Especially for this guide, we shot IS-3 from 100 meters with three different guns. Tests showed all the weak points of the tank, which were not so few. If you have an IS-3 in your hangar, or you often meet it on the battlefield as an enemy, this guide is for you. He will teach the first to better understand the tank, and the second - to destroy it.

Update! Added several video guides for playing the IS-3. Video added at the end of the article.

For the test, we used the IS-3 - a Tier 8 heavy in a top configuration and a well-trained crew on average up to 80%. There are three tanks against us - a Soviet Tier 7 IS heavy tank, a Tier 5 light French AMX 12t and Soviet Tier 5 SU-8 artillery. The shooting was carried out from a distance of 100 meters in a standing state (the tanks did not move or dance). Of course, the conditions are not quite combat, but close to them. In battle, you are unlikely to stand like an idol and wait for a feed from the enemy. Therefore, this test gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe breakout zones. IS-3... The AMX 12t is unlikely to stand still - rather, it will try to spin the IS-3 and shoot anywhere and more try not to fall under the heavy paw of our experimental.

We fired conventional shells, not gold. Technique used in the test penetration IS-3:

  1. IP - 122 mm D-25T cannon, top-end.
    HP Damage: 390. Penetration: 175.
  2. - 75 mm SA49 L48, top gun.
    Damage: 110. Penetration: 108.
  3. SU-8 - 152 mm howitzer ML-20 mod. 1931 top gun, shot with a land mine.
    HP Damage: 910, Penetration: 88.

First, you can see the IS-3 booking scheme:

Test one. IS-3 vs. IS.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 122mm cannon head-on

This position is very common in the game. We are standing in the bushes or behind cover and suddenly we notice the IS-3, facing us. Where to beat? Don't panic! We look at the screenshots and read the explanations. Looking ahead, I will say that it is possible to punch the IS-3 in the forehead, but you just need to know where. The turret is very difficult to penetrate, so it is better to aim at the hull, or rather at the lower armor plate.

The first shot hit the joint of the armor plates and the shell did not penetrate our armor. The second shell hit the lower armor plate and inflicted 350 HP damage on the tank, although we have 110mm of armor in that place. How it looked from the shooter's side:

After a couple more unsuccessful shots, it was possible to inflict damage on the upper armor plate. IS-3 at 335HP:

After that, we placed the tank with a diamond in relation to the enemy, as shown in the screenshot below:

And what do you think? The very first shot pierced our IS-3 into the armor plate above the left track and inflicted severe damage in the amount of 414HP!

How it looked from the side of a firing IC with a 122 mm cannon:

Then, from the same position, a shot into the lower armor plate followed from the same position, which took away the remaining 401 HP and finished off the tank.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 122 mm cannon into the side.

With the sides, everything is much easier. Here we apply regular penetrations almost everywhere, so we will show only one screenshot.

Our vaunted tower took two hits on the cover for a total damage of 673 HP.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 122 mm cannon in the stern.

Traditionally, the weakest point of all tanks is the rear. With the hull, everything is clear - it makes its way with a bang, but the tower showed very good results, withstanding two hits from a distance of 40 meters! They finished off the tank with a shot in the tank.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 122 mm cannon at an angle.

Very often I see such a situation in the game - the player, trying to overwhelm the enemy, drives out on his tank from the hill, thereby opening all his weakly protected hatches on the roof of the tower, as well as other weak points. Yes, the lower armor plate is completely closed, but the angle of the shells hitting you becomes almost straight, thereby making it easier to penetrate your tank. It will become clearer in the screenshot:

As a result, we got 4 hits directly on the frontal armor of the hull:

  1. The first shot took away 378HP.
  2. Second - 425HP.
  3. The third, the record from the series - 476 HP.
  4. Well, the fourth finished off the rest - 221 HP.

Second test. IS-3 vs. AMX 12t.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 75 mm cannon in the forehead.

To penetrate the 110mm armor of the IS-3, we lack quite a bit of the armor-piercing ability of the top gun installed on the Frenchman. The damage does not go to the frontal part of the armor at all - only ricochets:

However, the AMX 12t is capable of knocking down IS-3 tracks after 2-3 hits.

By placing the IS-3 with a diamond, as in the first case, we achieved several more downed gusli, as well as the following modules were damaged with an accurate hit:

  • gun (firing accuracy reduced),
  • ammo rack.

But even after damaging the modules, it was not possible to inflict damage.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 75 mm cannon into the sides.

In such a situation, we can do damage. Thanks to the 6-shell drum, we do it quickly, but again we do not pierce everywhere.

Of the 6 shots fired on the IS-3, only half were damaged. The rest received the "did not break through" status:

  1. 91 HP
  2. 121 HP
  3. 118 HP

We dealt a total of 330 HP damage from one reel with three successful hits. It turns out on average 110 HP damage per one correct shot at the side, and if you make 6 such shots we already have 660 HP damage plus we inflict damage on various tank modules, we have every chance to fill it up on the AMX 12t. However, it is worth hitting the IS on you at least once - you are a dead body. Of course, it won't zavanshotit, but if it gets into the engine, you will lose your momentum, and there it will turn around as it should, ram it, or even from a shot you will have a fire that will eat the rest of HP.

Penetration of the IS-3 from a 75 mm cannon in the stern.

The very first shot from the AMX 12t in the aft part set fire to our IS-3 like a candle and caused the engine to ignite:

The shot itself took away 121 HP, and the subsequent fire took about 300 HP more. As a result, we get 420+ HP damage from one successful shot, with the condition that the fire extinguisher will not be used naturally. Remember the place where to shoot in order to set fire to the IS-3.

Third test. IS-3 versus SU-8.

Artillery, what can I say, is the god of war. Its high-explosive fragmentation shells inflict regular and tangible damage to the IS-3. The tank was completely destroyed in 5 hits, taking away from 315 to 363 HP for each hit, and the fifth round finished off the tank:

Video guides for playing the IS-3.

Shelling IS-3:

That's all. Also read the old topic about.

World of Tanks Soviet researchable tier 8 heavy tank - IS 3. In terms of its tactical and technical parameters, the IS-3 is considered a heavy breakthrough tank.

For a deeper understanding of the Soviet heavy IS-3, it is necessary to disassemble a complete overview of all the possibilities. IS 3 has a good dynamics for heavy, crushing damage per shot - 390 units, excellent armor and shielded sides.

These features allow you to feel comfortable in all situations on the battlefield. Depending on the position on the team roster, the tank can be used in different ways. With classmates - the IS-3 can break through the direction, confidently knocking out damage.

With high-level opponents, the tank can support the teammates' attack. In addition, the heavy can quickly change flanks, acting as a medium tank.

Of course, even the famous "pike nose", which is the hallmark of the third IS, is not without its drawbacks. When set with a diamond, the risk of breaking through the VLD increases. In addition, the safety margin, a small viewing radius - 350 meters and weak vertical guidance angles of the gun.

The crew of the IS 3 tank consists of 4 people. The selection of pumped-out perks for the IS-3 is typical for any heavy tank in the game. From personal skills, you can use the following set:

Sixth Sense is a must for a commander.
"Smooth turret rotation" - useful for the gunner.
"King of the off-road" - will help the driver.
"Non-contact ammo rack" - ideal for the loader.

Among the mandatory perks, the following skills are pumped out: "Repair speed", "Combat brotherhood", "Disguises". Please note that the choice of skills should be considered advisory.

For example, instead of "Disguise" for the driver, you can download the "King of the Off-Road" perk. This will make the tank more visible, but it will increase the parameters of cross-country ability on difficult terrain.

To hide the flaws of the machine, you need to choose the right additional equipment. The main task of the players on the IS-3 is to maximize the damage done, which, by the way, is 390 units per shot.

In addition, one should not forget about the mediocre accuracy, not the best time for convergence and stabilization. Therefore, the optimal set of modules will look like this:

  • Sender.
  • Ventilation.
  • Stabilization of vertical guidance.

It should be clarified that some players prefer to put the amplification of the aiming drives, reducing the aiming time, against improving all the characteristics of the machine. However, this choice is often unjustified.

The fact is that ventilation gives an additional bonus to all characteristics, including the aiming speed. If you pump out the "Combat Brotherhood" skill to all crew members, you get a full-fledged bonus, which is tantamount to using additional rations. In addition, it reduces the reload time of the gun, which allows you to feel confident in close combat.

Choice of equipment

Here, too, everything looks pretty standard for this class of technology. In particular, the choice for the IS-3 will be as follows:

  1. Fire extinguisher (manual).
  2. Repair kit (small).
  3. First aid kit (small).

Instead of a fire extinguisher, you can opt for additional soldering to get an additional bonus to the skills of tankers.

The most important question for beginners is where is the easiest way to break through IS 3 in battle. Everything is very simple, the pike nose easily breaks through if you know the values \u200b\u200bof the penetration of your horde, the image below shows a detailed designation of the zones of penetration of IS 3.

The main places, the lower armor plate, shooting at the VLD is desirable only if the penetration is more than 205 mm. And the main thing is not to get into the fixed tracked track, because it adds 20 mm of armor.

How to play IP 3

To determine the tactics of fighting on IS 3, one should start with the fact that the machine is very easy to master even by inexperienced players. In addition, let's not forget that the "troika" is a first-line vehicle, so there is no need to shoot damage at someone else's light hiding in the greenery.

The tank should be in front, making the most of the power of its gun. At the same time, throwing yourself in splendid isolation into a bunch of enemies is clearly not worth it: fireflies and art will easily "peck" any heavy. In addition, the low accuracy characteristic of the "councils" and long aiming do not contribute to long distance gunfights. Therefore, the ideal conditions for the IS-3 are city maps.

To fully enjoy the high potential of technology, you need to learn how to competently play from armor: stay in cover, substitute a tower and tank with side screens. By the way, screens extinguish hits not only from classmates, but also from high-level opponents.

If there is a need to leave the shelter, do not drive out like a diamond, hoping for a ricochet. In this position, the VLD rises in a plane, respectively, when hitting, there will be guaranteed penetration.

The IS-3 is one of the few tanks in the game that catches ricochets at right angles: the "pike nose" performs its function. At the same time, do not forget about the dance: the deviation of the body from side to side at angles of 5-10 degrees. This technique makes it difficult to target weak points, increases the probability of non-penetration and gives time to reload the weapon.

The IS-3 feels good in a clinch, but only with opponents of equal silhouette. Converging with tall vehicles, the IS substitutes the turret roof with only 20 mm of armor. Always remember one important nuance: any tank tank well with a full margin of safety. Therefore, sitting in the bushes on such a machine with 100% health will be just the height of madness.

IP 3 video

The IS-4 assault tank in the distant patch 0.7.3 was transferred to level 10 of the USSR development tree. To do this, they added strength points to him and significantly patched the mechanic drive hatch. After all, it was this hatch that was the most vulnerable point of this combat vehicle - all the players complained about it. But the 10th level changed the characteristics of the combat vehicle and where is the IS-4 now to penetrate?

Strengths of the tank:

  • chic tower booking;
  • enhanced side armor;
  • small size of the tank;
  • satisfactory dynamics.
Each player has encountered this formidable level 10 war machine in battle. If you had problems targeting vulnerable points, then carefully, remember the tips written below from personal experience. In addition, it is possible to damage ammo, tanks, depending on which part of the hull the damage will take. undoubtedly, a fire or explosion of an ammunition rack, this is like a good trick with, without a special set and hard training you can’t do it. Train and you get a trick, in our case the expected breakout.

Where to punch the IS-4 head-on

When your tank is at close range to the IS-4 and you only need to penetrate it into the frontal projection, there are a couple of weak points. Undoubtedly, the lower armor plate is the most vulnerable spot, the thickness of the armor plate is 160 mm - it is possible to penetrate from level 9 and 10 guns without much hassle.

If the lower armor plate is hidden (behind a stone), then you can shoot at the mechanic drive hatch and the sheet under it. The mechanic drive hatch is armored 200 mm, and the sheet under it is 140 (plus the angle of inclination). An additional plus - when penetrating the mechanic drive hatch, the driver will be shell-shocked, the tank will sharply lose its maneuverability.

Also in the frontal clinch, it is easy to punch the IS-4 into a weak spot at the beginning of the turret roof. There is only 30 mm of armor, the main thing here is to accurately target the place of impact - not higher (ricochet) and not lower (gun mask). The commander's hatch for high silhouette tanks is also a good point to deal damage, with armor around 230mm coming out.

Where to punch the IS-4 in a diamond

Often the IS-4 will tank with its side, this is its strong point and an experienced player can tank just a colossal amount of damage. But often in close combat, you will see the IS-4 become a diamond, so that it is more difficult to pierce the lower frontal part.
But it opens up a new vulnerable spot for penetration - the armor in the headlight area, it becomes almost at a right angle to us.

If the enemy has turned the hull towards us even more strongly, then boldly aim at the indicated second place in the figure, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rink. The IS-4 ammunition rack is located there.

Penetration of the IS-4 into the sides and stern

When the IS-4 is turned on its sides, it is simply the main thing to punch through it, not to hit the tracks, but to shoot in the zones between and slightly above the rollers. Reservation there is 160 mm, there will be no problems with penetration. In addition, it is possible to damage the BC, tanks

IS-3 with Loader Mechanism - how cool this tank name sounds. When yesterday in battle at AMX 50 100 I met such an IS-3 MZ, I thought this is a meeting of drummers. Let's see what the vaunted Soviet alpha is capable of when it's on the drum. But how wrong I was

After all, he has no drum)))). It was a big disappointment, I thought they released a really cool prem tank. But the IS-3 with the Loading Mechanism simply removed the loader and installed a loading magazine. Reloads faster than the classic IS-3 in just 1 second. In general, sadness: recourse: But it sounds so beautiful, to see the sales are very bad, if you have already started using such marketing moves. Let me remind you that this is a new Soviet premium heavy tier 8. BUT it is not worth buying, it is better to really IS-6 or FCM if you need to farm.

  1. Long mix - sooooo;
  2. Oblique tool;
  3. Very slow and clumsy.

Where to punch the IS-3 MZ

Here, everything is as always - we sew according to the usual pattern, like the pumped analogue of the IS-3. In the screenshot, I drew where to punch the IS-3 with a loading magazine.

The computer game "World of Tanks" has conquered the world for quite a long time, offering gamers realistic tank battles on extremely detailed combat vehicles. This means that here you do not just inflict damage on the enemy, taking away his health - it all depends on many factors, such as the thickness of the armor and the penetration of the gun, the slope of the armor plate, the location of the engine in the tank, and so on. Thus, you need to know a lot of information in advance in order to understand how to place and defend your tank, as well as where to aim when attacking the enemy. Naturally, there is no point in talking about each combat vehicle - it will take a very long time. Therefore, in this article, attention will be focused on the Soviet IS-3 tank - where to pierce, where is it better to aim, and so on. All this will come in handy in battle, regardless of whether you will control this tank or attack it. In any case, you need to know this important information about the IS-3. Where to punch this car? Now you will find out about this - the article will consider attacks from heavy and light weapons to the forehead, to the side and to the stern, as well as an artillery attack.

Heavy weapon head-on

So, it's time to take a closer look at the penetration of the IS-3 - where to penetrate this vehicle, which is famous for its good armor? To begin with, it is worth considering one of the most popular situations - when you meet your opponent head-on. The fact is that this model has the most powerful frontal armor, so even a heavy cannon can have problems. That is why the main advice is not to aim at the tower. Of course, the temptation to inflict maximum damage is great, but the thickness of the armor will not allow you to do this, so you need to aim at the bottom sheet of armor - it can be pierced with one shot, at other points you will have to make at least two or three aimed hits before you can to damage. Thus, your task is to try to target the lower armor plate of the IS-3. Where to penetrate this tank if you nevertheless found yourself in a more advantageous situation and drove to it either from the side or from the rear? You will find out now.

Heavy gun to the side

Now you know where to punch the IS-3 head-on, and this definitely doesn't make you very happy, because punching there is extremely difficult. But everything will significantly improve the continuation, since the sides of this tank are much weaker. If you have a heavy cannon, then you can safely shoot at any part of the tank if you were able to enter it from the flank - both the tracks, the side, and the turret make their way with one shot (in the latter case, of course, if you aim the hatch, which is clearly visible for this model). The damage is almost the same everywhere, so there is no point in aiming hard - just attack until the tank turns its nose towards you and puts you in an extremely uncomfortable position. Now you understand the weak point of this tank, you know where to punch the IS-3. World of Tanks is not an average shooter, it is a tactical simulator in which you will have to take into account many details, and breaking through among them is the most important moment.

Heavy cannon at the stern

The question remains - where can you pierce the IS-3 if you call in from the rear? Everything is pretty simple here, because for most tanks, the feed is the weakest point. Therefore, you will almost never have a situation in which you can calmly shoot an enemy tank from the back. But if such a chance presents itself, and your opponent is the IS-3, then you should avoid hitting the tower, as it is surprisingly well armored and has an unpleasant tilt angle for the attacker. The best target is a fuel tank that can be targeted without too much trouble. Now you know where it is better to penetrate the IS-3 if you have a heavy weapon. But what about those tanks that have lower penetration rates? What should they do?

Light weapon head-on

Now it is necessary to ask a very important question - where to shoot the IS-3 to pierce its armor with a light cannon? Or is it better to just run? Escaping is actually a good option if you know that your weapon is unable to penetrate the 122 mm of an enemy tank's armor, but there is another way - you can attack the tracks. After about three hits, you should be able to succeed, but the chances of you being able to land three direct hits on the tracks when the IS-3 is looking directly at you is extremely low. And in other ways, you won't be able to inflict damage on the forehead at all.

Light gun to the side

As you already understood, you can easily defeat the IS-3 with a heavy gun in the side, but what happens if you have only a light cannon? Everything here is not as bad as it might initially seem, because the side armor is much thinner than on the bow, so you can safely fire, but do not hope that you will be able to penetrate enemy plates without problems. Experiments have shown that only every second shot from a light weapon inflicts damage to the enemy. Naturally, if you have a high speed and rate of fire, then you have a good chance to spin the IS-3, while shooting it at the side. But if you get hit by at least one shot that will reduce your mobility, your chances will be significantly reduced.

Light tool aft

Already by the heavy gun, one can judge that an attack from the rear will be very unpleasant for the IS-3, and with the transition to a light gun, nothing changes - you can easily penetrate the tank's rear armor and inflict damage on it. But given the fact that your weapon is not so powerful, and even if it breaks through the armor, it will not be able to take off so many health points, it is best for you to aim at the weak points of the tank. The fuel tank has already been mentioned above, but the IS-3 still has a very unpleasant point approximately in the center of the strip connecting the turret and the lower armor plate. If you manage to accurately aim there and get there, the result will be impressive - the probability of the enemy's tank catching fire with this outcome is extremely high, and the fire can cause quite impressive damage, even if the enemy's tank crew uses a fire extinguisher. Accordingly, the stern is the best place to penetrate the IS-3, even if you are driving a light tank, so when you find yourself in the back, try to use this opportunity to the fullest.


As for the artillery, everything is very clear here: you still won't be able to aim, so the main thing for you is to hit the tank. As shown by field experiments, it takes about five hits to completely destroy the IS-3. Naturally, we are talking exclusively about direct hits, which do not happen so often in the game, because the tanks are in constant motion. However, from a statistical point of view, the IS-3 withstands artillery strikes quite well, since five shots is quite a lot, and it takes time to fire them. Well, now you know where to punch the IS-3, which means that you can competently control this tank. Or pointwise attack him in order to destroy it as quickly as possible.
