• Do I get higher education Work with higher education Work with higher education Specialties of higher education How to get higher education First higher education Positions of higher education I have higher education work Getting higher education After higher education Higher education training Russian higher education Higher legal education Diploma of higher education Diploma Higher education Higher education in absentia Higher education by correspondence How to have higher education If you have received higher education Higher education Higher education of the Russian Federation Higher pedagogical education School of higher education Higher professional education Hello, I have a higher education
  • What gives me a diploma of incomplete higher education received 7 years ago.
  • My diploma was considered incomplete higher, but now what is my education?
  • Is undergraduate higher education or incomplete higher education completed?
  • Can I undergo professional retraining with a diploma of incomplete higher education?
  • Please, are they now issuing a diploma for incomplete higher education?
  • I can take retraining courses with a diploma of incomplete higher education.
  • How can you get a higher military education
  • Higher education
  • Second degree
  • What higher education
  • To get higher education
  • Get higher education

1. What gives me a diploma of incomplete higher education received 7 years ago.

1.1. Dear Natalia Gennadievna, there is no such thing as an incomplete higher education diploma. Have a diploma or not. No semi-diplomas. And in the law on education there is no such level as incomplete higher education. You can't be "a little pregnant."

2. My diploma was considered incomplete higher, and now what is my education?

2.1. Dear Larisa, there is no such thing as "incomplete higher education" in the law on education. There are preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, higher education and additional education, as well as retraining programs for workers, office workers, and training programs for workers and office employees.

3. Is undergraduate higher education or incomplete higher education completed?

3.1. Hello! This is a higher education - bachelor's degree, based on the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation.

3.2. Good afternoon! I would call it welterweight or underperforming. Seriously though, this is higher education without specialization. Theorist.

4. Can I undergo professional retraining with a diploma of incomplete higher education?

4.1. Hello!
Since a diploma of incomplete higher education is not a confirmation of the acquired specialty, it does not give the right to receive a diploma of professional retraining.

4.2. Good afternoon, yes, the Law on Education in the Russian Federation allows obtaining additional education on an equal basis with the main one, incl. incomplete.

4.3. It is not entirely clear from your question what kind of professional retraining you are talking about. If the question concerns the passage of retraining in a civilian specialty upon dismissal from military service, then, regardless of the level of education, you have the right to retraining, since retraining is carried out in three directions:
1) on the basis of higher education;
2) based on secondary vocational
3) in working specialties.

5. Please, are they issuing a diploma for incomplete higher education now?

5.1. Please, are they now issuing a diploma for incomplete higher education?
Hello, no, such diplomas are not issued.

6.1. Not a very clear question - for example, retraining in another profession does not depend at all on what kind of education you had in your current profession.

7. I have an incomplete higher military education, how can I get a complete one.

7.1. Hello!

Enter the military school


8.1. This issue is considered in sufficient detail, with the corresponding layouts, for example, at this address:

9.1. Hello.
To obtain any certificate, you need to write an application to the dean's office. If the dean's office suddenly claims that you did not study with them, bring them a copy of the study agreement (you signed it and signed it when you entered, you must have your own copy) and a grade book with notes on the passed session.
If you studied in absentia or remotely, then there may not be test books.
But if you do not have a training contract, then I have bad news for you.

10. In 2006 she received a diploma of incomplete education in the specialty of a teacher of Russian language and literature, and now the school requires a higher. Where to get this higher education?

11. Can a person with incomplete higher education work as a development director in an LLC? Thanks in advance.

11.1. Yes maybe. There is no prohibition.

11.2. In a private organization, anyone can work in 2nd grade, if it suits the head.

11.3. Natalia, this is a question of the requirements imposed by the management of the organization ...

12. I am Mr. of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2001 he received a diploma of incomplete higher education for three years from the Military Academy of Tver. Question: In which Russian university on a paid basis can I study for a magistracy? "

Hello, friends. The topic we are going to look at today is about higher education. If someone of you says that it is of little interest, they say, has long been unlearned, we will not believe it. Itself, perhaps, and unlearned, but what about the children, grandchildren? Well, young people who graduate from school should be all the more interested in this, because recently the situation in education has been changing so quickly that you can hardly keep up with it.

I studied and did not finish my studies. Why?

However, we will not talk about how to decide on the choice of a profession and university, how many points you need to score on the exam, where it is easier to get a job later, we will not - other articles are devoted to this. Let's consider situations in which, for one reason or another, a person was unable to complete training.

Why choose this topic? Because, as they say, this is an everyday matter. Anything can happen: family problems, disappointment in the chosen specialty, material difficulties, banal academic failure when you leave an educational institution not of your own free will. It turns out that he seems to have studied, but it seems that his education is incomplete.

Undergraduate education is a situation that can happen to anyone. But not everyone knows what this non-completion will follow: whether it will be possible to continue their studies later, whether they will be given some kind of document, is it really possible to get advantages when applying for a job in comparison with those who have no other than secondary education at all.

Two years at the institute and salary bonuses

If someone is prepared to receive instant ready-made advice, the path is not in a hurry. Because before answering how things are now, you need to look back and understand: how it was before. Indeed, among the people reading this article, there will certainly be those who had a record of incomplete higher education in their work book. Yes, it happened too.

Not only did it exist - it carried in itself some material advantages: a person with such a record could well claim a higher salary than a person without education. If you want to know who specifically had the right to all these preferences, we answer: a person who has studied at the university for at least two years, at the same time fully mastered the curriculum and passed exams and tests.

Such a student received a diploma of incomplete higher education in his hands, and with it the benefits that we talked about above. True, not everyone managed to get the cherished crusts. Because if a student did not study well and failed the intermediate session, he was only entitled to a certificate, which even had a name - academic and giving the right to be considered a person with incomplete higher education.

This was also recorded in the work book. Incomplete education was also called because a person retained the right to complete education, continuing it from the course in which he was expelled. Requirements on how to issue such a certificate were contained in the appendix to the resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education.

How is it today?

But this whole system collapsed in 2007. It was at this time that changes took place in the law on education. Incomplete higher education ceased to exist as a concept, and they also ceased to issue diplomas. True, this stage, which began in 2007, has its own boundaries, because until September 2013, those who did not complete their studies were issued ... a certificate - academic. But…

This stage also ended. Now no certificates, let alone diplomas, were given to those who did not complete their studies in higher education. If, for any objective or subjective reasons, you are forced to leave the university or other higher educational institution, you will be given a certificate stating that you completed this training within a certain period. And no bonuses.

You are a bachelor, which means ...

If you look at the vastness of the Internet, you can come across a judgment that a bachelor's degree is considered an incomplete higher education today. Let us recall that after Russia joined the Bologna Convention, higher education in our country was divided into two levels: bachelor's and master's degrees.

At the first level, students receive basic professional knowledge, study for 4 years and receive a bachelor's degree. Anyone who wants to gain in-depth knowledge with a bias in scientific activity, go to the magistracy, which lasts two years. That is, that is, and no one is going to argue with this.

Only the transition to two levels of higher education is not at all a reason to speak of one of them as incomplete higher education. Take a look at your undergraduate diploma - you won't find a similar record anywhere. What will you find? Specialty name and proof of your higher education.

Perhaps for those who plan to continue to engage in scientific or teaching activities or find a good job abroad, judgments about incomplete education seem fair. However, from a legal point of view, they are illegal: both bachelor's and master's degrees are persons with completed higher education.

It's never too late to sit down at a desk

We hope that after reading this article, you will understand that neither expensive and super popular courses, nor successfully completed a couple of semesters at the university, nor even passed during the intermediate session will allow you to get the coveted diploma of higher, albeit incomplete, education.

But this is not at all a reason for frustration for those people who seriously intend to receive a higher - complete and complete - education. Let's put it this way: it's never too late to learn. If you decide to go to college, you can do it well over 30, and over 40, and ... In Europe, there are cases when a diploma was received by 70-year-old women.

If for some reason you were forced to leave your studies at a higher educational institution and only have a certificate on hand, it does not matter either. At the university you can recover, continue your studies and finish it. There are a lot of such cases. You can only wish perseverance and diligence.

Higher unfinishededucation is when a student has failed to master the program of the university or he continues his studies, but wants to receive a document confirming the period of study. The legislation on incomplete higher education does not mention, saying only that persons who have not completed their studies at a university receive a certificate. You will learn about what an unfinished higher education is from the article.

Unfinished higher education - what is it?

Individuals who graduate from a higher education institution receive a higher education diploma.

The fact of incomplete education at the university is certified by other documents depending on the time of graduation.

  1. The training ended before 24.10.2007:
  • with successful passing of exams for at least 2 years of study - a diploma of incomplete higher education;
  • in other cases - academic certificate of higher unfinished education.
  1. The training ended in the period from 10/27/2007 to 09/01/2013 - academic transcript.
  2. Training ended after 01.09.2013 - training certificate.

Thus, the highest incomplete is the level of education at which the student does not fulfill the program of study at the university. Regardless of the period of study, the student will receive a certificate.

Which is correct: incomplete higher education or incomplete higher education?

In October 2007, the legislator stopped separating the concepts of incomplete higher education and incomplete higher education. The law "On Higher and Postgraduate Education" dated 22.08.1996 No. 125-FZ (as of today it has been declared invalid) were amended accordingly.

Earlier (until 2007), persons who did not complete the entire course of study at the university were considered to have received incomplete higher professional education.

Despite the widespread point of view that a student receives incomplete higher education at the end of 3 courses, the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ does not say anything about this; there is only a small caveat that persons who have not completed their studies will receive a certificate of education instead of a diploma.

Don't know your rights?

Moreover, according to the information of the All-Russian Classifier of Information on the Population (OK 018-5), in accordance with which information about the employee is filled in for employment in a card in the form T-2, we are also talking about incomplete higher education.

We look further, and it turns out that the instructions related to filling out work books, which the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation adopted on 10.10.2003 by Resolution No. 69, says that the record of incomplete education is made on the basis of the documents shown by the employee.

Certificate of incomplete higher education

Higher education incomplete from 01.01.2014, the student can confirm the certificate of education (if the training was completed earlier - another document from those that we talked about above).

A certificate is a document that is issued to a student in the following cases:

  • unsatisfactory delivery of the final certification;
  • mastering part of the educational program;
  • deduction.

The Law "On Education" stipulates that the form of the certificate, as well as its content, is approved by the university.

A certificate of incomplete higher education is needed for:

  • subsequent restoration at the university, if the student had, for example, to complete his studies against his will;
  • to triple a job, for which it is enough to receive an incomplete higher education.

A certificate of education can be obtained from the educational department of the university. It usually contains the following information:

  • FULL NAME. student;
  • the name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty;
  • information about the disciplines studied and passed exams / tests;
  • terms of training;
  • date of issue;
  • signature of the dean and rector of the university.

The document is issued free of charge.

In cases where a student continues his studies, but asks for a certificate, for example, for employment, the document must necessarily contain information that the training has not been completed.

Persons who have completely and successfully completed their studies at the university are issued a diploma of the corresponding level of professional education: a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree.

The fact of non-completion of education at the university is confirmed by other documents, depending on the year of completion of education.

1. Documents issued for incomplete and incomplete higher education before 24.10.2007

According to the previously effective legislation on higher and postgraduate vocational education, persons who did not complete their education in the basic educational program of higher vocational education before October 24, 2007, could receive one of the following documents:

  • incomplete higher education diploma. It was issued to persons who successfully passed the intermediate certification (not less than two years of study);
  • academic certificate of incomplete higher professional education. It was issued to persons who had not completed the development of the basic educational program of higher professional education.

The academic transcript indicated: the period of study, information about the passed tests, intermediate and final exams, about the internship passed (Appendix No. 6 to the Resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated November 30, 1994 No. 9).

To obtain these documents, it was necessary to contact the educational institution in which the training was conducted.

Note: Incomplete higher education is not considered as the level of higher professional education (Determination of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2012 N APL12-398).

When the employee presented a diploma of incomplete higher education, the employer entered in the information about the employee indicated on the first page of the work book, a record of incomplete higher education, since the training did not continue, but was interrupted (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Resolution Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 N 69).

For an employee with an academic record, the employer made a note in the work book about incomplete higher education, since the citizen had the right to continue his studies in an educational institution (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books).

What is incomplete and incomplete higher education

Documents issued for incomplete higher education from 27.10.2007 to 01.09.2013

In October 2007, the concepts of incomplete and incomplete higher education were abolished.

All persons, regardless of the period of study and the number of passed intermediate attestations, who did not complete the mastering of the main educational program of higher professional education, from 10/27/2007 to 09/01/2013 could receive only an academic certificate.

In the period from 10/27/2007 to 09/01/2013, before receiving a diploma of higher education, when applying for work, an entry was made in the employee's work book about incomplete higher vocational education (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books).

3. Documents issued for incomplete higher education from 01.09.2013

From 01.09.2013, higher educational institutions, instead of academic certificates, issue certificates of study or the period of study to the following persons (part 12 of article 60 of the Law of 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ):

  • who have not passed the final certification;
  • those who received unsatisfactory results at the final certification;
  • mastered part of the educational program;
  • expelled from an organization carrying out educational activities.

These certificates are issued according to the model established by the organization conducting educational activities (part 12 of article 60 of Law N 273-FZ).

Incomplete higher or secondary special

What is education in our country (incomplete higher, secondary, primary)

What is education like in our country? Many names are heard: incomplete higher education, complete general education, bachelor's degree, secondary vocational. Let us consider in more detail when and what kind of education a citizen of our country receives.

According to the law on education, it can be divided into two categories: general and professional. The general is also divided into subsections: primary general, which students receive in schools in grades 1-4, basic general (5-9 grades) and complete general (secondary), which they receive after completing 12 grades of a comprehensive school. Basic general education can be obtained only at school, but complete general education, in addition to school, is given by lyceums and technical schools. True, there is still preschool education (in kindergarten), but it exists nominally, no diplomas of graduation from kindergarten are issued to children.

A more serious stage is the initial vocational education, which can be obtained in vocational schools and technical schools. In these institutions, not only general developmental information is given, but also the basics of the chosen profession. A person who has received an appropriate diploma can count on employment in his specialty, while a citizen who has only a diploma of secondary education behind him is usually content with low-skilled work.

Secondary vocational education is the next step. It is received on the basis of basic general, secondary and primary vocational education in technical schools, colleges and universities.

The pinnacle of study is higher education. It can also be different. First, incomplete higher education. In fact, this is the first stage of higher professional education. Many people think that enrollment in the first year and the passage of 2-3 months of study automatically give the right to write in the application form when applying for a job: "There is an incomplete higher education."

What does incomplete higher education mean?

However, this is not the case. In fact, only those students who have studied at the university for 2-3 years have the right to receive a certificate stating that they received an incomplete higher education, indicating the amount of knowledge gained and the disciplines passed.

The next level of higher education is Master's and Bachelor's. At first glance, this is also an unfinished higher, only a higher level. But it is not so. A bachelor's degree can be awarded to graduates after 4 years of study. In fact, this is a complete higher general education without any narrow specialization. If a 9raquo tower is required to get a job, a bachelor may well qualify for that vacancy. If, after receiving a bachelor's degree, the student continues his studies at the university, then in two years he will be able to receive a master's degree. A master's program involves a deeper study of the subject with deepening into scientific activity. If earlier bachelors were perceived as underachieved specialists, nowadays the situation is changing before our eyes. Bachelors and masters can continue their studies at foreign universities, while a person with a specialist diploma (completed higher) will have to retrain.

In terms of form, incomplete higher, higher and secondary specialized education can be:

  1. Daytime - in this case, the student must attend all lectures during the daytime.
  2. In the evening - lectures and couples are transferred to the evening.
  3. Correspondence - the student is engaged in self-education for a year, and then takes sessions twice a year.
  4. Remote - in this case, training, exams and tests take place without personal contact, only through communication means - mail, skype.
  5. As an external student - in this case, the student studies subjects independently, and comes to the university for early exams.

If desired, a person can receive postgraduate education, enroll in graduate school and become a candidate and subsequently a doctor of science.

technical school what education is considered

college is what kind of education

In chapter Universities, Colleges to the question Is the technical school a secondary specialized or incomplete higher education? given by the author Oriflame the best answer is Golovanov wrote nonsense. Vocational school - initial vocational. Technical school (college) - secondary specialized (secondary vocational). University - higher professional. At the same time, there are two forms of obtaining higher education in Russian universities: SPECIALTY (it is already practically canceled, it remains in a very small volume in some universities, training - 5 years) and a two-stage system of the Western model (it is now becoming prevailing) BACHELOR (4 years) + MASTER (2 years). At the same time, a bachelor's degree is the 1st stage of higher education, a full and complete higher education, which makes it possible to work in appropriate positions in accordance with the chosen profession (contrary to the stupid opinion that this is an incomplete higher education). Master's degree is the second stage of higher education, those who have a desire to deepen and concretize their professional knowledge enter the master's program.

A diploma of higher education can only be those persons who were able to graduate from a higher educational institution in any direction or specialty. Other documents are used to confirm the presence of incomplete higher education. It also represents an incomplete higher education, and how to confirm its presence when applying for a job?

If the person has successfully completed three or more courses of higher education, then we can assume that he has an incomplete higher education. Thus, incomplete higher education will be considered the level of education at which the student was unable to complete all levels of education.

To confirm this fact, a whole list of documents is used, their name depends on the year of graduation. As an example, we can give a situation when a student graduated from a university before October 24, 2007, then the following documents are used to certify the fact of incomplete higher education:

  • If a student has successfully passed all the exams in at least two years of study, then he has the right to count on being awarded a diploma of incomplete higher education.
  • If a student has not passed one or more exams during his studies, then he is issued an academic certificate confirming the fact of having an incomplete higher education.

When a student has completed three courses at a university in the period from October 27, 2007 to September 1, 2013, he can only count on receiving an academic certificate. Upon completion of training after September 1, 2013, only a certificate of training is issued.

What is a certificate of incomplete higher education

Since 2014, students can confirm that they have an incomplete higher education with a special certificate. Previously, other documents were used for this, which were mentioned above. The certificate is issued in such situations:

  • the student has mastered part of the educational program;
  • the student was unable to pass the final certification;
  • the student was expelled.

The certificate is a document, the form of which is specified in the law "On Education". It may be required in the following cases:

  • for a job, the replacement of which is possible in the presence of incomplete higher education;
  • for reinstatement in the university if the student was unable to complete his education through no fault of his own.
  • Full name of the student;
  • information about which disciplines were mastered, which exams were passed;
  • term of study at the university;
  • name of the specialty and higher education institution;
  • date of issue of the certificate.

The document must be signed by the dean of the faculty where the student received his education, and the rector of the university. You don't have to pay anything for a certificate of incomplete higher education. Such a certificate can be obtained not only by persons who are not studying at the university, but also by students who are still studying. In such cases, the certificate must contain information that the training has not yet been completed.

Since October 2007, there is no division in Russian legislation between the concepts of "incomplete higher education" and "incomplete higher education". Until 2007, those who could not master the entire course of the educational program at the university were considered to have received incomplete higher professional education. A personnel officer can make an entry in the work book about the presence of an employee with an incomplete higher education only if there are documents confirming this fact. This practice did not exist in the USSR. Only those who received a higher education diploma could be considered specialists. Persons who have completed three more courses of study at a university were not accepted for vacancies.
