It was high time to write this article. Perhaps her appearance on the site is a little late, but, as they say, better late. Much has already been written on how to seduce a girl. This time, I will skip all unnecessary "thought-out on the tree" and go directly to the advice. For many, they are intuitive - so much the better for them. Well, let's go:

& nbsp 1) Do non-standard actions that bring her a lot of positive emotions. Remember: the ROOF BEARINGS strongly melt its ice and thereby SPEED UP Seduction!
& nbsp 2) Women need men as much as we need women. They love sex as much as we do. And they will definitely do it with someone, it is quite possible that with you.
& nbsp 3) Girls need romance. The path to women's panties lies through her soul, heart and mind.
& nbsp 4) No matter how strong the shell is, it will always have a soft core inside.
& nbsp 5) Sit down and study everything you can about female psychology. Learn the whole theory inside and out.
& nbsp 6) You can never overdo it with rapport. Good rapport and communication comfort are the foundation of a relationship.
& nbsp 7) Be playful. Be confident. Be responsible.
& nbsp 8) The more you make her laugh, the closer you are to your desired goal. Use every opportunity to make her laugh. At the same time, remember that the girl will very willingly accept male affection at the moment when she is having fun.
& nbsp 9) Never ask her for anything. Instead, gradually incline her to give it to you. If she does not give in, explain to her what she is deprived of in this case.
& nbsp 10) When she is whining and mischievous, stop it. Scold her for this like a little girl.
& nbsp 11) Never blindly gift her. Instead, just encourage her actions. If she doesn't give you what you need, give her a reason to do it, or force her or "take her to the show."
& nbsp 12) Maintain your self-respect at all costs. First of all, it concerns the ability to OPERATELY react to her disrespect for you. As soon as you show a girl that she can manipulate you, she will lose all sexual interest in you and will perceive you as a bedding under her slender legs.
& nbsp 13) Constantly monitor your appearance. Wear better clothes. Pay attention to what guys who are popular with girls are wearing. It’s not that difficult and will give you good dividends. After all, women are more often met by their clothes.
& nbsp 14) Get familiar with poetry. There is no better way to break her ice than to take a romantic and metaphorical path. Your win: she will think that you are a poetic, understanding and empathetic man, and not a pervert, even if you are. :)
& nbsp 15) Enthusiasm is contagious. Be inspired by what is happening to you, and she will rush after you.
& nbsp 16) Compliment her not only regarding her appearance, but also her views, values, actions, interests. For example, tell her that most people are closed and categorical, and she is more open and funny.
& nbsp 17) If she tells you what is on your mind - fuck her, do not argue, do not apologize, do not deny. Tell her that you really want to sleep with her, but NOTHING LESS you need spiritual closeness, you need to get to know her. It doesn't have to be that way - just say it.
& nbsp 18) You "earn points" by changing her emotional state, making her curious, euphoric, hypnotized by you, feeling that you understand her better than anyone else in the world, feeling that she has known you for 100 years , the feeling that she has already met with you and she was incredibly good with you ... just like now.
& nbsp 19) For a girl, sexual intercourse is an indicator of trust. If she completely trusts you, then she is ready to surrender to you. Sex for her is the best proof of spiritual closeness with a man.
& nbsp 20) And always ... Contacts of views, contacts of views and again contacts of views!

In the article "" I offered you the perception of seduction as a combination of three things: control, attractiveness and reward. Now I will offer you a slightly different concept. The seduction process can be viewed as the art of NOT making the same mistakes. These include:

& nbsp 1) Do not grovel.
& nbsp 2) Do not rush the event and do not put pressure on her.
& nbsp 3) Do not miss the wonderful opportunities provided by fate.
& nbsp 4) Do not avoid communication with a girl just because it seems to you that she is not an ideal woman.
& nbsp 5) Do not give up if your inner voice prompts you to quit.
& nbsp 6) Do not take her refusals and excuses seriously.
& nbsp 7) Do not behave timidly and insecure in the presence of girls.
& nbsp 8) Do not think that for excessive attention from your side and financial costs, she will have to sleep with you. Never! This is what you have to take yourself, without expecting a handout from her.
& nbsp 9) Don't think she is more unique and special than you. That's bullshit!
& nbsp 10) Do not ask her questions without listening to the answers.
& nbsp 11) Do not make plans for a girl with whom you have not spent a single date.
& nbsp 12) Do not conclude from the first impression that she is not the type of girl who is able to capture and inspire you.

Most women have experienced relationship disappointments in the recent past, and they tend to want to make sure they don’t go through the same suffering again. This often creates great difficulties both in terms of the realization of the seduction itself, and in terms of ECOLOGY. Therefore, each situation requires a separate approach. If you are familiar with all this, then here are some recommendations:

& nbsp 1) Soak up what you can offer her will bring a lot of positive to both of you. You should not have any hidden doubts or hesitations about the humanity of your intentions.
& nbsp 2) BE HONEST! I know this is contrary to what many "successful" seducers teach, but trust me, it will ultimately lead you to a much more successful and harmonious path. Even if you have other girls, she will appreciate your honesty and openness. Sometimes it hurts the relationship, but you will never treat yourself like a pig. It is thanks to this that you will always feel more confident and natural.
& nbsp 3) Be original and creative. Let her never know what to expect from you. It will noticeably separate you from those freaks and nice guys with whom she has dated before. It will also keep her in a state of emotional tension, which, believe me, is much better than a crystal clear mind. So, she will get to know a man, as if every time she removes another onion skin.
& nbsp 4) Be ready to show your true emotions. If you're angry with her, show your anger. This stimulates her trust in you.
& nbsp 5) Do whatever you want to make her feel comfortable and safe. I know it sounds obvious, but it’s so important that it’s worth repeating: don’t grovel and try to pave the way with money to her panties, surprise her with words and deeds. Be able to confirm your words with DEEDS!
& nbsp 6) Enter her associative memory, as a source of positive emotions. This means that you DO NOT NEED TO BE LIKE HER PSYCHOTHERAPIST OR GIRLFRIEND! Remember the rule: When you actively and thoroughly discuss a girl's problem with her, you yourself become her problem.

To win the heart of a girl you like and seduce her, you need an individual approach. There are general rules and guidelines that will help charm any girl. There are also cases when a young man realizes that he wants to return his former companion, and here one should act a little differently. More precisely, the secrets of seduction will be prompted by the girl's zodiac sign. It's important to remember that sometimes men make stupid mistakes that only make things worse.

Important! Today it is very easy to take care of yourself and have an attractive appearance at any age. How? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

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    The best ways to seduce

    After a young man met a girl he liked, sooner or later he has a desire to move on to an intimate relationship. To achieve this goal, there are simple, but in most cases effective methods of seduction.

    How to interest a girl

    Women love with their ears

    Every woman loves confidential conversations with her boyfriend. She will be pleased if a man tells her about some of his little secret or problem that worries him greatly. This is a very effective way, even though the story of the troubles in the life of a young man may be invented by him on the go. A guy's companion should feel smart, exceptional, able to empathize, the very person who can understand and sincerely support a man.

    Little secrets bring people closer together.

    What girls like about sex

    Persistence and charm

    Women always highly value those men who are confident and clearly know what they want. In dealing with a girl, you should show all your charm. This secret in relationships with the opposite sex can work wonders. A young man should be moderately persistent, but one cannot cross the line that borders on impudence.

    How to seduce your husband

    Attentive listener

    Every person, and girls especially, likes it when the interlocutor is an attentive listener. In order to learn how to quickly seduce women and persuade them to have sex, it is important to try to talk less to yourself, to give your partner the opportunity to express yourself, sincerely demonstrating your interest. From time to time, you can insert words such as “really? "," Well, you must! ", "very interesting! “There is always a lot of sympathy for such an attentive listener.

    Sign language

    In order to bring about pleasant emotions to yourself, you need to use long-proven methods of non-verbal communication. You can try to breathe to the beat of her breathing, unobtrusively make the same movements and gestures during a conversation, like her. This contributes to the emergence of a subconscious feeling that people are the same in everything, or at least very similar. As a result, the girl begins to feel calm, relaxes, as she feels that she is on the same wavelength with the young man.

    Gaze seduction

    If a person communicates with a girl he likes, then his pupils begin to dilate. This technique is used by many "pickup artists". In order to influence the subconscious of your companion, you need to look into the distance, and then directly into her eyes. The pupils will change their size, which will indicate the secret desire of the young man.


    The last step in achieving a goal is in the man's house. If the girl agreed to come, then this is 70% of the success. During the preparation process, there are some important points to keep in mind.

    Room preparation

    At this stage, some difficulties may arise, especially if the young man does not live alone, but with his parents or friends. Everything must be organized so that on that very day no one could interfere with the meeting with the girl. You can directly ask relatives to leave the room for one day. If there is no guarantee that this method will work, then you can spare no expense and buy tickets for one or two days somewhere in an interesting and beautiful place, presenting it as a gift. If you can't manage to spend at home, then you can rent an apartment for rent.

    It is important not to forget to clean up during the preparatory work. If the room is messy and dirty, then any romantic mood will quickly disappear. Next, you need to take care of the beautiful decoration of the room. You can decorate the room using candles, rose petals, fresh flowers.

    In most cases, apartments are too light to create an intimate setting, so you need to think about how you can darken the room. For example, you can curtain windows with a thick fabric.

    It is important to consider the lighting of the room. It is good if lamps are installed in the room that can change their color. If not, then you can buy a lot of candles and arrange them beautifully around the room.


    In order to impress any girl, you can cook something with your own hands. You should remember about simple recommendations that can help in this difficult matter.

    • Dishes don't have to be complicated. Choose those that can be cooked fairly quickly. If you stand at the stove for several hours, then you may simply not physically have enough strength for a romantic continuation of the evening.
    • All meat dishes must be cooked without bones.
    • You should not give preference to dishes that include spicy cheese, salted fish, onions, garlic.
    • Spicy foods should be avoided as they can cause stomach discomfort.
    • You don't have to cook a lot of food. Two or three dishes are enough.
    • An important point is the beautiful presentation of the dish. It should resemble food from an expensive restaurant.

    There are several versatile dishes that can suit almost any person:

    1. 1. Chicken breast in honey sauce.To prepare this dish, chicken fillet is rubbed with salt and sunflower oil, and then fried on both sides until golden brown. The browning time will be approximately 10 minutes. Next, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, honey (1 tbsp. L.), Water (200 ml.), Apple cider vinegar (1 tsp. L.) Are added to the remaining juice. The resulting sauce must be boiled over low heat for 5 minutes and added to the meat. You can use rice as a side dish.
    2. 2. Greek salad".For this easy and quick salad, cut in half cherry tomatoes (8), green olives (10) and black olives (10). Add feta cheese (150 g). The salad is seasoned with black pepper and salt and poured with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. The salad can be prepared by roasting the chicken.
    3. 3. Strawberries with whipped cream.Ready cream should be put into a glass, put halves of strawberries on top. Decorate with a mint leaf. This dessert will look most original in a martini glass, but you can use any other transparent glasses.

    Create the right atmosphere

    When the basic preparations are ready, you can start creating the appropriate atmosphere:

    • For a romantic dinner, it is better to use expensive dishes and wine glasses.
    • Alcohol should be prepared. The best choice would be champagne or wine.
    • It is necessary to include light music. It should be clearly audible, but only in the background.
    • The table should be decorated with candles. It will be good if they are made in the shape of a heart.
    • You can light incense sticks.
    • Decorate the room with rose petals.
    • In addition, it is important not to forget to prepare a bouquet of loved ones.

    An example of decorating a table with petals

    How to present a romantic surprise correctly?

    When everything is ready, it is important to take care of your appearance. A young man should look neat, attractive. It is advisable to use an expensive perfume.

    It would be nice if the girl entered the room blindfolded. But in this case, she can guess about the prepared surprise. It is better if a guy meets a girl after school or work and on the way will just talk about everyday little things, and then surprise his chosen one at home.

    You can also have a good time away from home, and then come and surprise your other half again. This will help strengthen her feelings even more.


    At the end of a romantic dinner, when the woman is all under the impression, one should unobtrusively move on to touching.

    You don't have to go straight to intimate relationships under the pretext of getting a relaxing massage. You can start simply by taking her hand in order to tell fortunes. In this case, the guy will have the opportunity to caress the girl's hand. There are a lot of erogenous zones in this place, by acting on which you can achieve the initially set goal.

    Men who are fond of palmistry, astrology and mysticism, women seem especially attractive, interesting, mysterious and sexy. You can end the "fortune-telling" by saying that she has finally met the man of her dreams.

    How to seduce an ex-girlfriend?

    If a young man broke up with his girlfriend, however, after a while, he realized that she was still dear to him and he did not need anyone but her, then it was necessary to act and return his beloved. Perhaps for this it will be necessary to fall in love with her again and seduce her.

    The first step towards this goal should be complete disregard for the girl.We must completely stop quarreling, make scandals, sort things out, persuade her to return. It is necessary to make the girl start running after the guy. To do this, you should demonstrate complete indifference, calmness and self-confidence. A man must become impenetrable. You can not give in to any emotions and tantrums.

    You should start to carefully monitor your appearance. You should not allow yourself to leave the house in dirty shoes or wrinkled clothes. The wardrobe must be completely changed. Do not spare money for fashionable and stylish things. Perhaps now there will be not so many things, but they will all be selected with taste. You can ask for help a stylist, a friend, a bark in the know about all the latest men's fashion or a consultant in the store. The same applies to the question of the right choice of accessories, hairstyles, perfume.

    It is necessary in every possible way to restrain yourself from the desire to see your ex-girlfriend or call her. You should not devote statuses to her on social networks. She should get the impression that her ex-boyfriend is not suffering at all. To do this, you need to occupy yourself with something. It can be meeting with friends, a trip to the sea, study, work. Exercising in the gym will help you shape your figure and become more self-confident.

    However, the changes should affect not only the appearance. It is necessary to deeply analyze your behavior in relations with an ex-girlfriend, to understand what annoyed or offended her. It is necessary to think carefully about this, so that when she meets her, she decides that this is a completely different person, and not the guy with whom she was familiar.

    The psychology of a woman is such that after a while she herself will begin to remember and think about her ex-boyfriend. If she does not dare to take the first step herself, then you can try to suddenly appear in front of her as a new and attractive guy, for example, in the company of mutual friends. A young man should be confident in himself, but not allow himself to run after the girl. Seeing such drastic changes, the girl herself will begin to conquer him. This can be a new stage in a relationship.

    The main mistakes of the seducer

    Some men, in pursuit of an attempt to seduce a woman they like, make many mistakes that not only do not lead to the desired result, but, on the contrary, aggravate the situation:

    • Indulge her in everything. A man who does whatever the girl asks is called a "rag". Girls just love these young people. But the problem is that henpecked people do not excite. Such guys are needed simply to solve everyday problems, repair a computer, as a personal driver, but nothing else. Women can ask for something for a long time, and a man will do everything in the hope of getting what he wants someday. However, you should not confuse henpecked and gentlemen, who will always give a hand, help you take off your coat, move a chair in a restaurant. All these are signs of good breeding, gallantry and care. Only unlike henpecked, gentlemen do not crave to get something in return from a woman. They just make her feel good.
    • Arrange an interrogation on a date. The ability to conduct a dialogue is of great importance for conquering the heart and seducing a girl. Some guys think that asking a lot of questions will help them gain sympathy. This is the wrong point of view. You should talk about topics that are of interest to both interlocutors. You need to listen carefully to her, show your sincere interest. You should tell interesting stories about yourself that will make the girl wonder, admire, sympathize. This will make her want to get to know the man better.
    • Be insecure. Women really like strong and strong-willed men. He must show his self-confidence with all his appearance. It looks silly when a man constantly asks his companion if she agrees with him. It is bad when a young man himself does not know what he wants, and every time he needs the girl's approval and support. For example, you shouldn't bother a woman about where to go on time. The girl will be much more pleasant if she feels that the guy has taken part of the responsibility for his leisure time. If she does not like any of the proposed options by a man, then she herself will tell about it.
    • Buy the girl's attention and feelings with gifts. You shouldn't try to show your generosity and magnanimity. This approach works only for some girls, who, at best, will only take gifts from a guy. It is quite another matter if a young man sincerely wanted to give his girlfriend something. For example, he saw a beautiful teddy bear and could not resist, bought and presented it to his girlfriend. It is these presentations that are remembered for a long time and leave pleasant memories in memory. All gifts must be made from the heart.
    • Talk about your feelings immediately. This error is one of the most serious. Beautiful women date many men and have a lot of social experience. And if at the beginning of a relationship a guy immediately reveals his feelings, then he simply will cease to be interesting to her. She will think that he is the same as everyone else who cannot control themselves and their emotions. To avoid this, it is necessary to try to keep the intrigue to the last, so that the girl is tormented in conjectures about whether a man likes her.
    • Thinking that women love the beautiful and the rich. Most women are interested in a man as a person. His appearance and wallet are not as important as the inner world of a man and the emotions that he is able to give to his chosen one.
    • Consider your girlfriend special. In the life of every man, that one and only one, which is the best in the world, can appear. At this time, he begins to forget about everything else. He is no longer interested in friends, hobbies, no desire to go to work. He sleeps at night, looks for meetings, writes SMS and messages on social networks. All the guy's thoughts are occupied by his new passion. He shows increased attention to her. The girl sees all this and, as a result, completely loses interest in such a man. She becomes uninteresting and bored, as all the intrigue disappears. There is no heat of passion, bright emotions, expectations, unpredictability. She no longer perceives the new boyfriend as a man.

    How to seduce a girl according to her zodiac sign?

    In order to more accurately find out how you can charm a girl, you need to know her date of birth and the zodiac sign under which she was born.

    Zodiac sign

    The best way to seduce

    To conquer the heart of an Aries woman, one must have such qualities as kindness, generosity, self-confidence. Aries will highly appreciate a good sense of humor, so in order to please them, you can give a funny toy with a joke

    Taurus women love to dress well and eat well. If a man wants to conquer a Taurus girl, then he will invite her to a chic restaurant or for a cup of coffee to his home


    Gemini women are very active in communicating with their family and friends. They can be called talkers, so that you can give her a new phone. She will highly appreciate such a gift.

    The Cancer woman appreciates the warm home environment. If a man wants to make her happy, then she will like a gift in the form of a nice thing for home improvement. You can invite her to a romantic dinner at home.

    Girl - Leo loves luxury, so a young man who wanted to win her heart should be generous and not skimp on expensive gifts, going to restaurants, theater

    Virgos are distinguished by their practicality and love of order. Her companion should always be neat, tactful, well-read and erudite. If he comes to a meeting with a book, he can win her heart.

    In order to seduce a girl born under the constellation of Libra, one must not skimp on compliments addressed to her. Representatives of this sign highly value exquisite gifts in the form of perfume, expensive wine, jewelry made of gold and diamonds.


    Scorpio women have great inner strength and attractiveness and sexual energy. A wise man with a good sense of humor can seduce such a girl. Women of this sign love to play, flirt with a man, seduce him. Therefore, if a guy wants to please, he will give his companion beautiful lingerie, an exquisite translucent dress, and other erotic outfits

    Representatives of this sign are not distinguished by constancy in their passions and tastes. They love to travel, gain new knowledge and emotions, and meet interesting people. A great idea for seducing a girl of this zodiac sign is an invitation to a romantic trip to an exotic country.

    Capricorn women are unassuming natures and appreciate the classics in everything. In order to seduce this girl, traditional gifts in the form of flowers, a box of good chocolates and a lot of compliments are enough

    A young man with an extraordinary mind and ingenuity can conquer the heart of an Aquarius woman. Aquarians love surprises. They should not be simple, it is better to give preference to an original gift. She will be delighted with the offer to fly together in a balloon, airplane, paraglider

    Pisces girls love to fantasize very much. Therefore, in order to conquer the representative of the zodiac sign Pisces, one must become the hero of her invented fairy tale. She will like a romantic man who asks her on a rooftop date. You can use a telescope to show her favorite stars.

We met her when I was 16 and she was 28.She is not my husband's sister, but still, so we often met at all sorts of parties. She is still a mystery to me, since there are 2 women in her, one imperious and unapproachable and the other gentle and affectionate like a cat. Here the cat will drink but no impregnable. On all the holidays she invited me to sit with her to chat. She is not married, she has an open relationship. And one day she kind of said that her man wants to see how she caresses a girl. She is very squeamish that is why I was surprised asobeno when I said that only with a pine tree she could do it. I was shocked. After that, she hesitated and said that she was afraid to ruin everything and we did not approach this topic again. When we started to dance, she was fond of exchanging dirty dances. I was starting to like it. I got turned on .... So gradually she put me to her bed and, like a cat to the owner, lay down on her chest. She gave me gifts for my birthday and not cheap ones like a diamond ring. The years went by and we became less Snape dating. But once we drank a lot and I said that I wanted her, to which she said "let's mutually" and what will happen next, she asked? I do not know. She smiled at me and whispered "sleep with me, wrote")). In the morning I woke up and quietly left. But after 2 months we got drunk again and I offered to give her a massage, she did not refuse. When I stroked her on the gentle back, her body screamed with passion, she began to moan, which turned me on very much. I dreamed of a T-shirt and hugged it to me, it was delightful, but then my husband came and it all ended with us In the morning when I left I was sorry that I could not resist)). I specifically fell for her, she just did not get out of my head to this day. When we met once again, she was as cold as ever. She was afraid to drink pine, and even sleep even more so. I felt disgusting as if I took it by force against her will. But time passed and we again began to hang out with sleep at her house, although she claims that she loves men still plays with a pine tree, teases and flirts. Then she met me with a man. I was indifferent to their relationship, I just need her. She teased and tried to make me jealous .... I didn't care .... When we were all on the 3rd floor, she went downstairs for a snack, of course, I did not miss the opportunity to be with her for unity. I approached her from the back and gently pressed her to me, she froze ... I quietly asked: "Can I hug you?" She moved her plates hoottily, but there was nothing and did not answer when I repeated the question over and over again. When I released her from my arms, we took the plates and went to the top of everyone. Tell me what she wants from me. What should I do with? I apologize, I write in a hurry from the android.

Sometimes girls themselves want to be seduced and seduced, you just need to nudge them a little. Do you want to know how to seduce a girl?

You may feel anxious about seducing a girl, but to achieve this, you just need to be confident and know what to say in order to get the girl's attention. Once the girl notices you, make her feel special, and then start creating a special mood, then your seduction will be a kiss away. If you want to learn how to seduce a girl, just follow our tips.

1. Let her notice you

1.1 Flirt with her. If you want to seduce a girl, you need to flirt with her to show that you are in the game. To flirt properly with a girl, you must show her that you are interested in her, but not reveal all the cards. After you've made eye contact, don't be afraid to step up and start a flirty conversation. Here's how to flirt:

Flirt with your body language. Maintain eye contact as you speak, turn your torso to her side, and lean slightly to be closer to her.

Tease her. Tease her with anything from her love for a cat to her pink shoes, all while you let her know that you think she is cute.

Don't overcomplicate. Let your conversation be light, funny, flirtatious when you just meet a girl. If you get too serious right away, she will think that you are pushing too much.

Remember to smile and laugh. Let her know that you are interested in communicating with her.

Touch it lightly. If all is well, touch her shoulder or arm.

1.2 Make her feel special. Any girl wants to feel unique, so you need to give the impression that she is truly a unique person - even if you just want to seduce her. To make her feel special, you need to be a good listener, ask the right questions, make her feel like every word she says matters.

Ask her personal questions. Don't ask anything too serious - just talk about her siblings, favorite bands, and what she likes to do on the weekend.

Listen to her carefully. Don't wander around the room while she says, instead, put your phone down and break eye contact just to smile and look at the floor if things get too tense.

Tell her what makes her stand out from the crowd. You don't have to say, "I've never met someone like you," but you can say, "I've never heard such a cute laugh." Let her know that she is unique.

1.3 Enchant her. Charming people can walk into a room and talk to anyone without feeling uncomfortable. To charm a girl, you need to exude confidence and show that you are confident in yourself and that you enjoy talking to people and making them feel great.

Maintain a positive attitude. Charming people always see the best and always pay attention to the pleasant things in life - that's why people want to be with them.

Show that you can chat with anyone. Although you should only think about the girl, if her friends are around you, you need to charm them while maintaining contact with the lady. This will show that you can have a conversation with anyone.

Surprise her with your wit. Don't just laugh if she says something funny; laugh it off with a funny comment.

1.4 Don't look too approachable. While it is important to get a girl interested, you need to remain indifferent if you really want to seduce her. Neither is she a girl who wants to be seduced by some simpleton; you need to look interested, but not trying to sleep with someone at any cost. There is a clear line between flirting and pushing, so be careful not to smother her with your attention.

You should compliment her, but do not tell her that she is beautiful and has a gorgeous body - it may seem superfluous to her, or she will begin to suspect that you are insincere.

Don't talk about how you've never won girls over, and you're surprised that such a nice girl actually talks to you. She should think that girls are crazy about you, even if it's not true.

Sometimes you can make her a little jealous. If you mention another girl, flirt with her a little, or just don't give 100 percent, then the girl will want to be with you even more. If you lash out at another girl in front of her, she will quickly lose interest.

1.5 Know when to stop. If the girl doesn't feel sympathetic, you will find out very quickly. If you are applying all your best tricks and he still rolls his eyes, wanders the room, or signals his friends, then it's time for you to leave. Do not spend more time with her than she wants to, otherwise you will simply be humiliated. If she doesn't want to be with you, that's okay - move on and remember that you will find someone who is not so resistant to your spell.

If she's not interested in you, be a gentleman and say goodbye. Don't aggravate the situation by saying, “It’s clear that you don’t like me” - instead, just say that you were pleased to meet her and walk away with a confident gait.

2. Let her want you

2.1 If everything goes according to plan, ask her out on a date. You can't seduce her if you haven't been on a date, can you? Tell the girl that you enjoyed chatting with her and ask her if she would like to talk over a cocktail or dinner. If you are brave and met in a club or bar, just invite her to your home, but remember that you can look like a womanizer if you just met. But if you just want to sleep with her, then hey - invite her to your place.

If you really like her, then you should take her on a few dates before you try to sleep with her.

2.2 Create a mood. As soon as you are alone - on the same night or after several dates - you need to create the mood before you start trying to be active so that she tunes in to romance. If you invite her to your place, make sure that it is clean, that the lights are dim, and that you have stocked up on food - wine, cheese, chocolate, and other sexy snacks.

Be an absolute gentleman. Take off and hang her coat, ask if she would like a drink or dinner.

2.3 Compliment her. You don't have to try very hard. Just say that she looks great today, that you love her earrings, or just say that you enjoy spending time with her. Make her feel special even before you take action.

Don't be insincere. Tell her something sweet but true. She'll understand if you just compliment her to sleep with her.

2.4 Try to touch it lightly. If she answers and you are sitting next to her, then you can start touching her lightly before you start kissing her. Hug her, put your hand on her knee, or even squeeze her hand so that she knows that you like her. You can even gently stroke her hair or put your hand on her waist if you feel confident.

Pay attention to her reaction. If she likes your touch, she will move closer to you, smile, or she will also start touching you.
Once you are done with light touches, you can try kissing her.

3. Seduce her

3.1 Kiss her... The first kiss with a girl shouldn't scare you. Just remember to be confident, take your time and know where to put other body parts. Don't worry about the perfect kiss with your girlfriend, just focus on your first intimate moment. Here's how to do it:

Look into her eyes and brush the hair off her face. Let her know that you want to kiss her, without words.

Move toward her with parted lips. Kiss her and watch her reaction. You can close your lips for a few seconds, or even longer if she moves away.

If you want to keep kissing, you can try kissing her passionately after a few minutes; just don't stick your tongue in right away because she won't appreciate that kind of determination.

Run your hands around her waist and shoulders, but do not grab her in indecent places if she is uncomfortable with it.

3.2 Touch her more intimately. Once she has let you know that she is ready to take it to the next level, you can touch her in a more intimate way while you kiss. If she sat on your lap, or you are on top, then the situation is heating up. You can touch the more intimate parts of her body with your hands if she likes it. This will turn her on and she may want more.

Stroke her thighs in and between them. Continue if you see she likes it.

You can kiss her on the neck or below the ears. You don't have to limit yourself to kissing on the lips.

3.3 Strip (optional). For some, seduction is just kissing, but if you have already achieved your goal, then be happy with the result. But if you both want more, then it's time to move into the bedroom and start taking off her clothes. Help her to undress, but don't be too persistent.

If you've been kissing for a while and she starts to touch you, touch her breasts, but very delicately, to see her reaction. If she likes it, then go ahead.

Don't take all your clothes off at once. When she begins to undress, you will need to remain at the same level of nudity.

Do not embarrass her if she has to undress you while she is fully clothed, or if you have removed all of her clothes while you are still dressed.

Unbutton her blouse or pull her over her head. Then remove her bra by unbuttoning it from the back; don't tell her it's hard. Just relax and you can take it off.

Don't rush to take off your clothes. Wait for her to take off your shirt or start unbuckling your belt.

Once she is undressed, tell her that she is very pretty.

3.4 Determine if she is ready to continue. If you want to have sex with her, make sure she wants it too. You both need to be sober, like each other, and ready to have a good time. This means that you must have condoms or other methods of contraception.

Don't rush to have sex. Make sure the girl is of legal age and that she does it of her own accord, not because you force her to.

Even if you are sure that you both want to have sex, you need to take some foreplay time to keep you horny enough.


  • Don't be angry if the girl doesn't accept your advances. Be polite, apologize and leave.
  • Be prepared and protect yourself.
  • Don't use too much cologne - it can easily ruin your mood.
  • Regardless of whether you meet again, think about what you are saying.
  • Know when to stop.
  • Do not take advantage of the girl's intoxication. This is not your merit.

Kiss her. The first kiss with a girl shouldn't scare you. Just remember to be confident, take your time and know where to put other body parts. Don't worry about the perfect kiss with your girlfriend, just focus on your first intimate moment. Here's how to do it:

  • Look into her eyes and brush the hair off her face. Let her know that you want to kiss her, without words.
  • Move toward her with parted lips. Kiss her and watch her reaction. You can close your lips for a few seconds, or even longer if she moves away.
  • If you want to keep kissing, you can try kissing her passionately after a few minutes; just don't stick your tongue in right away because she won't appreciate that kind of determination.
  • Run your hands around her waist and shoulders, but do not grab her in indecent places if she is uncomfortable with it.
  • Touch her more intimately. Once she has let you know that she is ready to take it to the next level, you can touch her in a more intimate way while you kiss. If she sat on your lap, or you are on top, then the situation is heating up. You can touch the more intimate parts of her body with your hands if she likes it. This will turn her on and she may want more.

    • Stroke her thighs in and between them. Continue if you see she likes it.
    • You can kiss her on the neck or below the ears. You don't have to limit yourself to kissing on the lips.
  • Strip (optional). For some, seduction is just kissing, but if you have already achieved your goal, then be happy with the result. But if you both want more, then it's time to move into the bedroom and start taking off her clothes. Help her to undress, but don't be too persistent.

    • If you've been kissing for a while and she starts to touch you, touch her breasts, but very delicately, to see her reaction. If she likes it, then go ahead.
    • Don't take all your clothes off at once. When she begins to undress, you will need to remain at the same level of nudity.
    • Do not embarrass her if she has to undress you while she is fully clothed, or if you have removed all of her clothes while you are still dressed.
    • Unbutton her blouse or pull her over her head. Then remove her bra by unbuttoning it from the back; don't tell her it's hard. Just relax and you can take it off.
    • Don't rush to take off your clothes. Wait for her to take off your shirt or start unbuckling your belt.
    • Once she is undressed, tell her that she is very pretty.
  • Determine if she is ready to continue. If you want to have sex with her, make sure she wants it too. You both need to be sober, like each other, and ready to have a good time. This means that you must have condoms or other methods of contraception.

    • Don't rush to have sex. Make sure the girl is of legal age and that she does it of her own accord, not because you force her to.
    • Even if you are sure that you both want to have sex, you need to take some foreplay time to keep you horny enough.

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