Functional training. Find out what exercises to do to develop strength, speed, endurance, and mass gain.

Many athletes ignore functional training just because they don't understand its benefits. Find out how functional training can help you achieve your goals.

Would you like to have a perfectly developed body? Strength training is essential for this. But if you want to be functionally ready for anything, you need to train as if your life depended on it. Being muscular, strong and lean is much easier than you think. You just need to change your training program by adding the following functional training methods to it.

Why is athleticism so important? By being well-rounded, you reduce the risk of injury and can easily handle a variety of activities. Therefore, you need to train using different loads and different intensities.

Let's first figure out how to improve your shape and become more prominent through functional training.

A well-rounded athlete - who is he?

To consider yourself a well-rounded athlete, you need to be able to work in a functional style. This implies a variety of exercises and training techniques. For example, explosive strength training or anaerobic endurance training is used to develop strength and speed, while less intense methods are used to kick-start recovery processes and improve fitness.

There are some training recommendations for both experienced athletes and novice gym goers, but they all boil down to one thing: you need to develop the body in all parameters.

Physical development requires that we give the body various incentives to progress. If you train monotonously, some aspects of physical performance will not be sufficiently developed.

To become functionally prepared, you do not need to reinvent the wheel and do, for example, squats on one leg on a fitball, while simultaneously squeezing three-kilogram dumbbells while standing. Do not ignore classic strength training methods. Squats, bench presses and deadlifts with proper technique and full amplitude are the foundation of functional training.

To develop comprehensively, you need to separately work on balance, mobility, and the ability to perform rotational movements. You also need to work on strength, speed and flexibility in order to achieve results.


Many athletes do not understand what functions muscles perform in our body. This inhibits their progress in functional development. Don't make this mistake again.

There are several types of muscles in the body, each of which plays a specific role. There are two main types of muscles: motor and stabilizing.

By learning the difference between the two, you will improve your performance both in and out of the gym.

If you can include only one aspect of functional training in your training program, then choose the work on balance.

Speaking of muscles, in most cases we mean motor muscles - those that contract under a certain load at a certain angle. When motor muscles are prioritized in bodybuilding, vital stabilizing muscles are not getting enough stress. These are the smaller muscles that hold the body in place and help the larger motor muscles.

Without developed stabilizing muscles, the motor muscles will be unevenly developed, which will affectand general body appearance.This can lead to injury.

The most common problem in athletes related to stabilizer muscles is acute pain and lack of flexibility in the lower back.To improve stabilization in the lumbar region, the deep abdominal muscles (transverse abdominis and short deep back muscles), which are the stabilizers of the spine, need to be strengthened.

As with all stabilizer muscles, the transverse abdominis muscle and the short deep back muscles must be worked in isolation to make them stronger and more functional. To do this, you need to perform several approaches of twisting in a limited amplitude (the upper third of the amplitude of twisting while lying on the fitball).

Other important stabilizing muscles– abductor thigh muscle and musclesrotators of the thigh (which can be worked out using leg extensions in the simulator), scapula stabilizers, which ensure normal mobility and functioning of the shoulder joint (can be worked out using dilutions with a rubber band while standing).

To improve your performance in fitness and in your daily life, stabilizer muscles need to be carefully trained. See their location and learn how to shorten them correctly.

Stabilizers can also be trained with one-way movements, such as one-legged squats or one-arm squats. Using unstable projectiles like sandbags or barrels half filled with water will also strengthen important muscles.

Funnily enough, strong bodybuilders and powerlifters tend to have weak stabilizing muscles.

With extreme muscle development, the motor muscles become so strong that they also act as stabilizers.

Even if you are big and strong, it is not a fact that the body will be able to balance in those positions where strong stabilizing muscles are needed. To get even bigger and stronger and avoid injuries that can delay your progress, you need to train your stabilizing muscles as well.


Mobility mainly depends on how freely the joint can move if it is not interfered with by tendons, ligaments and muscles. The greater the range in which you can rotate the joint, the greater your mobility.

By improving muscle flexibility, we increase the range of motion of the joint and the area of \u200b\u200bthe muscle that responds to movement. However, while mobility is important, strength, coordination, and balance are far more important to your athletic performance than improved mobility.

For example, if an athlete has impressive flexibility, muscle weakness and poor coordination will prevent the joints from moving freely.

In short, mobility has a specific functional effect on exercise performance. By improving it, we can avoid injury by doing exercises with greater amplitude and greater efficiency.

The key concept of functional training is the variety of techniques. If you do little work to improve mobility, some exercises will prevent joint stiffness from working to full range.

The bones, muscles, and soft tissues around each joint form a single system. Each of them plays a huge role in joint health and function. Therefore, you need to work to strengthen these tissues. For the body to function as a whole, each joint must be mobile. If one joint is not flexible, the entire system may suffer.

In addition to working on muscles and soft tissues and muscle flexibility, you need to do some exercises to improve mobility. Non-static loading, such as sitting leg knees, improves range of motion and improves joint mobility. This is how you work on each joint to improve your mobility.

Explosive power

To become trained in all dimensions, you need to work out explosive strength and power. In some sports, there is no such load.In everyday life, there are also situations when you need to make maximum effort in the shortest time interval, for example, when you need to run to a bus or catch a falling object.

Explosive strength is practiced by the following types of load: sprints, jumps, throws and strikes.Specific plyometric movements, such as box jumps or jump dips, are used to increase explosive strength and acceleration ability.

Explosive power is characteristic of high-level athletes. For its development, you need to work out the movements from powerlifting. It will make you stronger and faster.

Watch for recovery so your muscles are fully recovered from micro-injuries before their next strength or functional workout. Train hard, get to the max, but remember that your progress depends a lot on genetics, the body's response to stress, and the effort you put in.

Hello. I am glad to welcome all readers and subscribers of my blog. Today's article will cover the following topic: "Functional training, training programs." You will also be able to understand how functional training differs from conventional fitness and how it is similar to. Let's get started.

Don't like the monotony of your workouts? Are you dissatisfied with the same type of exercises or the speed of achieving your goal (for men - the masses, for women -)? Then functional training is for you.

What he really is?

Functional training is a new trend in fitness culture. It is aimed at the harmonious, high-speed and all-round development of the human body, all of its physical qualities. Functional training workouts allow you to develop qualities that are necessary for everyday life - reaction speed, endurance during non-standard work, and the like.

Have you ever dug anything? It doesn't matter if it's a potato or an ordinary pit. The main thing is muscle pain. And if you think that a trained athlete who has been practicing for more than 5 years will not have any pain after an hour of manipulation with a shovel, then you are mistaken. There are completely different skeletal muscles working there.

Yes, digging up potatoes can be called functional training aimed at developing skeletal muscle and coordination. It was for this that such a training was invented - so that everyday tasks do not cause difficulties in their implementation.

I hope you understand the principle of the training?

What is the difference?

The difference from regular activities lies in the exercises themselves, which allow you to simultaneously work with several physical qualities at once, for example, endurance and speed, flexibility and coordination.

You can say that functional training is very similar to the well-known crossfit, and you will be absolutely right - they have a lot in common, but still they are different, like brothers. Do you understand?

Although most people think that CrossFit is the very same functional training, it's a little different. Functional training is aimed at developing a person to be as functional as possible at normal times, while CrossFit is about developing to win competitions.

Training program for beginner men

The 5-day program is designed for people who have never (or very few) had no "relationship" with physical activity before.



  1. 15 - 20 push-ups on the uneven bars.
  2. Rest 1 - 1.5 minutes.


  1. 15 pull-ups on gymnastic rings (palms facing each other).
  2. 15 regular squats.
  3. 2 rope climbs without legs.
  4. 12 lunges (for each leg).


  1. 8 - 12 push-ups standing on your hands (rest your feet on the wall).
  2. 10 deadlift.
  3. 10 overhead jerks.
  4. 20 - 25 hyperextensions.
  5. 18 - 20 kettlebell swings ("swing").
  6. 2 - 3 minutes of running in place (raising your hips high).
  7. Rest 3 - 4 minutes.
  8. Repeat the complex 2 - 3 times.
  9. 25 knee lifts in the hang or on the wall bars;
  10. 25 crunches on the floor.
  11. Repeat 2 times.


Training program for beginner girls


  1. 10 pull-ups on the bar.
  2. 2 minutes of rowing.
  3. 15 burpees.
  4. 2 minutes of fast jumping rope.
  5. 1 minute cross-country run (round trip).
  6. Repeat for 10 minutes without rest.


  1. 15 squats with a bar (at an accelerated pace).
  2. 15 - 20 flexion-extension of the arms in support from behind (arms on the bench, feet on the floor).
  3. Rest 1 - 1.5 minutes. / Li\u003e
  4. Repeat the complex 3 - 4 times.


  1. 20 jumps to the hill.
  2. 10 pull-ups on gymnastic rings (palms facing each other).
  3. 20 squats with wide stance (each set can be changed width of legs).
  4. 2 leg lifts.
  5. 15 lunges (for each leg).
  6. Repeat for 10 - 15 minutes without interruption.
  7. 25 side crunches (for both sides without interruption).




Well? You can already end our communication. You received two absolutely unique programs with originally selected exercises and learned about functional training, and I, in turn, enjoyed communicating with you.

In pursuit of health and beauty, people use a variety of methods: proper and balanced nutrition, taking special drugs, absence of bad habits, etc. However, there is a component that is an integral link in the chain of building external and internal beauty - sports.

As you know, in sports there are many varieties that allow everyone to find something that suits their physical, physiological, financial capabilities and, of course, mental preferences.

Meanwhile, it is worth asking the question: is there a universal sport that would suit almost everyone? The answer is simple - it exists, and its name is functional training.

Functional training is a type of physical activity that allows not only to improve the shape and appearance, but also to develop a number of qualities necessary for a person: endurance, speed, strength, etc.

How did it appear?

This sport has its origins in ancient Greece. It was actively used by runners who were supposed to have a high threshold of endurance, and disc and spear throwers, who mainly developed explosive strength.

Today, functional training has evolved and has already acquired its name and significance in sports. If some 10 years ago this type of training was practiced only by professionals, now it is more widespread. In Russia, thanks to the promotion of functional training, Anton Feoktistov and Andrei Zhukov became famous.


The basic principle of functional training is as follows: all exercises in the complex are built on the basis of basic physical actions performed daily. It is aimed at developing those muscle groups and those abilities that a person needs in his daily activities.

Simply put, functional training helps to involve absolutely any muscle group in the work with the help of simple daily activities: getting up from a chair, cutting vegetables or fruits, jumping through holes on the road, etc.

In addition, imitation of everyday activities in exercise promotes the development of stabilizer muscles located deep enough. Stabilizer muscles are the kind of muscles that are the trigger for any of our actions, however, they do not lend themselves to our conscious control.

Their increased training helps to achieve muscle balance in the human body, making its movements smoother and more coordinated.

The simulators used in functional training have their own peculiarity. They are aimed at making movements not along a set trajectory, but along an arbitrary one so that a person's muscles tense in a natural way. Such simulators include: balls, shock absorbers, core platforms, rollers, etc.

This type of training simultaneously develops 5 main physical qualities of a person:

  1. Force,
  2. Endurance,
  3. Flexibility,
  4. Rapidity,
  5. Coordination.


The advantage of functional training is that the exercises do not create any unnecessary tension in the joints and spine, which makes this type of training less traumatic. Meanwhile, in the classroom, you must follow a number of rules that will ensure you not only effective, but also safe training.

  • Breath. As you know, respiration is directly involved in all processes in the body, so you need to monitor the correct circulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the respiratory tract.
  • Distribution of strength and cardio loads. At first, during the exercise, these types of loads must be alternated in the correct proportions (70% / 30%). But it must be remembered that with any kind of physical activity, the body should not be allowed to get used to, so in the future the coefficients may vary. In addition, as you increase your capabilities, you can increase the difficulty of an exercise.
  • Involving the maximum number of muscles. In order to achieve the best effect, you should select exercises that can involve different muscle groups in the work.
  • Adequate assessment of their capabilities. In the beginning, in no case should you require yourself to fulfill the norm intended for professionals. Give the body a gradual exercise.
  • Recovery. Many people think that this aspect of training can be overlooked, but this neglect is fraught with consequences. Therefore, stretching and a good 24-hour rest is a condition that must be met without question.

Depending on the desired result, you can choose a specific complex aimed at developing exactly what you want. The founder of the well-known company "SMARTFIT" Dmitry Sheptukhov highlighted 5 theses of functional training:

  1. Exercise while standing.
  2. Use of free weights in the complex.
  3. The presence of basic exercises.
  4. High-speed execution mode.
  5. It is important not so much to train the muscles, so much to hone the movements.

Of the whole variety of exercises in functional training, the most popular and in demand are exercises for weight loss. Such a program is so intense that those extra pounds literally melt away before our eyes.

Features of functional slimming training:

  • High rate of loads and, as a consequence, rapid energy consumption.
  • High respiratory rate.
  • Engaging different muscle groups at the same time.
  • Parallel training of strength skills and endurance.
  • Calorie consumption will occur even outside of training time.
  • Short training duration.


Functional training includes an incredible variety of different exercises. However, some of them can be called a kind of basic:

  • bodyweight exercises;
  • exercises with gymnastic apparatus;
  • distance exercise;
  • exercises with weights.

Sample program for 5 days for beginners

Day 1:

  1. Cardio warm-up (10 minutes).
  2. Pull-ups (5 times).
  3. Push-ups (12 times).
  4. Deep squats (12 times).

Execution time - 10-12 minutes (in a circle) with breaks from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Day 2:

  1. Cardio warm-up (15 minutes).
  2. Dumbbell lunges (15 times).
  3. Push-ups (15 times).
  4. Dumbbell lunges (10 times).
  5. Push-ups (10 times).
  6. Dumbbell lunges (7 times).
  7. Push-ups (7 times).

5 laps with 60 second breaks.

Day 3:

  1. Gymnastics for the joints.
  2. Lap 1: 60 seconds running (5 laps).
  3. Circle 2:

According to a 2009 study, functional training outperformed classic strength training by 59% in terms of strength. Coordination of movements is developed by 196% more than those who are engaged in classical strength training. In addition, functional training is the least traumatic and joint-friendly type of fitness.

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Its peculiarity is that training consists of movements that have to be performed daily. Exercises involve the entire muscular frame of the body, increase overall tone, and improve balance and coordination.

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    What is functional training?

    Functional training was originally used by athletes to improve their professional skills. Skaters developed a sense of balance, throwers worked explosive strength, stayers trained endurance, sprinters - starting push.

    Now this type of training is widespread and is practiced by many professional athletes and amateurs.


    Functional training differs from other types of physical activity in its fundamental principles:

    1. 1. The basis of all exercises are actions performed by a person regularly.
    2. 2. Work is performed at a high pace, but for a short time (no more than 60 minutes).
    3. 3. The workout consists of multi-joint movements that engage different muscle groups.
    4. 4. The work is aimed at honing the technique of performing exercises, and not at pumping muscles.

    A distinctive feature of functional training is the complex effect of training - in the process of training, work is carried out in the following areas:

    • working out all muscle groups, incl. deep;
    • increase in body endurance;
    • improving coordination and dexterity of movements;
    • developing flexibility;
    • improving the sense of balance.

    During exercise, movements are performed in different positions (standing, sitting, lying), which allows you to use all muscles, including the stabilizing muscles.


    The main advantages of this type of fitness are the following effects on the body:

    • has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
    • develops the musculoskeletal system and helps in the treatment of many of its diseases (for example, curvature of the spine);
    • improves overall physical fitness: keeps muscles in good shape, develops endurance, increases strength;
    • makes it easier to cope with everyday activities (climbing stairs, jumping over puddles, motion sickness of a child, and others);
    • promotes weight loss, fat burning and body shape improvement.

    This type of training is suitable for absolutely everyone, the main thing is to choose the right training program.

    Another advantage of functional training is its accessibility: classes are held in almost all fitness clubs and studios. You can train at home without additional equipment or with a minimum amount of equipment. There are programs for outdoor activities using horizontal bars and parallel bars.

    In addition, training does not take much time, so it is suitable even for very busy people. The lesson lasts from 20 to 60 minutes, but during this time you can get a full load and work out all the main muscle groups.

    Disadvantages and contraindications

    The disadvantages include the high intensity of training. A high pace of work is one of the foundations of functional training, but for this reason, classes are difficult for people without physical training.

    Training has a number of contraindications. Classes should be approached with great caution in the presence of diseases:

    • of cardio-vascular system;
    • respiratory system;
    • digestive system;
    • musculoskeletal system

    With an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the presence of inflammatory processes and various injuries, it is not recommended to engage. In these cases, exercise can exacerbate the condition and harm the body. Before starting classes, you should consult your doctor.

    Types of functional training

    This training gained its popularity largely due to its adaptability. In the modern fitness industry, the following areas are distinguished:

    View Description
    BaseIt includes bodyweight exercises without the use of additional equipment. Ideal for beginners, people without physical training or athletes after a long break to recover
    TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercises)Bodyweight exercises using special trx loops. They are two slings connected to each other and fixed at a certain height
    CoreBodyweight training on a special unstable platform. They are considered a speed-strength form of fitness and combine cardio and strength exercises for all muscle groups.
    BosuSelf-weight training using a hemispherical platform. The load level can be adjusted by changing its elasticity. Both sides of the equipment can be used in training
    CrossfitBasic exercises with free weights (dumbbells, weights, barbells) are performed here. This type of fitness is not recommended for beginners. First you need to hone the technique of performing the exercise.
    WorkoutExercise outdoors. In this case, outdoor exercise equipment such as horizontal bars, parallel bars, ladders and others can be used

    Bosu training

    All types of functional training are equally suitable for both men and women.

    Basic exercises and their technique

    The list of basic exercises is not long, but it has many modifications. Each of the movements can be performed using special equipment (trx loops, core platforms, or others).

    There are other highly specialized exercises, but most often they are variations or combinations of basic movements.


    It is the main strength exercise in many areas of fitness, including functional training. The muscles of the legs, buttocks, and abs work here. Execution rules:

    1. 1. Create a slight deflection in the lower back.
    2. 2. Lower the pelvis without lifting the heel;
    3. 3. Make sure that the knees do not go beyond the projection of the socks.
    4. 4. Go down not lower than to the parallel of the hips with the floor.

    Possible variations: on one leg, with weights (barbell, kettlebell, dumbbells, elastic band), with a narrow or wide stance, with additional equipment.

    Push ups

    Another strength multi-joint exercise. In the classic version, it is performed from the floor, the starting position is a lying position, the arms are shoulder-width apart, the hands are located strictly under the shoulders. Possible options: push-ups from equipment (loops, platforms), from knees, standing from the uneven bars, on one hand, on fists, with cotton and others. Execution technique:

    1. 1. Rest on the floor with straight arms. Keep the body straight without bending in the lower back in each position of the exercise.
    2. 2. Keep your abs and buttocks tense.
    3. 3. Go down, then raise the body to its original position.

    Push-ups work the biceps, triceps, deltoid and pectoral muscles, the muscles of the core and legs are involved. By changing the position of the arms, closer to or further from the body, you can move the target load from one muscle to another.


    This is a strength exercise aimed at working the muscles of the press, back and arms, legs and buttocks are less involved. The starting position is an emphasis lying on the hands, or elbows, which must be held for some time.

    Plank execution rules:

    1. 1. Keep your hands strictly under your shoulders.
    2. 2. Slightly tighten the pelvis, removing the deflection in the lower back.
    3. 3. Keep the body in maximum tension during the entire duration of the exercise.
    4. 4. Keep breathing even and calm.

    The plank can be performed with the support of the arms or legs on the equipment, alternately change the position from the support lying on the elbows, alternately raise the arms and / or legs. There is an option to perform the reverse plank exercise, belly up.


    Burpee, or burpee, is a basic aerobic exercise that combines push-ups, planks, and jump. The starting position is standing, then through squatting, the transition to the lying position, classic push-ups, pulling up the legs and jumping. At different stages of the burpee, the muscles of the shoulders, triceps, biceps, muscles of the chest, abs, back, buttocks, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles are included in the work. Working rules:

    1. 1. Keep the body straight without bending in the lower back.
    2. 2. Keep your feet together or shoulder-width apart.

    Burpee requires preliminary preparation.


    This is a basic strength exercise with the main load on the abdominal muscles and hips. It can be performed both sitting on the floor or platform, and on the uneven bars or horizontal bar. In the first case, the body and legs are simultaneously pulled towards each other, in the second, the legs rise to the body. The corner can be performed in statics, holding the body in the main position for a while. A simplified version of this exercise is twisting, when the arms are behind the head, and the legs are on the floor or tend to the arms in a bent position.

    The technique of execution varies greatly depending on the variation of the exercise. Main rules:

    1. 1. Exhale on effort.
    2. 2. Keep the back in a straight position, rounding is permissible.
    3. 3. Maintain tension in the muscles even at the lowest point of lowering.
    4. 4. Relax your neck, keep your head in a natural position.

    It is important to perform the exercise with strength, without jerking or sudden movements, to feel the work of the target muscle groups.


    The exercise is aimed at developing a sense of balance. The classic swallow is performed while standing. Execution technique:

    • Keep the knees of both legs straight;
    • tilt the body forward until parallel with the floor;
    • keep head, back and leg at the same level

    First, you can perform a swallow with a support.

    There are various variations of the exercise: kneeling or lying down (in this case, the exercise is usually called "boat"); change the position of the body, adding a deflection in the lower back; bend and unbend the supporting leg; perform exercises while standing on a special platform or hemisphere.


    This is a weight-bearing exercise aimed at working out the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The starting position is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet are parallel to each other, then a step is made, the body is lowered perpendicular to the floor. Lunges are performed using a dumbbell, barbell, or additional equipment. Even beginners are advised to use small extra weights.

    Basic rules for performing lunges:

    1. 1. Maintain a 90-degree angle at the front knee.
    2. 2. Straighten your shoulders.
    3. 3. Look ahead.
    4. 4. Keep your back straight, without bending, a slight forward bend is possible.
    5. 5. Do not touch the floor with your lower knee.

    There are options for performing lunges on the platform (hemisphere) or from it, abducting the legs to the side or diagonally, fixing one leg in a loop, performing in a jump.


    The exercise involves the muscles of the back, legs, arms and abs, that is, all the main muscle groups.

    Basic rules of execution:

    1. 1. Keep your back straight with a natural arch.
    2. 3. Look ahead.
    3. 3. Do not fully extend the knees even at the top of the movement.
    4. 4. Do not extend your knees beyond the projection of the socks.
    5. 5. Exhale while going up.

    There are many variations of the deadlift. Changes in the width of the delivery of the legs, grip and incline level can shift the main load from one muscle to another, work out problem areas.

    Various jumps, running, rowing are also basic exercises. They are used in the training process in various variations, with or without weights. They are an additional cardio load during training.

    Rules for the preparation and conduct of functional training

    When starting functional training, you must first familiarize yourself with the general rules of the training process, draw up a training plan and purchase the necessary equipment.

    Observing simple rules, you can independently prepare a complete program.

    Principles of the training process

    When doing this or that type of fitness, it is important to follow the general rules of training. Main principles:

    1. 1. Warm up. Functional training uses two warm-up phases. First: muscle warming up. For him, jumping, running on the spot, jumping rope or others will be performed. Second stage: kneading muscles, joints and ligaments. For this, a joint warm-up is performed, or basic exercises at an easy pace without additional weight.
    2. 2. A gradual increase in load. Start your workout at a calm pace. When using weights, start with small weights, gradually increasing the pace and load. In the absence of physical training, the first 2-3 weeks, engage in a simplified mode.
    3. 3. Compliance with the exercise technique.
    4. 4. Control over the pulse and general well-being. It is important to keep your pulse in the optimal working area. It is calculated using the formula: (220 - age) * 0.7. In addition, malaise, excessive fatigue, sharp pain are a significant reason for stopping training or slowing down the pace of work.
    5. 5. Regularity of training. In order to get a good result, you should do at least 2-3 times a week, but be sure to give the body time to recover.

    An additional rule for functional training is load alternation. Strength exercises are replaced by aerobic and balance exercises, strength training is complemented by cardio training.

    Workout design rules

    Circuit training example

    When preparing a training program, it is important to know the following rules:

    1. 1. Be guided by the level of the athlete's training. Of all types of functional training at the initial stage, it is recommended to engage in basic training, which involves working with your own weight; in some exercises, you can use weights. At the first stages, their weight should not exceed 2-3 kg for girls, 5-6 kg for men.
    2. 2. Choose the best type of training. In fitness centers and gyms, functional group training with special equipment is carried out. Circuit training is recommended at home. They involve performing exercises in a circle without stopping between them. A break of 1-2 minutes is done after completing a full circle of exercises. During the workout, 4-6 circles are performed, each of which includes from 5 to 8 exercises.
    3. 3. Change your training program regularly.The muscles tend to adapt to the load, so that this does not happen, it is recommended to change the program every month. If a training week consists of 3 sessions, each of them should be slightly different from the others. It is also not recommended to change exercises daily.

    Example of a training week

    A training week, as a rule, consists of 3 sessions and is carried out throughout the month. You can use it longer by adding or changing exercises.

    The higher the pace of work, the greater the fat burning effect of the workout.

    An example of a training week (before each workout, warm up for 10 minutes, after - cool down and stretch for 10 minutes):

    Day of week Workout

    Circuit training - four circles of six exercises, rest - a minute between circles. Workout:

    1. 1. Squats - 20 times.
    2. 2. Push-ups - 10 times.
    3. 3. Plank on the elbows - 1 minute.
    4. 4. Burpee - 5 times.
    5. 5. Corner (twisting) - 20 times.
    6. 6. Lunge - 15 times on each leg
    1. 1. Lunge - 10 times on each leg.
    2. 2. Burpee - seven times.
    3. 3. Corner (twisting) - 15 times.
    4. 4. Push-ups - eight times.
    5. 5. Running on the spot - one minute.
    6. 6. Plank on hands - minute.
    7. 7. Deadlift - 25 times
    1. 1. Squats - 20 times.
    2. 2. Deadlift - 15 times.
    3. 3. Corner (twisting) - 20 times.
    4. 2. Push-ups - 10 times.
    5. 5. Plank on the elbows - minute.
    6. 6. Burpee - five times

    Notes for this program:

    1. 1. Deadlifts and lunges are recommended to be performed with a little extra weight.
    2. 2. Push-ups are permissible from the knees.
    3. 3. If necessary, increase the rest between circles to 2 minutes.
    4. 4. All exercises can be performed in comfortable variations, observing the general technique of execution.
    5. 5. Circuit training should not take more than 50 minutes, if it lasts longer, it is permissible to remove one of the exercises.

    Before starting training, you should consult your doctor.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

    My weight was especially depressing for me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with an increase of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that overweight girls are called "WOMAN" and that "they don't sew that size." Then at 29 years old, divorce from her husband and depression ...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

21 Mar 2017


When asked what functional training is, coaches answer - a type of fitness aimed at increasing endurance, strengthening muscles and losing weight. Pilates (stretching and flexibility) became the basis for its development. The meaning of fitness is to practice the movements that a person needs in everyday life - jumping, squatting, bending. Classes last 20 minutes.

What is functional training

Functional training or functional training is a fitness area that is suitable for a person of any age, with different fitness levels and needs. In training, athletes practice movements that help increase strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination. Functional exercise makes every muscle work, even the smallest and deepest.

Fitness is based on the principle of gradual inclusion in movement and muscle tension - first one exercise is performed, another is joined to it, and a long ligament is obtained. In everyday life, and not in the gym, this type of gymnastics can even be understood as climbing stairs, cleaning an apartment, walking with a child in a wheelchair on uneven terrain.

The advantages of training include:

  • increased metabolic rate, fast fat burning;
  • home conditions or a gym are suitable for training;
  • sports train coordination and endurance;
  • functional fitness forms healthy muscle relief;
  • the constant change of exercises does not allow the body to get used to and reduce efficiency;
  • the sport is suitable for all skill levels, men and women.

Deviations in health are considered contraindications for conducting classes:

  • acute inflammation, trauma, infectious and chronic heart diseases;
  • varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • increased fragility of bones, lack of calcium.

Functional training for women

Functional training for women has an effective result. As a result of exercise with a load, muscles are tightened, a beautiful body relief is formed, excess fat goes away, according to reviews, the body's endurance increases. An approximate functional circuit training for girls looks like this (5-6 repetitions of cycles):

  • monday - gym pull-ups, rowing, burpees, jumping rope, cross-country running;
  • tuesday - weight squats, push-ups;
  • wednesday - high jumps, pull-ups on the rings, squats, lifts on the rope, lunges, twists;
  • thursday - Standing push-ups, deadlifts, bends, hyperextension, running in place, hanging knee raises, crunches
  • friday - push-ups, lifting the pelvis, lying on the uneven bars and rings.

Functional training for men

Functional training for men helps to work out muscles, increase strength and flexibility. As a result of sports, excess fat is burned, endurance and coordination increase. For beginners, the functional fitness program looks like this (gradually the difficulty increases):

  • monday - pull-ups on the bar, rowing, burpees, jumping rope, cross-running;
  • tuesday - squats with a bar in an accelerated mode, push-ups from the bars;
  • wednesday - jumping on a hill, pulling up on rings, squats, climbing a rope, lunges, side crunches;
  • thursday - standing push-ups, deadlifts, overhead push-ups, hyperextension, kettlebell swings, running in place, hanging knees, lying twists;
  • friday - push-ups from the floor, on the rings, again from the floor, on the uneven bars, corner on the uneven bars and rings.

Strength functional training

Functional strength training is popular, the exercises of which are performed alternately. One day includes a bodyweight workout, the next with a barbell. Due to this complex, not only the main muscles are trained, but also the stabilizers (deep-lying), which cannot be controlled consciously. For effective results, it is recommended to train 3-4 times a week.

The first workout is always carried out with weight, in each approach it increases in order to achieve maximum muscle performance. An example of a regular program:

  • monday - lifting the bar, squatting with it, jerking, cardio;
  • wednesday - pull-ups, throwing out a light barbell, swinging kettlebells, sit-ups, push-ups from the uneven bars;
  • friday - cardio training (methods - running, cycling, jumping rope).

The main principles of the functional strength fitness program:

  • monitor the pulse so that it does not exceed 120-150 beats per minute;
  • warm up for five minutes on the treadmill before starting exercise;
  • warm up with a light weight before each exercise;
  • finish your workout with a 15 minute stretch.

Functional training exercises

Exercises for functional training are very diverse. They are similar for men and women, differ only in the number of repetitions. Here are the universal exercises:

  1. Burpee - push up from the floor, pull your arms to your chest, jump up and clap your hands over your head.
  2. Lunge - Stand up straight and take a wide step forward. Return your torso to its original position.
  3. Cross-run is an accelerated run with turns.
  4. Exercise Bars - Straighten your arms, raise your straight legs parallel to the floor, hold, rotate.
