It is no secret that among magicians, sorcerers and psychics there are very often ordinary charlatans and fraudsters who want to make money on people's grief.

There are many things in the world that make me sad, for I believe: each of us has our own path and our own lessons to learn. I try to stay balanced and calm. However, at times there are situations to which, despite all my efforts, I cannot relate coldly.

Once on the Internet, I stumbled upon a "cry for help". The man asks how to help a relative who is being deceived by a psychic. This psychic "healed" a woman from a serious illness (for which no medical methods exist yet) and tried to manipulate her finances. A week before this incident, I heard about another similar situation when someone was forced to pay a psychic five thousand dollars. The news program once said that a lady paid three hundred thousand dollars for "help". And one day I received a "trash" letter from some psychic by e-mail, which said that I had to come to him for a session within the next week.

It's easy to get caught in someone's snare when scammers are adept at playing on your emotions and fears. So you should be vigilant: sadly, in this world not all people are honest and not everyone has good intentions. Ultimately, you are responsible for your life, and while others can help you and show you the way, they cannot solve all the problems and make choices for you. Otherwise, how would you receive the life lessons for which you came into this world? You will not succumb to deception if you understand how scammers operate. If you ordered one session, and the psychic claims that you now need to remove the evil eye and damage, this clearly indicates unethical behavior. Don't give them money: their goal is not to help people, but to extortion. If they use threats, contact the police.

I am deeply saddened when people try to use this way in their own interests. Don't let even despair force you to do things that you would never do under other circumstances and trust people you intuitively feel unworthy of trust. Listen to your intuition.

You should never pay a lot of money to a psychic who claims that he can solve all your problems. If something sounds too good to be true, it is most likely a lie. Be a skeptic, look for logical reasons for the words of the psychic. Maybe he reads sign language? Is he asking leading questions?

During the sessions, both parties must bear a certain responsibility, then you will receive good fortune-telling and will not be stripped to the skin. If you go to a psychic, there are a few things you should do before giving him your earned money; besides, there is something that should never be done.

When ordering the service of a psychic or magician, always:

2. Make sure in advance that the psychic follows generally accepted ethical standards.

3. Search the Internet for information about this specialist. Mentions about him in a negative context are especially informative (if you come across several very similar rave reviews, it is likely that he wrote them himself). If you see a lot of negative reviews, don't contact that person. But if you find only a couple of complaints, consider him as a potential candidate, since no psychic can ever be 100 percent accurate.

5. If you are still not sure, ask a psychic to conduct a trial session with you and answer a single paid question. Was the answer informative and helpful? Only then order a longer and more expensive session. If the psychic really tries to help people, it will not be a problem for him to conduct such a test. However, do not ask for a free trial session: this is not fair to the psychic, since he is wasting his time on you.

6. Ask the psychic what will happen if he is mistaken. Will he refund your money, even if the terms of return are not specified? Before ordering a session, inquire about the terms of the refund.

7. Is the price the psychic is asking for reasonable, or will you have to pay an absurdly high amount for a thirty-minute phone call or a hundred-word email? In my opinion, fortune-telling should not be limited.

The psychic is obliged to tell you about all the impressions he has received, even if there are more of them than your session fee covers. Sometimes you actually get more than what you pay for.


1. Don't be naive about going to the session. Be skeptical until you see a result that is of real interest to you.

2. Don't answer leading questions. The psychic does not need to ask. When he does this, do not answer, unless the answers are simple words "yes" and "no", which allow the psychic to understand that what he is saying is correct. If you don’t want to say even these words, just warn that you don’t want to say anything until the end of the session. He shouldn't have any objection. Let him use his intuition, not the information from your answers, and not say what you would like to hear. When a psychic acts on the basis of your cues, he actually does not use his abilities.

3. Don't expect to get recipes for all your problems. No psychic is 100% accurate, so don't expect to get all the information you need.

4. Do not believe that for a sufficient fee, a psychic will return your lost love, make you healthy or correct everything in your life. It will not happen. People who tell you they can do all this are deceiving either you or themselves.

5. Do not replace the visit to the doctor with a session with a psychic. These are complementary, not mutually exclusive things.

6. Don't give in to pressure. If the psychic offers to pay for the next session (or the first session) even before he provides the information already received for you, go away. If he was given information, there was a reason for this, and he is obliged to give it to you, regardless of whether you buy his services or not. When this happens, it means that the psychic is simply trying to make money from you. I think this is wrong.

7. Never, in any case, do not let the psychic make financial decisions for you.

8. Never, in any case, do not let a psychic make decisions for you regarding health issues.

9. Take everything said by the psychic with some degree of criticality. Psychics are not know-it-alls and sometimes make mistakes by misinterpreting information, even if they are not charlatans and are determined to help you. They are just people.

10. It's all about ethics. Not everyone believes in intuition and the paranormal, and the issue is highly controversial. It's hard to believe until you feel it personally, but even then difficulties can arise. It's a good idea to be a little skeptical to defend yourself against charlottes who only want to benefit from your problems.

Remember: you may be offered help or guidance, but you and only you can control your life and destiny.

Don't ask the psychic to make decisions for you, and don't expect them to. It's none of his business. The final choice depends only on you. Making decisions will allow you to grow and walk your spiritual path. Draw strength from positivity and light, not negativity and darkness. This is your life - live it to the fullest. People can only use you to their advantage when you allow them to. Be firm in your intentions, pay attention to everything that happens around. Become a participant in life, not an observer. Never allow yourself to be deceived. Be strong and resilient and make informed choices by finding answers before agreeing to anything.

A drop of skepticism: don't believe everything you hear

Psychic predictions are never completely accurate. You should always rely on your own heart and intuition. You have free will, and this freedom, like those decisions that you make after a session with a psychic, can change your life path.

There are many people who have genuine abilities and want to help others, but there are also those who want to rip the client off and instill fear in his heart. I have encountered them many times. Many times it was necessary to conduct free sessions for people who, after visiting psychics, were scared to death and could not afford to pay the sums that were required of them for "healing". No one has the right to demand thousands of dollars for sessions, intimidate you, or take advantage of you, making you feel confused and wandering in search of the truth. Such people not only dishonor real psychics, they speculate on the deepest fears of a person in order to make him pay for their services again and again. Don't fall for them. Real psychics won't tell you something terrible is going to happen unless you order thousands of dollars worth of additional services from them. Don't trust these scammers and beware of them.

Dear visitors of the portal. Many of you ask the same questions about other "specialists" and other portals. People ask, how can we understand whether a real specialist is on the Internet or not? Often, visitors complain that they have already paid, that they have already been deceived. That's why I decided to write this article, and if you have the patience to read it to the end, then this will be a very useful application to your surfing the net in search of a real expert.

In our age of advanced technologies of universal electrification, computerization and of course the Internet, almost everyone has access to the Internet. And even the elderly have mastered and appreciated all the advantages and possibilities of access to the global network. Well, there is nothing to say about young people.

Many specialists of various fields and directions also widely use the possibilities of remote interaction with the client. This is undoubtedly a big plus, both for a specialist and for a person who needs to obtain the necessary information and not only. A person without leaving home can make an appointment with a doctor, can receive remote consultation, avoiding queues, gaining both in time and in material costs. This is especially beneficial when a person is in one city, and the specialist he needs is in another city, many thousands of kilometers away. The benefits are clear.

But there are also disadvantages of course. The Internet has been chosen for their dark deeds by swindlers of all stripes. Do not forget that there are enough scammers and charlatans in the real world and not only on the Internet.

But now we are talking about specialists in the field of parapsychology and magic. Yes. People with a "gift" also use modern advances in science and technology. And that's quite normal.

And a completely logical question arises: how is it possible on the Internet to distinguish a real specialist from a charlatan, a magician from a swindler, a psychic from a mentally unhealthy person. How to understand who is who? This is a very important question.

How to distinguish a real specialist from a fraudster?

The first difference. The price of the issue.

There is a market for magic services. And prices in this market have long been established. It is very easy for an ordinary person to understand with whom he is dealing with a price scale. I'll explain in more detail now. The most common cheating scheme on the Internet - I will help you for free. You need to understand that for free - there is only cheese in a mousetrap. And this is true. When a person "bites" the magic word for free and asks for help, he is told that work is free, but you only need to pay for consumables.

What are consumables? These are candles, various ingredients for magical operations, and a ransom price. Hence, it turns out that a client who wants to receive free help (return a loved one, remove damage, and so on) only needs to pay 1 thousand rubles. or 3, maximum 5 tr. And they promise the result in one day. Of course, this is an elementary divorce. Box office receipts! Consequently, this small amount from 1tr to 3tr goes straight to the fraudster's pocket. And there are many who like to get a service for free. And this is a solid income for a scammer.

Not a single real specialist works for free. Real specialists do not work even for 3, 5, 7 thousand rubles. - for such a service as a love spell or return of a loved one. Below I will post an exact table of prices for certain services of real specialists in the field of magical services. And these prices add up for a reason. Judge for yourself.

As an example, work on returning a loved one. The specialist works on this issue for 2 to 3 weeks. The person (client) is on the balance sheet with the specialist for 2 3 months. During this time, the client can contact and keep in touch with the psychic many times for clarifications and clarifications, adjustments for the work being done. Therefore, the psychic works at least with the client for a month or three !!! And what do you think, such work will cost 3 thousand rubles? It is clear that no. Such work will not cost even 7-8 thousand rubles. There are no such prices !!! Such prices are for those people who understandably and will not lift a finger to carry out the necessary work. This money just goes into the pocket of the charlatan.

Second point. Warranty.

On the Internet you can often find "experts" who give 100% guarantees. This also does not happen. The "specialist" who gives guarantees is initially disingenuous. And he simply lies. There are no guarantees! Only one thing can be guaranteed to a specialist, that if he takes up work, he will do it. The guarantee of the professionalism of a specialist is his workplace. Even if this place is on the Internet. The specialist's guarantor is his account (profile) where all the data is indicated. The questionnaire, as a rule, indicates the time of the specialist's work on this resource, and reviews. From the reviews, you can also understand whether this is a real specialist or writes these very reviews to himself. You also need to pay attention to the blogs written by the expert. And if a specialist has been working at the same place for more than a year, this is already a guarantee that he is not a fraud. Articles, reviews, working hours - this is what can serve as proof that you are dealing with a real professional, and not a fake. Fake is a fictional character.

Well, I post the prices that exist on the magic market. This is average.

Return of a loved one (triangle), harmonization of relationships, restoration of relationships

- an average of 10-15,000 rubles.

Given that the man has already left for his mistress, the work is quite laborious and cannot be solved with a wave of a magic wand. At least a month's work. The work on restoration of relations is also assessed.

Cost from 15,000 rubles. And such work cannot cost 3 - 5 - 8 tr. For such sums, either an amateur or a swindler will undertake "work". It's just that the time and effort spent by a specialist on such work will not be justified by the sum of 5-7 thousand rubles.

All work to eliminate powerful programs that were done through black magic. This is a karmic correction, the removal of a love spell, curses, damage (quarrels, divorce of destinies, ties, family breakdown, and so on). Here, the specialist also works on the listed problems for at least 3 to 4 weeks. The work is not clean, you can pick it up yourself. So the amount of payment for such work cannot be 5-7,000 rubles.

Such work costs on average - from 15 to 20,000 rubles.

And I especially want to separately voice the cost of work on the love spell. Those experts who really make love spells, and do not just take money. The price is set from 30,000 rubles. Anything below is not cost-effective for a specialist. And, therefore, who takes from 5 to 10 thousand rubles for such work. - either a dilettante, but that, most likely, an ordinary scoundrel (charlatan).

Now, knowing the above differences, you can easily figure out who you are dealing with, with a normal real specialist or with a layman, a swindler and a charlatan.

So, let's summarize.

If you decide to contact a specialist online, first of all, you should carefully read his profile. Pay attention to the reviews, and do not be confused by the fact that among the good reviews you can find several negative ones. This is what suggests that you are dealing with a real real specialist who does not write reviews for himself. And it is clear that a specialist is not God, and cannot be 100% good for everyone. Be sure to see how many specialists are already working on this portal, how many blogs (articles) he has. The articles, of course, are not a 100% indicator of the competence of a specialist, but nevertheless it will give an idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bhow the specialist is literate and knowledgeable in the areas of his work.

What should immediately alert you is if the psychic takes a small amount for complex and long work (I gave the average prices for the types of services earlier). If the "specialist" says that he works for free and takes money only for the materials necessary for the work.

Well, if a specialist gives a 100% guarantee on the result of his work, and even in a short period of time, this is definitely a "box office". The fact is that it is not difficult to guarantee everything, knowing that then simply no one will find you. Today you are Galey - a great shaman, tomorrow a parapsychologist Ming, but in life you are an ordinary scoundrel and a swindler.

In our time, very often there are cases of poor-quality services, and laymen and amateurs pretend to be real specialists. Unfortunately, the sphere of work of psychics, astrologers, magicians is no exception. Perhaps the situation here is even more complicated than in other areas. The qualifications of a lawyer, doctor, accountant can be determined with greater or less accuracy, at least by checking his diploma, another qualification document, analyzing the experience of professional activity, but what about psychics? Many people are afraid to contact them precisely for fear of encountering charlatans and crooks.

In fact, distinguishing a real psychic from a charlatan is not so difficult. There can be two directions of "verification" - rational and irrational. First, about the rational. Like a representative of any other profession, a psychic can have his own qualifications - be a member of a professional association, have certificates of education in special academies of magic, parapsychology. But the main evidence of the psychic's reliability is his long-term work in one city under one name or pseudonym. A normal person has no need to hide under new pseudonyms, constantly change cities. This also applies to psychics.

Like any specialists, real psychics value their clientele, reputation, and if they have gained fame and connections with one city, they rarely change their "location". On the contrary, people in need of their help go to them. If the “psychic” constantly appears under new names, rapidly moves around the country, or even in several countries, and, having worked in one place for several months, hastily moves to another settlement, then in most cases this is a real adventurer - a charlatan. He changes places of his "work" because he too "left behind" in previous places and is afraid of claims from outraged clients or even prosecution of law enforcement agencies.

With regard to customer reviews, the situation here looks a little different. Determining whether a psychic really helped you or not is much more difficult than assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the services of a lawyer or doctor. Therefore, many people, even having benefited from contacting a psychic, tend to say that nothing happened. In addition, in our society, many people tend to hide from others their belief in miracles, in supernatural forces, so they do not advertise that they are turning to psychics, magicians or astrologers for help.

But, at the same time, every good psychic has a lot of positive reviews from his clients. They can be found on websites, forums, social networks, where they discuss the results of contacting a psychic. After all, a good psychic really helps people, and many of them remember this, strive to tell others so that they also turn to this specialist.

But sooner or later, people around him become aware of the activities of a charlatan from the best side. It is possible that the name of a charlatan, if looked up, may appear in criminal chronicles as the name of a fraudster or in critical articles or TV programs in the media.

A true psychic will never promise you the impossible and will not give only rosy predictions. The more "golden mountains" in the future the "psychic" promises, the more likely you are faced with an adventurer who only needs your money from you. By the way, about money - for a real psychic, money is not the main and defining value. He works as a psychic because this is his vocation, he was born with extrasensory abilities and it was this activity that was close to him from birth and childhood.

It is pleasant to receive money for any person, including a real psychic, because he also eats, dresses, buys furniture and household appliances, goes to rest at the resort. But for a real psychic, as for any real specialist, money is just an accompanying reward for work. For a swindler and charlatan, money is the only end that justifies any means. Therefore, in the pursuit of money, the charlatan does not stop at outright lies and even fraud. He is completely devoid of the concepts of professional ethics - simply because he does not belong to this profession.

Now about the irrational ways to distinguish a psychic from a charlatan. Many people have a relatively well developed intuition and if a person encounters someone who does not inspire confidence, then he immediately has unpleasant sensations. It is better to listen to the "heart" and not turn to such a psychic. Even if he really is a normal specialist, but you “don’t have a heart” for this person, it is better not to use his services. But we rarely react this way to professional psychics. Most likely, if at first glance the "psychic" inspires us with distrust, we have a feeling of anxiety, fear, then we are dealing with a charlatan spreading negative energy. Like a good psychologist, a real psychic evokes a feeling of deep trust, reliability, security. But an important role is played by the fact that if it is “your” psychic who can help you, then you will feel the naturalness of the developing events.
