Wheat germ oil - this is a unique product from the heart of a wheat grain - a nutrient medium is necessary for a strong and powerful ear to grow from one grain. It is only 2.5% of the mass of the nucleus, but what a power it has! Wheat germ oil is obtained by pressing raw materials and a further refining (purification) stage.

The composition of the product is unique and complex at the same time. The kernel of a wheat grain contains 23 types of nutrients, including proteins, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, iron and calcium. This is a valuable dietary substance, which contains three active components at once, the properties of which are difficult to overestimate:

  • Antioxidants
  • Carotenoids
  • Tocopherol

Wheat oil when pressed is golden yellow to brown in color, giving off the typical grain smell and taste. The amount of linoleic acid is approximately 55-60%, and linolenic acid is about 5-10%. Thanks to this property, they take an active part in lipid metabolism in the body. The shelf life of the product is short, due to the high index of linoleic acid (it quickly turns rancid).

By its physical properties, wheat oil is sticky and viscous, has a thick consistency, which makes it ideal for dry, tired and dehydrated skin.

Wheatgrass oil is the undisputed leader among all known foods in terms of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) content. An interesting fact is that most of the vitamin E offered on the market is created artificially by chemical synthesis and is significantly inferior in properties to that obtained from wheat or other natural product.

Natural tocopherol is 4 times more active against free radicals. The human liver produces protein for the assimilation of vitamin E obtained from food, but absolutely does not "see" synthetically obtained tocopherol.

Vitamin E received from food is retained in the body and "works" 2.7 times longer than the synthetic form. The body itself tries to get rid of unnatural products as quickly as possible.

Applying wheat germ oil to hair and face

Wheat germ oil is rightfully recognized as the best for fighting wrinkles, dry skin and hair. The research carried out and the evidence obtained will be able to convince anyone who dares to test for himself the amazing properties of a natural product for the skin that this oil:

1. Perfectly moisturizes the skin

When applied to the skin, it slowly begins to be absorbed. Keep in mind that it is too dense and clogs pores, so if you have a tendency to acne, use it with caution, but it is better to dilute it with a few drops of peach or apricot oil.

Nourishes and softens the skin on elbows, knees, heels and other areas where you need to achieve the most elastic and smooth skin.

2. Neutralizes free radicals

We often hear about this process, but we hardly understand the essence of what happens in the body. A free radical is an active molecule that must make up for its missing electrons in the shell. As soon as she "takes" it from the neighboring cell, the "victim" itself is transformed into a free radical. The process of fighting for the desired electron causes a powerful oxidative process in the body.

An excess of free radicals leads to the development of many severe internal diseases and rapid deterioration of the body. Our skin also falls under this harmful effect, free radicals destroy the integrity of collagen and elastin, which form the skeleton of the skin and protect it from premature wrinkles.

3. Restores damaged tissue

Vitamin E repairs damaged tissues not only inside the body, but also outside. Studies of stomach diseases have revealed one interesting detail. In case of an ulcer, a regular and sufficient intake of vitamin E contributes to increased tissue oxygenation, strengthens small capillaries and stimulates their growth.

Blood circulation in the peripheral vessels is normalized, thereby not only improving the health of the body inside, but also outside. Nutrients and oxygen better reach the surface layers of the skin, thereby improving complexion and tissue turgor.

The properties of wheat germ oil have found their application in protecting the skin from stretch marks, reducing the already formed ones. There are some skeptics who express doubts about the effectiveness of the product in any case, as the prevention of scars and stretch marks, it "works" well. Add 2-3 drops to your basic skin cream and rub lightly on desired areas.

4. Relieves itching and reduces inflammation

Alpha-tocopherol soothes irritated and inflamed skin. Reduces redness, flaking in eczema and psoriasis.

5. Supports collagen and elastin production

By reducing the amount of free radicals, vitamin E not only stops damage to proteins responsible for the structure of the skin, but is also able to repair them. This is a really useful property of the oil, which will help protect the skin from the formation of stretch marks, wrinkles and sagging skin.

It is good to know that vitamin E is only able to penetrate the skin to a depth of 0.005 mm. Therefore, it is important to introduce wheat germ oil in capsules into the diet or drink 1 tbsp. l. daily to nourish your body from the inside out enough.

If for some reason this product is not available to you, use pumpkin seeds, almonds, spinach, avocado, fish. They will certainly help keep your skin looking beautiful and strong.

6. Improves blood circulation, nourishes eyelashes

Increased blood flow ensures the supply of nutrients and oxygen in greater volume, and removes toxins and decay products faster. This ensures a healthy, fresh, radiant appearance.

The benefits of wheat oil for hair are to nourish the hair follicle and increase blood flow to the scalp. For eyelashes, oil should be used carefully and in small quantities, it nourishes and strengthens eyelashes well.

7.Aloe Vera works better

In 2010, research was carried out to identify effective plants with strong moisturizing properties on six volunteers. And, once again, confirmation was received - wheat germ oil is a leader in this area. But if aloe vera is added to it, then a synergistic effect is obtained, that is, they enhance the moisturizing effect inherent in the oil. It is a good blend for severely damaged, dry skin, hair and wrinkles.

8. Needs vitamin C

Remember the vitamin E in wheat germ oil is a powerful antioxidant? When he neutralizes free radicals, then he himself becomes them, although to a much lesser extent harmful to the body, he needs his antioxidant.

Vitamin C is the one that does this best. This is why these two ingredients are constant companions in many cosmetics.

Homemade masks with wheat germ oil

Before you try the miraculous properties of the oil, do an allergy test to make sure it doesn't. It is important!

Several homemade recipes:

For dry and mature skin: Use pure oil or mix 1: 1 with avocado oil to apply to the skin.

For combination to oily skin: Prepare a mixture of 6 parts jojoba oil and 1 part wheat oil. Feel free to apply it to your skin and hair.

You don't like the smell wheat oil? No problem! It does not lose its properties when mixed with another similar oily substance: lavender, sandalwood or orange oil.

For deep skin hydration face, neck and décolleté use a mixture of honey and wheat germ oil in a 1: 1 ratio. This is the perfect recipe and should definitely be your daily self-care routine. It will be enough 15 minutes for you to evaluate the result.

Remember, wheat germ oil has a high comedogenic rating, which means the possibility of developing acne. Use this mask with caution if you are prone to acne breakouts.

For hair

Mix in a 1: 1: 1 ratio of coconut oil, pure aloe vera and wheat germ oil. Using gentle and light massage movements, rub the mixture into the hair roots and scalp, leave it there for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with water and shampoo.

For stretch marks

Apply undiluted wheat germ oil directly to your skin lesions. It is good to use it in a 1: 1 ratio with calendula oil or 8 parts cocoa butter and 1 part wheat germ oil. This cocktail has a very nutritious and regenerating effect.

Wheat oil has truly valuable properties that protect against aging and disease, stress and harmful action of toxins. The high content of vitamin D in it protects the bone skeleton, teeth and joints from destruction and deterioration of their functional state.

Zinc normalizes protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and is responsible for sex drive. Selenium contributes to the production of natural insulin, strengthens the immune system and prevents the adhesion of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of wheat oil, it is an elixir, the power of which has been proven many times over. Try it yourself to feel the power of a small grain of wheat.

Few know that making baked goods is not the only way wheat is used. But since ancient times, mankind has been squeezing the germs of wheat grains to obtain oil. Wheatgrass oil is a whole storehouse of trace elements and vitamins necessary for the human body. This is a valuable product, which, in addition to the food industry, is also used in the medical field and cosmetology. Let's figure out what are the benefits and harms of wheat germ oil.

The benefits of wheat germ oil

According to the presence of vitamins, it is recognized as one of the most nutritious vegetable oils. Its benefits cannot be overstated. It is noteworthy that there are no "harmful" consequences of its use. Wheat sprouts help ladies stay forever young, beautiful and well-groomed.

Useful composition:

Wheat germ oil is famous for its variety of vitamins and substances:

  • vitamins E, A, D, B vitamins;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega group);
  • tryptophan, leucine and other amino acids;
  • antioxidants squalene and octacosanol;
  • various trace elements (for example, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, etc.).

Medicinal properties:

  • cleansing the body;
  • therapeutic effect on the skin, nails and hair;
  • acne treatment;
  • prevention of early aging of the skin, its rejuvenation;
  • care for sponges and sensitive eye skin;
  • prevention of oncological diseases;
  • , pressure stabilization;
  • effective impact on the reproductive system.

Contraindications for use

There are no special prohibitions in the use, but, like any other product, it cannot be used when:

  • personal intolerance;
  • the presence of an allergy to the product.

It is not recommended for people with the following diseases to use the remedy without consulting a doctor:

  • gallbladder;
  • genitourinary system.

Wheat Germ Oil Applications

Wheat germ oil is used medicinally and for cosmetic purposes. It can be taken orally. An excellent remedy for those who lack vitamins in their bodies, who live in contaminated areas, or work in harmful or dangerous working conditions.

Wheat germ oil for face care

Wheatgrass oil is most commonly used in face masks. First you need to figure out how wheat germ oil is useful for the face.

Firstly, it restores the moisture balance of the skin and has a nourishing effect. The oil is very dense and it is not advised to use it undiluted, however, spot application on rough areas of skin with peeling, including dry lips, is allowed. This makes the skin soft and free from flaking.

Secondly, a cure for wrinkles. In the eye area, be sure to apply only diluted oil (for example, with rosehip oil), otherwise the use of wheat germ oil for the face against wrinkles can be carried out pointwise undiluted.

Thirdly, it has a positive effect on skin color. Wheatgrass oil prevents age-related age spots and has a whitening effect.

It also gives the skin tone, affects its elasticity.

For those whose skin is prone to acne, this product is perfect for cleaning pores, tightening them, etc.

Wheat germ face masks

The benefits of the product have been found out, now you need to figure out how to use wheat germ oil. Most often these are masks, in exceptional cases, use is allowed undiluted. Its plus comes down to the fact that girls can refer to him in different situations.

Anti-wrinkle mask

The ingredients include the following oils:

  1. Wheat germ
  2. Orange
  3. Shea

How to apply:

We mix three drops of the first ingredient and one drop of the remaining oils, apply the resulting mixture with a napkin to the face. Fifteen minutes and wash off.

Mask for dry skin

Oils are taken as ingredients:

  1. Apricot kernels or olive
  2. Wheat germ

Mode of application:

Stir in a ratio of one to three, with a smaller proportion of wheat germ oil. We smear the face. After half an hour, wash your face with warm water.

Mask for acne prone skin

You will need oils as ingredients:

  1. Wheat germ
  2. Carnation
  3. Lavender

How to prepare and apply:

Add one drop of essential oils to one tablespoon of sprout oil. Wipe the skin, wash after fifteen minutes.

This "elixir" should be in the woman's locker. Wheat germ oil can be used for the face every girl.

Wheat Germ Oil for Hair Care

If you have problems with your hair: dull appearance, hair loss, etc., you can purchase this product. It has the following effects on hair:

  • become smooth and shiny;
  • wins the first signs of gray hair;
  • fights baldness;
  • nourishes and strengthens damaged hair.

Hair care masks

The use of wheat germ oil for hair is allowed either mixed with other ingredients, or undiluted. Consider recipes for various useful actions.

Hair growth mask

The ingredients include oils:

  1. Wheat germ
  2. Almond
  3. Peach
  4. Rosemary essential oil

Cooking method:

You need to mix the first two ingredients, one teaspoon of peach and three drops of rosemary oil, one tablespoon at a time. Heat the resulting mass.

Application method:

Spread the resulting liquid on the scalp and the entire length of the hair, rub well into the ends. Put on a plastic bag, cover with a towel. You need to walk like this for an hour, and then rinse your hair with shampoo.

Mask for dry and damaged

The ingredients are the following oils:

  1. Wheatgrass - one tablespoon
  2. Ginger - two drops
  3. Pines - two droplets

Preparation and application:

Stir in the indicated proportions. Depending on the length of the hair, you can increase the amount, the main thing is to maintain the ratio. Spread evenly over dry hair. Cover your head by analogy with the previous recipe for forty minutes and rinse your hair.

Mask for oily hair


  1. Wheat germ oil - half a teaspoon
  2. Fresh lemon juice - one teaspoon
  3. Kefir - three tablespoons

Preparation and application:

Stir the ingredients and grease the hair with the resulting mass. After twenty minutes, rinse your hair. You can consolidate the effect by pouring real chamomile over your head.

Wheat germ oil for stretch marks

It is a great product for reducing them too. Since the oil promotes cell regeneration, it is absorbed into the skin and smoothes it from the inside. Of course, the result will not appear immediately, but after long permanent procedures. Please note that for a good effect it is not enough just to smear it with oil, you need a massage.

The use of wheat germ oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is a must for every woman. You should constantly lubricate the tummy during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby to maintain firm and elastic skin.

How to use?

  1. A daily massage for ten minutes is possible, rubbing the problem areas with undiluted oil.
  2. A mixture of oils: add three drops of orange to a tablespoon of wheat sprouts. Apply in a circular motion and rubbing over the skin.
  3. Also, one tablespoon of jojoba oil is added to our base oil. The method of application is similar.

Prevention and treatment of diseases with wheat germ oil

A characteristic feature of this remedy is that it can be taken internally. This is for medicinal purposes.

It is used to treat and prevent the following diseases:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, anemia, varicose veins, etc.;
  • gynecological diseases: endometriosis, vaginitis, mastopathy;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • diseases of the digestive system: heartburn, constipation, ulcers, calitis, etc.;
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • obesity;
  • insomnia.

The benefits and harms of wheat germ oil we have studied show that this is a real gift from nature! Not every natural remedy can boast of this breadth of application. And yet, before using the oil for medicinal purposes, you must seek the advice of a specialist. Do everything for beauty and health!

First we learn to walk and talk, and then sit and keep quiet ...

Wheat germ oil for face: a promising remedy for all skin types

Learn to use wheat germ oil for your face at home: find out what nutrients you will nourish your skin with, what properties it has, what contraindications must be followed, what mask recipes for what skin type you can choose.

Wheat germ (germ) oil is a plant product that is actively used in cooking today. It has a pleasant taste, has good nutritional value, and most importantly, it is valued for the benefits it has on the body.

The industry of modern cosmetology has learned to use the rich chemical composition possessed by this yellow, transparent liquid. On its basis, whole lines of products with good properties began to be created. You can use wheat germ oil on your face and at home.

About the chemical composition of wheat germ oil

The cosmetic properties of wheat germ oil are dictated by those chemical, biologically incredibly active substances that are included in its composition. Each of them, penetrating deep into the epidermis, enters at the cellular level into various reactions with other elements.

The result is stunning, because the little workers of the invisible front have a complex effect on the condition of the upper layer of the skin. By regularly using wheat germ oil for the face, you nourish the dermis with the following substances:

  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • calciferol (vitamin D);
  • niacin (vitamin PP);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • thiamin (vitamin B1);
  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • amino acids;
  • fatty polyunsaturated acids;
  • lecithin;
  • antioxidants;
  • minerals (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium);
  • nucleic acids.

It turns out that you have at your disposal a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that will nourish the skin with everything it needs and bring it in full order. Learn to use the gifts of nature wisely to look 100% amazing at any age. Wheat germ oil will help you with this. Learn about the cosmetic benefits it has.

Wheat germ, according to research, contains everything that is necessary to prolong life: fats, proteins, nucleic acids, minerals, vitamins, biologically active substances.

Cosmetic properties of oil

Each of the above substances performs its own function. But in general, a complex effect on the skin is obtained. Thanks to him, wheat germ oil is famous for a whole fan of the most useful cosmetic properties:

  • stimulates cell renewal;
  • improves the condition and appearance of various types of skin;
  • softens;
  • moisturizes;
  • nourishes;
  • relieves peeling;
  • gives the aging, wrinkled, sagging skin freshness, elasticity, firmness, contributes to its rejuvenation, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles, strengthens the tone;
  • cleans pores from impurities, removes toxins;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps well in the care of problem skin and in the treatment of acne, pustular wounds and other inflammations;
  • heals burns and other skin damage (bruises, wounds, cuts);
  • treats eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • tones up;
  • refreshes;
  • evens out the surface of the epidermis;
  • improves complexion;
  • rejuvenates the skin around the eyes;
  • used in lip care: prevents chapping and heals.

If you have any of these cosmetic problems, be sure to try using wheat germ oil on your face as a moisturizer and anti-aging agent. It will surely live up to the hopes placed on it and will significantly improve the condition of any skin type.

Everyone will discover something useful and unique in this amazing product. However, due to the power and intensity of the effect that oil has on the various layers of the epidermis, not everyone can use it as an external agent.

The use of wheat germ oil in modern cosmetology began not so long ago, since the benefits of this amazing product were discovered relatively recently.

Contraindications for external use

In order not to harm your own skin, before using wheat germ oil as a cosmetic for face care, read the list of contraindications. In some cases, it can have harmful effects that are frustrating and dire. The following problems, pathologies and defects are included in the black list:

  • open, not healed, bleeding sores, wounds, scratches;
  • recently sutured;
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery or salon procedure (for example, chemical peeling);
  • too extensive focus of inflammation on the face;
  • rosacea;
  • serious skin diseases.

Each of these drawbacks is quite serious, and cells may not quite correctly respond to this kind of stress from the outside. As a result, side defects may arise, which will then have to be eliminated for a sufficiently long time.

So first, either treat the underlying disease, or wait until the defect is eliminated in other ways, and then start setting up a laboratory at home for the preparation of cosmetic masks based on wheat germ oil.

Wheat appeared as long ago as the Egyptian pyramids. Researchers have discovered its remains in tombs built around 3,000 BC.

Rules for the use of wheat germ oil

If you just lubricate your face with wheat germ oil every day, you may not get the desired effect. After all, home cosmetology is a whole art that must first be mastered, and then the results can be used in practice. Therefore, read the rules for using this wonderful product in order to squeeze all the benefits out of it for yourself to the maximum.

  • Wheat germ oil has a fairly high density, so it is heavy and very viscous in consistency, which many people dislike. To get rid of the dislike of this property, combine it with others, lighter vegetable and cosmetic oils.
  • Before the procedure, heat the oil in a water bath: this way you activate the beneficial substances included in its composition, which will quickly penetrate the skin to a greater depth. However, be careful if the recipe contains eggs (they curdle when in contact with hot liquid) or esters (they can become volatile and useless at high temperatures).
  • If you have dry skin, mix wheat germ oil with olive, peach, apricot or almond oil in a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. If oily or problematic, use grape seeds.
  • Use ceramic, glass or wood utensils to mix the ingredients. Do not take metal in any case. This also applies to the spatula, with which you will mix the mass.
  • Do not use wheat germ oil in its pure form, as such applications can harm the skin: it can burn it or be irritating.
  • Time of action a mask prepared on the basis of wheat germ oil can last from 10 to 25 minutes.
  • Application frequency is determined by the type of product. If it is a regular application or lubrication, you can do it daily. If you have chosen a mask, you can use it 1 or even 2 times a week.
  • Cosmetic treatment course should include at least 8-10 masks (otherwise the result may not be noticeable), but no more than 15-17 (in this case, the skin will get used to this composition and stop reacting to it).

If something is not clear, you can watch a training video (see the end of the article) or consult a beautician, look for advice on the forums. If you have serious doubts about whether wheat germ oil will have the effect you want on your skin, it is better to consult a specialist. If you are sure that you certainly want to take advantage of the unique properties of this product, immediately proceed with the selection of the recipe.

Aegilops squarroza is the name of a plant that, combined with two-grain wheat, gave the world the wheat that we now so actively use to prolong our youth.

Face mask recipes

You can get lost in the variety of homemade face masks that include cosmetic oil for the face. But if you approach the selection process correctly, you can determine the range of recipes that suit your skin type. Each good recipe usually indicates which blemishes the cosmetic is used to correct.

For aging skin

  • Anti wrinkle

1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil is mixed with essential oils (1 drop each) of mint, oranges and sandalwood, diluted with peach cosmetic oil (3 tablespoons).

  • Lifting effect

Pour rice flour (1 tablespoon) with warm green tea (40 ml), stir until thick, add palm oil and wheat germ (1 tablespoon each). If the mass turns out to be liquid, you need to pour rice flour into it.

For problem skin

  • Against acne

Dilute 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil with 3 tablespoons of grape seed oil, add 1 drop each of juniper, bergamot and lemon esters.

  • Against acne

Dilute yellow clay (1 tablespoon) with water to get a creamy mass. Beat with warm sea buckthorn and wheat germ oils (1 teaspoon each), add a raw egg.


  • From greasy shine

Mix 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil with 3 tablespoons of grape seed oil, add lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and lemon ether (2 drops).

  • From enlarged pores

Whisk by hand the warmed castor oil and wheat germ oil (1 teaspoon each) with warm oatmeal, previously cooked in milk (1 tablespoon), egg white, honey (1 teaspoon).

For the skin around the eyes

  • Against crow's feet

Dilute 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil with 3 teaspoons of almond cosmetic oil, add 1 drop each of rose and sandalwood esters.

  • From bags under the eyes

Beat oatmeal (1 tablespoon) with tomato juice (2 tablespoons), add palm and wheat germ oil (1 tablespoon each).

For dry skin

  • Moisturizing

Dissolve oatmeal (1 tablespoon) with warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained. Add almond oil and wheat germ (2 teaspoons each).

  • From peeling

Dilute wheat flour (1 tablespoon) with hot water until creamy. Add grape seed and wheat germ oil (2 teaspoons each).

If you are accustomed to using various vegetable and cosmetic oils for facial skin care, making all kinds of masks, compresses, scrubs and creams based on them, be sure to include wheat germ oil in their composition.

It can be found in any store today, the price of the product is far from fabulous, there are no special difficulties in preparing masks based on it. But as a result of regular and competent use of cosmetics made from this unique liquid, your appearance will be transformed beyond recognition: your complexion will improve, unpleasant pigmentation will disappear, skin of any type will become much more elastic. Isn't it worth doing such a promising experiment at home?

Wheat is one of the most common cereals, which is known not only for the variety of food products obtained from it, but for the beneficial properties of natural oils based on it. From small sprouts of this cereal, wheat germ oil is produced, the use of which is useful for maintaining the general tone of the body, beauty and rejuvenation. In ancient China, such oil was used to prevent inflammation in intimate areas, and today it is popular in cosmetology, gynecology, and vascular therapy.

Wheat germ oil helps women stay beautiful and well-groomed:

  • removes toxins and cleanses the skin of impurities;
  • increases the tone of the skin;
  • serves to reduce acne, helps with acne and skin inflammation;
  • tightens the oval of the face and rejuvenates the skin;
  • improves complexion;
  • nourishes and softens chapped lips and skin around the eyes;
  • promotes healing of a jam in the corners of the mouth;
  • has an anti-cellulite effect.

The oil can be used by women with both dry and oily skin. The oil will moisturize dry skin, and for the owners of oily and problem skin, it will also make life easier - it will quickly get rid of rashes and blackheads. Also, the use of wheat germ oil will make your face healthy, toned and will reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones.

Useful composition

Wheat germ oil contains many beneficial vitamins - A, E, PP, F and B, which enhance the beauty of the skin and take care of its health. Vitamin PP has antioxidant properties and fights premature aging. Vitamin A prevents the formation of skin diseases, improves hair condition. Vitamin F also regulates the activity of hormones. Most of all in the oil of wheat germ vitamin E - it "inhibits" the aging process, normalizes the metabolism of fats and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. The oil also contains phospholipids, triglycerides, iron, selenium and zinc. The latter, by the way, is a natural antioxidant.

The use of wheat germ oil in cosmetology

  1. Wheat germ face oil is best used diluted. Due to its heavy texture, the oil should be diluted with lighter oils. For dry skin, mixtures with, or are well suited, and for oily skin, you can use. It is necessary to mix oils in a ratio of 1: 3, where the ingredient with a smaller amount is wheat germ oil. You can use the mixture as a nourishing mask - apply the resulting "cream" on the face, hold for about half an hour, and then just rinse off with warm water.
  2. Wheat germ oil for eyelashes is best used undiluted. If you use mascara on a daily basis, remove eye makeup with oil, then rinse your face with warm water, apply a couple of drops of oil on your fingers and rub it into your eyelashes. After 3-4 days, the eyelashes will become thicker and stronger, and after a couple of weeks they will become longer and take on a bright color.
  3. Wheat germ oil for wrinkles can be used not only for those with problematic or loose skin, but also in winter, when additional hydration and nutrition is needed. You can mix oil with sandalwood, mint, shea butter and in a ratio of 1: 3 (one drop of each oil and three drops of wheat germ). Apply the resulting mixture to a dry napkin or paper towel and keep it on your face for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wheat germ lip oil can be used undiluted. For example, if your lips are chapped and chapped, apply the oil with your fingers as if you were applying lipstick. It is also worth using oil as a preventive measure - apply a small amount of it on your lips and you can safely go out into the cold or walk in windy weather.
  5. Wheat germ oil is an excellent eye cream. Remember that the skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, so you should not use the oil in its pure form, it is best to use a mixture with a ratio of 3: 2 (three drops of wheat germ and two drops of pink). Apply this mixture with light patting movements with your fingers until the mixture is absorbed into the skin.
  6. Wheat germ hair oil can be used neat as a mask to strengthen and add shine to the hair. It is necessary to apply the oil on the scalp 20-30 minutes before washing. You can also use pleasant essential additives - eucalyptus, or (for 2 drops of wheat germ oil, one drop of another oil).

Wheat Germ Body Oil

You can use the beneficial properties of the oil:

- from cellulite. You will get the best effect if you massage with oil in problem areas. This should be done every other day for two weeks. You can carry out both a classic massage session, and use anti-cellulite attachments, which improve blood circulation and allow the oil to be absorbed faster.

- from stretch marks. Oil will be able to restore the skin if stretch marks have formed recently and still have a pink color. In this case, rub oil into problem areas daily for 10 minutes. Due to the large amount of vitamins, the oil can restore skin elasticity. If stretch marks are of considerable "age" and they are more than six months, most likely, the oil will not be able to return the skin to its former appearance.

- for nails. Wheat germ oil can be used to strengthen the nail plates - rub the oil into your nails daily for one week after taking a shower or bath. After a week, your marigolds will become stronger, have a healthy pink color and be less brittle. During this period, you should not do a manicure and paint your nails, so as not to harm the varnish and not overdry the plates.

Many women have already appreciated all the benefits of using wheat germ oil. Reviews about this useful product show that in addition to the cosmetic effect, the oil also copes with other problems:

  • relieves freckles and dark spots on the body;
  • calms the nervous system and restores strength (if you use the oil as a food additive);
  • heals burns, bruises and wounds;
  • relieves burning and itching of the skin in inflammatory processes or skin diseases;
  • removes toxins from the body with the systematic use of alcohol and smoking;
  • reduces the level of toxins in the body when working with toxic substances and radiation.

The natural properties of the oil will allow you to stay beautiful without any artificial additives. Those who have an allergic reaction to wheat, pregnant women and people taking medications should refrain from using this oil. It is best to consult your doctor before using the oil as a dietary supplement. It is best to store the oil in a cool dark place or in the refrigerator for no more than one year.

Recipes for face masks with wheat germ oil. The use of the product inside for conception and increase immunity.

Useful properties of wheat germ oil

Using this product, you can prepare masks and creams to restore skin and hair. By regularly including oil in your diet, you can lose weight and get rid of the ailments that have plagued you for many years.

The benefits of wheat germ oil include the following properties:

  • Stimulates metabolism... The composition of the product contains components that accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level. This helps to regularly get rid of harmful substances that accumulate in the body.
  • Improves skin condition... Using masks with this tool, you can get rid of wrinkles, improve skin tone, and reduce the appearance of dryness and acne. Dermatologists recommend using the oil for dry and oily seborrhea, as well as for the treatment of post-acne.
  • Indispensable for eye contour care... It makes the thin epidermis less susceptible to irritation and aging. Regular use of the products will help reduce crow's feet, bags and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels... Regular consumption of the oil helps to get rid of plaque cholesterol, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Prevents the formation of stretch marks... That is why the oil is recommended to be used from the first months of pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, hips and breasts.
  • Heals wounds... It is recommended to treat burns, scratches and abrasions with the agent. They can be used to lubricate sunburned skin.
  • Has anti-cellulite effect... The oil in combination with massage and scrubs stimulates blood circulation in tissues and nourishes the skin. It does not dry out, and the fat granules are broken down.
  • Strengthens hair... The substance is often included in healing hair masks. It helps to improve their growth and also prevents stratification. Can be used to make hair dye removers.
  • Treats eyelashes and eyebrows... Vitamin E nourishes and strengthens the hairs, respectively, the eyelashes quickly recover after extension. With the help of oil, you can grow thick and beautiful eyebrows that are in vogue this season.

Contraindications to the use of wheat oil

Despite the miraculous properties of the remedy, its use is not always justified. There are categories of people who should not use oil internally and when preparing masks for hair and skin.

Contraindications to the use of wheat germ oil:

  • Vascular mesh... With rosacea, pronounced spider veins and mesh, oil should not be applied to the skin. It stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, which will aggravate the disease.
  • Extensive wounds... If you have wounds that do not heal for a long time, do not rush to apply the oil. It forms a film on the surface of the wound that prevents air from entering. Bacteria can grow inside and the healing process will be delayed.
  • Plastic surgery... To restore the skin after plastic surgery, you should not use the product. It can lead to infection and impair the healing process.
  • Stitches after surgery... This can be considered an open wound, so any oil products should be put off for later.
  • Liver failure... Do not take oil internally for liver disease. The remedy can cause movement of stones in the bile ducts. This will lead to blockage.

The chemical composition of wheat germ oil

There are a lot of useful ingredients in this tool that help to make the body and face beautiful. The oil has a high biological and nutritional value, be sure to include it in your menu.

Let's take a closer look at the composition of wheat germ oil:

  • Squalene... This is a wound-healing component, scientists refer it to the group of unsaturated hydrocarbons. It is characterized by wound healing properties. With its help, you can improve immunity. It was first extracted from shark liver, but squalene from wheat germ oil is healthier due to its plant origin.
  • Allantoin... It is a product of the oxidation of uric acid by potassium permanganate. Wheat germ contains a lot of this substance. It has a bactericidal effect and is a natural antibiotic. This is why wheatgrass oil is effective in treating acne and acne.
  • Octacosanol... It is an active substance that increases the oxygen consumption of the skin during strenuous physical exertion, therefore it becomes more elastic and muscles form faster. This substance belongs to antioxidants, due to its high activity, it quickly binds to free radicals.
  • Zinc... This trace element is involved in hematopoiesis. With its help, you can get rid of inflammation of the epidermis, which is necessary in the treatment of acne.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins... This is a fairly large group, which includes vitamins A, D, E, F, K. All these substances improve blood circulation, are powerful antioxidants. They improve the elasticity of the skin and muscle fibers, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscular internal organs (heart, uterus). These vitamins are indispensable for the normal absorption of vitamins C, B and trace elements.
  • Vitamin B... This substance is involved in cellular metabolism. Vitamin belongs to water-soluble, without it normal functioning of the body is impossible.
  • Selenium... Enhances spermatogenesis in men when taken orally. Often used as an anaphrodisiac, as the substance increases libido.

Features of the use of wheat germ oil

This remedy is a real source of youth and health. The oil can be used to treat internal organs. Women who look after their appearance can include this substance in anti-aging and caring masks.

Wheat germ oil for acne face

Thanks to its zinc content, the oil helps to remove acne and acne. In addition, masks with this substance help to resorb scars after deep acne has healed.

Recipes for masks with wheat germ oil for acne:

  • With yeast... Pour 20 g of fresh pressed yeast with 50 ml of warm water. Leave until a lush foam appears. Add 25 ml of low-fat yogurt or curdled milk. Add a spoonful of baking soda and 20 ml of wheat oil. Leave the mixture, let it sit for 20 minutes. Apply to problem areas for a third of an hour. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • With orange... Grind half of the citrus in a meat grinder along with the skin. Add a spoonful of starch and 10 drops of wheat oil to the puree. Stir and transfer to face. Application time - 30 minutes. After rinsing, rub the skin with herbal lotion.
  • With yolk... Boil a hard boiled egg. Peel it and extract the yolk. Crush it with a fork and add 10 ml of wheat oil. Spread the resulting oily porridge evenly on the cleaned epidermis. It is recommended to keep the composition for 20-25 minutes. The mask helps to remove scars and the effects of acne and acne.
  • With algae... Pour a spoonful of kelp powder with warm water and let stand for 15 minutes. Add 20 ml lemon juice and 20 ml wheat germ oil to the mixture. Apply the mixture to problem areas and leave the application on for 30 minutes.

Wheat germ oil for anti-wrinkle skin

Wheat oil contains a lot of antioxidants that help fight aging. In addition, vitamin E reduces dryness and flaking of the skin, it promotes the production of collagen and elastin. That is why wheat oil is added to anti-wrinkle masks.

Recipes for masks with wheat oil for wrinkles:

  • With honey... Peel the banana and puree it using a fork. Add a spoonful of liquid honey and yolk. Stir the gruel and add 20 ml of wheat oil. Apply a thick layer to the skin. Application time is 30-40 minutes. After washing your face, apply a moisturizing cream.
  • With cottage cheese... Take 50 g of fatty cottage cheese. It is best to use a homemade product with a high percentage of fat. Add 20 ml of fat sour cream or cream to the curd and add 5 g of salt. Take "Extra" fine grind. Pour in 15 ml of wheat oil. Smooth the mixture well and use a spatula or spatula to transfer to your face. Leave the white mass for 15 minutes.
  • With kefir... Take 100 ml of fermented milk product and mix it with banana puree. You just need to crush half a banana with a fork. Add a whole egg and 15 ml of wheat oil. Whisk until fluffy. Transfer the product to your skin and leave it on for 25 minutes.
  • With potatoes... Raw grated potatoes are mixed with a spoonful of sour cream and 15 ml of wheat oil. This mixture must be applied in a thick layer to the face. Application time - 17-25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and rinse with cold water.
  • With bread... Soak the crumb of stale white bread in the milk. After that, do not squeeze the bread, but turn it into puree. Add 20 ml of wheat oil and mix. Transfer to the epidermis with a thick ball and leave for 20 minutes. The mask can be applied under the eyes and reduces crow's feet.

Wheat germ oil inside for conception

Many couples are faced with the problem of infertility, and, upon examination by a specialist, no pathologies were found in both partners. In this case, doctors recommend adhering to a diet with the exclusion of fatty meats, sausages and fried foods from the menu. Wheat germ oil has a positive effect on conception.

The substance contains a lot of vitamin E, which strengthens the walls of the uterus, smoothes the endometrium and makes it suitable for conception. It also lowers cholesterol levels.

It is recommended to drink oil not only for a woman who wants to become pregnant, but also for her man. The substance contains selenium, which increases the number of motile sperm in the semen. It is useful for oligospermia and poor sperm motility.

Instructions for taking wheat germ oil for conception:

  • Early in the morning on an empty stomach, you need to take 30 ml of oil.
  • After that, nothing can be eaten or drunk for an hour.
  • An hour later, you can have breakfast with cereals or cottage cheese.
  • At lunchtime and in the evening, you also need to drink 10 ml of oil before meals.

Wheat germ oil for stretch marks

Wheat oil contains a large amount of tocopherol and retinol, which improve skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Wheat oil is often combined with other ingredients to increase the effectiveness of the product.

Recipes for stretch marks with wheat germ oil:

  • With algae... It is necessary to pour 50 g of dry kelp powder with very hot water and leave to swell. After that, 20 ml of wheat oil should be added to the porridge. Spread the mixture on the thighs, buttocks and stomach and leave for 20 minutes. If you are in position, then you do not need to insulate the applique. If you are not pregnant, then wrap your body with cellophane and a towel. Rest for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off the mixture and massage.
  • With plant extracts... Mix 50 ml of wheat oil with 3 drops of lavender oil and 4 drops of almond oil. Rub the greasy mixture into problem areas in the morning and evening. During pregnancy, treatment should begin at 3-4 months.
  • With herbal extracts... Mix 50 ml of oil with 1 ml of horsetail and aloe extract in a bowl. Apply the oil mixture to the thighs, chest and abdomen and massage for 3-5 minutes. During pregnancy, you do not need to press hard when performing massage. You do not need to wash off the mixture; blot the remaining oil with a napkin.

Wheat oil to boost immunity

Due to the huge amount of vitamins and minerals, the product can be used to enhance immunity in adults and children. The oil is recommended for pregnant women and during lactation, when most drugs are prohibited.

Wheat oil recipes to boost immunity:

  • With dried apricots and nuts... Wheat germ oil is not very tasty. To increase immunity, it is necessary to prepare a medicinal mixture. To do this, grind 10 pieces in a meat grinder. walnuts and a handful of dried apricots. Pour 50 ml of wheat oil over the porridge and stir. If you wish, you can add honey. Take a tablespoon of the mixture in the morning and before bed.
  • With lemon and ginger... Grind the ginger root and mix with 3 ground lemons. You do not need to peel citruses. Pour 50 ml of germ oil and 50 ml of liquid honey into the mixture. Stir the mixture and store in the refrigerator. Take 20 g three times daily before meals.
  • With chokeberry and viburnum... Take a handful of viburnum and chokeberry berries. The berries must be fresh. Pour the berries into a blender and chop them until you get a gruel. Add some honey or sugar. Pour in 50 ml of wheat oil and stir. Take a teaspoonful before each meal.
How to use wheat oil in skin care - watch the video:

Wheat germ oil is a very valuable product that costs a penny. With it, you can heal the body and improve the condition of the skin.
