Hello dear visitors to my blog. Perhaps, there is no person who is not familiar with the feeling of fatigue, apathy, especially in the spring. Can I handle this? Now we will learn how to raise vitality without doctors, only on our own.

A good vitality is a person being in a joyful energetic state for a long time.

Most often, such advice is given on this score that you just don't want to follow. However, you can find not only easy to implement, but even pleasant recommendations. Don't believe me? Read the article to the last line, and you will be convinced of it.

In winter and early spring, our body needs sunlight, but it is not enough, and vitamins are running out. The first thing to do when getting out of bed in the morning is to stretch, smile and take a shower, rub yourself well with a towel.

Nothing energizes you like a shower. Especially if this shower is. True, it is difficult to force your hand to turn the faucet in the other direction, but maybe this picture with the benefits that a change in water temperature gives the body will be your motivation.

Then comes gymnastics. Well, you say, again for the old!

If you don't feel like doing gymnastics, replace it with dancing. Turn on the music and dance, cook breakfast, get dressed. Happened?

I think that not everyone can afford to play music early in the morning. Then here is such a great awakening exercise for you.

Not sure what to cook for breakfast? Take your breakfast idea

Walk down the street and take up your official duties. Come home, give your legs a rest. Lie on the floor, raise your legs up, rest your heels against the wall. Five minutes and you're back in shape!

Or here's another - if there are spiky balls, then roll them with your bare foot, so,.

If you have time, take a sea salt bath. Perfectly remove all the negative "stuck" during the day.

Perfectly replenishes energy forgiveness of everyone who offended you and gratitude for the day lived. Try it and you will feel such powerful relaxation!

Choose a target

So that your energy never leaves you, choose a goal for yourself in life and go towards it. All active people live interestingly, constantly achieve new goals, they have no time to be depressed.

You can't stop halfway to it, under any circumstances!

Folk remedies for breakdown

In the treasury of folk recipes, there are many tools that are easy to make at home. They will quickly restore energy!

An effective recipe: grate raw beets, fill a bottle with it, fill it with vodka. Let it stand for 12 days in a warm place. Take 1 glass daily before meals.

An excellent tonic - bran decoction: 400 g bran, pour in 1 l. boiling water, cook for an hour, then strain through cheesecloth, squeeze out the rest of the broth, then strain again. Take before meals 0.5 tbsp., 3 times daily.

Celery will raise the overall tone and improve performance.
Recipe: cut a root vegetable, take 2 tablespoons, pour a glass of cold water, leave for 2 hours. Take daily in 3 divided doses.

Rosehip is the most famous, effective folk remedy. Two tbsp. l. pour rosehip berries into a thermos, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. After 5 hours, the drink is ready!

Lemon juice and honey. Mix 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, liquid honey and olive oil. The mixture will help you feel better and look great.

Decoction of potatoes in husks. Boil the potatoes in their "uniform". The husk is rich in vitamins B, C and A. Drink in 3-4 doses weekly, one glass. This remedy is an excellent assistant in case of loss of strength and physical fatigue.

Ginseng root. Drink 15-20 drops of pharmacy tincture 2-3 times a day, as well as drink eleutherococcus tincture 15-20 drops only in the morning and at lunchtime, half an hour before a meal. These tinctures give strength and energy.

The following folk recipes will help to get rid of the lack of energy:

  • take 100 grams of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, grind in a meat grinder, mix with 3 tbsp. honey, put in the refrigerator. Before breakfast, eat 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • with nervous exhaustion - in 200 ml of hot milk, shake the raw yolk, add half a teaspoon. honey, drink in small sips.

We will help men

Men silently suffer from a lack of vitality, considering the recognition of this ailment a sign of weakness. And in vain! There are vitamins that can help you overcome your lack of energy.

  • Vitamins Alphabet Energy increases efficiency due to the Siberian ginseng extract, succinic acid and lemongrass seeds included in them.
  • Duovit Energy improves performance. The product will help fill the acute lack of vitamins and nutrients needed by the body.
  • Vitrum Energy makes the body resistant to stress, improves oxygen supply to cells, increasing their energy capacity.

And, of course, you need to go in for sports, be more in the fresh air, exclude alcohol and cigarettes, which can only charge you with vivacity and energy for a short time.

How do you like the push-ups in the picture? Are you weak?

Fill your life with joy

This wish will suit both a man and a woman.

And joy can be found in everything, even if you missed the bus. Great, you can walk!

But seriously, here are some foods that can help get rid of depression:

Cereal bread - contains tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for emotional well-being.

Green salad is a source of folic acid. According to research, many people are deficient in folate. It is also found in spinach, cereals, and oranges.

Dried fruits are rich in magnesium, especially figs, dried apricots, raisins, dates.

Citrus fruits - tangerines, lemons, oranges are rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful energetic.

Dairy products contain tryptophan, which is excellent for regulating mood. For a good condition, you must drink a glass of kefir or milk every day.

Nuts are a source of selenium, which boosts energy and reduces anxiety.

Berries, especially strawberries, which contain fiber, vitamin C, potassium, have energetic qualities. But where can you get berries in early spring?

Bell pepperincreases the production of endorphins - the hormone of pleasure.

Bananas, peanuts, beans - a source of tryptophan, which relieves irritability. Buckwheat, tomatoes, grain products, potatoes, oatmeal, poultry, and fruits have the same properties.

Compare this product listing here

In addition to products, a woman's good mood is influenced by shopping, going to the hairdresser, meeting with friends.

How to raise the vitality of an elderly person?

More attention from children is a great recipe!

Avoid negative information, energetic "vampires".

Herbs, such as lemon balm and mint, can help overcome the blues.

Take 1 teaspoon of the herb, pour st. boiling water. Let it stand for 15 minutes. Add to tea to taste and drink to your health!

It will help to get rid of despondency and sadness. Peel the spice, cut into thin slices, pour 500 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, lemon juice, a little cinnamon. Boil, cool, drink in small sips.

Help your body

Drugs will help relieve fatigue, for example:

  • Chromvital + Vision. It gives strength, helps to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, eternal drowsiness.
  • Vitamins Alphabet Energy - the name speaks for itself.
  • Balansin is a multivitamin preparation that improves memory, resistance to stress, relieves of mood swings.

Before taking any medication, try to deal with the blues with herbal antidepressants.

These include:

  • peony tincture,
  • infusion,
  • dill,
  • valerian,
  • broth, clover.

Caution, all herbs and drugs may have contraindications.

In parting, I want to say, find joy in every minute of your day, and use these simple recommendations. You will see how your life will improve, a great mood will come!

What you read below will definitely help you fulfill your desire.

If you have read my book, then remember the step where I tell you how to increase the energy for the fulfillment of desires.

Today I want to remind you of this and tell you why it is important.

Thoughts like radio waves

The human body and consciousness have a certain level of energy, which has now been learned to read with the help of sensitive medical devices.

Doctors have noticed that, for example, in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, the brain emits very weak energy signals.

Important! If you have a disease, this does not mean that you are unable to fulfill your desires with the power of thought. You just need

The results of the study confirmed that if our brain and consciousness are weak and de-energized, the whole body suffers, diseases appear in different parts of the body.

But that's not all.

The thoughts of de-energized people can be compared to the music on the radio, which you can hardly hear. You cannot make out a word. And a de-energized person, a person with low energy, cannot add up his radio - he has no strength.

As you know, we are capable of influencing reality with our directed thoughts. We transmit information to the Universe, wishing that what we ask for came to us.

To do this, we visualize, presenting images of our future. We think about what we want, write down our goals, and so on.

Imagine that in order for the universe to hear our request, we need to communicate our thoughts loudly and clearly.

Imagine that we are radio and with the help of voice, thoughts and emotions send our desires into space, into the world.

If the Universe hears us, it will answer us quickly. A person with a strong energy will receive answers to the given requests much faster.

But what happens to weak radio waves? They just don't reach the addressee.

How does this manifest itself in everyday life? We visualize and render, but nothing happens.

Energy secret

What is the most powerful de-energizing agent? What does the body and our whole life suffer from?

This is depression, stress, i.e. a state of consciousness in which we feel bad, we are upset, offended, angry, etc.

All states that can be called in one word are negative.

They really cut us off, do you agree? It feels physically!

This also includes excessive excitability, when a person cannot concentrate and is unable to control his thoughts.

All this weakens and de-energizes us.

How to improve energy?

Strong human energy threatens to acquire:

  • excellent health,
  • youth,
  • activity and tirelessness,
  • success in life,
  • good mood and positive,
  • easy fulfillment of desires!

Well, what exactly are the ways to increase energy?

I asked this question to you, my subscribers, and received as many as 85 letters! Thank you very much to everyone who shared such valuable information.

Our combined efforts have resulted in an impressive list. Read, bookmark and repost the link to the article on your social networks \u003d)

88+ Ways to Boost Your Energy!

1. Sports:

1.1. Run

According to many testimonies, desires are fulfilled while running.

I'm sure it’s not casual.

Many more runners notice the phenomenon of running happiness, they really enjoy it and feel an incredible surge of energy. Running unambiguously leads to the awakening of some kind of force within the body, capable of strengthening our mental flow into the Universe at the moment of peak.

While running, think about your desire, visualize its fulfillment, and direct the energy received from running into the universe to realize it.

To increase energy, you need to meditate while moving. Now, for the 7th day, I run and walk alternately fast. During this, I imagine what I have in mind)))

1.2. Morning work-out
1.3. Pool

A trip to the pool is great for toning the spirit

Sometimes, as an additional practice, I do this:after completing a session in the pool, when I take a shower, I imagine how the water washes away all the grievances, all the negativity, all the bad things that have ever happened to me.

Thus, after the workout, I come out filled with energy and a positive attitude.

1.4. Physical exercises

No matter how strange it may sound, but sports, dancing and any other types of physical activity have a beneficial effect on increasing personal energy "transmission".

In this case, it is important to choose your type of "activity", which would bring maximum satisfaction, cause a surge of positive emotions, a desire to do more in the chosen direction.

The secret is that by doing this, we not only improve the body, but also tune in absolutely positively, get rid of negative thoughts, experiences, get rid of stress.

This is the universal case when we improve the mind through the body.

2. Practices for the body

2.1. Yoga

It has already been proven more than once in theory and practice, and I am sure that it is no longer a secret for you too, that the state that the practitioner experiences during yoga classes allows him to achieve inner harmony, concentration, and at the same time visualize his desire.

2.2 Kaoshiki dance (kaushiki)

In yogic philosophy, Kaoshiki Shakti is the transcendental cosmic operational energy that represents the causal matrix and the root cause of creation.

Literally translated, kaoshiki means "Dance for mental expansion, dance of the mind" and translated from Sanskrit the word "kosa" means "layer of mind and inner self."

Spiritual Master Anandamurti invented dance as a holistic exercise to develop all layers of the mind known as braids, increase their vitality and lighten the light of the soul. Like most Indian classical dances, Kaoshiki is based on mudras, which are movements imbued with deep spiritual knowledge. People who practice this dance have noticed how it turned out to be very easy to increase energy by performing simple movements.

2.3. Eye of rebirth

This is a complex of 5 exercises, the implementation of which contributes to the rejuvenation and healing of the body. This practice provides an excellent energy boost.

There is such a Tibetan gymnastics "eye of rebirth", a powerful system, although it must be done constantly and must not be missed.

But the body after it always vibrates and feels strength. Requires a lot of patience and willpower.

2.4. Cold and hot shower

3. Sleep

3.1. Get enough sleep
3.2. Early rise

After I decided to normalize my sleep schedule, started sleeping for 7-8 hours and getting up early in the morning, I discovered huge changes in my life.

My productivity has increased significantly. I realized that a task that would normally take 2-3 hours can be done in an hour in the morning.

I got some extra time for myself. But these are so many opportunities to work on my desires! Do you understand what I mean?

With an early rise, the morning well-being will delight you: a feeling of vigor and clarity of thoughts for the whole day.

3.3. Relaxation meditation before bed

Did you know that you can sleep in different ways?

You can really sleep well if you relaxed well before that. Then even a short sleep will be very high quality and deep.

3.4. Night sleep

Carlos Castaneda wrote in his book Magical Passes:

Sleep at night, not during the day, because melotonin is produced at night, which controls the entire body, otherwise the person will get sick and lose energy.

4. Nutrition

4.1. Live food

The strong energy of a person directly depends on how he eats.

You should try not to eat dead food, such as canned food, the fresher the food, the better.

4.2. Lack of fast food and chemicals
4.3. Vegetarianism

Meat is believed to cloud the brain. The practice of mindfulness is more difficult for meat eaters, negative thoughts and fears often prevail.

4.4. Raw food

A large amount of energy is provided by living food, it is checked!

4.5. No alcohol
4.6 Drink plenty of water

5. Mental practices

When I asked you, my subscribers, what boosts energy, a bunch of answers fell on me, relating specifically to mental practices. I have already written about many of them in my blog, just click on what interested you and read the article:

5.1. Prayers by Joseph Murphy
5.2. Practice forgiveness
5.3. Practice of gratitude

Learn how gratitude affects us in these articles:

5.4. Hooponopono method
5.5. Visualizing desire with emotions
5.6. Energy Affirmations

For example, here's something unusual:

One person advised me to do the exercise, which consists in pronouncing the phrase "I am a woman-ah-ah-ah!" And you know? It helps!

5.7. Recapitulation technique
5.8. Emotional Freedom Technique
5.9. Tune Georgy Sytin to raise energy

Configure Sytin - the method of emotional-volitional persuasion of a person to increase energy and introduce thought forms.

For example: "Strengthening self-confidence about good health", "Divine strengthening of the feeling of love."

5.10. Knowledge: in-depth study and understanding of a subject

A knowledgeable person understands that if something did not work out, then the law of intent coordination has worked (Zeland V.).

Which gives an understanding - either the time has not come for the implementation of the intention, or after its implementation, something unfavorable may follow.

Conclusion: understanding (awareness) gives calmness, and therefore energy.

5.11. Religious prayer

Religious prayer increases the energy potential well. Read the prayer “Our Father” 40 times and notice the result.

5.12. Positive thoughts

It charges a very positive attitude.

At first, you can force yourself to notice and note only the positive in the surrounding reality.

Another reading of the Little Prince helps me a lot :). Immediately so light and joyful in my soul. You believe in beauty.

6. Practices of mindfulness

6.1. Stopping internal dialogue

Expands the boundaries of thinking.

By stopping its internal dialogue, the brain is freed from unnecessary stress and wasting energy.

6.2. Mindfulness

This is the ability to be in the moment now.

Thanks to awareness, a person begins to get acquainted with his inner world and work with his energy, without wasting it on external factors.

Here is what one of the subscribers wrote:

I would suggest stopping for a minute or two and looking around you.

To see what was not noticed before, how the sun is shining or, on the contrary, it is snowing.How the birds sing. What kind of people pass by, with what emotions.

And to find something that makes you want to smile and rejoice.

6.3. Stay in the body (energetic)

This is a way to raise the vibration frequency of your entire energy field. As a result, everything that vibrates at lower frequencies - fear, anger, depression, and so on - remains outside the threshold of your reality.

And be sure to be in the moment of the present.

Read more in Eckhart Tolle's The Power of the Present.

6.4. Meditation

During which you calm down and go out on. Breathe in and stop the internal dialogue.

7. Energy practices

7.1. Energy gymnastics (across Zeland)

The energy of the Earth and the energy of the Cosmos circulate in space in the form of two central streams - ascending and descending, respectively.

Vadim Zeland's energy gymnastics will help clear our energy channels and ensure their efficient operation.

Imagine how upward and downward streams of energy flow through you, then they become fountains above your head and, accordingly, under your feet.

These fountains close together and you stand inside these fountains as if in an egg (in shape). You stand like this for a while, then you visualize your desire.

7.2. Bioenergy

It is a therapeutic practice based on the process of transforming the energy flowing within the body.

This can also include bioresonance method:

I came across this method 4 years ago.Many, even the majority, do not believe in this. I experienced it myself and my family, life made me. After that, I recommend it to all adequate people.

The effect is positive.

This method not only cures many diseases, but also helps people get out of depression and so on.

7.3. Cosmoenergy

This is a spiritual practice that allows an ordinary person to quite simply, without many years of living in monasteries, acquire for his use the most effective tools - energies of the widest spectrum of action.

7.4. Prana work

Prana is what sets the human body and consciousness in motion. This is the universal life energy. Yogi Ramacharaka writes that we can get this vital energy from water and air.

Breathing is one of the most important ways to receive prana.

7.5. Working with chakras (manipura)

Chakras are energy centers, developing which it is possible to achieve spiritual perfection and balance.

Manipura is the chakra, the energy center of the solar plexus.

It has been proven that working directly with the manipura gives a great burst of strength.

Here are the huge reserves of the body, which are clamped by different blocks. Removing these blocks and working out the manipura reliably increases energy.

7.6. Hum \u003d)

What is this magical "hum"?

In the ancient texts on yoga and tantra, this vibration is called visagra-anusvara. The sacred treatises say that forever lastingthe sound "Mmmmm ..." is the source of our universe and a vibration that can work wonders.

Therefore, my dears, "Mmmmchite!" 🙂

Comprehension of the secret of the sound "M"

  1. Sit with your back straight and relax a little.
  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  3. At the exit with a closed mouth (aloud), passing the sound through the nose, as it were, “murmur” “mmmmmm ...”.

At the same time, you can feel a certain vibrationpassing through your body and bones (perhaps at first you will only feel vibrational microshocks in your head), this is a rather pleasant and cleansing sensation.

So you need to "hum" from 5 minutes to half an hour or more.

8. Good deeds

8.1. Helping loved ones and other people
8.2. Charity
8.3. Financial assistance to another person

By doing good deeds, we begin to feel good, satisfied. This suggests that energy rises within us.

If you do charity work, you know what I mean.

I remember the day when I decided for the first time to financially help those who needed it. I donated money to an orphanage and helped financially to a project for an elementary school in a small town.

The feeling that filled me after that is indescribable. There was no narcissism or bragging, no. I felt good inside myself, I felt that I want to help again and again, to give great help. My body was filled with warmth and gratitude. I believe that this was the very moment when I increased my own energy.

Helping other people, financially, psychologically or in other ways, definitely boosts your own energy.

9. Interaction with other people

9.1. Embrace
9.2. Communication with loved ones, friends, those with whom communication brings joy

For example, going to the theater with friends.

9.3. Communication with the opposite sex, flirting, falling in love

If a person pays attention to you, at least through a smile, a gesture, is interested in you, then he shares his energy.

I think this really is the case.

10. Self-care:

10.1. Visit to the spa, sauna
10.2. Massage
10.3. Body care, manicure and pedicure

I think the girls will understand me. A visit to spa treatments, manicure, pedicure, massage, any other body care - not only increases self-esteem and gives a wonderful feeling, but also increases energy.

10.4. Shopping, shopping

Not to mention shopping. Having bought the very dress that I dreamed of and have been looking for for so long, which gives confidence, does it not increase energy?

11. Creativity and hobbies

11.1 Doing what you love

This applies not only to a hobby, but in general to business, the business of life. For example, I love writing articles for this blog. It energizes me.

And I am even more glad that you are on an important mission. You don't waste your life. This will be discussed in paragraph 14.

11.2. Listening to the right music

Listen to Beethoven!

In general, the influence of music on us is very great, because it is a part of our life from birth to the end.

Listening to our favorite songs, we seem to go to another, magical and wonderful world, where there are no problems, sadness, pain, disappointment and unpleasant memories, where it is just good and calm at heart. For many, music helps them cope with difficult situations in life. She gives us joy, positiveness, a charge of energy and cheerfulness.

A subscriber sent me the following message:

I did that, I just turned on the music and danced, and sang along, trying to disconnect from everything at that moment.

Here you can choose any convenient method, you can turn on music at home and dance, like the last time, you can go with friends to a club, or enroll in a dance studio according to the style closest to your taste.

For example, at one time I went to Latin American, even if it was lazy in the evening, lifted myself by the scruff of the neck and walked. But she returned on the wings, dancing, great to raise the tone!

Singing favorite and positive songs, dancing, listening to music, watching your favorite movies and reading inspirational books, any motivating and funny videos. Choose what you like the most and a good mood will not keep you waiting.

11.3. Singing

Sing as often as possible, but only the right songs!

11.4. Dancing
11.5. Watching comedies and your favorite movies
11.6. Reading your favorite book
11.7. Motivational videos, films and books

12. Travel

12.1. Trip abroad

Message from one of the subscribers:

Certainly, it increases the energy of travel abroad, to the sea! In my practice, this was the best! It is to another country, where a different language, culture.

And the sea is, of course, just wonderful! It soothes emotions, removes negativity, even very strong and in just minutes!

12.2. Hiking in the wild

This is my hobby, so I know what I'm talking about)

13. Nature, flora and fauna

13.1. Communication with pets

Walking with your beloved, walking with your beloved dog)) gripping your beloved cat)))

13.2. Mountains, forest - nature!

At one time I liked to go to the mountains and there, when you rise higher and higher and hug trees, pines, ate and ask for nature itself or the same tree that you embrace to give you your energy and wisdom, after a while you begin to feel the rise and it seems that you have so much strength and energy that you can overcome any distance!

I was lucky - I work in the forest near the reservoir. When I just need to recharge, I go out into the woods at lunchtime. I stand for 5-10 minutes with my back against a birch.

If I feel that I need to get rid of someone else's heavy energy, first I stand by the running water, and then by the birch. It helps me.

13.3. Solitude in nature

I can say that it helps me 100% - this is solitude with nature, at least for 30 minutes. be alone in nature! I understand that this is not a mega discovery, but it really works!

13.4. Solar energy, tan

I noticed that when I relax in warm countries, the energy in me just starts to boil. From vacation at sea, I come with a huge list of new goals and plans for their implementation. And you?

13.5. Ocean

I once lived on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. And you know, the ocean produces such a powerful energy!

I remember that my favorite pastime in our town was just to sit and look into the sea.

When I moved, I felt very acutely disconnected from this source of energy.

14. Realization of the meaning and purpose of your life

14.1. Wish map for 3-10 years ahead

14.2. List of 100 goals and desires for the year

14.3. Big dream

Increases energy by correct concentration on your desire so that there is no dissipation of energy.

Source of Joe Dispenz's "Supernatural Mind".

14.4. Knowing the meaning of your life

14.5. Do the planned

As you wrote above, stress, frustration, excitement, and the like, very strongly absorb our energy. And in order for this not to happen, you need to "do what should be done."

I heard this wording at one training session. It may seem that the written is absurd, but, it seems to me, you can't put it better. Because everyone has their own list of what to do.

I will give an example: someone has been going to the gym for a long time, but for some reason does not go, while constantly reproaching himself for this, thereby wasting his energy on remorse.

And someone doesn't need this gym at all, but every day, passing by a mountain of unwashed dishes, he sighs heavily and promises to wash himself tomorrow, etc.

Cases can be both global and every little thing. The main idea is to do immediately what we “worry” about in vain.

That's all.

And if you want to know my main secrets in the fulfillment of desires, come

Well, I described a lot of ways to increase energy. Take and apply! Write in the comments what works best for you.

Expensive, before giving you practical recommendations on how to increase your Life Energy and Strength, it is necessary that everyone realizes for himself - where energy loss occurs and, as a result, Power is lost.

The causes of fatigue and energy exhaustion are rooted not only in physiology, but also in psychology. Stress can be overwhelmed and devastating as much as illness. However, realize such a simple Truth - the root cause of all destructive events is the way of thinking of the person himself, his attitude to himself and to the events taking place.

Energy is one, but it can be conditionally classified into two types :

  • Physical energy
  • Unlimited free energy

Physical energy maintains the vitality of the physical body and is the foundation for maintaining a high level of free (life energy).

To maintain optimal levels of physical energy, only three things are necessary:

  1. Conscious eating
  2. Compliance with natural biorhythms of sleep in accordance with the Sun
  3. Balanced active activity and good rest

However, physical energy alone is not enough to maintain a high vitality. It is also necessary to activate Free vital energy.

I'll tell you about the main areas of the loss of Free Energy:

  • Any negative emotions - they quickly drain the creative energy and devastate a person. Some of the most powerful of these destructive states can be identified: feelings of guilt, anxiety / anxiety and fear.
  • Stress. Every time expectations do not match reality, a person experiences stress.
  • Lack of life goals
  • Artificial energy boost: alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and other energy drinks

Sources that increase the level of Life Energy and open access to Free unlimited energy:

  1. Dreams and constructive goals. Having dreams and goals that you strive for day after day gives you a huge amount of free energy. But this happens only when dreams and goals are Truly yours, and not imposed on you by other authoritative people. When Soul and Mind are united in their aspirations, you gain a huge amount of energy for your use. If you go your own way, then the Universe will accompany you in everything and supply you with the necessary amount of energy always and everywhere!
  2. Belief in the Source of the Higher Power. It doesn't matter at all, you call it: the Forces of Nature, the Unified Consciousness, the Absolute, God, the Higher Mind, the Universe, the Superconsciousness, and so on - your faith in this Higher automatically gives free energy in sufficient volume and even more. There is a simple and effective affirmation on this topic: "My world cares about me." By repeating this affirmation and putting your Power of Faith into it, after a few days you will begin to feel absolute calmness and a huge influx of energy.
  3. Love. This is truly the most powerful vibrational feeling. When the Heart is filled with Love, there is great enthusiasm and the feeling that absolutely Everything is possible! This state is a powerful source of free energy.
  4. Thanks. Remember at the level of sensations in the body, how do you feel when you wholeheartedly thank someone for some service? Remember this state and henceforth allow yourself to be grateful for all the good that you have, was and will be. This provides an additional amount of free unlimited energy
  5. Energy gymnastics. This includes various breathing practices and exercises aimed at expanding energy channels.
  6. Music, especially classical music, as well as music that is written using binaural beats. This is energy in its purest form. Put on the music you like. An important factor that music amplifies you is the feeling of a state of Harmony when listening.
  7. Communication with people who have high energy. With such people, as a rule, you feel a natural increase in mood, positive emotions and pleasant feelings. It happens simply and naturally in their presence, like Alchemy. When they enter the room, it seems to be filled with invisible light and pleasant energy.
  8. Listening to audio techniques for tuning Consciousness
  9. The power of crystals. Intuitively choose a few crystals for yourself - they will enhance both your own energy and fill the atmosphere in the house with positive energy. The use of crystals for healing and increasing vibrations dates back to ancient times. Find a special place for crystals in your home and they will surely endow you with numerous benefits:

Smoky quartz - helps release negative energy

Rose quartz - opens the energy of the heart

Carnelian - attracts good luck and encourages creativity and motivation

Citrine - will help you adapt to any conditions and live in a state of present moment presence

Aventurine - attracts new opportunities

  1. Color Magic. Choose colors that positively affect your condition and mood. The colors used in the home are a direct reflection of the personality and can affect our mood and our thoughts.

For instance:

Red - raises energy levels and increases adrenaline in the blood. But for some people, it can be overly stimulating and cause certain problems with mood swings and over-excitement of emotions.

Yellow - cheers up, it conveys a state of joy, happiness and sun and solar energy. However, too much yellow can lead to feelings of frustration and anger.

Blue is soothing, relaxing and calm, but can also cause feelings of sadness.

Green is the calmest eye color and promotes comfort, serenity and career growth.

Purple - Dark tones are associated with luxury, creativity and sharpness. Light versions bring the same calmness as blue, but with more warmth.

Orange - awakens enthusiasm and energy.

Walking in the fresh air, watching the sunrise and sunset, and laughter also increase vibrations and vitality.

I am sure that everyone who has read these recommendations will supplement their energy diet with the help of the proposed practices, which will undoubtedly lead to an increase in Vibration and Vitality.

It's time for Activation. Straighten your back, take a deep breath in and out, enter the silence of the mind and manifest the following:

“My Life Force is constantly growing thanks to positive thinking and my lifestyle. I consciously direct my attention to what strengthens me and frees me from everything that devastates me. I am opening myself to more free unlimited energy. And so it is! "

Take a deep breath, a slow exhalation and direct the vector of your Attention today to the state of constantly growing Life Force!

After practice, put “+” at the bottom in the comments as a sign of the Harmonious Completion of Activation just with You.

Also share in the comments about your Realizations and sensations in the process of Activation.

Your answers will reveal a new Depth in You and allow you to know even more of yourself as a True One.

We sincerely wish that there will be more and more Conscious Happy people! We will be grateful for the repost on Your social page - carry further Wisdom to the world for the good of everyone!

With love and care,

Victoria Rai and Alsey Volny

Happy married couple

Consciousness Development Experts

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Set goals.
Clear, motivating, realistic goals invariably give the body the energy to successfully achieve them. Connect a creative look at everything that exists, fill your goals with positive emotions. To do this, imagine that you are already well on your way to your task: how do you feel? What do you see and hear around? What do you think of yourself at this moment? Are you ready to set the following goals and readiness to achieve them? Every time you lose faith in yourself (i.e., in a decrease in internal energy) imagine yourself a winner again and again. Helps, checked.

High-quality is able to accumulate a huge amount of invigorating energy. Alas, our life today and the term "stress" very often become synonymous. We do practically everything in a state of extreme tension - we work, move around, even sit and lie down. At the same time, a signal of danger constantly goes from the body to the brain, into the work of transitioning to the readiness mode for the worst, and a colossal amount of energy is allocated for this function. Is it possible in such a state to talk about creativity, good intentions, high vitality, good health? Of course not. The only way out is just relaxation - conscious, regular, high-quality. Everyone chooses the methods and methods for himself, it can be meditation, music, floating, massage, passive rest, communication with animals, etc.

Get enough sleep.
Sound sleep invariably fills our body with energy, promotes cell renewal, restoration of the central nervous system and normalization of the functioning of all organs.

Eat right.
Eat more energy-intensive foods (giving energy) - vegetables, fruits, nuts, plants. And reduce to zero the use of energy-consuming products - semi-finished products, chips and various "chemicals", the abundance of which is observed on the shelves of our stores. Drink plenty of clean water.

Breathe correctly.
Read the literature, there you will find many breathing techniques. Choose what you think suits you best. Having mastered the technique of correct breathing, you will save yourself from many health problems, and then the energy previously spent on fighting diseases will be directed to creative and positive work.

If you are suffering from an energy crisis, another cup of coffee will not save you. A headstand and orange glasses are just some weird but effective ways to quickly boost energy.

Ear massage

When you massage your ears, you stimulate acupressure points that energize the entire body and improve circulation. You don't need to use any specific methods. As soon as you feel tired, massage your earlobes and then the top of your ear.

Wear orange lenses

If you're used to watching TV before bed, the blue light that your monitor emits can interfere with the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. To resist the blue light and protect your sleep, try watching TV with orange lenses to help you relax and forget about fatigue.

Take a cold shower

A hot shower in the morning is a good idea, but a cold shower will give you a huge boost of energy. The flow of cold water will improve your breathing rate, a response to shock, increased oxygen consumption, and increased heart rate as your body works to keep warm.

Eat two kiwis

This fruit is fortified with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium, which boost energy. Research results show that eating two kiwis a day is enough to remove fatigue and depressive symptoms and increase energy.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen is loaded with essential nutrients that have been shown to increase stamina and focus. Great product.

Do a headstand

Your coworkers might think you're crazy if you do this in your office, but inversion therapy is a quick way to improve mental performance. This exercise improves brain health by increasing blood flow. If the blood flow to the brain increases, then more oxygen and glucose will enter the brain.

Mow the lawn

Just the thought of having to mow your lawn can fill you with dread. But research shows that the smell of freshly cut grass can suppress bad moods and promote feelings of joy, peace, and well-being.

Keep a journal

Writing down everything you are grateful for can help you feel refreshed and happy, and it can also improve your sleep. This is an effective way.

Listen to loud music

If you have a long commute to work, grab your headphones and download your favorite playlist to your phone. Loud music has been known to boost energy and improve your mental health. Also, funny music evokes positive memories.

Don't forget to have breakfast

It doesn't matter if you think breakfast is an important meal or not, many scientists, so to speak, are on its side. They have proven that those who skip breakfast feel much better, are less stressed, and are more resilient during the day than those who skip breakfast.

Wash your face

Need a quick boost? Instead of steeping a pot of coffee, try washing your face with cold water and you will feel more energized than if you had a cup of coffee.

Pay loans on time

Financial issues are always stressful, sometimes it is impossible to escape from it. Credit debt affects our mood and lowers energy levels. Try to pay all bills on time.

Eat eggs


Sedentary work can drain energy and leave you depressed. Walking not too long, however, can make you a little happier and more energized.

Eat yogurt

Yogurt is fortified with complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. And these components provide a steady burst of energy.

Sniff the rosemary sprigs

This aromatic herb has been proven to improve physical fitness and relieve mental fatigue. Rosemary is believed to improve memory and soothe headaches.

Try to consume as much magnesium as possible

If you constantly feel tired, your body lacks magnesium. When a person does not get enough magnesium, the body starts working harder to regulate the heart rate and convert glucose into energy. As a result, you feel drained. Nuts, whole grains, and fish are all good sources of magnesium.

Eat chia seeds

Add two tablespoons of chia seeds to a cup of unsweetened almond milk, then refrigerate. Sprinkle cinnamon on top for a delicious snack.

Give up alcohol

A glass of wine before bed can ruin your rest and slow your energy levels. While alcohol may initially make you drowsy, it also increases the production of stress hormones that lead to insomnia.

Mint chewing gum

This elastic will not only give you a fresh breath, but also make you feel refreshed. Peppermint is known to increase alertness as effectively as cold water.

Orange juice

It's not as silly as it sounds. Research results show that people who drink orange juice for breakfast are less tired and generally feel more alert.

Eat Indian food

Many Asian dishes contain spices that have medicinal properties, improve blood circulation and mood. They also boost energy.

Stress can drain your energy, and it can affect your mood. Some researchers consider laughter to be the best medicine. So take the time to watch all those funny animal videos, especially cats, that your friends on social media throw at you, and you will see how a good laugh can help you get rid of lethargy.

Cinnamon tea

Instead of running for another can of Red Bull, the next time you feel sleepy, make yourself a cup of cinnamon tea. The aroma of the spice improves memory and attention.

Take vitamins

Vitamin B is needed for energy production, but about 40 percent of people do not get enough energy. A B 12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, mood swings, and dementia.

Give yourself a mental health day

If you are constantly stressed at work, you may feel tired, moody, and drained. To restore energy, take a short break and take a day off. Mental Health Day will allow you to leave your office job and focus on your happiness, which will restore energy. Make sure to plan your day so you don't start doing household chores. Instead, spend some time reading, walking, or anything else that makes you feel refreshed and energized.

Drink more water

A person is 60 percent water, and even mild dehydration can lead to an energy crisis. To keep your body functioning properly, try to drink eight to ten cups of water a day.


A sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems including cancer, depression, and diabetes. It can also cause feelings of lethargy. To boost energy and protect your heart, try getting up from your desk more often and exercising. This will increase your heart rate and energy levels, while reducing your risk of serious health problems.

Trampoline jumping

Trampoline jumping has been reported to improve mental clarity and generate positive energy that lasts all day. You will definitely love it.

Eat blueberries

When a wave of fatigue hits you, fight it with sweet, delicious blueberries. The berry is known to boost energy and promote brain function thanks to its rich concentration of phytonutrients and antioxidants that improve brain function and memory.
