At the beginning of the game, each player receives a mission card.

It depicts combinations of jams and pies, for which the player can get extra points at the end of the game. Several combinations are indicated on the card:

  • Jam for the winter - there are several jars of jam on the shelves. If at the end of the game the player has THREE of any of the pictured jams, he will receive 7 points.
  • Pies for Grandma - there are several pies in the basket. If at the end of the game the player has TWO of any pies from a basket, he will receive 8 points.
  • A big tea party - on the tablecloth there are several jars of jam and pies. The player will receive additional points depending on how many of the pictured jams and pies he has by the end of the game. To receive points for this task, the player must have at least four of the specified Recipes.

    IMPORTANT! One jam can only be used in one combination. If several combinations contain the same jam or pies, the player must have one copy of such jam or pie for each combination.

  • Favorite Fruit - the player receives one additional point for each card, at the bottom of which is the Ingredient specified in the task. For this task, all cards that the player has on the table by the end of the game are taken into account.

Game cards

Each card used in the game is divided into two parts: top and bottom.

An INGREDIENT is depicted at the bottom of the card - this is a berry or fruit from which the corresponding jam can be cooked. In the upper part there is a RECIPE, its name is given and it is indicated how many points it brings to the player.

How not to love jam? Sweet cherry, sour cranberry, fragrant strawberry, tart cornelian cherry or exotic walnut - jam can be for every taste. And although now jams and confitures of all varieties can be found on store shelves, the most delicious jam is homemade. You open a jar on an autumn or winter evening and you immediately remember: a hot August noon, bowls full of juicy berries, puffing pots on the stove and an unmatched aroma throughout the house ...

Jam is a board game in which you have to make jam from all kinds of berries and fruits, as well as bake pies, cut salads and treat guests with sweets. Victory points are awarded for desserts prepared during the game, as well as for completing secret missions. The one of the opponents who has more points at the end of the game will be the winner in a sweet and delicious competition.

Jams, pies and salads are presented in the game with special cards. At the top of the map is a recipe for a treat, such as dogwood jam or apricot pie. This shows what the dessert is made from and how many Victory Points it will bring at the end of the game. The bottom half of the card shows one of the ingredients - strawberry, raspberry, cherry, apple, plum, gooseberry, walnut or even dandelion.

To prepare a treat, the player will need both its recipe and all the necessary ingredients. For example, a player wants to get strawberry jam. On the card with the recipe for this jam, he needs another card, where strawberries are indicated as an ingredient. Then he puts the prepared recipe on the table in front of him and can later use his strawberry jam as an ingredient for a strawberry-filled pie. Well, to create a fruit salad, you need to play four cards at once: the recipe and the three ingredients indicated in it - say, dandelion, apricot and the same strawberry.

Before the start of the game, participants receive cards with tasks - lists of pies and types of jam, which must be collected by the end of the game. Each mission completed is worth additional victory points. In a game for two, opponents receive two task cards, and for three and four, one each. In addition, each player draws 4 cards from the deck, and another 8 cards with different ingredients are laid out in the center of the table - in the basket. Players walk clockwise, starting with the last person to eat the jam.

At the beginning of his turn, the player draws a card from the deck. After that, he can exchange ready-made recipes with rivals, if they are interested in such an exchange. Then comes the cooking time, when the player must play one card from his hand. First, he can make jam using the recipe and the appropriate ingredient by drawing one of the desired cards from his hand and the other from the basket. Secondly, bake a pie according to a recipe from a basket or from your hand - but only if he has ready-made jam for the filling. Thirdly, make a salad - in this case, the recipe must be played out of hand, and all three ingredients must be taken from the basket. Finally, if he has no desire or ability to cook something, the player simply puts one card from his hand into the basket. With the last action, he replenishes the stock of berries and fruits in the basket - he drops there the ingredients from all his recipes, except for the ones just cooked.

In addition to the usual cards with recipes and ingredients, there are two special characters in the deck - Carlsman and Bear. When a player takes such a card from the deck, he does not take it into his hand, but immediately puts it on the table. After that, the competition for the received character begins. The bear loves baking: it is received by the one of the players in front of whom there are more ready-made pies - however, one pie will have to be discarded as a treat. The carlsman will go to the one who offers him more jam - but at the same time he will eat everything that is given to him. Both cards are worth victory points at the end of the game.

The game ends as soon as there are no cards left in the deck or in the hands of the players. Each competitor calculates their victory points. First of all, he receives points for the ready-made recipes and characters lying in front of him - their value is indicated in the upper right corner of the cards. Then he checks which of the tasks received at the beginning of the game he was able to complete, and adds himself the required number of points. The one with the higher final score is declared the winner.

Jam is a family game that will bring together children and parents, and maybe grandparents, at a large dinner table. Even preschoolers will be able to take part in the game - especially for them, a simplified version is described in the rules, without tasks, exchange of recipes and special cards. Well, if you don't have a large table at hand, the "road" option will come in handy, in which the game takes up much less space, but remains just as exciting.

Forum on the game "Jam" on the BG siteG

If you have any questions about the rules of our game, we will be happy to answer on a special forum about it on the international portal BoardGameGeek in Russian.


Parents with children and children themselves, even of preschool age, can play in "Jam" - for this we have created simplified rules that are understandable for a child 5-8 years old.The differences from the basic rules are as follows:

Quest cards are not used;

Players do not exchange cards;

Special cards are removed from the deck, no special rules apply;

To determine the winner, players simply count the recipes they have created and - separately - the Pies.


This variation of the game is great for travel and travel - here you can do without a large table for laying out cards. The main difference between the basic rules and their "road" version, which makes the game completely different, is as follows: players exchange recipes face-to-face, while the exchange cannot be refused.

In addition, to save space, each player's Recipe cards are stacked face down, and cards with the same Ingredients in the Basket are stacked as well.


You can play both the "children's" and the "road" "Jam" with the basic set of the game. You don't need to buy any add-ons or new cards for this!

What jam is not made of. In terms of the ingredients used, it is inferior only to moonshine, which, as Ostap Bender assured, can be driven even from stools. If its classic varieties of cherries, apricots, apples and other common fruits are known to everyone, then not everyone has tried exotic options, such as dandelion jam. And the board game "Jam" allows you to cook this delicacy from cardboard cards.

The Jam card game is another filler from Pravilnye igry. The game was developed by Sergei Machin. I have already reviewed two games by this author - and, which has a lot in common with "Jam".

So let's open the box and take a look at its contents.

Inside are a deck of cards, four challenge cards, colorful rules printed on a triple-folded A3 glossy sheet, and an accordion-folded Correct Games flyer.

Now let's look at the cards. In concept, they completely repeat the cards from "Potion Making": at the top is the recipe, at the bottom - the ingredient.

The gameplay of these games is also very similar. Players take cards from the general storage (here it is called the basket) and combine them with cards played from their hand to collect various recipes of varying degrees of difficulty.

The easiest way is to make jam. To prepare it, you need to have a recipe and the right ingredient. Using ready-made jam, you can bake pies, for which they already give more points. But most points are awarded for fruit salads made from three simple ingredients.

This is where the similarities with Potions end. Further differences begin.

For example, points in "Jam" are awarded not during the game, but at the end. That is, if you cooked jam and then used it to make a pie, then you will get points only for the pie. Moreover, only if you save it until the end of the game.

You can only use your own jam to make pies, you can't take your neighbor's ready-made recipes, as was practiced in Potions. But you can exchange ready-made recipes with other players.

There are much more cooking opportunities in "Jam". First of all, due to the ability to freely play a recipe card not only from your hand, but also from the basket, using the card from your hand as an ingredient.

In addition, at the end of a player's turn, the components of the recipe he collected on the previous turn are returned to the basket. Moreover, the same ingredients are not stacked, as in "Potions", but are laid out separately.

The last two circumstances lead to a rich set of recipes with a good set of ingredients. Due to this, the game is very dynamic, as someone constantly collects something.

The winner is the player with the most points. In this case, points are given not only for the collected recipes, but also for completing the tasks indicated on the cards handed out to the players before the game.

And there are also two characters in the game - a lover of pies Bear and Carlsman, reminiscent of Karlson, beaten by life and copyright. If you manage to persuade them to cooperate, you will receive additional points for this.

Bear and Carlsman are good helpers, but they need to be fed

The impressions from the game were positive. Card fillers are generally a very specific category of board games and the consumer's attitude towards them is often biased. Therefore, to become commercially successful, such a board game must be attractive both externally and in essence. I believe that "Jam" meets these requirements.

Ah, jam is a favorite treat of childhood! An endless sunny summer day, scarlet strawberries, fragrant raspberries, sweet apples and the buzzing of bees ... Or a winter evening - cold outside the window and warmth in the house, a light lamp and brewed tea, it remains only to choose: cherry or peach? Gooseberries or currants? Or open several jars at once and feast on a little? And you can also bake pies with jam ...

But now you can not only eat jam, you can play the board game "Jam" in a fun way, at any time of the year!

Game mechanics

So, in our game you need to cook a variety of jams and bake pies. At the beginning of the game, each player receives 4 cards from the deck (this is the player's "hand") and a task card, which depicts combinations of jams and pies, for which you can get extra points at the end of the game. Players receive victory points for completing tasks, as well as for any jam and baked pies. The one with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Each card in the game can be used as an Ingredient or as a Recipe (jam, pie, fruit salad). At the beginning of the game, 8 cards from the deck are laid face down on the table - this is a Basket with Ingredients, various fruits and berries, from which you will begin to prepare your first goodies.

Also in the rules you will find a version of the game for the little ones.

Card game Jam - the long-awaited little sister of one of the best and most famous board games made in Russia - Potions .

Jam: a little more about the game

Jam similar to an older relative Potion making not only in name, but also in the process of the game. The meaning remains approximately the same - to make the most and earn points more than the rest of the players. However, there are some differences that experts will see without any problems in the description below :)

The game is designed for children from 7 years old or even younger. This can be seen not only externally, but also by the rules of the game, which, in comparison with Potion making, easier. All the rules can be summarized in two paragraphs. See :).

All players have mission cards. Completing them will award additional victory points at the end of the game. They all take turns. On your turn, you can make a jam from ingredients, or bake a pie (using the jam that has already been cooked), or make a fruit salad, or just lay out the card as an ingredient. With mutual consent of the players, you can exchange recipes that have already been cooked with each other. There is a special pine cone jam, which can be made from anything, and with which you can bake any pie.

The deck also contains a couple of funny cards: this is a man in the prime of his life "Carlsman" and "Bear" (apparently - with Masha). It is best to lure them to your side, as they give extra points. The first, for example, loves jam - whoever offers more, Karlsman flies to that. And the second one just himself, without any help, goes to the one who has the most pies.

That's all the rules. However, do not think badly, play Jam very interesting. The creators of the game even took care of an even simpler version for children, as well as for the option of playing on the road - after all, it is not always comfortable to lay out various games on the way.

The game also pleased with a pretty good external design, which is not particularly characteristic of Russian games. All cards are well cut, no flaws, the quality of printing is good. The box is a nice glossy "pocket" into which a cardboard insert is inserted, and into which, in turn, the cards and rules of the game are laid. This earbud cannot boast of very high quality, but it is also not bad. The rules of the game are in A4 format, which is not very convenient, but, fortunately, they soon turn out to be unnecessary.

The game should appeal to both fans Potions, and to those who have not played it, or to those who for some reason did not like it. Why? Because the game is beautiful, simple and interesting. And all this - not to mention that family men will definitely like it - after all, it's great to play with children.

GaGaTeam Summary

Perhaps one of the best games for a feast and leisurely tea drinking. Where, if not at the table, is the place for the most delicious pies with Jam.
