamins, minerals is found in cereals, vegetables and fruits. Boiled potatoes contain six times more potassium than chicken cooked the same way.

Dangerous chicken meat

Fresh meat is a potential breeding ground for bacteria. When exposed to raw chicken, pathogenic bacteria begin to actively multiply. When purchasing and preparing raw meat, it must be processed. Before use, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the meat with running water, soak it in a salty solution to kill bacteria.

Low cost product

The growing period for one chicken is up to one year. During this time, the carcass gains weight from 2.5 to 3 kg. Feeding a carcass requires food costs, and the cost of meat is growing. Manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of the product. Broiler growth schemes are being developed. Growth hormones are added to the diet, which affect the rapid weight gain. Substances are not always useful, they may not bring the desired benefits to the human body. When choosing meat, you should understand the method of raising poultry. Remember, cheap doesn't mean quality.

How to choose the right meat

Eating one piece of meat a month will not harm your body. Choose the right product when dieting to increase muscle mass. Trust a manufacturer who guarantees quality. Do not poison your body with chemicals. Homemade chicken spoils in the refrigerator on the second day, has an unpleasant odor. Low-quality fillet containing preservatives lasts for a week.

If the basis of your diet is chicken breast, look at the place of purchase. A low-quality product will not do any good.

Chicken white meat (fillet) is one of the most dietary sources of protein, and this is used by both athletes and people on diets. Chicken breasts are part of the diet of almost all people who follow a healthy diet. Many are even accustomed to giving up other parts of the chicken, because it is the breasts that are the leanest part. But is this meat absolutely perfect, or does it still have its drawbacks?

The benefits and harms of chicken breasts: what you don't know?
If you remove the skin from the chicken breast, then only fat-free meat remains. But few people know that this meat contains a very small amount of mineral salts... In addition, that very chicken skin contains animal fats necessary for dissolving vitamins in the body, as well as cholesterol necessary for the human body.

Chicken breasts, when compared to other parts of the chicken, contain less calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Therefore, eating such meat constantly, you impoverish your body. If you eat meat with a low content of minerals, the body begins to "pull" them from internal sources - bones and teeth.

On the other hand, chicken breasts contain vitamins B9 and B12, which are very important for humans, as well as A, H, F and PP.

Should you eat chicken thighs and legs?
Dark chicken meat has its drawbacks, and they are far from being high in fat. You all know that in modern growing broiler chickens they are treated with antibiotics and given special preparations for growth. All these preparations are mostly deposited in the legs and thighs of the chicken. From this point of view, chicken breasts are safer..

Drawing conclusions
If you think about it, you can understand that in the current situation it is extremely difficult to find completely ecological and healthy food. This is partly why the diet should be varied so that you get the maximum amount of essential vitamins and minerals from your food. Part of their shortage can be compensated for with special drugs, but most of them must come into the body from the daily diet.

If you do not sit on pre-competition drying (diet does not count) - do not deny yourself dark chicken meat, at least periodically. Chicken can be cooked whole in the oven so that the meat retains the maximum of nutrients.

What kind of chicken you buy is also important. Of course, ideally, it is good to have familiar farmers who bring their own chicken to the markets, grown without hormones and antibiotics. Fortunately, people have recently begun to appear interested in supplying such meat to cities. You just need to search. If you are sure of the “pure” origin of the chicken, you can not be afraid to eat any part of this bird.

Otherwise, if there are no ecological options, try to buy chicken from well-known large brands. Avoid "underground" stores and unknown manufacturers.

Do not underestimate such a wonderful product as chicken breast, but you should not overuse it either. Eat a variety of foods and be healthy!

Today more and more people are becoming adherents of a healthy lifestyle. So, people give up bad habits, start to play sports, eat right. It is proper nutrition that is the key to health and longevity. All doctors and nutritionists agree that chicken breast is a valuable product for the human body. This part of the bird is considered dietary, hypoallergenic. Chicken breast is often included in the diet of sports nutrition, weight loss diets. What are the benefits of chicken breast?

The benefits of white poultry meat in its composition

It is in the chicken breast (fillet) that the maximum concentration of useful components is contained. White meat is much lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than dark meat from chicken drumsticks and thighs. It should be noted that against the background of the constant use of only dark poultry meat, inflammatory processes in the intestines and intestinal pollution develop.

Chicken breast contains a large amount of vitamins. The main vitamins are group B. This group fills almost all types of white meat, and is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes. There are a lot of vitamins B12, B9, B6 in the breast. Also, the product contains other essential vitamin groups: K, A, H, PP, F.

The benefits of white chicken meat also lie in the high content of trace elements:

  • Cobalt;
  • Zinc;
  • Chromium;
  • Iron;
  • Fluorine;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;

Calorie content of chicken breast

This part of the bird is the most dietary, low-calorie. 100 grams of fillet contains no more than 112 kcal. During the cooking process, the calorie content is further reduced, to about 95 kcal. This is due to the dissolution of fats, which pass into the broth. Therefore, boiled white chicken meat is recommended to be eaten while dieting.

Chicken breast is one of the most important sources of protein. Protein allows you to maintain high activity, ability to work. 100 grams of meat contains about 30% protein, which is good news for athletes. The minimum amount of fat can also be considered an advantage of white meat. But, this only applies to fillets - breast without skin.

Useful properties of chicken breast

What are the benefits of chicken breast? It is immediately worth highlighting the benefits of vitamin B group. They are simply indispensable for normal metabolism in the body. Thus, a person's well-being is normal, and body weight decreases. Also, a high level of folate is very beneficial for men and women during conception. Already pregnant women need folic acid for the full formation of the fetal nervous system, its development.

In addition, B vitamins provide the following benefits to the human central nervous system:

  • Cheer up;
  • Normalize sleep;
  • Reduces sensitivity to stressful situations;
  • Eliminate fatigue;
  • They have a beneficial effect on the functions of the brain.

White chicken meat is very beneficial for the bone and muscle system due to its high concentration of protein and phosphorus. These same elements are essential for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys. But, in the case of urological chronic diseases, the amount of protein should be reduced. Fillet broth is very beneficial for the digestive system. The use of such a light broth gently envelops the intestinal mucosa, neutralizes excess stomach acid. Therefore, the product is recommended for use in case of gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenitis.

You can appreciate the benefits of fillet thanks to potassium. Adequate potassium levels in the body are important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. So, a trace element lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle. It is very important to remember that regular consumption of white breast strengthens the walls of blood vessels, clears them of cholesterol. Consequently, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.

The product is useful for athletes. Low calorie, high protein - ideal for sports nutrition. By eating boiled fillets, you can achieve maximum endurance during training, quick recovery of muscle fibers after exertion. Also, white meat activates the process of converting subcutaneous fat into muscle mass. Thanks to this property, chicken breast is included in the diet.

Can chicken breast do any harm?

This product has few disadvantages. But, nevertheless, there are those. So, it is forbidden to eat chicken with the skin. The fact is that the maximum amount of harmful fats is concentrated in the skin. And in the process of frying, these fats are automatically converted into carcinogens. It is known that carcinogens are the main cause of cancer.

Chicken fillet should be thoroughly heat treated. With insufficient cooking, there is a risk of contracting a serious disease - salmonellosis. Also, raw chicken can cause taxoplasmosis. The main disadvantage of white breast is the excess protein. In some diseases (diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys), protein from food is generally excluded. It is not advised to eat chicken breast for those who are engaged in heavy physical labor. In this case, it is better to give preference to more fatty varieties.

Do not forget that there is a great risk of purchasing a low-quality product. Today, chicken is actively exported. For their rapid growth, various antibiotics and growth hormones are used. But one thing pleases me, that the maximum concentration of these harmful substances is concentrated in the thighs. The breast is considered the "cleanest" part of the chicken.

Selects quality chicken breast

When choosing a chicken breast, you should pay attention, first of all, to the appearance. If the fillet has white veins, you shouldn't buy it. This suggests that the bird's growth process was accelerated, and its adipose tissue did not develop evenly.

Fillet color is uniform, pink. The scent should not be musty. The breast slice should not have a slimy structure. It is better to choose medium-sized fillets. The shelf life of the product is also important. Chilled breasts can be stored for a maximum of 5 days. If the meat is frozen, it will last up to six months. Defrosting chicken breast should be natural - in the refrigerator. If you defrost meat at room temperature, its useful properties and taste will be lost.

Chicken breast is a popular product that is classified as a white meat with specific properties. However, not everyone knows what the peculiarity is, as well as the benefits and harms of chicken breast for our body and how its use affects the functioning of the body. Get to know the features of the product in detail.

Nutritional value and calorie content of chicken breast

Chicken breast is considered the leader in the optimal combination of proteins and fats: 25% of protein accounts for only 2% of fat. That is why athletes and bodybuilders love this product so much, because eating breast allows you to increase muscle mass (thanks to protein) without increasing adipose tissue.

Breast contains an element such as choline, vitamins A, B, C, H and PP, as well as minerals, which include zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, chlorine, copper, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and many others. ... Thanks to this extensive set of minerals, its use significantly improves the functioning of the heart, increases the body's immunity and helps it quickly rehabilitate after illnesses: it is not without reason that chicken broth is considered useful for people with colds.

Vitamins of groups A, C and H are especially significant, which have the properties of cleansing the liver, improving blood circulation, and positively influencing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands. The equally valuable B9 and B12 are of particular benefit for pregnant women: thanks to them, chicken breast has the property of helping the normal growth and development of the fetus.

According to the calorie content of the product, it is known that 100 g of it contains 113 kcal, which means that one such portion provides 7-10% of the total daily human need for energy.

  • 6 g protein;
  • 9 g fat;
  • and 0.4 g of carbohydrates.

How is chicken breast useful?

Due to its rich chemical composition, the breast has high beneficial properties:

  • its use neutralizes the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, which is especially important for people suffering from stomach ulcers;
  • due to its low calorie content, it is considered one of the best dietary products, and therefore nutritionists especially recommend its use for overweight people;
  • included in the list of foods with a low cholesterol content: about 70 mg per 100 g of product (for example, 100 g of drumstick meat contains about 85 mg of cholesterol with the same concentration of vitamins and minerals).

The benefits of boiled chicken breast are to improve metabolism, skin, hair and nails. It is strongly recommended to include it in your diet for those people who have suffered physical injury or damage to the muscular skeleton;

The unique composition of chicken breast is of great importance for the formation of a nursing mother's diet, since the B vitamins it contains will help the development of the baby's nervous system and brain, iron will promote hematopoiesis, and vitamin D and phosphorus will maximize the health of the skeletal system and metabolism.

It is also known that one chicken breast contains a daily requirement of niacin, which is beneficial for muscles, building their endurance and strength.

The benefits of chicken breast for weight loss

Thus, white meat serves as a major component in the protein diet of athletes, helping to build muscle mass.

Its use contributes to the improvement of metabolism and weight loss, as well as the risk of vitamin deficiency, poor health on diets due to its rich vitamin complex.

Chicken breast diet

There are many chicken breast diets.

Let's consider the most popular ones:

Chicken Mono Diet

It provides for the use of exclusively chicken meat for three days - about 100 g per meal.

In just a day, you can perform up to six such techniques.

Important! A prerequisite for the chicken mono-diet is to consume enough liquid throughout the entire period. Water is considered the best option, but it can also include healthy herbal teas and freshly squeezed natural juices.

This diet can help you lose up to 3 kilograms of weight.

Chicken breast with kefir

One of the most effective is considered a diet based on the use of chicken breast and kefir, the duration of which is 9 days.

During the first three days, only green apples are allowed - 1.5 kg per day.

The next three days, it is necessary to eat only chicken breast fillets - boiled or steamed, without salt, spices or seasonings (about 1 kg per day).

Over the next two days, you should drink only kefir no more than 1% fat - about 2 liters per day.

On the last day, you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of chicken broth without salt.

The result of the diet is getting rid of more than 10 kg of excess weight and feeling great: over the entire period, the body is cleansed of toxins and accumulated toxins.

Chicken breast and green buckwheat

This diet is quite gentle and promotes gentle and smooth weight loss. Moreover, the combination of the properties of chicken breast and green buckwheat has invaluable benefits for the body's work, especially due to the unique set of proteins.

Sample diet menu:

  1. Breakfast includes 150 g of steamed green buckwheat and 200 - 250 ml of unsweetened green tea.
  2. During the second breakfast, you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  3. Lunch consists of 150 g of boiled meat without salt and spices, a portion of green buckwheat sprouts and salad of spinach, cabbage and herbs.
  4. The second snack includes 200 ml of low-fat yogurt without any fillers.
  5. For dinner, you need to eat 100 g of steamed green buckwheat, you are allowed to drink a cup of tea.

Attention! Dinner should be taken 4 to 5 hours before bedtime. It is also very important to drink the daily fluid intake - 1.5 - 2 liters. The best option would be plain water without gas.

Is chicken breast good for diabetes

Chicken breast meat is one of the few products that are allowed to be consumed in case of diabetes mellitus, with the confidence that it will not cause harm in the specificity of the disease: due to the absence of carbohydrates in the product, its glycemic index is zero! In addition, white meat is beneficial for diabetes due to its easy digestibility: this is influenced by the positive ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Therefore, with diabetes mellitus, chicken breast can be cooked in absolutely any form, with the exception of frying with fats.

Boiled chicken breast is beneficial for obese people with type 2 diabetes. It is important to note that it is advisable to remove the skin from meat before cooking, since it contains a certain amount of fat and cholesterol, and they can harm diabetics even in low quantities.

How to cook chicken breast properly

In terms of culinary properties, chicken breast has a controversial reputation. Its nutritional value, which is good for diets, meets the problem of dry meat in dishes with it. However, it all depends on the secrets that can solve such complaints.

How and how much to cook chicken breast

Steaming chicken breast is the easiest healthy option, in which the meat will not be digested and retain its useful properties.

To give the meat a delicate structure and juiciness, it must first be beaten off. This is done using cling film with a thornless culinary hammer.

If it is not possible to use a double boiler, you should boil water in a saucepan that is one third full and place a sieve or wire rack with the product on it. Various herbs or spices can be added as desired. Close the top tightly and keep it that way for 15 to 25 minutes, depending on the size of the breast.

It is better to cook in a pre-cooked broth: put onions, carrots, peppercorns and various spices in boiling water and cook for several minutes. Then put the breast into the broth and cook under a closed lid for 5 - 10 minutes (depending on the size of the breast). After turning off the heat, leave the meat under the lid in the broth for another 15 minutes, until it cools completely.

How to roast chicken breast properly

Before the frying process itself, it is best to hold the breast in solinade for a while - a strong solution with salt, sugar and various spices. The solinade itself should be chilled, with salt and sugar already dissolved in it.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 60 g sea salt;
  • 40 g brown sugar;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. The breast should stay in the solinade for 2 - 6 hours, after which it will become very juicy and tender in taste.
  2. After "staying" in the solution, the meat must be slightly beaten off with a culinary hammer, and then boldly fry - about 3 minutes on each side, without covering it with a lid.
  3. After covering the pan with a lid, fry for another 3 - 5 minutes on each side.

Chicken breast in the oven

The process of baking the breast is very simple - you just need:

  1. Pre-grease the meat with olive or sunflower oil.
  2. Place it in a parchment or baking sleeve (this will make the breast even more appetizing) and place in an oven preheated to no more than 160 ° C.
  3. Bake for about 12 minutes.

What goes with chicken breast

Probably, it is difficult to find a more versatile product: in combination with other breasts there is no equal. Side dishes, spaghetti, vegetables, lettuce, eggs, cheese: do not count the options where chicken breast will show its multifaceted taste! White meat is an excellent basis for proper nutrition, so we present a list of the most beneficial combinations for the body:

  • arugula salad with olive oil;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower, Chinese cabbage and stewed cabbage;
  • vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, herbs);
  • beans: beans, peas, corn;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat (fried and green), millet, wheat; porridge and others.

Is chicken breast harmful?

It all depends on the purpose of use: under various conditions, a metamorphosis occurs with products, when the benefits can turn into harm to the body: this also applies to the properties of chicken breast.

The point is, first of all, in the high concentration of protein, which for some people, especially children, can become a dangerous harmful allergen. In this case, cooking meat without skin can help.

Attention! Before feeding (including breastfeeding) a child, it is imperative to conduct a test reaction.

Another "weak point" of the product is fats, or, better to say, their almost complete absence. It is known that a lack of fat leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones - female and male.

The product also suffers from an insufficient amount of mineral salts. The thing is that it has very few blood capillaries, which usually contain all these substances.

Therefore, eating only white meat can seriously harm the work of your body: after all, with a lack of minerals, the body tends to "take" them from itself, which is fraught with harm to the collapse of bones and teeth, hair loss and brittle nails.

To balance the fat and minerals in the product, the advice will be the opposite: eat meat together with skin, which contains, among other things, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K.

Contraindications to eating chicken breast

The main contraindications for white meat are the use of fried, smoked and grilled breasts: such methods of processing meat are categorically contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis or other gastric diseases.

Frequent use of the product for gastrointestinal problems can cause serious harm: chicken meat tends to "linger" in the colon and provoke putrefactive processes when various bacteria begin to actively multiply on undigested particles, and their cleavage products are absorbed into the blood.

Another pressing problem is the content of harmful hormones in chicken meat. Here you can breathe easier, since most of them are accumulated by the dark meat of other parts of the poultry, and the white meat of the brisket is considered to be of low toxicity in this respect.

The benefits and harms of smoked chicken breast

Smoked chicken breast is obtained through long heat treatment. Cold, chemical smoking is highly harmful. Hot smoking of the breast is relatively optimal and harmless. Since a real natural smoked chicken breast should not contain any flavor enhancers or additives, but only meat and salt, buying a smoked product from a trusted manufacturer or smoking at home will guarantee the right technology.

People with digestive system problems are strictly prohibited from eating any type of smoked meat.

How to choose a chicken breast when buying

The chicken breast needs to be examined carefully before you put it in your grocery cart. If white stripes are visible on the meat, you should not take it: they indicate that this chicken grew too quickly, and its adipose tissue was formed unevenly. This means that the product contains fats and additives that can cause serious harm to health.

You should not take meat with pale veins: this is evidence of feeding the bird with antibiotics and hormones to accelerate growth. Regular consumption of such meat can contribute to obesity, as well as kidney and liver disease.


A detailed acquaintance with the product in response to the question of what are the benefits and harms of chicken breast for the human body can be concluded with the conclusion: chicken breast meat is considered the most digestible and useful, because it contains a huge amount of structural proteins and trace elements. That is why the breast is valued as the basis of a protein diet: with its help, you can get rid of extra pounds and gain muscle mass in a fairly short period. However, overuse of white meat can be harmful due to insufficient amounts of fats and minerals.

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Chicken meat - the benefits and harms of white chicken meat should be known to everyone. White chicken meat is not only significantly different in color from the meat of other parts, but also differs in taste. At the same time, white is considered very useful.

The benefits of white meat chicken

So what is benefits of white meat:

  • compared to other types of meat, white contains less cholesterol and significantly less fat;
  • low calorie white meat;
  • white meat contains quite a lot of protein and carbohydrates, but does not contain fat;
  • chicken breast is especially beneficial for those seeking to gain weight;
  • the composition of white chicken meat allows it to be used in the rehabilitation period after serious injuries and blood loss.

However, this is not all. beneficial properties of chicken meat... White chicken meat contains a complex of B vitamins, which are essential for normal metabolism. Vitamins B9 and B12 are considered especially important for pregnant women and nursing mothers - they contribute to the normal development of the fetus and support the well-being of the mother.

It is also worth noting that white chicken also contains other vitamins - A, H, F and PP, as well as a complex of trace elements and various enzymes. This composition provides a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, strengthens bones and the nervous system.

The harm of white meat

First of all, it should be noted that in white chicken meat, in comparison with other meats, contains very little iron and magnesium - trace elements that are necessary for normal blood formation. In this regard, it is worth noting that when recovering from difficult operations, red meat should also be included in the diet.

Equally important, chicken breast is not suitable for those working in tough conditions. In this case, the dietary properties of meat will play against the consumer, since workers need food to provide them with energy. But even if you consider all of the above, white chicken meat cannot be called harmful.

It is also worth remembering the notorious skin, which is not only greasy in itself, but also accumulates many harmful substances during frying. So if you want reduce the harm from meat, then the skin should be removed before cooking... Also, do not eat white chicken meat every day - remember that everything needs a measure and variety is needed for the normal functioning of organs and systems, so a couple of times a week it is enough to pamper yourself with white, and on other days, give preference to other varieties.

Firstly, chicken breast contains very little mineral salts, the lack of which can lead to the destruction of bones and teeth.

Secondly, the low amount of fat, which is a plus of white meat, is also a minus. Fat is necessary for a person to produce hormones. If the percentage of body fat drops below 20-30%, the necessary hormones will simply stop being produced, which will lead to serious consequences.

But all these factors do not mean that you should give up chicken. You just need to consume it in moderation, and also do not forget about the existence of other products.

Try to include in your diet not only chicken breasts, but also other parts of it: thighs, wings. They are called "dark meat" because they contain more blood capillaries, which increases the fat content. Alternate different parts of the chicken in your diet and how you cook them.

Which chicken breast to choose

The quality of the chicken you take is also very important. Remember that there are now birds in stores that are raised with a lot of unnatural substances. Of course, it is best to buy meat in the village from trusted people in whom you are confident. If this is not possible, you can get rid of the overwhelming amount of chemicals in the product only by cooking. No other heat treatments will remove so many harmful substances from meat.

Also, do not forget about seafood and include them in your diet at least once a week, and then there will be no problems with the required amount of nutrients.
